Effect of Web-Based Life Skills Education on Nurses’ Job Burnout
Year 2020,
Volume: 21 Issue: 2, 37 - 46, 01.04.2020
Shahrzd Yektatalab
Khadijeh Honarmandnejad
Roksana Janghorban
Nahid Zarıfsanaıey
This study aimed to assess the effect of web-based life skills education on burnout in nurses. Participants were 104 nurses who had moderate to high burnout. The intervention group received web-based life skills education over 10 weeks. A week later intervention, burnout level was measured in control and intervention groups. Comparison of mean burnout score in the intervention group before and after the intervention showed a significant reduction in total burnout score, and in emotional exhaustion and depersonalization, and a significant increase in personal accomplishment. The study showed that web-based life skills education was able to reduce level of burnout.
- Abbaszadeh, A., Sabeghi, H., Borhani, F., & Heydari, A. (2011). A comparative study on effect of e-learning
and instructor-led methods on nurses’ documentation competency. Iranian Journal of Nursing
and Midwifery Research, 16(3), 235-243.
Adriaenssens, J., De Gucht, V., & Maes, S. (2015). Determinants and prevalence of burnout in emergency
nurses: a systematic review of 25 years of research. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 52(2),
Ahola, K., Toppinen-Tanner, S., Huuhtanen, P., Koskinen, A., & Vaananen, A. (2009). Occupational
burnout and chronic work disability: An eight-year cohort study on pensioning among Finnish
forest industry workers. Journal of Affective Disorders, 115(1-2), 150-159.
Awa, W. L., Plaumann, M., & Walter, U. (2010). Burnout prevention: A review of intervention programs.
Patient Education and Counseling, 78(2), 184-190.
Brand, S., Beck, J., Hatzinger, M., Harbaugh, A., Ruch, W., & Holsboer-Trachsler, E. (2010). Associations
between satisfaction with life, burnout-related emotional and physical exhaustion, and sleep
complaints. World Journal of Biological Psychiatry, 11(5), 744-754.
Canadas-De la Fuente, G. A., Vargas, C., San Luis, C., García, I., Canadas, G. R., & De la Fuente, E. I.
(2015). Risk factors and prevalence of burnout syndrome in the nursing profession. International
Journal of Nursing Studies, 52(1), 240-249.
Chang, E. M., Daly, J., Hancock, K. M., Bidewell, J. W., Johnson, A., Lambert, V. A., & Lambert, C. E.
(2006). The relationships among work place stressors, coping methods, demographic characteristics
and health in Australia nurses. Journal of Professional Nursing, 22(1), 30-38.
Du, S., Liu, Z., Liu, S., Yin, H., Xu, G., Zhang, H., & Wang, A. (2013). Web‐based distance learning for
nurse education: a systematic review. International Nursing Review, 60(2), 167-177.
Hulsheger, U. R., Alberts, H. J., Feinholdt, A., & Lang, J. W. (2013). Benefits of mindfulness at work: The
role of mindfulness in emotion regulation, emotional exhaustion, and job satisfaction. Journal of
Applied Psychology, 98(2), 310-325.
Ireland, M. J., Clough, B., Gill, K., Langan, F., O’Connor, A., & Spencer, L. (2017). A randomized
controlled trial of mindfulness to reduce stress and burnout among intern medical practitioners.
Medical Teacher, 39(4), 409-414.
Kim, H. S., & Jeong, H. S. (2007). A nurse short message service by cellular phone in type 2 diabetic patient
for six months. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 16(6), 1082-1087.
Kravits, K., McAllister-Black, R., Grant, M., & Kirk, C. (2010). Self-care strategies for nurses: A psychoeducational intervention for stress reduction and the prevention of burnout. Applied Nursing
Research, 23(3), 130-138.
Maslach, C., Jackson, S., & Leiter , M. (1996). Maslach Burnout Inventory manual. 3rd ed. Mountain
View, California, CA: Consulting Psychologists Press.
