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Year 2006, Volume: 3 Issue: 26, 35 - 45, 18.04.2006


In this study, the differentiation between social efficacy expectancy and automatic thoughts, living place (family-relatives-dormitory) and gender were investigated in high school students. Social Efficacy Expectoncy Scale-Adolescent Form, Personal Information Form and Automatic Thoughts Questionnaire were used to. When analysing the data One Way ANOVA, t-test and LSD test techniques were utilized. The findings of the study are; when the levels of social efficacy expectancy are lower, the number of automatic thoughts of students have higher rate. Students who stayed in dormitory have lower levels of social efficacy expectancy and high rate in the numbers automatic thoughts than other students who were stayed with their family and relatives. There is no significant difference between social efficacy expectancy and au-tomatic thoughts in terms of gender. The findings; high school students who have low levels social efficacy expectancy more negative automatic thoughts, and living in dormitory have in a need of psycho-social support.


  • Bandura, A. (1993). Perceived Self Efficacy in Cognitive Development and Functioning. Educational Psychologist, 28(2), 117 – 148.
  • Bandura, A. (1997). Self – Efficacy. Harward Mental Healt Letter, 13(9), 1 – 4.
  • Bandura, A., Barbaranelli, C., Caprara, G. V. ve Pastorelli, C. (1996). Multifaceted Impact of Self – Efficacy Beliefs on Academic Functioning. Child Development, 67, 1206 – 1222.
  • Bandura, A., Pastorelli, C., Barbaranelli, C., Caprara, G. V. (1999). Self – Efficacy Pathwasy to Childhood Depression. Journal of Personality and social Psychology, 76 (2), 258 – 270.
  • Beck, A. T. (1976). Cognitive Therapy and The Emotional Disorders. New York: Penguin Books USA Inc. 29.
  • Beck, A. T., Freeman, A. ve Davis, D. D. (2004). Cognitive Therapy of Personality Disorders. Second Edition. New York: The Guilford Press. 31.
  • Bilgin, M. (1999). 14 – 18 Yaş Grubu Ergenle- re Yönelik Sosyal Yetkinlik Beklentisi Ölçeği Geliştir- me Çalışması. Türk Psikolojik Danışma ve Rehberlik Dergisi, 12(II), 7 – 15.
  • Biscaro, M., Broser, K. ve Taylor, N. (2004). Self - Efficacy, Alcohol Expectancy and Problem – Solving Appraisal as a Predictors of Alcohol Use in College Students. College Student Journal, 38 (4), 541 – 552.
  • Bozkurt, N. (1998). Lise Öğrencilerinin Okul Başarısızlıklarının Altında Yatan, Depresyonla İlişkili Otomatik Düşünce Kalıpları. İzmir: Dokuz Eylül Üni- versitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Doktora Tezi. III.
  • Caprara, V. G. ve Steca, P. (2005). Self – Efficacy Beliefs as Determinants of Prosocial Behavior Conductive to Life Satisfaction Across Age. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology,24(2), 191 – 217.
  • Coleman, P. K. (2003). Perceptions of Parent – Child Attachment, Social Self – Efficacy and Peer Relationships in Middle Childhood. Infant and Child Development, 12, 351 – 368.
  • Connly, J. (1989). Social Self – Efficacy in Adolescence: Relations with Self – Concept, Social Adjustment and Mental Healt. Akt.: Bilgin, M. (1999). 14 – 18 Yaş Grubu Ergenlere Yönelik Sosyal Yetkinlik Beklentisi Ölçeği Geliştirilme Çalışması. Türk Psikolo- jik Danışma ve Rehberlik Dergisi, 12(II), 7 – 15 .
  • Constantine, M. G., Wilton, L. ve Caldwell, L.D. (2003). The Role of Social Support in Moderating the Relationship Between Psychological Distress and Willingness to Seek Psychological Help Among Black and Latino College Students. Journal of College Counseling. 6, 155 – 165.
  • Demaray, M. K. ve Malecki, C. K. (2002). The Relationship Between Perceived Social Support and Maladjustment for Students at Risk. Psychology in the Schools, 39(3), 305 – 316.
  • Demaray, M. K. ve Malecki, C. K. (2003). Unsolicited Article Related to Mini-Series. Perceptions of the Frequency and Importance of Social Support by Students Classified as Victims, Bullies and Bully – Victims in an Urban Middle School. School Psychology Review, 32(3), 471 – 489.
  • Fan, C. ve Mak, A. S. (1998). Measuring Social Self – Efficacy in a Culturally Diverse Student Population. Social Behavior and Personality, 26(2), 131 – 144.
  • Feltz, D. L. ve Payment, C. A. (2005). Self – Efficacy Beliefs Related to Movement and Mobility. Quest, 57, 24 – 36.
  • Free, M. L. (1999). Cognitive Therapy in Groups. Guidelines and Resources for Practice. Chichester: John Wiley and Soons, Ltd., 61.
  • Gresham, F. M. (1984). Social Skills and Self – Efficacy for Expectional Children. Expectional Children, 51(3), 253 – 260.
