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Relationship of Optimism and Gender to Coping with Eai1hquake Stress

Year 2006, Volume: 3 Issue: 25, 7 - 16, 17.04.2006


The purpose ofthis study was to investigate if college students' coping strategies 18 months following the August 17th and November 12th earthquakes (the Marmara Earthquakes) varied according to their gender and level of optimism. A volunteer sample of 161 college students who had experienced the quakes was used. The CSS (Aysan, 1994) and the YYT (Aydin & Tezer, 1991) were used in data collection. Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) was used in data analysis. The results show ed that students' scores on the three ofthe subscales of the CSS (social support, problem solving, and avoidance) did not differ according to the ir level of optimism (higher and lower) or the ir gender. The findings were interpreted in accordance with the existing literature on coping and optimism. Limitations of the study, r commendations for future re search and mental health professionals were discussed.


  • Amerikan Psikiyatri Birliği (APA). (1994). Men- tal bozuklukların tanısal ve sayımsal el kitabı, (DMS-IV) E. Köroğlu (Çev.). Ankara: Hekimler Yayın Birliği.
  • in Asian American and Caucasian american college students.
  • Journal ofCaunseling Psychologı, 43(1), 113- 123.
  • Chang, E. C. (1998a). Disposal optimism and primary and secondary appraisal of a stressor: Conrolling for confound- ing inşuences and relations to coping and psychological and physical adjustment. Journal' of Personality and Social Psy— chology. 74(4), 1109- 1120.
  • Pain coping strategies in osteoartriritis patients. Journal of
  • Counsulting and Clinical Psycholog). 55(2), 208— 212.
  • Kısaç, l. & B. Yesilyaprak (2001) Stress reactions of the people still live in Monnara Region ( Turkey) arter the earthquakes: a follow up study VII. European Travmatic Stres Congress, (26—29 May) Edinburg, Scotland.
  • Lai, J. C. L.; Cheung, H.; Lee, W. & Yu, H. (1998). The utility of the revised life orientation test to measure 0p- timism among Hong Kong Chinese. International Journal of Psychologı. 33(1), 45- 56.
  • Lai, S. C. L. & Wong, W. S. (1998). Optimism and coping with unemployment among Hong Kong Chinese Wom- en. Journal of Research Personally 32, 454— 479.
  • Major, B., Richards, e., Cooper, M. L., Cozzarelli, C.. & Zubek, S. (1998). Personal resilience, cognitive appraisals, & coping: An integrative model of adjustment to abortion. Journal ofPersonaliiy and Social Eychology. MÜ), 735— 752.
  • Özcankaya, R. & Acar, A. (1996). Isparta Senirkent felaketinden etkilenen kişilerde ruhsal belirtiler dağılımı. Kriz Dergisi, 4(1): 45- 55.
  • Pfefferbaum, B. (1997). Posttraumatic stres disorder in children: A review of the past 10 years. Journal of American acad Child Adolescent Psychiatry, 36, 503- 151.
  • Paynoos, R. S., Goenjian, A., Tashijan, M., Kara- kashian, M., Manjikian, R., Manoukian, G., Steinberg, A., & Fairbanks, L. (1993). Posttraumaticstres reactions in children of the 1988 Armenian earthquake. British Journal of Psychiatry 163, 239- 247.
  • _ Feride Bacanli, Leyla Ercan
  • Paynoos, R. S. & Nader, K. (1993). Issues in the treat- ment of post- traumatic stress in children and adolescents. In J. P. Wilson & B. Raphael (Eds). International Handbook Of Traumatic Stress Syndromes. New York: Plenum Press.
  • Richard, T., & Bates, C. (1998). Helping childrens’ posttraumatic stress. Education Digest. 63(8), 64— 68.
  • Scheier, M. P., & Carver, C. S. (1985). Optimism, coping, and health: Assessment and implications of generalized Outcome expectancies. Health Psychology, 4: 219- 247.
  • Scheier, M. F., Weintraup, J. K., & Carver, C. S. (1986). Coping with stress: Divergent strategies of optimists and pessimists. Journal ofPersonaliıy and Social Psychology, 51:1257-1264.
  • Sayıl, I., Canat, S., Akder, R., Kılıç, E. Ö., Uslu, R., Özgüven, H. D. & Öncü, B. (2000). Depremzede ailelere yöne— lik koruyucu müdahale çalışması. 36. Ulusal Psikiyatri Kon- gresi, 3- ? Ekim, Antalya.
  • Scheier, M. F., & Carver, C. S. (1987). Dispositional optimism and physical well- being: The inşuence of general- ized outcome expectancies on health. Journal of Personality. 55, 2: 169- 210.
  • Scheier, M. F., & Carver, C. S. (1992). Effect of opti- mism on psychological and physical well- being: thorical over- view and emprical update. Cognitive Theraphy and Research, l6(2), 201- 228.
  • Scheier, M. F., Carver, C. S. & Bridges, M. W. (1994). Distinguishing optimism from neuroticism (and trait anxiety, self— mastery, and se1f- esteem): A Revalutiorı of the life orien- tation test. Journal ofPersonoliiy and Social Psychology, 67(6), 1069- 1073
  • Soykan, A. & C. Soykan (2000). Psikolojik Deprem. Cogito Deprem Özel Sayısı, İstanbul, Yapı Kredi Yayınlan, 20: 21 5-223.
  • Türküm, S. A. (1999). Stresle Başaçılcma ve iyimserlik. Eskişehir: Anadolu Üniveritesi Yayınları; No. 1098.
  • Post- Traumatic Stress Disorders concepts and therapy. New York: Wiley & Sons. Voi : HINO :25
  • Turkish Psychological Counseling and Guidance Journal

