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Self-Determination Theory and Relationship between Perception of Parents and Emotional Well-Being of Adolescents

Year 2012, Volume: 4 Issue: 37, 24 - 37, 27.05.2012


The aim of the present study explored the unique contribution of parents on adolescents’ emotional well-being through the perspective of Self-Determination Theory. This study examined whether perception of parents directly effected adolescents’ emotional well-being (i.e., positive affect and negative affect) or whether these effects were mediated though the function in a self-determined way (autonomous development). The direct paths suggested that autonomy supportive relationships with parents promote feelings of emotional well-being for adolescents. However, the indirect paths proposed that autonomy supportive relationships with parents had indirect influences on emotional well-being in a self-determined way. Autonomy supportive relationships with parent likely foster high levels self-determined functions, which in turn have been linked with high levels of emotional well-being. A total of 525 high school students, from 9th to 12th grade, participated from Çanakkale. The data were obtained by using the Perceptions of Parents Scale (POPS), Positive-Negative Affect Scales (PANAS), and Self-Determination Scale (SDS). The model suggested in the present study was applied to the data using Lisrel 8.54.The results revealed that self-determination mediated the relationship between parent relationship and emotional well-being. These findings suggested that parent autonomy supportiveness foster adolescents’ emotional well-being by promoting high levels of self-determination.


  • Allen, J. P., Marsh, P., McFarland, C., McElhaney, K. B., Land, D. J., Jodl, K. M. ve Peck, S. D. (2002). Attachment and autonomy as predictors of the development of social skills and delinquency during midadolescence. Journal of Consulting & Clinical Psychology, 70, 56-66.
  • Anderson, J. C., ve Gerbing, D. W. (1988). Structural equation modeling in practice: A review and recommended two-step approach. Psychological Bulletin, 103, 411–423.
  • Chirkov, V., Ryan, R.M., Kim, Y., ve Kaplan, U. (2003). Differentiating autonomy from individualism and independence: A self-determination theory perspective on internalization of cultural orientations and well- being. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 84(1), 97–110.
  • Cihangir-Çankaya, Z. (2009). Özerklik desteği, temel psikolojik ihtiyaçların doyumu ve öznel iyi olma: Öz-belirleme kuramı. Türk Psikolojik Danışma ve Rehberlik Dergisi, 4(31), 32-31.
  • Cotterell, J. L. (1992). The relation of attachments and supports to adolescent well-being and school adjustment. Journal of Adolescent Research, 7, 28-42.
  • Deci, E. L., ve Ryan, R. M. (2000). The “what” and “why” of goal pursuits: Human needs and the self-determination of behavior. Psychological Inquiry, 11, 227-268.
  • Deci, E. L., Ryan, R. M., ve Williams, G. C. (1996). Need satisfaction and the self-regulation of learning. Learning and Individual Differences, 8, 165-183.
  • Diener, E., Lucas, R. E., ve Oishi, S. (2002). Subjective well- being: The science of happiness and life satisfaction. In C. R. Snyder & S. J. Lopez (Eds.), Handbook of positive psychology (pp. 63-73). New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Elicker, J., Englund, M., ve Sroufe, L. A. (1992). Predicting peer competence and peer relation-ships in childhood from early parent-child relationships. In R.D. Parke ve G.W. Ladd (Eds.), Family-peer relationships: Modes of linkage (pp. 77-106). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
  • Fagan, J., ve Iglesias, A. (1999). Father involvement program effects on fathers, fathers’ figures, and their head start children: A quasi-experimental study. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 14(2), 243-269.
  • Gençöz, T. (2000). Pozitif ve negatif duygu ölçeği: Geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması. Türk Psikoloji Dergisi, 15(46), 19-26.
  • Gray, M. R., ve Steinberg, L. (1999). Unpacking authoritative parenting: Reassessing a multidimensional construct. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 61, 574 –587
  • Grolnick, W. S. (2009). The role of parents in facilitating autonomous self-regulation for education. Theory and Research in Education, 7, 164-173.
