Research Article
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Year 2023, , 93 - 107, 01.04.2023



  • Alajmi, B. M. (2011). The intention to share: professionals’ knowledge sharing behaviors in online communities (Doctoral dissertation, Rutgers University-Graduate School-New Brunswick).
  • Al‐Hawari, M. A., & Mouakket, S. (2010). The influence of technology acceptance model (TAM) factors on students' e‐satisfaction and e‐retention within the context of UAE e‐learning. Education, Business and Society: Contemporary Middle Eastern Issues.
  • Avcı Yücel, Ü., & Ergün, E. (2015). Turkish adaptation of the behavioral scale of information sharing in online learning environments: A validity and reliability study. Başkent University Journal of Education, 2(2), 89-98.
  • Baber, H. (2020). Determinants of students’ perceived learning outcome and satisfaction in online learning during the pandemic of COVID-19. Journal of Education and E-Learning Research, 7(3), 285-292.
  • Balaban-Salı, J. (2006). Tutumların öğretimi.[ Teaching attitudes] In A. Şimşek (Ed.), İçerik Türlerine Dayalı Öğretim [Content Type Based Teaching] (s. 133-162). Nobel Academic Publishing.
  • Bayrak, F., Tibi, M. H. & Altun, A. (2020). Development of online course satisfaction scale. Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education, 21(4), 110-123.
  • Bdair, I. A. (2021). Nursing students' and faculty members' perspectives about online learning during COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative study. Teaching and Learning in Nursing, 16(3).
  • Bojović, Ž., Bojović, P. D., Vujošević, D., & Šuh, J. (2020). Education in times of crisis: Rapid transition to distance learning. Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 28(6), 1467-1489.
  • Chao, C.Y., Hwu, S.L., & Chang, C.C. (2011). Supporting interaction among participants of online learning using the knowledge sharing concept. Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 10(4), 311– 319.
  • Charissi, A., Tympa, E., & Karavida, V. (2020). Impact of the covid-19 disruption on university students’ perceptions and behavior. European Journal of Education Studies, 7(11).
  • Chow, W. S., & Shi, S. (2014). Investigating students’ satisfaction and continuance intention toward e-learning: An Extension of the expectation–confirmation model. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 141, 1145-1149.
  • CoHE (2021). Yeni Öğretmen Yetiştirme Lisans Programları. [New Teacher Training Undergraduate Programs.] On the web:
  • Cucinotta, D., & Vanelli, M. (2020). WHO declares COVID-19 a pandemic. ActaBiomed, 91(1), 157-160.
  • Davis, F. D. (1989). Perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and user acceptance of information technology. MIS quarterly, 319-340.
  • Eid, M. I. & Al-Jabri, I. M. (2016). Social networking, knowledge sharing, and student learning: The case of university students. Computers & Education, 99, 14-27.
  • Fatani, T. H. (2020). Student satisfaction with videoconferencing teaching quality during the COVID-19 pandemic. BMC Medical Education, 20(1), 1-8.
  • Hamdan, K. M., Al-Bashaireh, A. M., Zahran, Z., Al-Daghestani, A., Samira, A.-H., & Shaheen, A. M. (2021). University students’ interaction, Internet self-efficacy, self-regulation and satisfaction with online education during pandemic crises of COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2). International Journal of Educational Management.
  • Ferri, F., Grifoni, P., & Guzzo, T. (2020). Online learning and emergency remote teaching: Opportunities and challenges in emergency situations. Societies, 10(4), 86.
  • Gagne, R. M. (1985). The conditions of Learning and theory of instruction (4th ed.). New York, NY: CBS College Publishing.
  • Gandasari, D. & Dwidienawati, D. (2020). Evaluation of Online Learning with Digital Communication media during the COVID 19 Pandemic. Journal of the Social Sciences, 48, 1062-1073.
  • Ghadirian, H., Ayub, A. F. M., Silong, A. D., Bakar, K. B. A., & Zadeh, A. M. H. (2014). Knowledge sharing behavior among students in learning environments: A review of literature. Asian Social Science, 10(4), 38.
  • Ghazal, S., Aldowah, H., & Umar, I. (2018). Satisfaction of learning management system usage in a blended learning environment among undergraduate students. Turkish Online Journal of Design Art and Communication, 8, 1147-1156.
