18. Yüzyılda kontrabas, orkestradaki ritmik ve armonik yapıyı oluşturmakta temel olarak kullanılmıştır. Kontrabasın kalın sesi armoninin temel notalarını oluştururken ritmik unsurları da ifade etmekte başarılı olmuştur. Kontrabas boyutunun diğer enstrümanlara göre daha büyük olması enstrümandaki icra tekniklerini kısıtlamıştır. Enstrümanın icrasındaki zorluklar tarihte kontrabas adına kötü etkilere yol açmış olup enstrümanın popülerliği azalmıştır. Kontrabasın popülerliğini geri kazanması için icra tekniklerinin gelişmesi ve ondan beklenilen performansı sergilemesi gerekmektedir. Enstrümanın yapısının gelişimi ve tel teknolojilerindeki ilerlemeler icradaki gelişmelere önemli ölçüde etkilemiştir. Akort sistemindeki değişikler sonucunda kontrabas için en uygun akort sisteminin oluşması icra yönünde rahatlamaya yol açmıştır. Müzik okullarında kontrabas sınıflarının açılması ve enstrümanın eğitimi için metotların ortaya çıkması sonucunda usta kontrbasçılar yetiştirilmiştir. Enstrüman icrasında ustalaşan kontrbasçılar bestecilere ilham kaynağı olup enstrüman için daha fazla solo eser yazılmasını sağlamıştır. Bu çalışmada kontrabas icrasındaki zorlukların nedenleri araştırılıp bu zorlukların aşılmasındaki etkenler incelenmiştir. Bu kapsamda kontrabasın icrasındaki etkenlerin belirlenmesi için kaynak tarama yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Uluslararası yayınlar taranmış ve internet kaynaklarından yararlanılmıştır.
Antonio Capuzzi İtalyan besteci, https://www.oxfordreference.com/display/10.1093/oi/ authority.20110803095548485;jsessionid=9986873C11329D3DF1EFF75009125E1D (E.T. 31.05.2023)
Arnold Dolmetsch, Fransız müzisyen ve enstrüman yapımcısı, https://www.dolmetsch.com/Dolworks.htm (E.T. 31.05.2023)
Arnold Dolmetsch, Fransız müzisyen ve enstrüman yapımcısı, https://www.dolmetsch.com/Dolworks.htm (E.T. 31.05.2023)
Asioli Bonifazio, (1823), Elementi per il Contrabasso, İtalya Milan
Bas keman, https://www.alamy.com/a-woodcut-of-an-early-five-string-bass-violin-from-michael-praetorius-syntagma-musicum-1619-michael-praetorius-bass-violin-praetorius-image184911625.html , (E.T. 31.05.2023)
Bas keman ve viol farkları, https://doublebassblog.org/2007/09/real-music-for-viols-brief-discussion-about-the-use-of-the-term-bass-viol.html (E.T. 31.05.2023)
Berlioz Hector, (1829), Ecole royale de musique de Paris, Fransa Paris
Bonta Stephen, (1977), Further Thought on the History of Strings, İtalya
Brun, Paul, (2000) A New History of the Double Bass “, Birinci basım, Paul Brun Productions, Villeneuve d‟Ascq (France)
Carl Ditters Von Dittersdorf, Viyana’lı besteci, https://www.britannica.com/biography/Carl-Ditters-von-Dittersdorf/ (E.T. 31.05.2023)
Corrette Michel, (1741), Methode theorique et pratique pour apprendre en peu de temps le violoncelle en sa perfection, Fransa Paris
Djilda Abbott ve Ephraim Segerman, (1974), Strings in the 16th and 17th Centuries, The Galpin Society Journal dergisi, sayı: 27.
