Research Article
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The Effect of L2 Listening Texts Adapted to the Digital Story on the Listening Lesson

Year 2020, , 1 - 18, 01.01.2020


The study conducted as the action research model aimed to identify the effect of use of new story form, digital storytelling (DST) as a product input in listening lessons on listening lessons. Working group of the research consists of higher education undergraduate foreign students mostly financed by UN (N:49). The two-step procedure covers a twelve-week-process of six weeks each. The first step was applied on students studying at C1 level and the second step was applied on students studying at B1 level. During the procedure, 40 texts in DST format were used for listening lesson. Researcher diary, student diary and focus group discussions were used as data collection tools. The data obtained were analyzed with Nvivo 11 qualitative data analysis program. Themes were created by coding and categorizing the data. As a result of the research, it is seen that digital storytelling has a positive effect on the development of listening skills, positively affects learning and is more effective compared to listening lessons taught with voice recordings and increases student motivation.


  • Abidin, M. J. Z., Pour-Mohammadi, M., Souriyavongsa, T., Tiang, C. D. B., & Kim, N. O. L. (2011). Improving listening comprehension among Malay preschool children using digital stories. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 1(14), 159-164. Abdollahpour Z. & Maleki N. A. (2012). A Tale of One Story in Two Modes: Digital Flash Stories vs. Printed Stories. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 6(9): 96-101. Altrichter, H., Posch, P., Somekh, B., & Feldman, A. (2005). Teachers investigate their work: An introduction to action research across the professions, (5th ed.). New York and London: Routledge. Aktas, E., & Yurt, S. U. (2017). Effects of digital story on academic achievement, learning motivation and retention among university students. International Journal of Higher Education, 6(1), 180-196. Barclay, L.A., 2012. Learning to listen/listening to learn: teaching listening skills to students with visual impairments. New York: AFB Press. Bauman, R. (1986). Story, performance and event: Contextual studies of oral narrative. Cambridge University Press. Brett, P. (1995). Multimedia for listening comprehension: The design of a multimedia-based resource for developing listening skills. System, 23(1), 77-85. Bozdogan, D. (2012). Content analysis of elt students’ digital stories for young learners. Novitas-ROYAL, 6(2), 126-136. Bran R. (2009). Message in a bottle telling stories in a digital world. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2, 1790–1793 Bumgarner, B. L. (2012). Digital storytelling in writing: A case study of student teacher attitudes toward teaching with technology. University of Missouri-Columbia. Castañeda, M. E. (2013). “I am proud that I did it and it’s a piece of me”: Digital Storytelling in the Foreign Language Classroom. CALICO Journal, 30(1), 44-62. Cigerci, F. M., & Gultekin, M. (2017). Use of digital stories to develop listening comprehension skills. Issues in Educational Research, 27(2), 252. Davis, A., & McGrail, E. (2009). “Proof‐revising” with podcasting: Keeping readers in mind as students listen to and rethink their writing. The Reading Teacher, 62(6), 522-529. Diaz, M. (2016). Digital Storytelling with Pre-Service Teachers. Raising Awareness for Refugees through ICTS in ESL Primary Classes. Digital Education Review, 30, 1-16. DIGEM, (2012). A Methodology for Digital Storytelling. toolbox/box_Training%20and%20education/01_Methodology_en.pdf Dollar, Y. K., & Tolu, A. T. (2015). My first digital story: a case study with 5th grade Turkish English language learners. ELT Research Journal, 4(3). Dorner, R., Grimm, P., & Abawi, D. F. (2002). Synergies between interactive training simulations and digital storytelling: a component-based framework. Computers & Graphics, 26(1), 45-55. Ekiz, D. (2009). Bilimsel Arastirma Yontemleri, (2. Baski). Ankara: Ani Yayincilik. Fasi, M. (2011). Digital storytelling in education. university of kansas. mastersplan/digital_storytelling.pdf Fokides, E. (2016). Using Digital Storytelling to Help First-Grade Students’ Adjustment to School. Contemporary Educational Technology, 7(3), 190-205. Foley, L. M. (2013). Digital storytelling in primary-grade classrooms. Arizona State University. Gordon, C. J. (2011). Digital storytelling in the classroom: Three case studies (Doctoral dissertation). Arizona State University. 