  • Grolnick, W. S., Deci, E. L., ve Ryan, R. M. (1997). Internalization within the family: The self- determination theory perspective. In J. E. Grusec & L. Kuczynski (Eds.), Parenting and children’s internalization of values: A handbook of contemporary theory (pp. 135-161). New York: Wiley.
  • Grolnick, W. S., Gurland, S. T., Jacob, K. F., ve Decourcey, W. (2002). The development of self-determination in middle childhood and adolescence. In A. Wigfield & J. S. Eccles (Eds.), Development of achievement motivation (pp. 147-171). San Diego, CA: Academic Press
  • Grolnick, W. S., Ryan, R. M., ve Deci, E. L. (1991). The inner resources for school performance: Motivational mediators of children’s perceptions of their parents. Journal of Educational Psychology, 83, 508-517.
  • Guay, F., Mageau, G. A., ve Vallerand, R. J. (2003). On the hierarchical structure of self-determined motivation: A test of top-down, bottom-up, reciprocal, and horizonal effects. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 29, 992 – 1004.
  • Guisinger, S., ve Blatt, S. J. (1994). Individuality and relatedness: Evolution of a fundamental dialectic. American Psychologist, 49, 104-111.
  • Hahn, J. ve Oishi, S. (2006). Psychological needs and emotional well-being in older and younger Koreans and Americans. Personality and Individual Differences 40, 689–698.
  • Hu, L. T., ve Bentler, P. M. (1999). Cutoff criteria for fit indexes incovariance structure analysis: Conventional criteria versus new alternatives. Structural Equation Modeling, 6, 1–55.
  • İlhan, T. ve Özbay, Y. (2010). Yaşam amaçlarının ve psikolojik ihtiyaç doyumunun öznel iyi oluş üzerindeki yordayıcı rölü. Türk Psikolojik Danışma ve Rehberlik Dergisi, 4(35), 109-118.
  • Joreskog, K. G., ve Sorbom, D. (2003). LISREL 8.54. Lincolnwood, IL:Scientific Software International.
  • Kağıtçıbaşı, Ç. (2005). Autonomy and relatedness ın cultural context implications for self and family. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 36(4), 403-422.
  • Kart, M., E. ve Güldü, Ö. (2008). Özerk Benlik Yönetimi Ölçeği: Uyarlama çalışması. Ankara Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi, 41(2), 187-207.
  • Kishton, J. M., ve Widaman, K. F. (1994). Unidimensional versus domain representative parceling of questionnaire items: An empirical example. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 54, 757–765.
  • Kocayörük, E. (baskıda). The adaptation of perception of parent scale into the Turkish culture. International Journal of Educational Researchers.
  • Kocayörük, E. ve Sümer, Z. H. (2009). The effects of father involvement training on family functioning and adolescents’ peer relations. Journal of Theory and Practice in Education, 5(1), 3-17.
  • Laible, D. J, Carlo, G. ve Roeschc, S. C. (2004). Pathways to self-esteem in late adolescence: The role of parent and peer attachment, empathy, and social behaviors. Journal of Adolescence 27, 703-716.
  • MacCallum, R. C., ve Austin, J. T. (2000). Applications of structural equation modeling in psychological research. Annual Review of Psychology, 51, 201-226.
  • Niemiec, C. P., Lynch, M. F., Vansteenkiste, M., Bernstein, J., Deci, E. L., ve Ryan, R. M. (2006). The antecedents and consequences of autonomous self-regulation for college: A self-determination theory perspective on socialization. Journal of Adolescence, 29, 761-775.
  • Patrick, H., Knee, C. R., Canevello, A., ve Lonsbary, C. (2007). The role of need fulfillment in relationship functioning and well-being: A self-determination theory perspective. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 92(3), 434-457.