Domenico Dragonetti İtalyan kontrabas virtüözü, https://books.org/books/domenico-dragonetti-in-england-1794-1846-the-career-of-a-double-bass-virtuoso/fiona-m-palmer/9780198165910/ (E.T. 31.05.2023)
Domenico Dragonetti İtalyan besteci, https://interlude.hk/dragonetti-first-to-the-bottom-giving-double-bass-a-voice-in-the-mighty-strings-family/ (E.T. 31.05.2023)
Eric Halfpenny, keman ve kontrabas sanatçısı, https://academic.oup.com/em/article-abstract/7/4/523/475561 (E.T. 31.05.2023)
Eski dönem müziğinde kullanılan teller, https://aquilacorde.com/en/early-music-faq/ (E.T. 31.05.2023)
Francoeur Louis Joseph, (1813), Traite general des voix et des instruments d’orchestre, Fransa Paris
François Rabbath, kontrabas sanatçısı, https://www.thestrad.com/francois-rabbath/2296.article (E.T. 31.05.2023)
Franz Anton Hoffmeister, Alman besteci, https://www.artaria.com/pages/hoffmeister-franz-anton-1754-1812 (E.T. 31.05.2023)
Gabriel Weinreich, J. Woodhouse, Frank Hubbard, Denzil Wraight, Stephen Bonta and Richard Partridge, “String.” Grove Music Online.
https://www.oxfordmusiconline.com/grovemusic/view/10.1093/gmo/9781561592630.001.0001/omo-9781561592630-e-0000045984?rskey=P9cvQW&result=1 (E.T. 31.05.2023)
Gevşek sarılmış tel örneği, https://aquilacorde.com/en/early-music-faq/ (E.T. 31.05.2023)
Hindle Johann, (1854), Der Contrabass Lehrer, Ein theoretisch-praktisches Lehrburch, Viyana
Ian Harwood, “Fret”, 20.01.2001, https://doi.org/10.1093/gmo/9781561592630.article.04851 (E.T. 31.05.2023)
Jeitteles Ignas, (1839), Aestetisches Lexicon, Viyana
John Playford, İngiliz besteci ve müzik kitapları yazarı, https://www.britannica.com/biography/John-Playford (E.T. 31.05.2023)
Johann Baptist Vanhal, Viyana’lı besteci, https://www.radioswissclassic.ch/en/music-database/musician/21940a29dba03d20391aa9573141ce270af87/biography (E.T. 31.05.2023)
Johannes Matthias Sperger, Çek besteci ve kontrabas sanatçısı, http://liuzzivito.blogspot.com/2015/03/jm-sperger-by-prof-david-heyes.html (E.T. 31.05.2023)
Jones G. (1818), History of the Rise and Progress of Music, İngiltere Londra
Koch Heinrich, (1802), Musicalisches Lexicon (vol 2), Almanya Frankfurt
Martin, Thomas (2000), Gran Concerto In F Sharp Minor For String Bass and Piano, International Music Company, New York.
Mauricio Tietboehl Nascimento E Souza, (2012), An Annotated Bibliography For Double Bass Methods And Studies, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Georgia Üniversitesi, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri
Michel Corrette, Fransız besteci ve org sanatçısı, https://arkivmusic.com/classical/Name/Michel-Corrette/Composer/2487-1 (E.T. 31.05.2023)
Milliot Sylvette, (1970), Documents inedits sur les luthiers Parisiens du XVIII siecle, Fransa Paris
Nicolai Dr. C, (1816), Das Spiel auf dem Contrabass
Smith, Moses, (1994), Koussevitzky, New York: Allen, Towne & Heath Inc. Amerika Birleşik Devletleri
Palatin Fernando, (1818), Diccionario de Musica, İspanya Sevilla
Playford John, (1674), An Introduction to the Skill of Music, İngiltere London
Quantz Johann-Joachim, (1752), Essai d’une methode pour apprendre a jouer de la flute traversiere, Almanya Berlin
Real Music for Viol, https://doublebassblog.org/2007/09/real-music-for-viols-brief-discussion-about-the-use-of-the-term-bass-viol.html , (E.T. 31.05.2023)
Sıkı sarılmış tel örneği, https://aquilacorde.com/en/early-music-faq/ (E.T. 31.05.2023)
Sözer, Vural (2005); Müzik Ansiklopedik Sözlük, Beşinci basım, Remzi Kitabevi, İstanbul
Antonio Capuzzi İtalyan besteci, https://www.oxfordreference.com/display/10.1093/oi/ authority.20110803095548485;jsessionid=9986873C11329D3DF1EFF75009125E1D (E.T. 31.05.2023)