  • Hamdan, K. M., Al-Bashaireh, A. M., Zahran, Z., Al-Daghestani, A., Samira, A. H., & Shaheen, A. M. (2021). University students' interaction, Internet self-efficacy, self-regulation and satisfaction with online education during pandemic crises of COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2). International Journal of Educational Management. 35(3). 713-725.
  • Harsasi, M., & Sutawijaya, A. (2018). Determinants of student satisfaction in online tutorial: A study of a distance education institution. Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education, 19(1), 89-99.
  • Ilgaz, H., & Gülbahar, Y. (2015). A snapshot of online learners: e-Readiness, e-Satisfaction and expectations. International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 16(2), 171-187.
  • Irani, T. (2000). Prior experience, perceived usefulness and the web: factors influencing agricultural audiences' adoption of internet communication tools. Journal of Applied Communications, 84(2), 49-63.
  • İşman, A. (2011). Uzaktan eğitim [Distance education] (4. edition). Pegem Academic publishing.
  • Jadin, T., Gnambs, T., & Batinic, B. (2013). Personality traits and knowledge sharing in online communities. Computers in Human Behavior, 29(1), 210-216.
  • Joo, Y. J., So, H. J., & Kim, N. H. (2018). Examination of relationships among students' self-determination, technology acceptance, satisfaction, and continuance intention to use K-MOOCs. Computers & Education, 122, 260-272.
  • Kamemera, D., Rueben, L.J., & Sillah, M.R. (2003). The effects of academic environment and background characteristics on student satisfaction and performance: The case of the South Carolina State University’s School of Business. College Student Journal, 37(2), 298-308.
  • Kapur, M., & Kinzer, C. K. (2007). Examining the effect of problem type in a synchronous computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL) environment. Educational Technology Research and Development, 55(5), 439-459.
  • Ke, F., & Kwak, D. (2013). Online learning across ethnicity and age: A study on learning interaction participation, perception, and learning satisfaction. Computers & Education, 61, 43-51.
  • Khan, J., & Iqbal, M. J. (2016). Relationship between student satisfaction and academic achievement in distance education: a Case Study of AIOU Islamabad. FWU Journal of Social Sciences, 10(2), 137.
  • Khiat, H. (2013). An analysis of the relationship between learning satisfaction and academic achievement of non- traditional learners in Singapore. International Journal of Research Studies in Education, 3(1).
  • Kipkosgei, F., Kang, S. W., & Choi, S. B. (2020). A team-level study of the relationship between knowledge sharing and trust in Kenya: Moderating role of collaborative technology. Sustainability, 12(4), 1615.
  • Krathwohl, D. R., Bloom, B. S., & Masia, B. B. (1973). Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, the Classification of Educational Goals. Handbook II: Affective Domain. New York: David McKay Co., Inc.
  • Landrum, B. (2020). Examining students' confidence to learn online, self-regulation skills and perceptions of satisfaction and usefulness of online classes. Online Learning, 24(3), 128-146.
  • Lee, J. W. (2010). Online support service quality, online learning acceptance, and student satisfaction. The Internet and Higher Education, 13(4), 277-283.
  • Lee, M. C. (2010). Explaining and predicting users’ continuance intention toward e-learning: An extension of the expectation–confirmation model. Computers & Education, 54(2), 506-516.
  • Liao, L. F. (2006). The impact of teacher’s powers to knowledge sharing behavior and learning satisfaction in distance-learning environment. Journal of Information, Technology and Society, 2(3), 1-14.
  • Lin, C. Y., Huang, C. K., & Ko, C. J. (2020). The impact of perceived enjoyment on team effectiveness and individual learning in a blended learning business course: The mediating effect of knowledge sharing. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 36(1), 126-141.
  • Lister, M. (2014). Trends in the design of e-learning and online learning. Journal of Online Learning and Teaching, 10(4), 671-680.
  • Lwoga, E. (2014). Critical success factors for adoption of web-based learning management systems in Tanzania. International Journal of Education and Development using ICT, 10(1).
  • Mazzolini, M., & Maddison, S. (2007). When to jump in: The role of the instructor in online discussion forums. Computers & Education, 49(2), 193-213.