  • Rigby, C. S., Deci, E. L., Patrick, B. C, ve Ryan, R. M. (1992). Beyond the intrinsic-extrinsic dichotomy: Self- determination in motivation and learning. Motivation and Emotion, 16, 165-185.
  • Robbins, R. J. (1994). An assessment of perceptions of parental autonomy support and control: Child and parent correlates. Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation, Department of Psychology, University of Rochester, 1994.
  • Ryan, R., ve Deci, E. (2000). Self-determination theory and the facilitation of intrinsic motivation, social development, and well-being. American Psychologist, 55, 68-78.
  • Ryan, R. M., ve Deci, E. L. (2008). A self-determination approach to psychotherapy: The motivational basis for effective change. Canadian Psychology, 49, 186-193
  • Ryan, R. M., Lynch, M. F., Vansteenkiste, M., ve Deci, E. L. (2010). Motivation and autonomy in counseling, psychotherapy, and behavior change: A look at theory and practice. The Counseling Psychologist, 32, 193– 260.
  • Santrock, J. W. (2005). Adolescence. Boston: McGraw- Hill.
  • Satorra, A., ve Bentler, P. M. (2001). A scaled difference chi-square test statistic for moment structure analysis. Psychometrika, 66 507-514.
  • Schwartz, S. H. (1994). Beyond individualism/collectivism: New cultural dimensions of values. In U. Kim, H. C. Triandis, C. Kağıtçıbaşı, S.-C. Choi, & G. Yoon (Eds.), Individualism and collectivism: Theory, methods, and applications (pp. 85–119). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
  • Sheldon, K. M., Ryan, R. M., ve Reis, H. T. (1996). What makes for a good day? competence and autonomy in the day and in the person. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 22, 1270-1279.
  • Sheldon, K. M., Williams, G. C., ve Joiner, T. (2003). Self- determination theory in the clinic: Motivating physical and mental health. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.
  • Simons, K. J. M., Paternite, C., ve Shore, C. (2001). Quality of parent/adolescent attachment and aggression in young adolescents. Journal of Early Adolescence, 21, 182–203.
  • Soenens, B. ve Vansteenkiste, M. (2005). Antecedents and outcomes of self-determination in 3 life domains: The role of parents’ and teachers’ autonomy support. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 34, 589–604.
  • Soenens, B., Vansteenkiste, M., Lens, W., Luyckx, K., Beyers, W., Goossens, L. ve Ryan, R. M. (2007). Conceptualizing Adolescent perceptions of promotion of independence versus promotion of volitional functioning. Developmental Psychology, 43, 633–646. support:
  • Soenens, B., Vansteenkiste, M. Smits, I., Lowet, K. ve Goossens, L. (2007). The role of intrusive parenting in the relationship between peer management strategies and peer affiliation Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 28, 239–249.
  • Steinberg, L., & Silk, J. S. (2002). Parenting adolescents. In M. H. Bornstein (Ed.), Handbook of parenting: Vol. 1. Children and parenting (2nd ed., pp. 103–133). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum
  • Şahin, R. (2006). The effect of parent education on third grade children’s social skills. Basılmamış doktora tezi, ODTÜ, Ankara..
  • Şimşek, Ö., F. (2006). Yapısal eşitlik modellemesine giriş: Temel İlkeler ve LISREL Uygulamaları. Ankara: Ekinoks Yayıncilik.
  • Thrash, T. M., ve Elliot, A. J. (2002). Implicit and self- attributed achievement motives: Concordance and predictive validity. Journal of Personality, 70, 729-755.
  • Vansteenkiste, M., ve Sheldon, K. M. (2006). There’s nothing more practical than a good theory: Integrating motivational interviewing and self-determination theory. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 45, 63-82.
  • Vansteenkiste, M., Zhou, M., Lens, W., & Soenens, B. (2005). Experiences of autonomy and control among chinese learners: Vitalizing or immobilizing?. Journal of Educational Psychology, 97, 468-483.