Mehafarid, M., Khakpour, M., Jajarmi, M., & Alizadeh mousavi, A.(2015). [Effectiveness of positive
thinking training on hardiness & resilience and Job burnout in women nurses]. Journal of Nursing
Education, 4, 72-83. Persian. Retrieved from http://jne.ir/browse.php?a_id=447&sid=1&slc_
Nayeri, N. D., Negarandeh, R., Vaismoradi, M., Ahmadi, F., & Faghihzadeh, S. (2009). Burnout and
productivity among Iranian nurses. Nursing & Health Sciences,11(3), 263-270.
Sahebalzamani, M., Farahani, H., & Feizi, F. (2012). Efficacy of life skills training on general health in
students. Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research, 17(7), 553-555.
Vaghee, S., Meshkin Yazd, A., Asgharipour, N., & Ebrahimzadeh, S. (2014). [The effect of critical thinking
training on nurses’ job stress in psychiatric ward]. Journal of Fundamentals of Mental Health,
16(1), 12-17. Persian. Retrieved from http://www.sid.ir/En/Journal/ViewPaper.aspx?ID=447894
Wantland, D. J., Portillo, C. J., Holzemer, W. L., Slaughter, R., & McGhee, E. M. (2004). The effectiveness
of Web-based vs. non-Web-based interventions: a meta-analysis of behavioral change outcomes.
Journal of Medical Internet Research, 6(4), e40.
World Health Organization. (2005). Mental Health: Facing the Challenges, Building Solutions. Denmark:
World Health Organization. Retrieved from http://www.euro.who.int/__data/assets/pdf_
Yamagishi, M., Kobayashi, T., Kobayashi, T., Nagami, M., Shimazu, A., & Kageyama, T. (2007). Effect
of web‐based assertion training for stress management of Japanese nurses. Journal of Nursing
Management, 15(6), 603-607.
Yank, V., Laurent, D., Plant, K., & Lorig, K. (2013). Web-based self-management support training for
health professionals: a pilot study. Patient Education and Counseling, 90(1), 29-37.
Yektatalab, S., Khodadadi, S., Moattari, M., Hosseiny, F. N., & Zare, N. (2017). A web-based anger
anagement program for parent-female adolescents’ confllicts: a cluster randomized controlled trial.
International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health. doi: 10.1515/ijamh-2017-0012
Year 2020,
Volume: 21 Issue: 2, 37 - 46, 01.04.2020
Shahrzd Yektatalab
Khadijeh Honarmandnejad
Roksana Janghorban
Nahid Zarıfsanaıey
- Abbaszadeh, A., Sabeghi, H., Borhani, F., & Heydari, A. (2011). A comparative study on effect of e-learning
and instructor-led methods on nurses’ documentation competency. Iranian Journal of Nursing
and Midwifery Research, 16(3), 235-243.
Adriaenssens, J., De Gucht, V., & Maes, S. (2015). Determinants and prevalence of burnout in emergency
nurses: a systematic review of 25 years of research. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 52(2),
Ahola, K., Toppinen-Tanner, S., Huuhtanen, P., Koskinen, A., & Vaananen, A. (2009). Occupational
burnout and chronic work disability: An eight-year cohort study on pensioning among Finnish
forest industry workers. Journal of Affective Disorders, 115(1-2), 150-159.
Awa, W. L., Plaumann, M., & Walter, U. (2010). Burnout prevention: A review of intervention programs.
Patient Education and Counseling, 78(2), 184-190.
Brand, S., Beck, J., Hatzinger, M., Harbaugh, A., Ruch, W., & Holsboer-Trachsler, E. (2010). Associations
between satisfaction with life, burnout-related emotional and physical exhaustion, and sleep
complaints. World Journal of Biological Psychiatry, 11(5), 744-754.
Canadas-De la Fuente, G. A., Vargas, C., San Luis, C., García, I., Canadas, G. R., & De la Fuente, E. I.
(2015). Risk factors and prevalence of burnout syndrome in the nursing profession. International
Journal of Nursing Studies, 52(1), 240-249.
