Research Article
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Year 2021, Volume: 8 Issue: 1, 61 - 76, 15.06.2021


Although studies examining the motivations of different groups traveled to Turkey it did not find a quantitative study on Arab tourists. The aim of this study a) determining the level of importance of motivation travel of Arab tourists visiting Turkey and b) the city with tableland tourism in the context of reflection satisfaction of traveling Arab tourists' motivation is examining whether it differs from each other. The sample of the study consists of 346 Arab tourists visiting Trabzon and Istanbul. The data obtained through the survey application were subjected to multivariate statistical analysis. Research findings revealed that pushing and pulling motivations of Arab tourists did not affect satisfaction levels much. It can be said that the experience and consumption process related to touristic products or services play a greater role. The factors affecting the destination satisfaction of Arab tourists participating in the highland and city tourism are differentiating. For tourists visiting the tablelands (Trabzon) is covered by push factors produce natural charm and excitement and satisfaction within the scope of Turkey's political image that attracts factors. As the factors that produce satisfaction for the Arab tourists participating in city tourism, Driving away from home and seeing are prominent as factors that generate satisfaction for Arab tourists participating in city tourism.


  • Abodeeb, J., Moyle, B. D., & Wilson, E. (2017). Understanding the Motivations and Expectations of Arab Visitors atthe Gold Coast, Australia, Tourism in the Arab World: An Industry Perspective, 2012, 220–234.
  • Baloglu, S., & McCleary, K. W. (1999). A Model of Destination Image Formation. Annals of Tourism Research, 26 (4), 868–897.
  • Baloglu, S., & Uysal, M. (1996). Market Segments of Push and Pull Motivations: A Canonical Correlation Approach, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 8 (3), 32–38.
  • Baniya, R., & Paudel, K. (2016). An Analysis of Push and Pull Travel Motivations of Domestic Tourists in Nepal, Journal of Management and Development Studies, 27, 2392–4896.
  • Bayram, Y. (2016). Türk-Arap İlişkileri Bağlamında Türk Toplumunda Değişen Arap İmajının Turizme Yönelik Haber Çerçevelerinde Temsili, The Journal of International Social Research, 9 (43), 1689–1699.
  • Bogari, N. B., Crowther, G., & Marr, N. (2003). Motivation for Domestic Tourism: A Case Study of The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Tourism Analysis, 8 (2–4), 137–141.
  • Chang, W., & Yuan, J. J. (2011). A Taste of Tourism: Visitors’ Motivations to Attend a Food Festival, Event Management, 15 (1), 13–23.
  • Chetthamrongchai, P. (2017). The Influence of Travel Motivation, Information Sources and Tourism Crisison Tourists’ Destination Image, Journal of Tourism & Hospitality, 6 (2).
  • Correia, A., Kozak, M., & Ferradeira, J. (2013). From Tourist Motivations to Tourist Satisfaction, Internatıonal Journal Of Culture, Tourısm and Hospitality Research, 7 (4), 411–424.
  • Crompton, & McKay, S. L. (1997). Motives of Visitors Attending Festival Events, Annals of Tourism Research, 24 (2), 425–439.
  • Crompton, J. L. (1979a). An Assessment of The Image of Mexico as a Vacation Destination and the Influence of Geographical Location Upon that Image, Journal of Travel Research, 17 (4), 18–23.
  • Crompton, J. L. (1979b). Motivations for Pleasure Vacation, Annals of Tourism Research, 6 (4), 408–424.
  • Çoşkun, R., Altunışık, R., & Yıldırım, E. (2017). Sosyal Bilimlerde Araştırma Yöntemleri Spss Uygulamalı, Sakarya Kitabevi.
  • Dann, G. M. S. (1977). Anomie, Ego-Enhancement and Tourism, Annals of Tourism Research, 4 (4), 184–194.
  • Düzgün, E. & Ödemiş, M. (2020). Arap Turistlerin Doğu Karadeniz Bölgesine Ekonomik Katkılarını Belirlemeye Yönelik Bir Araştırma, Gaziantep University Journal of Social Sciences, 19 (1), 109-123,
  • Echtner, C. M. & Ritchie, J. R. B. (2003). The Meaning and Measurement of Destination Image, The Journal of Tourısm Studies, 14 (1), 37–48.