  • McQuillan, R.M.T., & James, D. (2010). Massage Therapy Education Online: Student Satisfaction and Achievement, Part I. International Journal of Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork: Research, Education, & Practice, 3(2), 3-13.
  • Moore, M. G., & Kearsley, G. (2011). Distance education: A systems view of online learning. Cengage Learning.
  • Nguyen, T. M., & Malik, A. (2020). Cognitive processes, rewards and online knowledge sharing behavior: the moderating effect of organisational innovation. Journal of Knowledge Management, (24), 6. 1241-1261.
  • Nicolai, S., & Triplehorn, C. (2003). The role of education in protecting children in conflict. Network Paper: Humanitarian Practice Network (HPN), 1-36.
  • Nortvig, A. M., Petersen, A. K., & Balle, S. H. (2018). A literature review of the factors influencing e‑learning and blended learning in relation to learning outcome, student satisfaction and engagement. Electronic Journal of E-learning, 16(1), 46-55.
  • Olobatuyi, M. E. (2006). A user's guide to path analysis. University Press of America.
  • Pangil, F., & Chan, J. M. (2014). The mediating effect of knowledge sharing on the relationship between trust and virtual team effectiveness. Journal of Knowledge Management, 18(1). 92-106.
  • Parahoo, S. K., Santally, M. I., Rajabalee, Y., & Harvey, H. L. (2016). Designing a predictive model of student satisfaction in online learning. Journal of Marketing for Higher Education, 26(1), 1-19.
  • Park, Y., Son, H., & Kim, C. (2012). Investigating the determinants of construction professionals' acceptance of web-based training: An extension of the technology acceptance model. Automation in construction, 22, 377-386.
  • Pham, L., Limbu, Y. B., Bui, T. K., Nguyen, H. T., & Pham, H. T. (2019). Does e-learning service quality influence e-learning student satisfaction and loyalty? Evidence from Vietnam. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, 16(1), 1-26.
  • Rahman, M.S., Abdel Fattah, F., Hassan, H. & Haque, T. (2020). An integrated understanding of academics knowledge sharing behavior: A comparative study on HLIs. Global Knowledge, Memory and Communication, 70(1), 1-24.
  • Ramnanan, C. J., & Pound, L. D. (2017). Advances in medical education and practice: student perceptions of the flipped classroom. Advances in medical education and practice, 8, 63.
  • Rasheed, M. I., Malik, M. J., Pitafi, A. H., Iqbal, J., Anser, M. K., & Abbas, M. (2020). Usage of social media, student engagement, and creativity: The role of knowledge sharing behavior and cyberbullying. Computers & Education, 159, 104002.
  • Seels, B. B., & Richey, R. C. (2012). Instructional technology: The definition and domains of the field. AECT.
  • Shisley, S. (2020). Emergency remote learning compared to online learning. Learning Solutions.
  • Sinclair, M. (2002). Planning education in and after emergencies. UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning.
  • Sohail, M. S., & Daud, S. (2009). Knowledge sharing in higher education institutions Perspectives from Malaysia. VINE: The Journal of İnformation and Knowledge Management Systems, 39(2), 125-142.
  • Stevanović, A., Božić, R., & Radović, S. (2021). Higher education students' experiences and opinion about distance learning during the Covid‐19 pandemic. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 37(6), 1682-1693.
  • Tabachnick, G. G., & Fidell, L. S. (2007). Experimental designs using ANOVA. Duxbury.
  • Tibi, M. H. (2015). Improving collaborative skills by computer science students through structured discussion forums. Journal of Technologies in Education, 10(3-4), 27-41.
  • Tong, C., Tak, W. I. W., & Wong, A. (2013). The impact of knowledge sharing on the relationship between organizational culture and job satisfaction: The perception of information communication and technology (ICT) practitioners in Hong Kong. International Journal of Human Resource Studies, 3(1), 19-37.
  • Tseng, F. C. & Kuo, F.Y. (2014). A study of social participation and knowledge sharing in the teachers’ online professional community of practice. Computers & Education, 72, 37–47.
  • Tung Son, N., Ngoc Anh, B., Quoc Tuan, K., Ba Son, N., Hoang Son, N., & Jaafar, J. (2020). An Analysis of the Effectiveness of Emergency Distance Learning under COVID-19. 2020 International Conference on Control, Robotics and Intelligent System.