  • Véronneau, M-H, Koestner, R. F, ve Abela, J. R.Z. (2005). Intrinsic need satisfaction and well–being in children and adolescents: an application of the Self– determination theory. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 24(2), 280-292.
  • Watson, D., Clark, L. A., ve Tellegen, A. (1988). Development and validation of brief measures of positive and negative affect: The PANAS scales. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 54(6), 1063–1070.
  • Weinstein, N., ve Ryan, R. M. (2010). When helping helps: Autonomous motivation for prosocial behavior and its influence on well-being for the helper and recipient. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 98, 222-244.
  • Wilkinson, R. B. (2004). The role of parental and peer attachment in the psychological health and self-esteem of adolescents. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 33(6), 479–493.
  • Wissink, I.B., Dekovic, M., Yagmur, S., Stams, G.J.J.M. ve Haan, M.J. de (2008). Ethnic identity, externalizing problem behaviour and the mediating role of self-esteem among Dutch, Turkish-Dutch and Moroccan-Dutch adolescents. Journal of Adolescence, 31, 223-240.
  • Yılmazçetin, C. (2003). The relationship between father involvement and behavioral problems of preadolescents. Basılmamış yüksek lisans tezi, Boğaziçi Universitesi, İstanbul.
  • Turkish Psychological Counseling and Guidance Journal / 2012, 4 (37)

Öz-Belirleme Kuramı Açısından Ergenlerin Anne Baba Algısı ile Duyuşsal İyi Oluşları Arasındaki İlişki

Year 2012, Volume: 4 Issue: 37, 24 - 37, 27.05.2012


Bu çalışmada, ergenlerin anne-baba algısı, duyuşsal iyi oluşları (emotional well-being) ve özerk benlik algıları arasındaki ilişki incelenmiştir. Öz-belirleme kuramı görüşleri doğrultusunda özerk benlik yönetimini (self-determination) bir aracı değişken (mediator) olarak değerlendirerek, ergenlerin anne-baba algısı ile iyi-oluşları arasındaki doğrudan ve dolaylı ilişkisi incelemiştir. Ergenlerin anne-baba algıları ile özerk benlik algısı arasındaki ilişkiyi ve bu ilişkinin duyuşsal iyi oluşlarıyla etkileşimini ortaya koymak araştırmanın temel amacıdır. Çalışma, Çanakkale’de iki farklı türdeki okulun (Anadolu Lisesi, Genel Lise) 9. 10. 11. ve 12. sınıflarında eğitim gören 525 öğrenci ile yürütülmüştür. Veri toplama araçları Anne-Baba Algı Ölçeği (ABAÖ), Özerk Benlik Yönetimi Ölçeği (ÖBYÖ) ve Pozitif-Negatif Duygu Ölçeği’dir (PNDÖ). Çalışmada önerilen Yapısal Eşitlik Modeli LISREL 8.54 kullanılarak test edilmiştir. Analizler sonucunda özerk benlik yönetimi algısının, anne algısı ile olumsuz duygu arasında tam aracılık, olumlu duygu ile kısmi aracılık görevi gördüğü belirlenmiştir. Buna karşın, özerk benlik yönetimi algısı, baba algısı ile olumlu ve olumsuz duygu arasında kısmi aracılık görevi görmektedir. Çalışmanın sonuçları, çalışmaya katılan ergenlerin özerk benlik yönetimi algılarının, anne ve baba ile kurulan sağlıklı ilişkiler ve duyuşsal iyi oluşları ile ilişkili olduğu ve bu iki değişken arasındaki ilişkiye aracılık ettiğini ortaya koymaktadır.


  • Allen, J. P., Marsh, P., McFarland, C., McElhaney, K. B., Land, D. J., Jodl, K. M. ve Peck, S. D. (2002). Attachment and autonomy as predictors of the development of social skills and delinquency during midadolescence. Journal of Consulting & Clinical Psychology, 70, 56-66.