17 Gubrium, A. C., & Scott, T. (2010). Teaching and speaking to social change: A digital storytelling approach addressing access to higher education. Societies Without Borders, 5(2), 126-151. Hsu, C. K., Hwang, G. J., Chang, Y. T., & Chang, C. K. (2013). Effects of video caption modes on English listening comprehension and vocabulary acquisition using handheld devices. Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 16(1), 403. Hernandez, S. S. (2004). The effects of video and captioned text and the influence of verbal and spatial abilities on second language listening comprehension in a multimedia learning environment (Doctoral dissertation). New York University. Hoven, D. (1999). A model for listening and viewing comprehension in multimedia environments. Language Learning & Technology 3 (1), 88-103. Hull, G. A., & Katz, M. L. (2006). Crafting an agentive self: Case studies of digital storytelling. Research in the Teaching of English,41(1) 43-81. Jones, L. C., & Plass, J. L. (2002). Supporting listening comprehension and vocabulary acquisition in French with multimedia annotations. The modern language journal, 86(4), 546-561. Jones, L. C. (2006). Effects of collaboration and multimedia annotations on vocabulary learning and listening comprehension. CALICO Journal, 33-58. Kajder, S., & Swenson, J. A. (2004). Digital Images In The Language Arts Classroom. In the Curriculum: Language Arts. Learning & leading with technology, 31(8). Kemmis, S. & McTaggart, R. (1992). The Action Research Planner, (3 nd edition). Geelong, Vic.: Deakin University Press, Victoria 1992. Koshy, V. (2005). Action research for improving practice. London: Paul Chapman Publishing. Kurudayioglu, M., & Bal, M. (2014). The Usage of Digital Storytelling in Mother Language Education. Sakarya Universitesi Egitim Fakultesi Dergisi, 28, 74-95. Long, D. R. (1989). Second language listening comprehension: A schema‐theoretic perspective. The Modern Language Journal, 73(1), 32-40. Lotherington, H. & N. Ronda 2014. 2B or Not 2B? From Pencil to Multimodal Programming: New Frontiers in Communicative Competencies. In: J. P. Guikema & L. Williams (eds.), Digital Literacies in Foreign and Second Language Education. San Marcos: CALICO. Loukia, N. (2006). Teaching young learners through stories: The development of a handy parallel syllabus. The Reading Matrix, 6(1). McLellan, H. (2007). Digital storytelling in higher education. Journal of Computing in Higher Education, 19(1), 65-79. Meskill, C. (1996). Listening skills development through multimedia. Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, 5(2), 179-201. Miller, E. A. (2009). Digital storytelling (Master dissertation). University of Northern Iowa. Miller, C. (2014). Digital storytelling. New York: Routledge. Morris, R. J. (2011). Responses of listener-viewers in digital storytelling: Collaborations in the intermediate classroom and the middle school library (Doctoral dissertation). University of Pittsburgh. Mueller, G. A. (1980). Visual contextual cues and listening comprehension: An experiment. The Modern Language Journal, 64(3), 335-340. Normann, A. (2011). Digital storytelling in second language learning: A qualitative study on students’ reflections on potentials for learning (Master Dissertation). Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige Universitet. Naughton, M.G. & Hughes, P. (2009). Doing Action Research in Early Childhood Studies. New York: Open University Press. 18 Nguyen, A. (2011). Negotiations and challenges in creating a digital story: The experience of graduate students (Doctoral dissertation). University of Houston. Ohler, J. (2006). The world of digital storytelling. Educational Leadership, 63, 44-47. Pardo, B. S. (2014). Digital Storytelling: A case study of the creation, and narration of a story by EFL Learners. Digital Education Review, 26, 74-84. Robin, B. R., & McNeil, S. G. (2012). What educators should know about teaching digital storytelling. Digital Education Review, (22), 37-51. Yuksel, P., Robin, B., & McNeil, S. (2011). Educational uses of digital storytelling all around the world. In Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference, (1264- 1271). Shrosbree, M. (2008). Digital video in the language classroom. The JALT Call Journal, 4(1), 75-84. Simsek, B. (2012). Using digital storytelling as a change agent for women’s participation in the Turkish public sphere (Doctoral dissertation) Queensland University of Technology. Stringer, E.T. (2007). Action