  • Unicef. (2021). Tips to ensure effective online learning during COVID-19. Retrieved
  • Usta, İ., Uysal, Ö., & Okur, M. R. (2016). Online learning attitude scale: development, validity and reliability. Journal of International Social Research, 9(43).
  • Venkatesh, V. & Davis, F.D. (2000). A theoretical extension of the technology acceptance model: four longitudinal field studies. Management Science, 46(2), 186-204
  • West, S. G., Taylor, A. B., & Wu, W. (2012). Model fit and model selection in structural equation modeling. In R. H. Hoyle (Ed.), Handbook of Structural Equation Modeling (pp. 209–231). Guilford Press.
  • Yalın, H. İ. (2006). Öğretim teknolojileri ve materyal geliştirme [Instructional technologies and material development] (17. edition). Nobel Academic Publishing.
  • Yilmaz, R. (2016). Knowledge sharing behaviors in e-learning community: Exploring the role of academic self-efficacy and sense of community. Computers in Human Behavior, 63, 373-382.
  • Yu, T. K., Lu, L. C., & Liu, T. F. (2010). Exploring factors that influence knowledge sharing behavior via weblogs. Computers in human behavior, 26(1), 32-41.
  • Yucel, U. A., & Gulbahar, Y. (2013). Technology acceptance model: A review of the prior predictors. Ankara University Journal of Faculty of Educational Sciences (JFES), 46(1), 89-109.


Year 2023, , 93 - 107, 01.04.2023


In the academic year 2020-2021, students who had been accepted onto a university in Turkiye began their studies with the use of emergency remote teaching (ERT). The aim of this study is to examine the causal relationship between academic achievement, online course satisfaction, attitudes towards online learning and knowledge sharing behaviors of these novice university students in terms of the emergency remote teaching process. This research was designed to make use of correlational research methods. The study group consisted of 437 freshmen students studying in the Faculty of Education at a public university in Turkiye. Research data were collected using the Knowledge Sharing Behavior scale, the Online Course Satisfaction scale, the Online Learning Attitude scale, and a learning achievement test. Research data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation analysis, and path analysis. The results showed that general acceptance, knowledge receiving, individual awareness and perceived usefulness significantly affected online course satisfaction. On the other hand, knowledge giving and application effectiveness factors did not significantly affect online course satisfaction. It is noteworthy that individual awareness, which compares face-to-face teaching activities with ERT to identify the preferences and awareness of the students, had a negative impact on their satisfaction. Finally, it was determined that online course satisfaction had a significant but low-level effect on learning achievement. In order to increase student satisfaction with regard to the ERT process, it is recommended that the university makes the opportunities more visible and provide support for students’ acceptance of the process. Future avenues and precautions about designing the ERT courses have been suggested in light of the research findings.


  • Alajmi, B. M. (2011). The intention to share: professionals’ knowledge sharing behaviors in online communities (Doctoral dissertation, Rutgers University-Graduate School-New Brunswick).
  • Al‐Hawari, M. A., & Mouakket, S. (2010). The influence of technology acceptance model (TAM) factors on students' e‐satisfaction and e‐retention within the context of UAE e‐learning. Education, Business and Society: Contemporary Middle Eastern Issues.
  • Avcı Yücel, Ü., & Ergün, E. (2015). Turkish adaptation of the behavioral scale of information sharing in online learning environments: A validity and reliability study. Başkent University Journal of Education, 2(2), 89-98.
  • Baber, H. (2020). Determinants of students’ perceived learning outcome and satisfaction in online learning during the pandemic of COVID-19. Journal of Education and E-Learning Research, 7(3), 285-292.
  • Balaban-Salı, J. (2006). Tutumların öğretimi.[ Teaching attitudes] In A. Şimşek (Ed.), İçerik Türlerine Dayalı Öğretim [Content Type Based Teaching] (s. 133-162). Nobel Academic Publishing.
  • Bayrak, F., Tibi, M. H. & Altun, A. (2020). Development of online course satisfaction scale. Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education, 21(4), 110-123.
  • Bdair, I. A. (2021). Nursing students' and faculty members' perspectives about online learning during COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative study. Teaching and Learning in Nursing, 16(3).