  • Anderson, J. C., ve Gerbing, D. W. (1988). Structural equation modeling in practice: A review and recommended two-step approach. Psychological Bulletin, 103, 411–423.
  • Chirkov, V., Ryan, R.M., Kim, Y., ve Kaplan, U. (2003). Differentiating autonomy from individualism and independence: A self-determination theory perspective on internalization of cultural orientations and well- being. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 84(1), 97–110.
  • Cihangir-Çankaya, Z. (2009). Özerklik desteği, temel psikolojik ihtiyaçların doyumu ve öznel iyi olma: Öz-belirleme kuramı. Türk Psikolojik Danışma ve Rehberlik Dergisi, 4(31), 32-31.
  • Cotterell, J. L. (1992). The relation of attachments and supports to adolescent well-being and school adjustment. Journal of Adolescent Research, 7, 28-42.
  • Deci, E. L., ve Ryan, R. M. (2000). The “what” and “why” of goal pursuits: Human needs and the self-determination of behavior. Psychological Inquiry, 11, 227-268.
  • Deci, E. L., Ryan, R. M., ve Williams, G. C. (1996). Need satisfaction and the self-regulation of learning. Learning and Individual Differences, 8, 165-183.
  • Diener, E., Lucas, R. E., ve Oishi, S. (2002). Subjective well- being: The science of happiness and life satisfaction. In C. R. Snyder & S. J. Lopez (Eds.), Handbook of positive psychology (pp. 63-73). New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Elicker, J., Englund, M., ve Sroufe, L. A. (1992). Predicting peer competence and peer relation-ships in childhood from early parent-child relationships. In R.D. Parke ve G.W. Ladd (Eds.), Family-peer relationships: Modes of linkage (pp. 77-106). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
  • Fagan, J., ve Iglesias, A. (1999). Father involvement program effects on fathers, fathers’ figures, and their head start children: A quasi-experimental study. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 14(2), 243-269.
  • Gençöz, T. (2000). Pozitif ve negatif duygu ölçeği: Geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması. Türk Psikoloji Dergisi, 15(46), 19-26.
  • Gray, M. R., ve Steinberg, L. (1999). Unpacking authoritative parenting: Reassessing a multidimensional construct. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 61, 574 –587
  • Grolnick, W. S. (2009). The role of parents in facilitating autonomous self-regulation for education. Theory and Research in Education, 7, 164-173.
  • Grolnick, W. S., Deci, E. L., ve Ryan, R. M. (1997). Internalization within the family: The self- determination theory perspective. In J. E. Grusec & L. Kuczynski (Eds.), Parenting and children’s internalization of values: A handbook of contemporary theory (pp. 135-161). New York: Wiley.
  • Grolnick, W. S., Gurland, S. T., Jacob, K. F., ve Decourcey, W. (2002). The development of self-determination in middle childhood and adolescence. In A. Wigfield & J. S. Eccles (Eds.), Development of achievement motivation (pp. 147-171). San Diego, CA: Academic Press
  • Grolnick, W. S., Ryan, R. M., ve Deci, E. L. (1991). The inner resources for school performance: Motivational mediators of children’s perceptions of their parents. Journal of Educational Psychology, 83, 508-517.
  • Guay, F., Mageau, G. A., ve Vallerand, R. J. (2003). On the hierarchical structure of self-determined motivation: A test of top-down, bottom-up, reciprocal, and horizonal effects. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 29, 992 – 1004.
  • Guisinger, S., ve Blatt, S. J. (1994). Individuality and relatedness: Evolution of a fundamental dialectic. American Psychologist, 49, 104-111.
  • Hahn, J. ve Oishi, S. (2006). Psychological needs and emotional well-being in older and younger Koreans and Americans. Personality and Individual Differences 40, 689–698.
  • Hu, L. T., ve Bentler, P. M. (1999). Cutoff criteria for fit indexes incovariance structure analysis: Conventional criteria versus new alternatives. Structural Equation Modeling, 6, 1–55.