  • Gnoth, J. (1997). Tourism Motivation and Expectation Formation, Annals of Tourism Research, 24 (2), 283–304.
  • Güllü, K., & Atasoy, B. (2019). Gastronomi Turistlerinin Motivasyon Faktörlerinin İncelenmesi. Anadolu Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 19 (4), 269-280.
  • Günaydın, İ., Okan, T. & Khan, A. (2017). Arap Turistlerin Trabzon ve Çevresine Yönelik Destinasyon Tercihleri, Beklenti ve Şikâyetlerine Yönelik Bir Araştırma, DOKAP Bölgesi Uluslararası Turizm Sempozyumu, Trabzon.
  • Hsu, T. K., Tsai, Y. F., & Wu, H. H. (2009). The Preference Analysis for Tourist Choice of Destination: A Case Study of Taiwan. Tourism Management, 30 (2), 288–297.
  • Iso-Ahola, S. E. (1982). Toward a Social Psychological Theory Of Tourism Motivation: A Rejoinder. Annals of Tourism Research, 9 (2), 256–262.
  • Jang, S. S., & Cai, L. A. (2002). Travel Motivations and Destination Choice: A Study of British Outbound Market, Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 13 (3), 111–133.
  • Jolliffe, I. T. (2011). Principal Component Analysis (2nd. edition). Springer.
  • Karasar, N. (2018). Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemleri (33rd ed.). Nobel Akademi Yayıncılık.
  • Khuong, M. N., & Ha, H. T. T. (2014). The Influences of Push and Pull Factors on The International Leisure Tourists’ Return Intention to Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam — A Mediation Analysis of Destination Satisfaction, International Journal of Trade, Economics and Finance, 5 (6), 490–496.,
  • Kim, S. S., & Prideaux, B. (2005). Marketing Implications Arising From A Comparative Study of İnternational Pleasure Tourist Motivations and Other Travel-Related Characteristics of Visitors to Korea, Tourism Management, 26 (3), 347–357.
  • Kim, S. S., Lee, C. K., & Klenosky, D. B. (2003). The Influence of Push and Pull Factors At Korean National Parks, Tourism Management, 24 (2), 169–180.
  • Kim, S., & Lee, C. (2002). Push and Pull Relationships, Annals of Tourism Research, 29 (1) , 257–260.
  • Klenosky, D. B. (2002). The “Pull” of Tourism Destinations: A Means-End Investigation, Journal of Travel Research, 40 (4), 396–403.
  • Kothari, C. R. (2004). Research Methodology: Methods and Techniques (2nd. edition). New Age International.
  • KÜLTÜR ve TURİZM BAKANLIĞI. (2007). Türkiye Turizm Stratejisi (2023).,ttstratejisi2023pdf.pdf?0
  • KÜLTÜR ve TURİZM BAKANLIĞI. (2018). Araştırma ve Raporlar.
  • Li, M., Cai, L. A., Lehto, X. Y., & Huang, J. Z. (2010). A Missing Link in Understanding Revisit İntention-The Role of Motivation and Image, Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing, 27 (4), 335–348.
  • MacDonald, S. ve N. Headlam. (2008). Research Methods Handbook: Introductory Guide to Research Methods for Social Research. Centre for Local Economic Strategies.
  • Michael, N., Wien, C., & Reisinger, Y. (2017). Push and Pull Escape Travel Motivations of Emirati Nationals to Australia. International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research, 11 (3), 274–296.
  • Milman, A., & Pizam, A. (1995). The Role of Awareness and Familiarity with a Destination: The Central Florida Case, Journal of Travel Research, 33 (3), 21–27.
  • Mohammad, B. A. M. A.-H., & Som, A. P. M. (2010). An Analysis of Push and Pull Travel Motivations of Foreign Tourists to Jordan, International Journal of Business and Management, 5 (12), 41–50.
  • Ngoc, K. M., & Trinh, N. T. (2015). Factors Affecting Tourists’ Return Intention towards Vung Tau City, Vietnam-A Mediation Analysis of Destination Satisfaction, Journal of Advanced Management Science, 3 (4), 292–298.