  • Bojović, Ž., Bojović, P. D., Vujošević, D., & Šuh, J. (2020). Education in times of crisis: Rapid transition to distance learning. Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 28(6), 1467-1489.
  • Chao, C.Y., Hwu, S.L., & Chang, C.C. (2011). Supporting interaction among participants of online learning using the knowledge sharing concept. Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 10(4), 311– 319.
  • Charissi, A., Tympa, E., & Karavida, V. (2020). Impact of the covid-19 disruption on university students’ perceptions and behavior. European Journal of Education Studies, 7(11).
  • Chow, W. S., & Shi, S. (2014). Investigating students’ satisfaction and continuance intention toward e-learning: An Extension of the expectation–confirmation model. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 141, 1145-1149.
  • CoHE (2021). Yeni Öğretmen Yetiştirme Lisans Programları. [New Teacher Training Undergraduate Programs.] On the web:
  • Cucinotta, D., & Vanelli, M. (2020). WHO declares COVID-19 a pandemic. ActaBiomed, 91(1), 157-160.
  • Davis, F. D. (1989). Perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and user acceptance of information technology. MIS quarterly, 319-340.
  • Eid, M. I. & Al-Jabri, I. M. (2016). Social networking, knowledge sharing, and student learning: The case of university students. Computers & Education, 99, 14-27.
  • Fatani, T. H. (2020). Student satisfaction with videoconferencing teaching quality during the COVID-19 pandemic. BMC Medical Education, 20(1), 1-8.
  • Hamdan, K. M., Al-Bashaireh, A. M., Zahran, Z., Al-Daghestani, A., Samira, A.-H., & Shaheen, A. M. (2021). University students’ interaction, Internet self-efficacy, self-regulation and satisfaction with online education during pandemic crises of COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2). International Journal of Educational Management.
  • Ferri, F., Grifoni, P., & Guzzo, T. (2020). Online learning and emergency remote teaching: Opportunities and challenges in emergency situations. Societies, 10(4), 86.
  • Gagne, R. M. (1985). The conditions of Learning and theory of instruction (4th ed.). New York, NY: CBS College Publishing.
  • Gandasari, D. & Dwidienawati, D. (2020). Evaluation of Online Learning with Digital Communication media during the COVID 19 Pandemic. Journal of the Social Sciences, 48, 1062-1073.
  • Ghadirian, H., Ayub, A. F. M., Silong, A. D., Bakar, K. B. A., & Zadeh, A. M. H. (2014). Knowledge sharing behavior among students in learning environments: A review of literature. Asian Social Science, 10(4), 38.
  • Ghazal, S., Aldowah, H., & Umar, I. (2018). Satisfaction of learning management system usage in a blended learning environment among undergraduate students. Turkish Online Journal of Design Art and Communication, 8, 1147-1156.
  • Hamdan, K. M., Al-Bashaireh, A. M., Zahran, Z., Al-Daghestani, A., Samira, A. H., & Shaheen, A. M. (2021). University students' interaction, Internet self-efficacy, self-regulation and satisfaction with online education during pandemic crises of COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2). International Journal of Educational Management. 35(3). 713-725.
  • Harsasi, M., & Sutawijaya, A. (2018). Determinants of student satisfaction in online tutorial: A study of a distance education institution. Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education, 19(1), 89-99.
  • Ilgaz, H., & Gülbahar, Y. (2015). A snapshot of online learners: e-Readiness, e-Satisfaction and expectations. International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 16(2), 171-187.
  • Irani, T. (2000). Prior experience, perceived usefulness and the web: factors influencing agricultural audiences' adoption of internet communication tools. Journal of Applied Communications, 84(2), 49-63.
  • İşman, A. (2011). Uzaktan eğitim [Distance education] (4. edition). Pegem Academic publishing.
  • Jadin, T., Gnambs, T., & Batinic, B. (2013). Personality traits and knowledge sharing in online communities. Computers in Human Behavior, 29(1), 210-216.
  • Joo, Y. J., So, H. J., & Kim, N. H. (2018). Examination of relationships among students' self-determination, technology acceptance, satisfaction, and continuance intention to use K-MOOCs. Computers & Education, 122, 260-272.