  • Gresham, F. M., Evans, S. ve Elliott, S. N. (1988). Self – Efficacy Differences Among Mildly Handicapped , Gifted and Nonhandicapped Students. The Journal of Special Education, 22(2), 231 – 241.
  • Johnson-Reid, M., Davis, L., Saunders, J., Williams, T. ve Williams, J. H. (2005). Academic Self – Efficacy Among African American Youths: Implications for School Social Work Practice. Children and Schools, 27(1), 5 – 14.
  • Kashdan, T. B. ve Roberts, J. E. (2004). Social Anxiety’s Impact on Effect, Curiosity and Social Self – Efficacy During a High Self – Focus Social Threat Situation. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 28(1), 119- 141.
  • Katz, L. F. ve Gottman, J. M. (1997). Buffering Children From Marital Conflict and Dissolution. Journal of Clinical Child Psychology, 26(2), 157 – 171.
  • Kim, J. ve Cicchetti, D. (2003). Social Self – Efficacy and Behavior Problems in Maltreated and Nonmaltreated Children. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 32(1), 106-117.
  • Lane, J., Lane, A. M. ve Kyprianou, A. (2004). Self – Efficacy, Self – Esteem and Their Impact on Academic Performance. Social Behavior and Personality, 32(3), 247 – 256.
  • Leahy, R. L. (2003). Cognitive Therapy Techniques. A Practitioner’s Guide. New York: The Guilford Press., 334.
  • Marshal, M. P. ve Chassin, L. (2000). Peer Influence on Adolescent Alcohol Use: The Moderating Role of Parental Support And Discipline. Applied Developmental Science, 4(2), 80 – 88.
  • Matsushima, R. ve Shiomi, K. (2003). Social Self - Efficacy and Interpersonal Stress in Adolescence. Social Behavior and Personality, 31(4), 323 – 332.
  • Natvig, G. K., Albrektsen, G. ve Qvarnstrom, U. (2003). Methods of Teaching and Class Participation in Relation to Perceived Social Support and Stress: Modifiable Factors for Improving Healt and Wellbeing Among Students. Educational Psychology, 23(3), 261 – 274.
  • Payne, R. ve Jahoda, A. (2004). The Glasgow Social Self – Efficacy Scale – A New Scale for Measuring Social Self – Efficacy in People with Intellectual Disability. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, 11, 265 – 274.
  • Persons, J. B. (1989). Cognitive Therapy in Practice. A Case Formulation Approach. New York: Penguin Books Canada Ltd., 116.
  • Rosenfeld, L. B. ve Richman, J. M. (2003). Social Support and Educational Outcomes for Students in Out-of-Home Care. Children and Schools, 25(2), 69 – 86.
  • Savaşır, I. ve Şahin, N. H. (1997). Bilişsel Davranışçı Terapilerde Değerlendirme: Sık Kullanılan Ölçekler. Ankara: Türk Psikologlar Derneği Yayınları, 39 – 45.
  • Schunk, D. H. (1989). Self – Efficacy and Cognitive Achievement: Implications for Students with Learning Problems. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 27(1), 14 - 22.
  • Schunk, D. H. (1990). Goal Setting and Self – Efficacy During Self
  • – Regulated Learning.
  • Educatioanl Psychologist, 25(1), 71 – 86.
  • Schunk, D. H. (1991). Self – Efficacy and Academic Motivation. Educational Psychologist, 26(3- 4), 207 – 231.
  • Schunk, D. H. ve Gunn, T. P. (1986). Self – Efficacy and Skill Development: Influence of Task Strategies and Attributions. Journal of Educational Research, 79(4), 238 – 244.
  • Scott, A. B. ve Mallinckrodt, B. (2005). Parental Emotional Support, Science Self – Efficacy and Choise of science Major in Undergraduate Women. The Career Development Quarterly, 53, 263 – 274.
  • Stanley, M. A. ve Maddux, J. E. (1986). Cognitive Processes in Healt Enhancement: Investigation of a Combined Protection Motivation and Self – Efficacy Model. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 7(2), 101 – 113.
  • Tanrıkulu, T. (2002). Yetiştirme Yurtlarında ve Aile Ortamında Yaşayan Ergenlerin Bilişsel Yapıları (Olumsuz Otomatik Düşünceler) ve Problem Çözme Becerileri Açısından İncelenmesi. İstanbul: Marmara Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Yüksek Lisans Tezi, 86-87.
  • Troxel, W. M. ve Matthews, K. A. (2004). What are the Costs of Marital Conflict and Dissolution to Children’s Physical Healt. Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review, 7(1), 29 – 57.
  • Wells, A. (1997). Cognitive Therapy of Anxiety Disorders. A Practice Manual and Conceptual Guide. New York: John Wiley and Sons., 4 – 5.
  • Yuehua, T. ve Shanggui, S. (2004). A Study on General Self – Efficacy and Subjective Well – Being of Low SES College Students in a Chinese University. College Student Journal, 38(4), 637 – 643.
  • Zaleski, E. H., Levey-Thors, C. ve Schiaffino, K. M. (1998). Coping Mechanisms, Stress, Social Supportand Healt Problems in College Students. Applied Developmental Science, 2(3), 127 – 137.