  • İlhan, T. ve Özbay, Y. (2010). Yaşam amaçlarının ve psikolojik ihtiyaç doyumunun öznel iyi oluş üzerindeki yordayıcı rölü. Türk Psikolojik Danışma ve Rehberlik Dergisi, 4(35), 109-118.
  • Joreskog, K. G., ve Sorbom, D. (2003). LISREL 8.54. Lincolnwood, IL:Scientific Software International.
  • Kağıtçıbaşı, Ç. (2005). Autonomy and relatedness ın cultural context implications for self and family. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 36(4), 403-422.
  • Kart, M., E. ve Güldü, Ö. (2008). Özerk Benlik Yönetimi Ölçeği: Uyarlama çalışması. Ankara Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi, 41(2), 187-207.
  • Kishton, J. M., ve Widaman, K. F. (1994). Unidimensional versus domain representative parceling of questionnaire items: An empirical example. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 54, 757–765.
  • Kocayörük, E. (baskıda). The adaptation of perception of parent scale into the Turkish culture. International Journal of Educational Researchers.
  • Kocayörük, E. ve Sümer, Z. H. (2009). The effects of father involvement training on family functioning and adolescents’ peer relations. Journal of Theory and Practice in Education, 5(1), 3-17.
  • Laible, D. J, Carlo, G. ve Roeschc, S. C. (2004). Pathways to self-esteem in late adolescence: The role of parent and peer attachment, empathy, and social behaviors. Journal of Adolescence 27, 703-716.
  • MacCallum, R. C., ve Austin, J. T. (2000). Applications of structural equation modeling in psychological research. Annual Review of Psychology, 51, 201-226.
  • Niemiec, C. P., Lynch, M. F., Vansteenkiste, M., Bernstein, J., Deci, E. L., ve Ryan, R. M. (2006). The antecedents and consequences of autonomous self-regulation for college: A self-determination theory perspective on socialization. Journal of Adolescence, 29, 761-775.
  • Patrick, H., Knee, C. R., Canevello, A., ve Lonsbary, C. (2007). The role of need fulfillment in relationship functioning and well-being: A self-determination theory perspective. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 92(3), 434-457.
  • Rigby, C. S., Deci, E. L., Patrick, B. C, ve Ryan, R. M. (1992). Beyond the intrinsic-extrinsic dichotomy: Self- determination in motivation and learning. Motivation and Emotion, 16, 165-185.
  • Robbins, R. J. (1994). An assessment of perceptions of parental autonomy support and control: Child and parent correlates. Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation, Department of Psychology, University of Rochester, 1994.
  • Ryan, R., ve Deci, E. (2000). Self-determination theory and the facilitation of intrinsic motivation, social development, and well-being. American Psychologist, 55, 68-78.
  • Ryan, R. M., ve Deci, E. L. (2008). A self-determination approach to psychotherapy: The motivational basis for effective change. Canadian Psychology, 49, 186-193
  • Ryan, R. M., Lynch, M. F., Vansteenkiste, M., ve Deci, E. L. (2010). Motivation and autonomy in counseling, psychotherapy, and behavior change: A look at theory and practice. The Counseling Psychologist, 32, 193– 260.
  • Santrock, J. W. (2005). Adolescence. Boston: McGraw- Hill.
  • Satorra, A., ve Bentler, P. M. (2001). A scaled difference chi-square test statistic for moment structure analysis. Psychometrika, 66 507-514.
  • Schwartz, S. H. (1994). Beyond individualism/collectivism: New cultural dimensions of values. In U. Kim, H. C. Triandis, C. Kağıtçıbaşı, S.-C. Choi, & G. Yoon (Eds.), Individualism and collectivism: Theory, methods, and applications (pp. 85–119). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
  • Sheldon, K. M., Ryan, R. M., ve Reis, H. T. (1996). What makes for a good day? competence and autonomy in the day and in the person. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 22, 1270-1279.