  • Kamemera, D., Rueben, L.J., & Sillah, M.R. (2003). The effects of academic environment and background characteristics on student satisfaction and performance: The case of the South Carolina State University’s School of Business. College Student Journal, 37(2), 298-308.
  • Kapur, M., & Kinzer, C. K. (2007). Examining the effect of problem type in a synchronous computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL) environment. Educational Technology Research and Development, 55(5), 439-459.
  • Ke, F., & Kwak, D. (2013). Online learning across ethnicity and age: A study on learning interaction participation, perception, and learning satisfaction. Computers & Education, 61, 43-51.
  • Khan, J., & Iqbal, M. J. (2016). Relationship between student satisfaction and academic achievement in distance education: a Case Study of AIOU Islamabad. FWU Journal of Social Sciences, 10(2), 137.
  • Khiat, H. (2013). An analysis of the relationship between learning satisfaction and academic achievement of non- traditional learners in Singapore. International Journal of Research Studies in Education, 3(1).
  • Kipkosgei, F., Kang, S. W., & Choi, S. B. (2020). A team-level study of the relationship between knowledge sharing and trust in Kenya: Moderating role of collaborative technology. Sustainability, 12(4), 1615.
  • Krathwohl, D. R., Bloom, B. S., & Masia, B. B. (1973). Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, the Classification of Educational Goals. Handbook II: Affective Domain. New York: David McKay Co., Inc.
  • Landrum, B. (2020). Examining students' confidence to learn online, self-regulation skills and perceptions of satisfaction and usefulness of online classes. Online Learning, 24(3), 128-146.
  • Lee, J. W. (2010). Online support service quality, online learning acceptance, and student satisfaction. The Internet and Higher Education, 13(4), 277-283.
  • Lee, M. C. (2010). Explaining and predicting users’ continuance intention toward e-learning: An extension of the expectation–confirmation model. Computers & Education, 54(2), 506-516.
  • Liao, L. F. (2006). The impact of teacher’s powers to knowledge sharing behavior and learning satisfaction in distance-learning environment. Journal of Information, Technology and Society, 2(3), 1-14.
  • Lin, C. Y., Huang, C. K., & Ko, C. J. (2020). The impact of perceived enjoyment on team effectiveness and individual learning in a blended learning business course: The mediating effect of knowledge sharing. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 36(1), 126-141.
  • Lister, M. (2014). Trends in the design of e-learning and online learning. Journal of Online Learning and Teaching, 10(4), 671-680.
  • Lwoga, E. (2014). Critical success factors for adoption of web-based learning management systems in Tanzania. International Journal of Education and Development using ICT, 10(1).
  • Mazzolini, M., & Maddison, S. (2007). When to jump in: The role of the instructor in online discussion forums. Computers & Education, 49(2), 193-213.
  • McQuillan, R.M.T., & James, D. (2010). Massage Therapy Education Online: Student Satisfaction and Achievement, Part I. International Journal of Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork: Research, Education, & Practice, 3(2), 3-13.
  • Moore, M. G., & Kearsley, G. (2011). Distance education: A systems view of online learning. Cengage Learning.
  • Nguyen, T. M., & Malik, A. (2020). Cognitive processes, rewards and online knowledge sharing behavior: the moderating effect of organisational innovation. Journal of Knowledge Management, (24), 6. 1241-1261.
  • Nicolai, S., & Triplehorn, C. (2003). The role of education in protecting children in conflict. Network Paper: Humanitarian Practice Network (HPN), 1-36.
  • Nortvig, A. M., Petersen, A. K., & Balle, S. H. (2018). A literature review of the factors influencing e‑learning and blended learning in relation to learning outcome, student satisfaction and engagement. Electronic Journal of E-learning, 16(1), 46-55.
  • Olobatuyi, M. E. (2006). A user's guide to path analysis. University Press of America.
  • Pangil, F., & Chan, J. M. (2014). The mediating effect of knowledge sharing on the relationship between trust and virtual team effectiveness. Journal of Knowledge Management, 18(1). 92-106.
  • Parahoo, S. K., Santally, M. I., Rajabalee, Y., & Harvey, H. L. (2016). Designing a predictive model of student satisfaction in online learning. Journal of Marketing for Higher Education, 26(1), 1-19.