  • Park, K. S., Reisinger, Y., & Kang, H. J. (2008). Visitors ’ Motivation For Attending The South Beach Wine And Food Festival, Miami Beach, Florida, Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing, 25 (2), 161-181.
  • Pérez Gálvez, J. C., López-Guzmán, T., Buiza, F. C., & Medina-Viruel, M. J. (2017). Gastronomy as An Element of Attraction in a Tourist Destination: The Case of Lima, Peru. Journal of Ethnic Foods, 4 (4), 254–261.
  • Ramkissoon, H., & Uysal, M. S. (2011). The Effects of Perceived Authenticity , Information Search Behaviour , Motivation and Destination Imagery on Cultural Behavioural Intentions of Tourists, Current Issues in Tourism, 14 (6), 537–562.
  • Sandybayev, A. (2016). Gastronomic Tourism as a Destination Attraction in Kazakhstan, International Journal of Case Studies, 5 (7), 01–07.
  • Smith, S. L. J. (1994). The Tourism Product. Annals of Tourism Research, 21 (3), 582–595.
  • Tekin, E., & Demirel, S. K. (2018). Kastamonu İlinin Arap Turizm Potansiyeli Üzerine Bir SWOT Analizi, Uluslararası Türk Dünyası Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi, 3 (1), 14–27.
  • Tikkanen, I. (2007). Maslow ’s Hierarchy and Food Tourism in Finland: Five Cases. 109 (9), 721–734.
  • Umanets, A., Ferreira, A., & Leite, N. (2014). GuideMe – A Tourist Guide with a Recommender System and Social Interaction, Procedia Technology, 17, 407–414.
  • UNWTO, (2007). Sustainable Tourism Indicators and Destination Management. April, 25–27, Montenegro.
  • Vengesayi, S., Mavondo, F. & Reisinger, Y. (2009). Tourism Destination Attractiveness: Attractions, Facilities, and People as Predictors, Tourism Analysis, 14 (5):621-636
  • Yoon, Y., & Uysal, M. (2005). An Examination of The Effects of Motivation and Satisfaction on Destination Loyalty: A Structural Model. Tourism Management, 26 (1), 45–56.

İten ve Çeken Faktörlerin Destinasyon Memnuniyetine Etkileri: Yayla ve Şehir Turizmine Katılan Arap Turistler Üzerine Bir Araştırma

Year 2021, Volume: 8 Issue: 1, 61 - 76, 15.06.2021


Türkiye’ye gelen farklı grupların seyahat motivasyonlarını inceleyen çalışmalar olmasına rağmen Arap turistler ile ilgili nicel bir çalışmaya rastlanmamıştır. Bu çalışmanın amacı; a) Türkiye’ye gelen Arap turistlerin seyahat motivasyonlarının önem düzeylerinin tespiti ve b) şehir ile yayla turizmi kapsamında seyahat eden Arap turistlerin motivasyon unsurlarının memnuniyete yansımalarının birbirlerinden farklılaşıp farklılaşmadığını incelemektedir. Araştırmanın örneklemini, Trabzon ve İstanbul illerini ziyaret eden 346 Arap turist oluşturmaktadır. Anket uygulaması ile elde edilen veriler çok değişkenli istatistiksel analizlere tabi tutulmuştur. Araştırma bulguları Arap turistlerin itme ve çekme motivasyonlarının memnuniyet düzeylerini çok fazla etkilemediğini ortaya koymuştur. Turistik ürün veya hizmetlere ilişkin deneyimin ve tüketim sürecinin daha fazla rol oynadığı söylenebilir. Yayla ve şehir turizmine katılan Arap turistlerin destinasyon memnuniyetine etki eden unsurlar farklılaşmaktadır. Yaylaları ziyaret eden turistler için (Trabzon) iten faktörler kapsamında heyecan ve çeken faktörler kapsamında doğal çekicilikler ve Türkiye’nin siyasi imajı memnuniyet üretmektedir. Şehir turizmine katılan Arap turistler için memnuniyet üreten unsurlar olarak itici faktörler içerisinde evden uzaklaşma ve görme öne çıkmaktadır.


