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Year 2015, , 102 - 117, 06.07.2015


Virtual Field Trip is a computer aided module of science developed to study the Colonisation and Succession in Mangrove Swamps, as an alternative to the real field trip in Form for Biology. This study is to identify the effectiveness of the Virtual Field Trip (VFT) module towards the level of achievement in the formative test for this topic. This study was conducted to 60 students employing a quasi-experimental design involving a treatment group taught using the VFT module and a control group who were taught using conventional methods. Analysis into the effectiveness of the virtual module was done descriptively, followed by inferential analysis involving the two-way ANOVA. The results showed significant differences in the mean scores of pre and post achievement between students taught using VFT and students who were taught using conventional methods for objective, structure and essay type questions. The study concluded that teaching and learning by using the VFT module, integrated with ICT, has a positive impact on student achievement whencompared to conventional methods. This study focuses on the use of the VFT recognizing that teachers are often unable to conduct a real field trip on location.


  • Abdul, W. I. G., Kamaliah, S. & Hasrina M. (2006). Penggunaan Komputerdalam
  • Pengajaran-Pembelajarandalam Kalangan Guru Sekolah Menengah: SatuKajian Kes di Pulau Pinang. Jurnal Kajian Malaysia, 24(1&2), 203-225. Attwood, T. K., Selimas. L, Buls, R., Herzog, R., Ladent, V., Ghita, V., Fernandes, F., Marques, I. & Brugman, M. (2005). Report on the Ember Project–a European Multimedia
  • Bioinformatics Educational Resource. Journal BEE-j. Retrieved on February 25, 2013 from
  • Bitgood, S. (1991). What Do We Know About School Field Trips? Social Education, 62(1), 35
  • Bitner, N. (1999). The Virtual Trip.Learning and Leading with Technology,26(6), 6-9.
  • Chuang, L. Y. & Cheng, H. Y. (2005).The Development of Multimedia Courseware for
  • Biotechnology.International Journal of the Computer, the Internet and Management, 13(3), 35-44. Cram, W. J. (2004). Seeing Mangrove Swamps from a Distance : Development of a Virtual
  • Field Trip. CAL-laborate: United Kingdom. Foley, K. (2003). The Big Pocket Guide to Using & Creating Virtual Field Trips (3rd ed.). Tramline.
  • Gagne, R. M. (1985). The Conditions of Learning and Theory of Instruction. Holt, Rinehart and Winston.
  • Hamsiah, S. (2004). TahapKreativiti Guru Sains Dan Amalannya Dalam Pengajaran.
  • Retrieved on February 25, 2013 from
  • Jackson, R. (2008). Students can Learn on Their Own.
  • Retrieved on February 25, 2013 from
  • Khalidah, A. (2002). Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Keberkesanan Penerapan Proses
  • Sains: Amalan di Kalangan Guru-guru Sains di Daerah Pontian. Master Dissertation, UTM. Law, N. (2009). Mathematics and Science Teachers’ Pedagogical Orientations and Their