  • Park, Y., Son, H., & Kim, C. (2012). Investigating the determinants of construction professionals' acceptance of web-based training: An extension of the technology acceptance model. Automation in construction, 22, 377-386.
  • Pham, L., Limbu, Y. B., Bui, T. K., Nguyen, H. T., & Pham, H. T. (2019). Does e-learning service quality influence e-learning student satisfaction and loyalty? Evidence from Vietnam. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, 16(1), 1-26.
  • Rahman, M.S., Abdel Fattah, F., Hassan, H. & Haque, T. (2020). An integrated understanding of academics knowledge sharing behavior: A comparative study on HLIs. Global Knowledge, Memory and Communication, 70(1), 1-24.
  • Ramnanan, C. J., & Pound, L. D. (2017). Advances in medical education and practice: student perceptions of the flipped classroom. Advances in medical education and practice, 8, 63.
  • Rasheed, M. I., Malik, M. J., Pitafi, A. H., Iqbal, J., Anser, M. K., & Abbas, M. (2020). Usage of social media, student engagement, and creativity: The role of knowledge sharing behavior and cyberbullying. Computers & Education, 159, 104002.
  • Seels, B. B., & Richey, R. C. (2012). Instructional technology: The definition and domains of the field. AECT.
  • Shisley, S. (2020). Emergency remote learning compared to online learning. Learning Solutions.
  • Sinclair, M. (2002). Planning education in and after emergencies. UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning.
  • Sohail, M. S., & Daud, S. (2009). Knowledge sharing in higher education institutions Perspectives from Malaysia. VINE: The Journal of İnformation and Knowledge Management Systems, 39(2), 125-142.
  • Stevanović, A., Božić, R., & Radović, S. (2021). Higher education students' experiences and opinion about distance learning during the Covid‐19 pandemic. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 37(6), 1682-1693.
  • Tabachnick, G. G., & Fidell, L. S. (2007). Experimental designs using ANOVA. Duxbury.
  • Tibi, M. H. (2015). Improving collaborative skills by computer science students through structured discussion forums. Journal of Technologies in Education, 10(3-4), 27-41.
  • Tong, C., Tak, W. I. W., & Wong, A. (2013). The impact of knowledge sharing on the relationship between organizational culture and job satisfaction: The perception of information communication and technology (ICT) practitioners in Hong Kong. International Journal of Human Resource Studies, 3(1), 19-37.
  • Tseng, F. C. & Kuo, F.Y. (2014). A study of social participation and knowledge sharing in the teachers’ online professional community of practice. Computers & Education, 72, 37–47.
  • Tung Son, N., Ngoc Anh, B., Quoc Tuan, K., Ba Son, N., Hoang Son, N., & Jaafar, J. (2020). An Analysis of the Effectiveness of Emergency Distance Learning under COVID-19. 2020 International Conference on Control, Robotics and Intelligent System.
  • Unicef. (2021). Tips to ensure effective online learning during COVID-19. Retrieved
  • Usta, İ., Uysal, Ö., & Okur, M. R. (2016). Online learning attitude scale: development, validity and reliability. Journal of International Social Research, 9(43).
  • Venkatesh, V. & Davis, F.D. (2000). A theoretical extension of the technology acceptance model: four longitudinal field studies. Management Science, 46(2), 186-204
  • West, S. G., Taylor, A. B., & Wu, W. (2012). Model fit and model selection in structural equation modeling. In R. H. Hoyle (Ed.), Handbook of Structural Equation Modeling (pp. 209–231). Guilford Press.
  • Yalın, H. İ. (2006). Öğretim teknolojileri ve materyal geliştirme [Instructional technologies and material development] (17. edition). Nobel Academic Publishing.
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There are 75 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Sinan Keskın 0000-0003-0483-3897

Mustafa Serkan Gunbatar This is me 0000-0003-0485-3038

Hayati Cavus This is me 0000-0001-5602-5221

Publication Date April 1, 2023
Submission Date March 20, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Keskın, S., Gunbatar, M. S., & Cavus, H. (2023). THE EFFECT OF KNOWLEDGE SHARING, ATTITUDE, AND SATISFACTION ON NOVICE UNIVERSITY STUDENTS’ ONLINE LEARNING ACHIEVEMENT. Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education, 24(2), 93-107.