Lise Öğrencilerinde Sosyal Yetkinlik Beklentisi ve Otomatik Düşüncelerin, Yaşanılan Sosyal Birim ve Cinsiyet Açısından İncelenmesi

Year 2006, Volume: 3 Issue: 26, 35 - 45, 18.04.2006


Bu araştırmada, lise öğrencilerinde sosyal yet-kinlik beklentisi ve otomatik düşüncelerin, öğrencinin yaşadığı sosyal birim (aile, akraba yanı, yurt) ve cinsiyete göre farklılaşıp farklılaşmadığı incelenmiştir. Örneklem toplam 455 öğrenciden oluşmaktadır. Verilerin toplanması amacıyla Sosyal Yetkinlik Beklentisi Ölçeği Ergen Formu, Otomatik Düşünceler Ölçeği ve Kişi-sel Bilgi Formu kullanılmıştır. Verilerin analizinde Tek Yönlü Varyans Analizi, t-testi ve LSD tekniklerinden yararlanılmıştır. Araştırmada elde edilen bulgular, lise öğrencilerinde sosyal yetkinlik beklentisi düştükçe olumsuz otomatik düşüncelerin arttığını; yurtta kalan öğrencilerde, aile ve akraba yanında kalan öğrencilere göre sosyal yetkinlik beklentisinin daha düşük, olumsuz otomatik düşüncelerin ise daha fazla olduğunu göstermektedir. Araştırmada ayrıca cinsiyete göre sosyal yetkinlik beklentisi ve otomatik düşünceler açısından önemli bir farklılığın bulunmadığı saptanmıştır. Elde edilen bulgular; sosyal yetkinlik beklentisi düzeyi düşük, olumsuz otomatik düşünceleri yoğun olan ve yurtta kalan lise öğrencilerinin, psikososyal desteğe daha çok ihtiyaç duyduklarını göstermektedir.