  • Use of ICT in Teaching. Education and Information Technologies, 14(4), 309-323. Lim, T. C. (2007). Hubungan Antara Pendekatan Pengajaran Guru dengan Pendekatan
  • Pembelajaran Pelajar Mata Pelajaran Kimia Tingkatan Empat. Master Dissertation, UTM. Lowe, R. K. (2001). Beyond ‘Eye-Candy’: Improving Learning with Animations. Retrieved on February 25, 2013 from
  • Mayer, R. E. (2002). Aids to Computer Based Multimedia Learning. Learning and Instruction, 12, 125-139
  • Mohd, A. A. H., & Othman A. Kassim.(2004). Pemurnian KreativitiDalam
  • PendidikanPrasekolah Sebagai Asas Pembinaan Bangsa Malaysia yang Kreatif: Suatu Kupasan Awal. JurnalKemanusiaan, 27-47. Mohamad, M. M. S., & Nasruddin, Y. (2008). Peranan Guru dalam Memupuk Kreativiti
  • Pelajar.Jurnal Pengajian Umum, 9, 57-71. Muslim, J. & Siti J. Mat Junos @ Yunus.(2010). Pembangunan Perisian Alat Bantu
  • Mengajar (ABM) Berasaskan Komputer Bertajuk Cell Division: Meiosis dalam Matapelajaran Biologi KBSM TingkatanEmpat. Retrieved on June 4, 2013 from
  • Nafishah, H. (2007). Keberkesanan Kajian Pembelajaran Berbantu Komputer
  • (Penggunaan Internet-Virtual Field Trips) Terhadap Penguasaan Konsep Sains. Retrieved on February 25, 2013 from
  • Pallant, J. (2007). SPSS Survival. A Step-by-Step Guide to Data Analysis using SPSS for
  • Window (version 10). New South Wales, Australia. Allen &Unwin. Pusat, P. K. (2006). Huraian Sukatan Pelajaran Biologi Tingkatan Empat. Selangor:
  • Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia. Rajendran, N. S. (2001). Pengajaran Kemahiran BerfikirAras Tinggi: Kesediaan Guru
  • Mengendalikan Proses Pengajaran Pembelajaran. Retrieved on June 4, 2013 from
  • Rinkevich, J. L. (2011). Creative Teaching: Why it Matters and Where to Begin. Clearing House, 84(5), 219-223.
  • Rojahan, A. (2004). Pencapaiandan Kesalahan Konsepdalam Kerja, Tenagadan Kuasa di
  • Kalangan Pelajar Tingkatan Lima AliranTeknikal. MA thesis, UM. Sawchuk, S. (2009). Backers of 21st Century Skills’ Take Flak.Education Week, 28(23), 1-2.
  • Sumintono, B., Wibowo, S. A., Mislan, N., &Tiawa, D. (2012). Penggunaan Teknologi
  • Informasidan Komunikasidalam Pengajaran: Surveipada Guru-guru Sains SMP di Indonesia. JurnalPengajaran MIPA, 17(1), 122-131. Syed Zin, S. M, (2002). Education in Malaysia.Retrieved on August 17, 2013 from
  • Wong, M. N. (2002). A Comparative Study on The Effectiveness of Virtual Field Trip and Real Field Trip Concerning Biology Teaching in Secondary School. Retrieved on June 4, 2013 from
  • Yustina. S.(2010). Pembinaandan Keberkesanan ModulPembelajaran Alam
  • Sekitar.Unpublished Phd Thesis.Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. Zainudin, H. & Muhammad, A. J.(2010). Penggunaan Komputerdan Internet dalam
  • Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran di Kalangan Guru Sekolah Menengah di Daerah Pasir Mas, Kelantan. Retrieved on August 17, 2013 from embelajaran_Di_Kalangan_Guru_Sekolah_Menengah_Di_Daerah_Pasir_Mas.pdf
Year 2015, , 102 - 117, 06.07.2015



