Aim & Scope

Turkish Journal of Russian Studies, with the short name “TJORS”, is an academic journal published twice a year in Turkey every June and December with open access via the internet, based on scientific principles and international peer-reviewed. TJORS has aimed to convey the academic articles and book reviews written at the national and international level in Turkish, Russian and English in the field of social sciences such as international relations, political science, economics, strategy, geopolitics about Russia. With this perspective, contributing to the scientific and academic recognition of Russia and creating a common platform to bring together academicians and researchers from different disciplines are among the main objectives of the journal. For that reason, TJORS supports open access publications in order to reach a wider audience and does not charge any fee for publishing articles from the authors or accessing publications from the readers.

Turkish Journal of Russian Studies, with the short name “TJORS”, is an academic journal which is international peer-reviewed, open access, published twice a year in Turkey every June and December. Call for papers for the journal will be announced on the journal’s website and via mail groups. Turkish Journal of Russian Studies (TJORS) has aimed to convey the academic articles and book reviews written at the national and international level in Turkish, Russian and English in the field of social sciences such as history, international relations, political science, economics, strategy, geopolitics, sociology, public administration, cultural studies, anthropology, ethnic studies, philosophy, literature. Turkish Journal of Russian Studies (TJORS) accepts academic articles written in Turkish, Russian or English for publication. Manuscripts submitted to the journal must be original texts that have not been previously published and works are not included in the evaluation process of another journal at the same time. All responsibility for this matter belongs to the author/authors of the article. Any conference or symposium proceeding can be published in an extended version by giving the conference or symposium details like title, place, and date etc. The manuscripts accepted for publication in the journal, in accordance with scientific ethics rules, will be read and evaluated by double-blind referees and in this manner, both the referee and author identities are concealed from the referees, and vice versa, throughout the review process.

Period Months

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