Arnold Dolmetsch, Fransız müzisyen ve enstrüman yapımcısı, https://www.dolmetsch.com/Dolworks.htm (E.T. 31.05.2023)
Arnold Dolmetsch, Fransız müzisyen ve enstrüman yapımcısı, https://www.dolmetsch.com/Dolworks.htm (E.T. 31.05.2023)
Asioli Bonifazio, (1823), Elementi per il Contrabasso, İtalya Milan
Bas keman, https://www.alamy.com/a-woodcut-of-an-early-five-string-bass-violin-from-michael-praetorius-syntagma-musicum-1619-michael-praetorius-bass-violin-praetorius-image184911625.html , (E.T. 31.05.2023)
Bas keman ve viol farkları, https://doublebassblog.org/2007/09/real-music-for-viols-brief-discussion-about-the-use-of-the-term-bass-viol.html (E.T. 31.05.2023)
Berlioz Hector, (1829), Ecole royale de musique de Paris, Fransa Paris
Bonta Stephen, (1977), Further Thought on the History of Strings, İtalya
Brun, Paul, (2000) A New History of the Double Bass “, Birinci basım, Paul Brun Productions, Villeneuve d‟Ascq (France)
Carl Ditters Von Dittersdorf, Viyana’lı besteci, https://www.britannica.com/biography/Carl-Ditters-von-Dittersdorf/ (E.T. 31.05.2023)
Corrette Michel, (1741), Methode theorique et pratique pour apprendre en peu de temps le violoncelle en sa perfection, Fransa Paris
Djilda Abbott ve Ephraim Segerman, (1974), Strings in the 16th and 17th Centuries, The Galpin Society Journal dergisi, sayı: 27.
Domenico Dragonetti İtalyan kontrabas virtüözü, https://books.org/books/domenico-dragonetti-in-england-1794-1846-the-career-of-a-double-bass-virtuoso/fiona-m-palmer/9780198165910/ (E.T. 31.05.2023)
Domenico Dragonetti İtalyan besteci, https://interlude.hk/dragonetti-first-to-the-bottom-giving-double-bass-a-voice-in-the-mighty-strings-family/ (E.T. 31.05.2023)
Eric Halfpenny, keman ve kontrabas sanatçısı, https://academic.oup.com/em/article-abstract/7/4/523/475561 (E.T. 31.05.2023)
Eski dönem müziğinde kullanılan teller, https://aquilacorde.com/en/early-music-faq/ (E.T. 31.05.2023)
Francoeur Louis Joseph, (1813), Traite general des voix et des instruments d’orchestre, Fransa Paris
François Rabbath, kontrabas sanatçısı, https://www.thestrad.com/francois-rabbath/2296.article (E.T. 31.05.2023)
Franz Anton Hoffmeister, Alman besteci, https://www.artaria.com/pages/hoffmeister-franz-anton-1754-1812 (E.T. 31.05.2023)
Gabriel Weinreich, J. Woodhouse, Frank Hubbard, Denzil Wraight, Stephen Bonta and Richard Partridge, “String.” Grove Music Online.
https://www.oxfordmusiconline.com/grovemusic/view/10.1093/gmo/9781561592630.001.0001/omo-9781561592630-e-0000045984?rskey=P9cvQW&result=1 (E.T. 31.05.2023)
Gevşek sarılmış tel örneği, https://aquilacorde.com/en/early-music-faq/ (E.T. 31.05.2023)
Hindle Johann, (1854), Der Contrabass Lehrer, Ein theoretisch-praktisches Lehrburch, Viyana
Ian Harwood, “Fret”, 20.01.2001, https://doi.org/10.1093/gmo/9781561592630.article.04851 (E.T. 31.05.2023)
Jeitteles Ignas, (1839), Aestetisches Lexicon, Viyana
John Playford, İngiliz besteci ve müzik kitapları yazarı, https://www.britannica.com/biography/John-Playford (E.T. 31.05.2023)
Johann Baptist Vanhal, Viyana’lı besteci, https://www.radioswissclassic.ch/en/music-database/musician/21940a29dba03d20391aa9573141ce270af87/biography (E.T. 31.05.2023)
Johannes Matthias Sperger, Çek besteci ve kontrabas sanatçısı, http://liuzzivito.blogspot.com/2015/03/jm-sperger-by-prof-david-heyes.html (E.T. 31.05.2023)
Jones G. (1818), History of the Rise and Progress of Music, İngiltere Londra
Koch Heinrich, (1802), Musicalisches Lexicon (vol 2), Almanya Frankfurt
Martin, Thomas (2000), Gran Concerto In F Sharp Minor For String Bass and Piano, International Music Company, New York.