  • Abdul, W. I. G., Kamaliah, S. & Hasrina M. (2006). Penggunaan Komputerdalam
  • Pengajaran-Pembelajarandalam Kalangan Guru Sekolah Menengah: SatuKajian Kes di Pulau Pinang. Jurnal Kajian Malaysia, 24(1&2), 203-225. Attwood, T. K., Selimas. L, Buls, R., Herzog, R., Ladent, V., Ghita, V., Fernandes, F., Marques, I. & Brugman, M. (2005). Report on the Ember Project–a European Multimedia
  • Bioinformatics Educational Resource. Journal BEE-j. Retrieved on February 25, 2013 from
  • Bitgood, S. (1991). What Do We Know About School Field Trips? Social Education, 62(1), 35
  • Bitner, N. (1999). The Virtual Trip.Learning and Leading with Technology,26(6), 6-9.
  • Chuang, L. Y. & Cheng, H. Y. (2005).The Development of Multimedia Courseware for
  • Biotechnology.International Journal of the Computer, the Internet and Management, 13(3), 35-44. Cram, W. J. (2004). Seeing Mangrove Swamps from a Distance : Development of a Virtual
  • Field Trip. CAL-laborate: United Kingdom. Foley, K. (2003). The Big Pocket Guide to Using & Creating Virtual Field Trips (3rd ed.). Tramline.
  • Gagne, R. M. (1985). The Conditions of Learning and Theory of Instruction. Holt, Rinehart and Winston.
  • Hamsiah, S. (2004). TahapKreativiti Guru Sains Dan Amalannya Dalam Pengajaran.
  • Retrieved on February 25, 2013 from
  • Jackson, R. (2008). Students can Learn on Their Own.
  • Retrieved on February 25, 2013 from
  • Khalidah, A. (2002). Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Keberkesanan Penerapan Proses
  • Sains: Amalan di Kalangan Guru-guru Sains di Daerah Pontian. Master Dissertation, UTM. Law, N. (2009). Mathematics and Science Teachers’ Pedagogical Orientations and Their
  • Use of ICT in Teaching. Education and Information Technologies, 14(4), 309-323. Lim, T. C. (2007). Hubungan Antara Pendekatan Pengajaran Guru dengan Pendekatan
  • Pembelajaran Pelajar Mata Pelajaran Kimia Tingkatan Empat. Master Dissertation, UTM. Lowe, R. K. (2001). Beyond ‘Eye-Candy’: Improving Learning with Animations. Retrieved on February 25, 2013 from
  • Mayer, R. E. (2002). Aids to Computer Based Multimedia Learning. Learning and Instruction, 12, 125-139
  • Mohd, A. A. H., & Othman A. Kassim.(2004). Pemurnian KreativitiDalam
  • PendidikanPrasekolah Sebagai Asas Pembinaan Bangsa Malaysia yang Kreatif: Suatu Kupasan Awal. JurnalKemanusiaan, 27-47. Mohamad, M. M. S., & Nasruddin, Y. (2008). Peranan Guru dalam Memupuk Kreativiti
  • Pelajar.Jurnal Pengajian Umum, 9, 57-71. Muslim, J. & Siti J. Mat Junos @ Yunus.(2010). Pembangunan Perisian Alat Bantu
  • Mengajar (ABM) Berasaskan Komputer Bertajuk Cell Division: Meiosis dalam Matapelajaran Biologi KBSM TingkatanEmpat. Retrieved on June 4, 2013 from
  • Nafishah, H. (2007). Keberkesanan Kajian Pembelajaran Berbantu Komputer
  • (Penggunaan Internet-Virtual Field Trips) Terhadap Penguasaan Konsep Sains. Retrieved on February 25, 2013 from
  • Pallant, J. (2007). SPSS Survival. A Step-by-Step Guide to Data Analysis using SPSS for
  • Window (version 10). New South Wales, Australia. Allen &Unwin. Pusat, P. K. (2006). Huraian Sukatan Pelajaran Biologi Tingkatan Empat. Selangor:
  • Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia. Rajendran, N. S. (2001). Pengajaran Kemahiran BerfikirAras Tinggi: Kesediaan Guru
  • Mengendalikan Proses Pengajaran Pembelajaran. Retrieved on June 4, 2013 from
  • Rinkevich, J. L. (2011). Creative Teaching: Why it Matters and Where to Begin. Clearing House, 84(5), 219-223.
  • Rojahan, A. (2004). Pencapaiandan Kesalahan Konsepdalam Kerja, Tenagadan Kuasa di
  • Kalangan Pelajar Tingkatan Lima AliranTeknikal. MA thesis, UM. Sawchuk, S. (2009). Backers of 21st Century Skills’ Take Flak.Education Week, 28(23), 1-2.
  • Sumintono, B., Wibowo, S. A., Mislan, N., &Tiawa, D. (2012). Penggunaan Teknologi
  • Informasidan Komunikasidalam Pengajaran: Surveipada Guru-guru Sains SMP di Indonesia. JurnalPengajaran MIPA, 17(1), 122-131. Syed Zin, S. M, (2002). Education in Malaysia.Retrieved on August 17, 2013 from
  • Wong, M. N. (2002). A Comparative Study on The Effectiveness of Virtual Field Trip and Real Field Trip Concerning Biology Teaching in Secondary School. Retrieved on June 4, 2013 from
  • Yustina. S.(2010). Pembinaandan Keberkesanan ModulPembelajaran Alam
  • Sekitar.Unpublished Phd Thesis.Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. Zainudin, H. & Muhammad, A. J.(2010). Penggunaan Komputerdan Internet dalam
  • Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran di Kalangan Guru Sekolah Menengah di Daerah Pasir Mas, Kelantan. Retrieved on August 17, 2013 from embelajaran_Di_Kalangan_Guru_Sekolah_Menengah_Di_Daerah_Pasir_Mas.pdf
There are 37 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Norbaizura Harıs This is me

Kamisah Osman This is me

Publication Date July 6, 2015
Submission Date July 6, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015


APA Harıs, N., & Osman, K. (2015). THE EFFECTIVENESS OF A VIRTUAL FIELD TRIP (VFT) MODULE IN LEARNING BIOLOGY. Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education, 16(3), 102-117.