  • Sheldon, K. M., Williams, G. C., ve Joiner, T. (2003). Self- determination theory in the clinic: Motivating physical and mental health. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.
  • Simons, K. J. M., Paternite, C., ve Shore, C. (2001). Quality of parent/adolescent attachment and aggression in young adolescents. Journal of Early Adolescence, 21, 182–203.
  • Soenens, B. ve Vansteenkiste, M. (2005). Antecedents and outcomes of self-determination in 3 life domains: The role of parents’ and teachers’ autonomy support. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 34, 589–604.
  • Soenens, B., Vansteenkiste, M., Lens, W., Luyckx, K., Beyers, W., Goossens, L. ve Ryan, R. M. (2007). Conceptualizing Adolescent perceptions of promotion of independence versus promotion of volitional functioning. Developmental Psychology, 43, 633–646. support:
  • Soenens, B., Vansteenkiste, M. Smits, I., Lowet, K. ve Goossens, L. (2007). The role of intrusive parenting in the relationship between peer management strategies and peer affiliation Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 28, 239–249.
  • Steinberg, L., & Silk, J. S. (2002). Parenting adolescents. In M. H. Bornstein (Ed.), Handbook of parenting: Vol. 1. Children and parenting (2nd ed., pp. 103–133). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum
  • Şahin, R. (2006). The effect of parent education on third grade children’s social skills. Basılmamış doktora tezi, ODTÜ, Ankara..
  • Şimşek, Ö., F. (2006). Yapısal eşitlik modellemesine giriş: Temel İlkeler ve LISREL Uygulamaları. Ankara: Ekinoks Yayıncilik.
  • Thrash, T. M., ve Elliot, A. J. (2002). Implicit and self- attributed achievement motives: Concordance and predictive validity. Journal of Personality, 70, 729-755.
  • Vansteenkiste, M., ve Sheldon, K. M. (2006). There’s nothing more practical than a good theory: Integrating motivational interviewing and self-determination theory. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 45, 63-82.
  • Vansteenkiste, M., Zhou, M., Lens, W., & Soenens, B. (2005). Experiences of autonomy and control among chinese learners: Vitalizing or immobilizing?. Journal of Educational Psychology, 97, 468-483.
  • Véronneau, M-H, Koestner, R. F, ve Abela, J. R.Z. (2005). Intrinsic need satisfaction and well–being in children and adolescents: an application of the Self– determination theory. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 24(2), 280-292.
  • Watson, D., Clark, L. A., ve Tellegen, A. (1988). Development and validation of brief measures of positive and negative affect: The PANAS scales. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 54(6), 1063–1070.
  • Weinstein, N., ve Ryan, R. M. (2010). When helping helps: Autonomous motivation for prosocial behavior and its influence on well-being for the helper and recipient. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 98, 222-244.
  • Wilkinson, R. B. (2004). The role of parental and peer attachment in the psychological health and self-esteem of adolescents. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 33(6), 479–493.
  • Wissink, I.B., Dekovic, M., Yagmur, S., Stams, G.J.J.M. ve Haan, M.J. de (2008). Ethnic identity, externalizing problem behaviour and the mediating role of self-esteem among Dutch, Turkish-Dutch and Moroccan-Dutch adolescents. Journal of Adolescence, 31, 223-240.
  • Yılmazçetin, C. (2003). The relationship between father involvement and behavioral problems of preadolescents. Basılmamış yüksek lisans tezi, Boğaziçi Universitesi, İstanbul.
  • Turkish Psychological Counseling and Guidance Journal / 2012, 4 (37)
There are 58 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Makaleler

Ercan Kocayörük This is me

Publication Date May 27, 2012
Published in Issue Year 2012 Volume: 4 Issue: 37


APA Kocayörük, E. (2012). Self-Determination Theory and Relationship between Perception of Parents and Emotional Well-Being of Adolescents. Turkish Psychological Counseling and Guidance Journal, 4(37), 24-37.

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