Deprem Stresiyle Basa Çıkmanın İyimserlik ve Cinsiyete Göre İncelenmesi

Year 2006, Volume: 3 Issue: 25, 7 - 16, 17.04.2006


Bu arastirma 17 Agustos ve 12 Kasim 1999 tarihlerinde Türkiye' de gerçeklesen Marmara bölgesi depremlerini yasayan üniversite ögrencileri üzerine yapilmistir. Arastirmanin amaci, deprem felaketini yasayan üniversite ögrencilerinin depremden 18 ay sonraki deprem stresiyle basaçikmada kullandiklari stratejilerin iyimserlik düzeylerine ve cinsiyete göre anlamli bir fark gösterip göstermedigini saptamaktir. Arastirmaya 161 gönüllü depremzede ögrenci katilmistir. Veriler BSÖ (Aysan, 1994) ve YYT (Aydin ve Tezer, 1991) ile toplanmistir. Verilerin analizinde çok yönlü ve çok degiskenli MANOVA kullanilmistir. Arastirmanin bulgulari, depremzede ögrencilerin BSÖ' nin üç alt ölçeginden (sosyal destek arama, problem çözme ve kaçinma) aldiklari puanlar arasinda iyimserlik düzeylerine (yüksek ve düsük) ve cinsiyete göre anlamli bir fark bulunmadigini göstermistir. Bulgular basaçikma ve iyimserlik iliskilerinin incelendigi literatür isiginda tartisilmistir. Arastirmanin bulgularina dayali olarak ruhsagligi hizmetlerini sunan uygulayicilara ve gelecekte yapilacak arastirmalara yönelik öneriler sunulmustur.