  • Bandura, A. (1993). Perceived Self Efficacy in Cognitive Development and Functioning. Educational Psychologist, 28(2), 117 – 148.
  • Bandura, A. (1997). Self – Efficacy. Harward Mental Healt Letter, 13(9), 1 – 4.
  • Bandura, A., Barbaranelli, C., Caprara, G. V. ve Pastorelli, C. (1996). Multifaceted Impact of Self – Efficacy Beliefs on Academic Functioning. Child Development, 67, 1206 – 1222.
  • Bandura, A., Pastorelli, C., Barbaranelli, C., Caprara, G. V. (1999). Self – Efficacy Pathwasy to Childhood Depression. Journal of Personality and social Psychology, 76 (2), 258 – 270.
  • Beck, A. T. (1976). Cognitive Therapy and The Emotional Disorders. New York: Penguin Books USA Inc. 29.
  • Beck, A. T., Freeman, A. ve Davis, D. D. (2004). Cognitive Therapy of Personality Disorders. Second Edition. New York: The Guilford Press. 31.
  • Bilgin, M. (1999). 14 – 18 Yaş Grubu Ergenle- re Yönelik Sosyal Yetkinlik Beklentisi Ölçeği Geliştir- me Çalışması. Türk Psikolojik Danışma ve Rehberlik Dergisi, 12(II), 7 – 15.
  • Biscaro, M., Broser, K. ve Taylor, N. (2004). Self - Efficacy, Alcohol Expectancy and Problem – Solving Appraisal as a Predictors of Alcohol Use in College Students. College Student Journal, 38 (4), 541 – 552.
  • Bozkurt, N. (1998). Lise Öğrencilerinin Okul Başarısızlıklarının Altında Yatan, Depresyonla İlişkili Otomatik Düşünce Kalıpları. İzmir: Dokuz Eylül Üni- versitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Doktora Tezi. III.
  • Caprara, V. G. ve Steca, P. (2005). Self – Efficacy Beliefs as Determinants of Prosocial Behavior Conductive to Life Satisfaction Across Age. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology,24(2), 191 – 217.
  • Coleman, P. K. (2003). Perceptions of Parent – Child Attachment, Social Self – Efficacy and Peer Relationships in Middle Childhood. Infant and Child Development, 12, 351 – 368.
  • Connly, J. (1989). Social Self – Efficacy in Adolescence: Relations with Self – Concept, Social Adjustment and Mental Healt. Akt.: Bilgin, M. (1999). 14 – 18 Yaş Grubu Ergenlere Yönelik Sosyal Yetkinlik Beklentisi Ölçeği Geliştirilme Çalışması. Türk Psikolo- jik Danışma ve Rehberlik Dergisi, 12(II), 7 – 15 .
  • Constantine, M. G., Wilton, L. ve Caldwell, L.D. (2003). The Role of Social Support in Moderating the Relationship Between Psychological Distress and Willingness to Seek Psychological Help Among Black and Latino College Students. Journal of College Counseling. 6, 155 – 165.
  • Demaray, M. K. ve Malecki, C. K. (2002). The Relationship Between Perceived Social Support and Maladjustment for Students at Risk. Psychology in the Schools, 39(3), 305 – 316.
  • Demaray, M. K. ve Malecki, C. K. (2003). Unsolicited Article Related to Mini-Series. Perceptions of the Frequency and Importance of Social Support by Students Classified as Victims, Bullies and Bully – Victims in an Urban Middle School. School Psychology Review, 32(3), 471 – 489.
  • Fan, C. ve Mak, A. S. (1998). Measuring Social Self – Efficacy in a Culturally Diverse Student Population. Social Behavior and Personality, 26(2), 131 – 144.
  • Feltz, D. L. ve Payment, C. A. (2005). Self – Efficacy Beliefs Related to Movement and Mobility. Quest, 57, 24 – 36.
  • Free, M. L. (1999). Cognitive Therapy in Groups. Guidelines and Resources for Practice. Chichester: John Wiley and Soons, Ltd., 61.
  • Gresham, F. M. (1984). Social Skills and Self – Efficacy for Expectional Children. Expectional Children, 51(3), 253 – 260.
  • Gresham, F. M., Evans, S. ve Elliott, S. N. (1988). Self – Efficacy Differences Among Mildly Handicapped , Gifted and Nonhandicapped Students. The Journal of Special Education, 22(2), 231 – 241.
  • Johnson-Reid, M., Davis, L., Saunders, J., Williams, T. ve Williams, J. H. (2005). Academic Self – Efficacy Among African American Youths: Implications for School Social Work Practice. Children and Schools, 27(1), 5 – 14.
  • Kashdan, T. B. ve Roberts, J. E. (2004). Social Anxiety’s Impact on Effect, Curiosity and Social Self – Efficacy During a High Self – Focus Social Threat Situation. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 28(1), 119- 141.
  • Katz, L. F. ve Gottman, J. M. (1997). Buffering Children From Marital Conflict and Dissolution. Journal of Clinical Child Psychology, 26(2), 157 – 171.