research (3. Baski). California: Sage Publications. Tatli, Z ., & Arzugul Aksoy, D . (2017). Using Digital Storytelling in Foreign Language Speaking Education. Educational Research in International Context, 45 (45), 137-152. Taylor, C., Wilkie, M., & Baser, J. (Eds.). (2006). Doing action research: A guide for school support staff. London: SAGE Publications, Incorporated. Yoon, T. (2012). Are you digitized? Ways to provide motivation for ELLs using digital storytelling. International Journal of Research Studies in Educational Technology, 2(1), 25-34. Yoon, T. (2016). Improving EFL learners’ English skills through computer-mediated language strategy. International Journal of Research Studies in Educational Technology, 5(2). Tsou W., Wang W. & Tzeng Y. (2006). Applying a multimedia storytelling website in foreign language learning. Computers & Education, 47,17–28. Van Gils, F. (2005). Potential applications of digital storytelling in education. Paper presented at the 3rd Twente Student Conference on IT, Enschede June, 2005. Vandergrift, L. (2007). Recent developments in second and foreign language listening comprehension research. Language teaching, 40(3), 191-210. Ramirez Verdugo, D., & Alonso Belmonte, I. (2007). Using digital stories to improve listening comprehension with Spanish young learners of English. Language Learning & Technology, 11(1), 87-101. Wang, S., & Zhan, H. (2010). Enhancing teaching and learning with digital storytelling. International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Education (IJICTE), 6(2), 76-87. Yamac, A., & Ulusoy, M. (2017). The effect of digital storytelling in improving the third graders’ writing skills. International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education, 9(1), 59-86. Yang, Y. T. C., & Wu, W. C. I. (2012). Digital storytelling for enhancing student academic achievement, critical thinking, and learning motivation: A year-long experimental study. Computers & education, 59(2), 339-352. Yuksel-Arslan, P. (2013). Egitim amacli dijital oykunun hazirlanmasi ve kullanilmasi: TPAB temelli ornek bir fen bilgisi egitimi uygulamasi. Fen ve Matematik Egitiminde Teknolojik Pedagojik Alan Bilgisi Temelli Ogretim Tasarimlari. [Preparing and using digital play for educational purposes: A sample science education application based on TPACK. Technological Pedagogical Field Knowledge Based Teaching Designs in Science and Mathematics Education.] Ankara: Ani Yayincilik, 105-128. Yussof, R. L., Abas, H., & Paris, T. N. S. T. (2012). Affective engineering of background colour in digital storytelling for remedial students. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 68, 202-212.
Year 2020, , 1 - 18, 01.01.2020



  • Abidin, M. J. Z., Pour-Mohammadi, M., Souriyavongsa, T., Tiang, C. D. B., & Kim, N. O. L. (2011). Improving listening comprehension among Malay preschool children using digital stories. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 1(14), 159-164. Abdollahpour Z. & Maleki N. A. (2012). A Tale of One Story in Two Modes: Digital Flash Stories vs. Printed Stories. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 6(9): 96-101. Altrichter, H., Posch, P., Somekh, B., & Feldman, A. (2005). Teachers investigate their work: An introduction to action research across the professions, (5th ed.). New York and London: Routledge. Aktas, E., & Yurt, S. U. (2017). Effects of digital story on academic achievement, learning motivation and retention among university students. International Journal of Higher Education, 6(1), 180-196. Barclay, L.A., 2012. Learning to listen/listening to learn: teaching listening skills to students with visual impairments. New York: AFB Press. Bauman, R. (1986). Story, performance and event: Contextual studies of oral narrative. Cambridge University Press. Brett, P. (1995). Multimedia for listening comprehension: The design of a multimedia-based resource for developing listening skills. System, 23(1), 77-85. Bozdogan, D. (2012). Content analysis of elt students’ digital stories for young learners. Novitas-ROYAL, 6(2), 126-136. Bran R. (2009). Message in a bottle telling stories in a digital world. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2, 1790–1793 Bumgarner, B. L. (2012). Digital storytelling in writing: A case study of student teacher attitudes toward teaching with technology. University of Missouri-Columbia. Castañeda, M. E. (2013). “I am proud that I did it and it’s a piece of me”: Digital Storytelling in the Foreign Language Classroom. CALICO Journal, 30(1), 44-62. Cigerci, F. M., & Gultekin, M. (2017). Use of digital stories to develop listening comprehension skills. Issues in Educational Research, 27(2), 252. Davis, A., & McGrail, E. (2009). “Proof‐revising” with podcasting: Keeping readers in mind as students listen to and rethink their writing. The Reading Teacher, 62(6), 522-529. Diaz, M. (2016). Digital Storytelling with Pre-Service Teachers. Raising Awareness for Refugees through ICTS in ESL Primary Classes. Digital Education Review, 30, 1-16. DIGEM, (2012). A Methodology for Digital Storytelling. toolbox/box_Training%20and%20education/01_Methodology_en.pdf Dollar, Y. K., & Tolu, A. T. (2015). My first digital story: a case study with 5th grade Turkish English language learners. ELT Research Journal, 4(3). Dorner, R., Grimm, P., & Abawi, D. F. (2002). Synergies between interactive training simulations and digital storytelling: a component-based framework. Computers & Graphics, 26(1), 45-55. Ekiz, D. (2009). Bilimsel Arastirma Yontemleri, (2. Baski). Ankara: Ani Yayincilik. Fasi, M. (2011). Digital storytelling in education. university of kansas. mastersplan/digital_storytelling.pdf Fokides, E. (2016). Using Digital Storytelling to Help First-Grade Students’ Adjustment to School. Contemporary Educational Technology, 7(3), 190-205. Foley, L. M. (2013). Digital storytelling in primary-grade classrooms. Arizona State University. Gordon, C. J. (2011). Digital storytelling in the classroom: Three case studies (Doctoral dissertation). Arizona State University. 17 Gubrium, A. C., & Scott, T. (2010). Teaching and speaking to social change: A digital storytelling approach addressing access to higher education. Societies Without Borders, 5(2), 126-151. Hsu, C. K., Hwang, G. J., Chang, Y. T., & Chang, C. K. (2013). Effects of video caption modes on English listening comprehension and vocabulary acquisition using handheld devices. Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 16(1), 403. Hernandez, S. S. (2004). The effects of video and captioned text and the influence of verbal and spatial abilities on second language listening comprehension in a multimedia learning environment (Doctoral dissertation). New York University. Hoven, D. (1999). A model for listening and viewing comprehension in multimedia environments. Language Learning & Technology 3 (1), 88-103. Hull, G. A., & Katz, M. L. (2006). Crafting an agentive self: Case studies of digital storytelling. Research in the Teaching of English,41(1) 43-81. Jones, L. C., & Plass, J. L. (2002). Supporting listening comprehension and vocabulary acquisition in French with multimedia annotations. The modern language journal, 86(4), 546-561. Jones, L. C. (2006). Effects of collaboration and multimedia annotations on vocabulary learning and listening comprehension. CALICO Journal, 33-58. Kajder, S., & Swenson, J. A. (2004). Digital Images In The Language Arts Classroom. In the Curriculum: Language Arts. Learning & leading with technology, 31(8). Kemmis, S. & McTaggart, R. (1992). The Action Research Planner, (3 nd edition). Geelong, Vic.: Deakin University Press, Victoria 1992. Koshy, V. (2005). Action research for improving practice. London: Paul Chapman Publishing. Kurudayioglu, M., & Bal, M. (2014). The Usage of Digital Storytelling in Mother Language Education. Sakarya Universitesi Egitim Fakultesi Dergisi, 28, 74-95. Long, D. R. (1989). Second language listening comprehension: A schema‐theoretic perspective. The Modern Language Journal, 73(1), 32-40. Lotherington, H. & N. Ronda 2014. 2B or Not 2B? From Pencil to Multimodal Programming: New Frontiers in Communicative Competencies. In: J. P. Guikema & L. Williams (eds.), Digital Literacies in Foreign and Second Language Education. San Marcos: CALICO. Loukia, N. (2006). Teaching young learners through stories: The development of a handy parallel syllabus. The Reading Matrix, 6(1). McLellan, H. (2007). Digital storytelling in higher education. Journal of Computing in Higher Education, 19(1), 65-79. Meskill, C. (1996). Listening skills development through multimedia. Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, 5(2), 179-201. Miller, E. A. (2009). Digital storytelling (Master dissertation). University of Northern Iowa. Miller, C. (2014). Digital storytelling. New York: Routledge. Morris, R. J. (2011). Responses of listener-viewers in digital storytelling: Collaborations in the intermediate classroom and the middle school library (Doctoral dissertation). University of Pittsburgh. Mueller, G. A. (1980). Visual contextual cues and listening comprehension: An experiment. The Modern Language Journal, 64(3), 335-340. Normann, A. (2011). Digital storytelling in second language learning: A qualitative study on students’ reflections on potentials for learning (Master Dissertation). Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige Universitet. Naughton, M.G. & Hughes, P. (2009). Doing Action Research in Early Childhood Studies. New York: Open University Press. 18 Nguyen, A. (2011). Negotiations and challenges in creating a digital story: The experience of graduate students (Doctoral dissertation). University of Houston. Ohler, J. (2006). The world of digital storytelling. Educational Leadership, 63, 44-47. Pardo, B. S. (2014). Digital Storytelling: A case study of the creation, and narration of a story by EFL Learners. Digital Education Review, 26, 74-84. Robin, B. R., & McNeil, S. G. (2012). What educators should know about teaching digital storytelling. Digital Education Review, (22), 37-51. Yuksel, P., Robin, B., & McNeil, S. (2011). Educational uses of digital storytelling all around the world. In Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference, (1264- 1271). Shrosbree, M. (2008). Digital video in the language classroom. The JALT Call Journal, 4(1), 75-84. Simsek, B. (2012). Using digital storytelling as a change agent for women’s participation in the Turkish public sphere (Doctoral dissertation) Queensland University of Technology. Stringer, E.T. (2007). Action research (3. Baski). California: Sage Publications. Tatli, Z ., & Arzugul Aksoy, D . (2017). Using Digital Storytelling in Foreign Language Speaking Education. Educational Research in International Context, 45 (45), 137-152. Taylor, C., Wilkie, M., & Baser, J. (Eds.). (2006). Doing action research: A guide for school support staff. London: SAGE Publications, Incorporated. Yoon, T. (2012). Are you digitized? Ways to provide motivation for ELLs using digital storytelling. International Journal of Research Studies in Educational Technology, 2(1), 25-34. Yoon, T. (2016). Improving EFL learners’ English skills through computer-mediated language strategy. International Journal of Research Studies in Educational Technology, 5(2). Tsou W., Wang W. & Tzeng Y. (2006). Applying a multimedia storytelling website in foreign language learning. Computers & Education, 47,17–28. Van Gils, F. (2005). Potential applications of digital storytelling in education. Paper presented at the 3rd Twente Student Conference on IT, Enschede June, 2005. Vandergrift, L. (2007). Recent developments in second and foreign language listening comprehension research. Language teaching, 40(3), 191-210. Ramirez Verdugo, D., & Alonso Belmonte, I. (2007). Using digital stories to improve listening comprehension with Spanish young learners of English. Language Learning & Technology, 11(1), 87-101. Wang, S., & Zhan, H. (2010). Enhancing teaching and learning with digital storytelling. International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Education (IJICTE), 6(2), 76-87. Yamac, A., & Ulusoy, M. (2017). The effect of digital storytelling in improving the third graders’ writing skills. International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education, 9(1), 59-86. Yang, Y. T. C., & Wu, W. C. I. (2012). Digital storytelling for enhancing student academic achievement, critical thinking, and learning motivation: A year-long experimental study. Computers & education, 59(2), 339-352. Yuksel-Arslan, P. (2013). Egitim amacli dijital oykunun hazirlanmasi ve kullanilmasi: TPAB temelli ornek bir fen bilgisi egitimi uygulamasi. Fen ve Matematik Egitiminde Teknolojik Pedagojik Alan Bilgisi Temelli Ogretim Tasarimlari. [Preparing and using digital play for educational purposes: A sample science education application based on TPACK. Technological Pedagogical Field Knowledge Based Teaching Designs in Science and Mathematics Education.] Ankara: Ani Yayincilik, 105-128. Yussof, R. L., Abas, H., & Paris, T. N. S. T. (2012). Affective engineering of background colour in digital storytelling for remedial students. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 68, 202-212.
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Fatih Tanrıkulu 0000-0002-6730-0353

Publication Date January 1, 2020
Submission Date December 20, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2020


APA Tanrıkulu, F. (2020). The Effect of L2 Listening Texts Adapted to the Digital Story on the Listening Lesson. Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education, 21(1), 1-18.

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