  • Abodeeb, J., Moyle, B. D., & Wilson, E. (2017). Understanding the Motivations and Expectations of Arab Visitors atthe Gold Coast, Australia, Tourism in the Arab World: An Industry Perspective, 2012, 220–234.
  • Baloglu, S., & McCleary, K. W. (1999). A Model of Destination Image Formation. Annals of Tourism Research, 26 (4), 868–897.
  • Baloglu, S., & Uysal, M. (1996). Market Segments of Push and Pull Motivations: A Canonical Correlation Approach, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 8 (3), 32–38.
  • Baniya, R., & Paudel, K. (2016). An Analysis of Push and Pull Travel Motivations of Domestic Tourists in Nepal, Journal of Management and Development Studies, 27, 2392–4896.
  • Bayram, Y. (2016). Türk-Arap İlişkileri Bağlamında Türk Toplumunda Değişen Arap İmajının Turizme Yönelik Haber Çerçevelerinde Temsili, The Journal of International Social Research, 9 (43), 1689–1699.
  • Bogari, N. B., Crowther, G., & Marr, N. (2003). Motivation for Domestic Tourism: A Case Study of The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Tourism Analysis, 8 (2–4), 137–141.
  • Chang, W., & Yuan, J. J. (2011). A Taste of Tourism: Visitors’ Motivations to Attend a Food Festival, Event Management, 15 (1), 13–23.
  • Chetthamrongchai, P. (2017). The Influence of Travel Motivation, Information Sources and Tourism Crisison Tourists’ Destination Image, Journal of Tourism & Hospitality, 6 (2).
  • Correia, A., Kozak, M., & Ferradeira, J. (2013). From Tourist Motivations to Tourist Satisfaction, Internatıonal Journal Of Culture, Tourısm and Hospitality Research, 7 (4), 411–424.
  • Crompton, & McKay, S. L. (1997). Motives of Visitors Attending Festival Events, Annals of Tourism Research, 24 (2), 425–439.
  • Crompton, J. L. (1979a). An Assessment of The Image of Mexico as a Vacation Destination and the Influence of Geographical Location Upon that Image, Journal of Travel Research, 17 (4), 18–23.
  • Crompton, J. L. (1979b). Motivations for Pleasure Vacation, Annals of Tourism Research, 6 (4), 408–424.
  • Çoşkun, R., Altunışık, R., & Yıldırım, E. (2017). Sosyal Bilimlerde Araştırma Yöntemleri Spss Uygulamalı, Sakarya Kitabevi.
  • Dann, G. M. S. (1977). Anomie, Ego-Enhancement and Tourism, Annals of Tourism Research, 4 (4), 184–194.
  • Düzgün, E. & Ödemiş, M. (2020). Arap Turistlerin Doğu Karadeniz Bölgesine Ekonomik Katkılarını Belirlemeye Yönelik Bir Araştırma, Gaziantep University Journal of Social Sciences, 19 (1), 109-123,
  • Echtner, C. M. & Ritchie, J. R. B. (2003). The Meaning and Measurement of Destination Image, The Journal of Tourısm Studies, 14 (1), 37–48.
  • Gnoth, J. (1997). Tourism Motivation and Expectation Formation, Annals of Tourism Research, 24 (2), 283–304.
  • Güllü, K., & Atasoy, B. (2019). Gastronomi Turistlerinin Motivasyon Faktörlerinin İncelenmesi. Anadolu Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 19 (4), 269-280.
  • Günaydın, İ., Okan, T. & Khan, A. (2017). Arap Turistlerin Trabzon ve Çevresine Yönelik Destinasyon Tercihleri, Beklenti ve Şikâyetlerine Yönelik Bir Araştırma, DOKAP Bölgesi Uluslararası Turizm Sempozyumu, Trabzon.
  • Hsu, T. K., Tsai, Y. F., & Wu, H. H. (2009). The Preference Analysis for Tourist Choice of Destination: A Case Study of Taiwan. Tourism Management, 30 (2), 288–297.
  • Iso-Ahola, S. E. (1982). Toward a Social Psychological Theory Of Tourism Motivation: A Rejoinder. Annals of Tourism Research, 9 (2), 256–262.