  • Kim, J. ve Cicchetti, D. (2003). Social Self – Efficacy and Behavior Problems in Maltreated and Nonmaltreated Children. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 32(1), 106-117.
  • Lane, J., Lane, A. M. ve Kyprianou, A. (2004). Self – Efficacy, Self – Esteem and Their Impact on Academic Performance. Social Behavior and Personality, 32(3), 247 – 256.
  • Leahy, R. L. (2003). Cognitive Therapy Techniques. A Practitioner’s Guide. New York: The Guilford Press., 334.
  • Marshal, M. P. ve Chassin, L. (2000). Peer Influence on Adolescent Alcohol Use: The Moderating Role of Parental Support And Discipline. Applied Developmental Science, 4(2), 80 – 88.
  • Matsushima, R. ve Shiomi, K. (2003). Social Self - Efficacy and Interpersonal Stress in Adolescence. Social Behavior and Personality, 31(4), 323 – 332.
  • Natvig, G. K., Albrektsen, G. ve Qvarnstrom, U. (2003). Methods of Teaching and Class Participation in Relation to Perceived Social Support and Stress: Modifiable Factors for Improving Healt and Wellbeing Among Students. Educational Psychology, 23(3), 261 – 274.
  • Payne, R. ve Jahoda, A. (2004). The Glasgow Social Self – Efficacy Scale – A New Scale for Measuring Social Self – Efficacy in People with Intellectual Disability. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, 11, 265 – 274.
  • Persons, J. B. (1989). Cognitive Therapy in Practice. A Case Formulation Approach. New York: Penguin Books Canada Ltd., 116.
  • Rosenfeld, L. B. ve Richman, J. M. (2003). Social Support and Educational Outcomes for Students in Out-of-Home Care. Children and Schools, 25(2), 69 – 86.
  • Savaşır, I. ve Şahin, N. H. (1997). Bilişsel Davranışçı Terapilerde Değerlendirme: Sık Kullanılan Ölçekler. Ankara: Türk Psikologlar Derneği Yayınları, 39 – 45.
  • Schunk, D. H. (1989). Self – Efficacy and Cognitive Achievement: Implications for Students with Learning Problems. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 27(1), 14 - 22.
  • Schunk, D. H. (1990). Goal Setting and Self – Efficacy During Self
  • – Regulated Learning.
  • Educatioanl Psychologist, 25(1), 71 – 86.
  • Schunk, D. H. (1991). Self – Efficacy and Academic Motivation. Educational Psychologist, 26(3- 4), 207 – 231.
  • Schunk, D. H. ve Gunn, T. P. (1986). Self – Efficacy and Skill Development: Influence of Task Strategies and Attributions. Journal of Educational Research, 79(4), 238 – 244.
  • Scott, A. B. ve Mallinckrodt, B. (2005). Parental Emotional Support, Science Self – Efficacy and Choise of science Major in Undergraduate Women. The Career Development Quarterly, 53, 263 – 274.
  • Stanley, M. A. ve Maddux, J. E. (1986). Cognitive Processes in Healt Enhancement: Investigation of a Combined Protection Motivation and Self – Efficacy Model. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 7(2), 101 – 113.
  • Tanrıkulu, T. (2002). Yetiştirme Yurtlarında ve Aile Ortamında Yaşayan Ergenlerin Bilişsel Yapıları (Olumsuz Otomatik Düşünceler) ve Problem Çözme Becerileri Açısından İncelenmesi. İstanbul: Marmara Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Yüksek Lisans Tezi, 86-87.
  • Troxel, W. M. ve Matthews, K. A. (2004). What are the Costs of Marital Conflict and Dissolution to Children’s Physical Healt. Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review, 7(1), 29 – 57.
  • Wells, A. (1997). Cognitive Therapy of Anxiety Disorders. A Practice Manual and Conceptual Guide. New York: John Wiley and Sons., 4 – 5.
  • Yuehua, T. ve Shanggui, S. (2004). A Study on General Self – Efficacy and Subjective Well – Being of Low SES College Students in a Chinese University. College Student Journal, 38(4), 637 – 643.
  • Zaleski, E. H., Levey-Thors, C. ve Schiaffino, K. M. (1998). Coping Mechanisms, Stress, Social Supportand Healt Problems in College Students. Applied Developmental Science, 2(3), 127 – 137.
There are 46 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Makaleler

T. Fikret Karahan This is me

Mehmet E. Sardoğan This is me

Eyüp Özkamalı This is me

Özlem Menteş This is me

Publication Date April 18, 2006
Published in Issue Year 2006 Volume: 3 Issue: 26


APA Karahan, T. F., Sardoğan, M. E., Özkamalı, E., Menteş, Ö. (2006). AN INVESTIGATION OF SOCIAL EFFICACY EXPECTANCY AND AUTOMATIC THOUGHTS IN HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS ACCORDING TO THE LIVING PLACES, AND GENDER. Turkish Psychological Counseling and Guidance Journal, 3(26), 35-45.

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