Mauricio Tietboehl Nascimento E Souza, (2012), An Annotated Bibliography For Double Bass Methods And Studies, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Georgia Üniversitesi, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri
Michel Corrette, Fransız besteci ve org sanatçısı, https://arkivmusic.com/classical/Name/Michel-Corrette/Composer/2487-1 (E.T. 31.05.2023)
Milliot Sylvette, (1970), Documents inedits sur les luthiers Parisiens du XVIII siecle, Fransa Paris
Nicolai Dr. C, (1816), Das Spiel auf dem Contrabass
Smith, Moses, (1994), Koussevitzky, New York: Allen, Towne & Heath Inc. Amerika Birleşik Devletleri
Palatin Fernando, (1818), Diccionario de Musica, İspanya Sevilla
Playford John, (1674), An Introduction to the Skill of Music, İngiltere London
Quantz Johann-Joachim, (1752), Essai d’une methode pour apprendre a jouer de la flute traversiere, Almanya Berlin
Real Music for Viol, https://doublebassblog.org/2007/09/real-music-for-viols-brief-discussion-about-the-use-of-the-term-bass-viol.html , (E.T. 31.05.2023)
Sıkı sarılmış tel örneği, https://aquilacorde.com/en/early-music-faq/ (E.T. 31.05.2023)
Sözer, Vural (2005); Müzik Ansiklopedik Sözlük, Beşinci basım, Remzi Kitabevi, İstanbul
: In the 18th century, the double bass was used as a basis to create the rhythmic and harmonic structure in the orchestra. The deep voice of the double bass was successful in expressing the rhythmic elements while creating the basic notes of harmony. The fact that the size of the double bass is larger than other instruments has limited the performance techniques on the instrument. Difficulties in the performance of the instrument had bad effects on the double bass in history, and the popularity of the instrument decreased. In order for the double bass to regain its popularity, its performance techniques needed to be developed and it should exhibit the expected performance. The development of the structure of the instrument and the advances in string technologies have significantly affected the developments in performance. As a result of the changes in the tuning system, the formation of the most suitable tuning system for double bass has led to relaxation in the direction of performance. As a result of the opening of double bass classes in music schools and the emergence of methods for the training of the instrument, master double bassists were trained. Contrabassists who mastered the performance of instruments inspired composers and led to the writing of more solo works for the instrument. In this study, the reasons for the difficulties in performing the double bass were investigated and the factors in overcoming these difficulties were examined. In this context, the literature review method was used to determine the factors in the performance of the double bass. International publications were scanned and internet resources were used.