  • Jang, S. S., & Cai, L. A. (2002). Travel Motivations and Destination Choice: A Study of British Outbound Market, Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 13 (3), 111–133.
  • Jolliffe, I. T. (2011). Principal Component Analysis (2nd. edition). Springer.
  • Karasar, N. (2018). Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemleri (33rd ed.). Nobel Akademi Yayıncılık.
  • Khuong, M. N., & Ha, H. T. T. (2014). The Influences of Push and Pull Factors on The International Leisure Tourists’ Return Intention to Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam — A Mediation Analysis of Destination Satisfaction, International Journal of Trade, Economics and Finance, 5 (6), 490–496.,
  • Kim, S. S., & Prideaux, B. (2005). Marketing Implications Arising From A Comparative Study of İnternational Pleasure Tourist Motivations and Other Travel-Related Characteristics of Visitors to Korea, Tourism Management, 26 (3), 347–357.
  • Kim, S. S., Lee, C. K., & Klenosky, D. B. (2003). The Influence of Push and Pull Factors At Korean National Parks, Tourism Management, 24 (2), 169–180.
  • Kim, S., & Lee, C. (2002). Push and Pull Relationships, Annals of Tourism Research, 29 (1) , 257–260.
  • Klenosky, D. B. (2002). The “Pull” of Tourism Destinations: A Means-End Investigation, Journal of Travel Research, 40 (4), 396–403.
  • Kothari, C. R. (2004). Research Methodology: Methods and Techniques (2nd. edition). New Age International.
  • KÜLTÜR ve TURİZM BAKANLIĞI. (2007). Türkiye Turizm Stratejisi (2023).,ttstratejisi2023pdf.pdf?0
  • KÜLTÜR ve TURİZM BAKANLIĞI. (2018). Araştırma ve Raporlar.
  • Li, M., Cai, L. A., Lehto, X. Y., & Huang, J. Z. (2010). A Missing Link in Understanding Revisit İntention-The Role of Motivation and Image, Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing, 27 (4), 335–348.
  • MacDonald, S. ve N. Headlam. (2008). Research Methods Handbook: Introductory Guide to Research Methods for Social Research. Centre for Local Economic Strategies.
  • Michael, N., Wien, C., & Reisinger, Y. (2017). Push and Pull Escape Travel Motivations of Emirati Nationals to Australia. International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research, 11 (3), 274–296.
  • Milman, A., & Pizam, A. (1995). The Role of Awareness and Familiarity with a Destination: The Central Florida Case, Journal of Travel Research, 33 (3), 21–27.
  • Mohammad, B. A. M. A.-H., & Som, A. P. M. (2010). An Analysis of Push and Pull Travel Motivations of Foreign Tourists to Jordan, International Journal of Business and Management, 5 (12), 41–50.
  • Ngoc, K. M., & Trinh, N. T. (2015). Factors Affecting Tourists’ Return Intention towards Vung Tau City, Vietnam-A Mediation Analysis of Destination Satisfaction, Journal of Advanced Management Science, 3 (4), 292–298.
  • Park, K. S., Reisinger, Y., & Kang, H. J. (2008). Visitors ’ Motivation For Attending The South Beach Wine And Food Festival, Miami Beach, Florida, Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing, 25 (2), 161-181.
  • Pérez Gálvez, J. C., López-Guzmán, T., Buiza, F. C., & Medina-Viruel, M. J. (2017). Gastronomy as An Element of Attraction in a Tourist Destination: The Case of Lima, Peru. Journal of Ethnic Foods, 4 (4), 254–261.
  • Ramkissoon, H., & Uysal, M. S. (2011). The Effects of Perceived Authenticity , Information Search Behaviour , Motivation and Destination Imagery on Cultural Behavioural Intentions of Tourists, Current Issues in Tourism, 14 (6), 537–562.
  • Sandybayev, A. (2016). Gastronomic Tourism as a Destination Attraction in Kazakhstan, International Journal of Case Studies, 5 (7), 01–07.
  • Smith, S. L. J. (1994). The Tourism Product. Annals of Tourism Research, 21 (3), 582–595.