Chang, E. M., Daly, J., Hancock, K. M., Bidewell, J. W., Johnson, A., Lambert, V. A., & Lambert, C. E.
(2006). The relationships among work place stressors, coping methods, demographic characteristics
and health in Australia nurses. Journal of Professional Nursing, 22(1), 30-38.
Du, S., Liu, Z., Liu, S., Yin, H., Xu, G., Zhang, H., & Wang, A. (2013). Web‐based distance learning for
nurse education: a systematic review. International Nursing Review, 60(2), 167-177.
Hulsheger, U. R., Alberts, H. J., Feinholdt, A., & Lang, J. W. (2013). Benefits of mindfulness at work: The
role of mindfulness in emotion regulation, emotional exhaustion, and job satisfaction. Journal of
Applied Psychology, 98(2), 310-325.
Ireland, M. J., Clough, B., Gill, K., Langan, F., O’Connor, A., & Spencer, L. (2017). A randomized
controlled trial of mindfulness to reduce stress and burnout among intern medical practitioners.
Medical Teacher, 39(4), 409-414.
Kim, H. S., & Jeong, H. S. (2007). A nurse short message service by cellular phone in type 2 diabetic patient
for six months. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 16(6), 1082-1087.
Kravits, K., McAllister-Black, R., Grant, M., & Kirk, C. (2010). Self-care strategies for nurses: A psychoeducational intervention for stress reduction and the prevention of burnout. Applied Nursing
Research, 23(3), 130-138.
Maslach, C., Jackson, S., & Leiter , M. (1996). Maslach Burnout Inventory manual. 3rd ed. Mountain
View, California, CA: Consulting Psychologists Press.
Mehafarid, M., Khakpour, M., Jajarmi, M., & Alizadeh mousavi, A.(2015). [Effectiveness of positive
thinking training on hardiness & resilience and Job burnout in women nurses]. Journal of Nursing
Education, 4, 72-83. Persian. Retrieved from http://jne.ir/browse.php?a_id=447&sid=1&slc_
Nayeri, N. D., Negarandeh, R., Vaismoradi, M., Ahmadi, F., & Faghihzadeh, S. (2009). Burnout and
productivity among Iranian nurses. Nursing & Health Sciences,11(3), 263-270.
Sahebalzamani, M., Farahani, H., & Feizi, F. (2012). Efficacy of life skills training on general health in
students. Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research, 17(7), 553-555.
Vaghee, S., Meshkin Yazd, A., Asgharipour, N., & Ebrahimzadeh, S. (2014). [The effect of critical thinking
training on nurses’ job stress in psychiatric ward]. Journal of Fundamentals of Mental Health,
16(1), 12-17. Persian. Retrieved from http://www.sid.ir/En/Journal/ViewPaper.aspx?ID=447894
Wantland, D. J., Portillo, C. J., Holzemer, W. L., Slaughter, R., & McGhee, E. M. (2004). The effectiveness
of Web-based vs. non-Web-based interventions: a meta-analysis of behavioral change outcomes.
Journal of Medical Internet Research, 6(4), e40.
World Health Organization. (2005). Mental Health: Facing the Challenges, Building Solutions. Denmark:
World Health Organization. Retrieved from http://www.euro.who.int/__data/assets/pdf_
Yamagishi, M., Kobayashi, T., Kobayashi, T., Nagami, M., Shimazu, A., & Kageyama, T. (2007). Effect
of web‐based assertion training for stress management of Japanese nurses. Journal of Nursing
Management, 15(6), 603-607.
Yank, V., Laurent, D., Plant, K., & Lorig, K. (2013). Web-based self-management support training for
health professionals: a pilot study. Patient Education and Counseling, 90(1), 29-37.
Yektatalab, S., Khodadadi, S., Moattari, M., Hosseiny, F. N., & Zare, N. (2017). A web-based anger
anagement program for parent-female adolescents’ confllicts: a cluster randomized controlled trial.
International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health. doi: 10.1515/ijamh-2017-0012