Antonio Capuzzi İtalyan besteci, https://www.oxfordreference.com/display/10.1093/oi/ authority.20110803095548485;jsessionid=9986873C11329D3DF1EFF75009125E1D (E.T. 31.05.2023)
Arnold Dolmetsch, Fransız müzisyen ve enstrüman yapımcısı, https://www.dolmetsch.com/Dolworks.htm (E.T. 31.05.2023)
Arnold Dolmetsch, Fransız müzisyen ve enstrüman yapımcısı, https://www.dolmetsch.com/Dolworks.htm (E.T. 31.05.2023)
Asioli Bonifazio, (1823), Elementi per il Contrabasso, İtalya Milan
Bas keman, https://www.alamy.com/a-woodcut-of-an-early-five-string-bass-violin-from-michael-praetorius-syntagma-musicum-1619-michael-praetorius-bass-violin-praetorius-image184911625.html , (E.T. 31.05.2023)
Bas keman ve viol farkları, https://doublebassblog.org/2007/09/real-music-for-viols-brief-discussion-about-the-use-of-the-term-bass-viol.html (E.T. 31.05.2023)
Berlioz Hector, (1829), Ecole royale de musique de Paris, Fransa Paris
Bonta Stephen, (1977), Further Thought on the History of Strings, İtalya
Brun, Paul, (2000) A New History of the Double Bass “, Birinci basım, Paul Brun Productions, Villeneuve d‟Ascq (France)
Carl Ditters Von Dittersdorf, Viyana’lı besteci, https://www.britannica.com/biography/Carl-Ditters-von-Dittersdorf/ (E.T. 31.05.2023)
Corrette Michel, (1741), Methode theorique et pratique pour apprendre en peu de temps le violoncelle en sa perfection, Fransa Paris
Djilda Abbott ve Ephraim Segerman, (1974), Strings in the 16th and 17th Centuries, The Galpin Society Journal dergisi, sayı: 27.
Domenico Dragonetti İtalyan kontrabas virtüözü, https://books.org/books/domenico-dragonetti-in-england-1794-1846-the-career-of-a-double-bass-virtuoso/fiona-m-palmer/9780198165910/ (E.T. 31.05.2023)
Domenico Dragonetti İtalyan besteci, https://interlude.hk/dragonetti-first-to-the-bottom-giving-double-bass-a-voice-in-the-mighty-strings-family/ (E.T. 31.05.2023)
Eric Halfpenny, keman ve kontrabas sanatçısı, https://academic.oup.com/em/article-abstract/7/4/523/475561 (E.T. 31.05.2023)
Eski dönem müziğinde kullanılan teller, https://aquilacorde.com/en/early-music-faq/ (E.T. 31.05.2023)
Francoeur Louis Joseph, (1813), Traite general des voix et des instruments d’orchestre, Fransa Paris
François Rabbath, kontrabas sanatçısı, https://www.thestrad.com/francois-rabbath/2296.article (E.T. 31.05.2023)
Franz Anton Hoffmeister, Alman besteci, https://www.artaria.com/pages/hoffmeister-franz-anton-1754-1812 (E.T. 31.05.2023)
Gabriel Weinreich, J. Woodhouse, Frank Hubbard, Denzil Wraight, Stephen Bonta and Richard Partridge, “String.” Grove Music Online.
https://www.oxfordmusiconline.com/grovemusic/view/10.1093/gmo/9781561592630.001.0001/omo-9781561592630-e-0000045984?rskey=P9cvQW&result=1 (E.T. 31.05.2023)
Gevşek sarılmış tel örneği, https://aquilacorde.com/en/early-music-faq/ (E.T. 31.05.2023)
Hindle Johann, (1854), Der Contrabass Lehrer, Ein theoretisch-praktisches Lehrburch, Viyana
Ian Harwood, “Fret”, 20.01.2001, https://doi.org/10.1093/gmo/9781561592630.article.04851 (E.T. 31.05.2023)
Jeitteles Ignas, (1839), Aestetisches Lexicon, Viyana
John Playford, İngiliz besteci ve müzik kitapları yazarı, https://www.britannica.com/biography/John-Playford (E.T. 31.05.2023)
Johann Baptist Vanhal, Viyana’lı besteci, https://www.radioswissclassic.ch/en/music-database/musician/21940a29dba03d20391aa9573141ce270af87/biography (E.T. 31.05.2023)
Johannes Matthias Sperger, Çek besteci ve kontrabas sanatçısı, http://liuzzivito.blogspot.com/2015/03/jm-sperger-by-prof-david-heyes.html (E.T. 31.05.2023)
Jones G. (1818), History of the Rise and Progress of Music, İngiltere Londra
Koch Heinrich, (1802), Musicalisches Lexicon (vol 2), Almanya Frankfurt
Martin, Thomas (2000), Gran Concerto In F Sharp Minor For String Bass and Piano, International Music Company, New York.
