Ethical Principles and Publication Policy

Ethical Principles and Publication Policy of Turkish Journal of Russian Studies - TJORS

1. Turkish Journal of Russian Studies (TJORS) has aimed to convey the academic articles and book reviews written at the national and international level in Turkish, Russian and English in the field of social sciences such as history, international relations, political science, economics, strategy, geopolitics, sociology, public administration, cultural studies, anthropology, ethnic studies, philosophy, literature.

2. The journal is an international refereed journal.

3. It is the online, free and open-source journal. The website is accessible at

4. The journal is published biannually (June/ summer and December/ winter).

Evaluation Criteria and Rules

1. Articles to be submitted to the journal should include a "title" and "abstract" in Turkish and EnglishIf the articles are in Russian, the “titles” and “abstracts” should be written in Turkish, Russian and English.

2. At the end of the article abstracts, there should be appropriate "keywords" in Turkish and foreign languages that define the subject. Keywords should contain words and phrases that suggest what the topic is about and also include words and phrases that are closely related to your topic.

3. The references used in the manuscript should be given both in footnotes and in the bibliography.

4. Manuscript submitted to the journal should be at least 4000 and at most 10,000 words. Book reviews should not exceed 2,500 wordsArticle abstracts should consist of at least 250 words.

5. Authors' names and information about the organization they affiliate should be clearly and accurately stated in the article.

6. Articles to be sent should be original studies and should not have been published before or in any ongoing publication process.

7. Articles submitted are subjected to editorial review first. In this phase, firstly, the compliance of the study with the journal rules is examined. Manuscripts that do not comply with the journal rules are returned to their authors. Articles deemed eligible are pre-reviewed by the editorial board and send to two referees, and a third referee if deemed necessary. 

8. The double-blind referee system is usedTJORS strives to ensure that neither referee knows the author(s) or the other referee, and vice versa. In any case, under no circumstances will the identity of the referees be disclosed to the author(s) or to any other third party.

9. If deemed appropriate by the editor and the editorial board, a list of the referees of that year is published in the year-end issue of the journal.

10. The Turkish Journal of Russian Studies has an evaluation criterion based on the detailed and scientific referee reporting of Dergi Park’s system.

11. The authors must ensure that their work complies with The Turkish Journal of Russian Studies' rules. Otherwise, the articles will be rejected.

12. The necessary corrections to the manuscripts are not the responsibilities of the editorial board or referees but authors. If the correction is required in the light of the reviewer's and also the Editorial Board's recommendations, the authors are expected to submit the edited articles within 1 week.

13. The editorial board may independently decide to accept or reject non-research manuscripts such as symposiums and congress news, book presentations, etc. without following a reviewing process.

14. The opinions in the published articles belong only to the author(s). It does not bind the journal owner, the publisher or the editors.

15. The pre-review period is a maximum of 10 days. The preparation period of the article for publication is 1 month on average.

Peer Review Policies*

1. Referees (Reviewers) examine the articles submitted as to methodology, scope, and originality and decide whether they are appropriate for publication. They may change in each issue depending on the content of the article.

2. Referees must give unbiased consideration to each article submitted for consideration for publication with its academic merits, without regard to race, religion, nationality, sex, seniority, or institutional affiliation.

3. Referees must keep the peer review process confidential; information or correspondence about an article should not be shared with anyone outside of the peer review process.

4. Referees should provide a constructive, comprehensive, evidenced, and appropriately substantial peer review report.

5. The review period can be determined as 15 days. The time can be extended depending on the situation.

These principles and guidelines are compiled by M. Mustafa KULU. During these principles and guidelines are compiled, İGÜSBDNazariyatCOPEElsevier and other related web sources are used.

Types of Publications to be Considered 

1) Original Research and Review Articles.

2) Compilation Articles.

3) Case reports.

4) Project presentations.

5) Book review (provided that it is in article format).

6) Interviews.

7) Translations of original articles.

Creative Commons Lisansı

Прием статей журналом осуществляется через универсальную электронную редакцию Dergipark. Для подачи научной статьи необходимо:

1)     Зайти на сайт  Изменить язык сайта с турецкого на английский.

2)     Зарегистрироваться в системе Dergipark.

3)     Открыть в системе страницу издания “Turkish Journal of  Russian Studies”.

4)     Для отправки статьи на странице справа нажать “Submit article”.

5)     Заполнить сопроводительные формы (фамилия, имя; название, аннотация, ключевые слова и т. д.), загрузить статью.

По различным вопросам, предшествующим публикации, просьба писать с пометкой «Turkish Journal of Russian Studies #... (номер выпуска)» на адрес: (гл. редактор Текин Айджан ТАШДЖИ). Переписка возможна на русском языке.