  • Amerikan Psikiyatri Birliği (APA). (1994). Men- tal bozuklukların tanısal ve sayımsal el kitabı, (DMS-IV) E. Köroğlu (Çev.). Ankara: Hekimler Yayın Birliği.
  • in Asian American and Caucasian american college students.
  • Journal ofCaunseling Psychologı, 43(1), 113- 123.
  • Chang, E. C. (1998a). Disposal optimism and primary and secondary appraisal of a stressor: Conrolling for confound- ing inşuences and relations to coping and psychological and physical adjustment. Journal' of Personality and Social Psy— chology. 74(4), 1109- 1120.
  • Pain coping strategies in osteoartriritis patients. Journal of
  • Counsulting and Clinical Psycholog). 55(2), 208— 212.
  • Kısaç, l. & B. Yesilyaprak (2001) Stress reactions of the people still live in Monnara Region ( Turkey) arter the earthquakes: a follow up study VII. European Travmatic Stres Congress, (26—29 May) Edinburg, Scotland.
  • Lai, J. C. L.; Cheung, H.; Lee, W. & Yu, H. (1998). The utility of the revised life orientation test to measure 0p- timism among Hong Kong Chinese. International Journal of Psychologı. 33(1), 45- 56.
  • Lai, S. C. L. & Wong, W. S. (1998). Optimism and coping with unemployment among Hong Kong Chinese Wom- en. Journal of Research Personally 32, 454— 479.
  • Major, B., Richards, e., Cooper, M. L., Cozzarelli, C.. & Zubek, S. (1998). Personal resilience, cognitive appraisals, & coping: An integrative model of adjustment to abortion. Journal ofPersonaliiy and Social Eychology. MÜ), 735— 752.
  • Özcankaya, R. & Acar, A. (1996). Isparta Senirkent felaketinden etkilenen kişilerde ruhsal belirtiler dağılımı. Kriz Dergisi, 4(1): 45- 55.
  • Pfefferbaum, B. (1997). Posttraumatic stres disorder in children: A review of the past 10 years. Journal of American acad Child Adolescent Psychiatry, 36, 503- 151.
  • Paynoos, R. S., Goenjian, A., Tashijan, M., Kara- kashian, M., Manjikian, R., Manoukian, G., Steinberg, A., & Fairbanks, L. (1993). Posttraumaticstres reactions in children of the 1988 Armenian earthquake. British Journal of Psychiatry 163, 239- 247.
  • _ Feride Bacanli, Leyla Ercan
  • Paynoos, R. S. & Nader, K. (1993). Issues in the treat- ment of post- traumatic stress in children and adolescents. In J. P. Wilson & B. Raphael (Eds). International Handbook Of Traumatic Stress Syndromes. New York: Plenum Press.
  • Richard, T., & Bates, C. (1998). Helping childrens’ posttraumatic stress. Education Digest. 63(8), 64— 68.
  • Scheier, M. P., & Carver, C. S. (1985). Optimism, coping, and health: Assessment and implications of generalized Outcome expectancies. Health Psychology, 4: 219- 247.
  • Scheier, M. F., Weintraup, J. K., & Carver, C. S. (1986). Coping with stress: Divergent strategies of optimists and pessimists. Journal ofPersonaliıy and Social Psychology, 51:1257-1264.
  • Sayıl, I., Canat, S., Akder, R., Kılıç, E. Ö., Uslu, R., Özgüven, H. D. & Öncü, B. (2000). Depremzede ailelere yöne— lik koruyucu müdahale çalışması. 36. Ulusal Psikiyatri Kon- gresi, 3- ? Ekim, Antalya.
  • Scheier, M. F., & Carver, C. S. (1987). Dispositional optimism and physical well- being: The inşuence of general- ized outcome expectancies on health. Journal of Personality. 55, 2: 169- 210.
  • Scheier, M. F., & Carver, C. S. (1992). Effect of opti- mism on psychological and physical well- being: thorical over- view and emprical update. Cognitive Theraphy and Research, l6(2), 201- 228.
  • Scheier, M. F., Carver, C. S. & Bridges, M. W. (1994). Distinguishing optimism from neuroticism (and trait anxiety, self— mastery, and se1f- esteem): A Revalutiorı of the life orien- tation test. Journal ofPersonoliiy and Social Psychology, 67(6), 1069- 1073
  • Soykan, A. & C. Soykan (2000). Psikolojik Deprem. Cogito Deprem Özel Sayısı, İstanbul, Yapı Kredi Yayınlan, 20: 21 5-223.
  • Türküm, S. A. (1999). Stresle Başaçılcma ve iyimserlik. Eskişehir: Anadolu Üniveritesi Yayınları; No. 1098.
  • Post- Traumatic Stress Disorders concepts and therapy. New York: Wiley & Sons. Voi : HINO :25
  • Turkish Psychological Counseling and Guidance Journal
There are 26 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Makaleler

Feride Bacanlı This is me

Leyla Ercan This is me

Publication Date April 17, 2006
Published in Issue Year 2006 Volume: 3 Issue: 25


APA Bacanlı, F., & Ercan, L. (2006). Relationship of Optimism and Gender to Coping with Eai1hquake Stress. Turkish Psychological Counseling and Guidance Journal, 3(25), 7-16.

!! From 30 November 2023, English language proofreading will be required for accepted articles to ensure language quality.