Mauricio Tietboehl Nascimento E Souza, (2012), An Annotated Bibliography For Double Bass Methods And Studies, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Georgia Üniversitesi, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri
Michel Corrette, Fransız besteci ve org sanatçısı, https://arkivmusic.com/classical/Name/Michel-Corrette/Composer/2487-1 (E.T. 31.05.2023)
Milliot Sylvette, (1970), Documents inedits sur les luthiers Parisiens du XVIII siecle, Fransa Paris
Nicolai Dr. C, (1816), Das Spiel auf dem Contrabass
Smith, Moses, (1994), Koussevitzky, New York: Allen, Towne & Heath Inc. Amerika Birleşik Devletleri
Palatin Fernando, (1818), Diccionario de Musica, İspanya Sevilla
Playford John, (1674), An Introduction to the Skill of Music, İngiltere London
Quantz Johann-Joachim, (1752), Essai d’une methode pour apprendre a jouer de la flute traversiere, Almanya Berlin
Real Music for Viol, https://doublebassblog.org/2007/09/real-music-for-viols-brief-discussion-about-the-use-of-the-term-bass-viol.html , (E.T. 31.05.2023)
Sıkı sarılmış tel örneği, https://aquilacorde.com/en/early-music-faq/ (E.T. 31.05.2023)
Sözer, Vural (2005); Müzik Ansiklopedik Sözlük, Beşinci basım, Remzi Kitabevi, İstanbul
Dökmeci, S. C., & Tanış, T. O. (2023). KONTRABASIN GELİŞİM SÜRECİNDEKİ DEĞİŞİMLERİN İCRA STANDARTLARINA ETKİLERİ. Trakya Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 25(1), 303-328. https://doi.org/10.26468/trakyasobed.1203158
Dökmeci SC, Tanış TO. KONTRABASIN GELİŞİM SÜRECİNDEKİ DEĞİŞİMLERİN İCRA STANDARTLARINA ETKİLERİ. Trakya University Journal of Social Science. June 2023;25(1):303-328. doi:10.26468/trakyasobed.1203158
Dökmeci, Sela Can, and Türkmen Ozan Tanış. “KONTRABASIN GELİŞİM SÜRECİNDEKİ DEĞİŞİMLERİN İCRA STANDARTLARINA ETKİLERİ”. Trakya Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 25, no. 1 (June 2023): 303-28. https://doi.org/10.26468/trakyasobed.1203158.
Dökmeci SC, Tanış TO (June 1, 2023) KONTRABASIN GELİŞİM SÜRECİNDEKİ DEĞİŞİMLERİN İCRA STANDARTLARINA ETKİLERİ. Trakya Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 25 1 303–328.
S. C. Dökmeci and T. O. Tanış, “KONTRABASIN GELİŞİM SÜRECİNDEKİ DEĞİŞİMLERİN İCRA STANDARTLARINA ETKİLERİ”, Trakya University Journal of Social Science, vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 303–328, 2023, doi: 10.26468/trakyasobed.1203158.
Dökmeci, Sela Can - Tanış, Türkmen Ozan. “KONTRABASIN GELİŞİM SÜRECİNDEKİ DEĞİŞİMLERİN İCRA STANDARTLARINA ETKİLERİ”. Trakya Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 25/1 (June 2023), 303-328. https://doi.org/10.26468/trakyasobed.1203158.
Dökmeci SC, Tanış TO. KONTRABASIN GELİŞİM SÜRECİNDEKİ DEĞİŞİMLERİN İCRA STANDARTLARINA ETKİLERİ. Trakya University Journal of Social Science. 2023;25:303–328.
Dökmeci, Sela Can and Türkmen Ozan Tanış. “KONTRABASIN GELİŞİM SÜRECİNDEKİ DEĞİŞİMLERİN İCRA STANDARTLARINA ETKİLERİ”. Trakya Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, vol. 25, no. 1, 2023, pp. 303-28, doi:10.26468/trakyasobed.1203158.
Dökmeci SC, Tanış TO. KONTRABASIN GELİŞİM SÜRECİNDEKİ DEĞİŞİMLERİN İCRA STANDARTLARINA ETKİLERİ. Trakya University Journal of Social Science. 2023;25(1):303-28.