The pUlpose of this study is to examine counseling students' sense of efficacy regarding school coiinseling practices and their occupational self-esteem hy using hoth quantitative and qualitative measures in a longitudinal design. Measures of students' sense of counseling effIcacy and occupational .'leif esteem have been obtained in Gctober 2001, March 2002 and June 2002. In addition to this,four students wIth high counseling efficacy and four students with low counseling efficacy have been interviewed twice in December 2001 and in May 2002. When compared H'ithprevIous measures obtained in Gctober 2001 and March 2002, a higher correlation was found hern'een scores of counseling self-effieacy scales and oecupational self-esteem during the last measurement period in June 2002. Time eileet was found signijieant for these variables. The experiential sourees that affect students' sense of counseling efficacy has also been determined. The relatIonships hetvveen scales, the differenees betvveen high and low effIcaey students, and the skilfs to he deve!oped in school eoUllseling pmetIees have he en diseussed and reeommendations have been made forfurther research and practice.
Bu arastirmada, okul damsmanhgi uygulamalanna katdan lisans ögrencilerinin okul damsmanhgi uygulamalanna iliskin yetkinlik heklentisi algdan ile mesleki henlik saygilanmn boylamsal olarak nasd degistigi, hem nice! hem de nitel yöntemler kul/amlarak incelenmistir. Ögrencilerin yetkinlik algzlan ve mesleki benlik saygzlanna iliskin birinci ölçÜmler Ekim 2001, Ikinci ölçÜmler Mart 2002 ve ÜçÜncÜ ölçÜmler de Haziran 2002' de elde edilmistir. Ayrica, hu ögrencilerin içInden seçilen dÜsÜk ve yÜksek yetkinlik algdanna sahIp sekiz ögrencIyle Aralik 2001 ve Mayis 2002 aylannda görÜsme yapIImis ve bu yolla da nitel bulgular elde edilmistir. Bulgulara göre, önceki ölçÜmlerle (Ekim 2001 ve Mart 2002) kiyaslandig/J1da, son ölçÜmlerde (HazIran 2002), yetkinlik heklentisi ile henlik saygisi degiskenlerI aras/nda daha yüksek hir Iliski saptanmis ve zamal1ln (uygulama çalIsmalarin/J1) hu degIskenler üzerInde anlamII bir etkIsInIn oldugu ortaya çikmistir. Ayrica, ögrencilerin rehherlik uygulamalarinda kendilerInI yetkin hissetmelerini sac~layan yasantIsal kaynaklarla ilgili hilgiler elde ediimIstir. Tartisma kisminda ise ölçeklerin kendi aralanndakI iliskiler ve dÜsÜk-yÜksek yetkinlik algilarina sahIp ögrenciler aras/J1daki farkldiklar gibi konular Üzerinde durularak önerilerde bulunulmustui:
Primary Language | Turkish |
Journal Section | Makaleler |
Authors | |
Publication Date | June 11, 2005 |
Published in Issue | Year 2005 Volume: 3 Issue: 24 |
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