  • Tekin, E., & Demirel, S. K. (2018). Kastamonu İlinin Arap Turizm Potansiyeli Üzerine Bir SWOT Analizi, Uluslararası Türk Dünyası Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi, 3 (1), 14–27.
  • Tikkanen, I. (2007). Maslow ’s Hierarchy and Food Tourism in Finland: Five Cases. 109 (9), 721–734.
  • Umanets, A., Ferreira, A., & Leite, N. (2014). GuideMe – A Tourist Guide with a Recommender System and Social Interaction, Procedia Technology, 17, 407–414.
  • UNWTO, (2007). Sustainable Tourism Indicators and Destination Management. April, 25–27, Montenegro.
  • Vengesayi, S., Mavondo, F. & Reisinger, Y. (2009). Tourism Destination Attractiveness: Attractions, Facilities, and People as Predictors, Tourism Analysis, 14 (5):621-636
  • Yoon, Y., & Uysal, M. (2005). An Examination of The Effects of Motivation and Satisfaction on Destination Loyalty: A Structural Model. Tourism Management, 26 (1), 45–56.
There are 49 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Tourism (Other)
Journal Section Articles

Oğuz Türkay 0000-0002-0752-6799

Burak Atasoy 0000-0002-9742-8112

Publication Date June 15, 2021
Submission Date June 1, 2020
Acceptance Date February 4, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 8 Issue: 1


APA Türkay, O., & Atasoy, B. (2021). İten ve Çeken Faktörlerin Destinasyon Memnuniyetine Etkileri: Yayla ve Şehir Turizmine Katılan Arap Turistler Üzerine Bir Araştırma. Turizm Akademik Dergisi, 8(1), 61-76.
AMA Türkay O, Atasoy B. İten ve Çeken Faktörlerin Destinasyon Memnuniyetine Etkileri: Yayla ve Şehir Turizmine Katılan Arap Turistler Üzerine Bir Araştırma. Turizm Akademik Dergisi. June 2021;8(1):61-76.
Chicago Türkay, Oğuz, and Burak Atasoy. “İten Ve Çeken Faktörlerin Destinasyon Memnuniyetine Etkileri: Yayla Ve Şehir Turizmine Katılan Arap Turistler Üzerine Bir Araştırma”. Turizm Akademik Dergisi 8, no. 1 (June 2021): 61-76.
EndNote Türkay O, Atasoy B (June 1, 2021) İten ve Çeken Faktörlerin Destinasyon Memnuniyetine Etkileri: Yayla ve Şehir Turizmine Katılan Arap Turistler Üzerine Bir Araştırma. Turizm Akademik Dergisi 8 1 61–76.
IEEE O. Türkay and B. Atasoy, “İten ve Çeken Faktörlerin Destinasyon Memnuniyetine Etkileri: Yayla ve Şehir Turizmine Katılan Arap Turistler Üzerine Bir Araştırma”, Turizm Akademik Dergisi, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 61–76, 2021.
ISNAD Türkay, Oğuz - Atasoy, Burak. “İten Ve Çeken Faktörlerin Destinasyon Memnuniyetine Etkileri: Yayla Ve Şehir Turizmine Katılan Arap Turistler Üzerine Bir Araştırma”. Turizm Akademik Dergisi 8/1 (June 2021), 61-76.
JAMA Türkay O, Atasoy B. İten ve Çeken Faktörlerin Destinasyon Memnuniyetine Etkileri: Yayla ve Şehir Turizmine Katılan Arap Turistler Üzerine Bir Araştırma. Turizm Akademik Dergisi. 2021;8:61–76.
MLA Türkay, Oğuz and Burak Atasoy. “İten Ve Çeken Faktörlerin Destinasyon Memnuniyetine Etkileri: Yayla Ve Şehir Turizmine Katılan Arap Turistler Üzerine Bir Araştırma”. Turizm Akademik Dergisi, vol. 8, no. 1, 2021, pp. 61-76.
Vancouver Türkay O, Atasoy B. İten ve Çeken Faktörlerin Destinasyon Memnuniyetine Etkileri: Yayla ve Şehir Turizmine Katılan Arap Turistler Üzerine Bir Araştırma. Turizm Akademik Dergisi. 2021;8(1):61-76.