Volume: 25 Issue: 1, 6/2/23

Year: 2023

Research Article

Trakya University Journal of Social Sciences aims to contribute to the field of social sciences by publishing original scientific manuscripts.
Trakya University Journal of Social Sciences publishes open access articles and does not charge a fee for publication. The journal intends to become a source of scientific information by improving visibility and accessibility of qualified information about social sciences. In this context, the journal aspires to contribute to scientific community. 

The scope of the journal includes scientific studies in the humanities and natural sciences defined in the classical meaning in the field of social sciences: educational science and field education, theology, communication, geography, history, linguistics, psychology,   anthropology, philosophy, philology, musicology, fine arts, sociology, archaeology, economy, international relations, social services, political science, international studies, business management, applied econometrics, applied statistics, law, public administration.

Academic studies complies with the following requirements below are published in Trakya University Social Sciences Journal.

1.In order for any article to be published in Trakya University Social Sciences Journal, it should not have been previously published or accepted to be published elsewhere. Papers presented at a conference or symposium may be accepted for publication if clearly indicated so beforehand.

2. All researches subjected comparison of the products with their trade names are not in the scope of our journal.

3. While writing the papers, it is recommended to obey The Spelling Book of Turkish Language Society.

4. Manuscripts should be typed on A4 format (29/7x21cm) paper with 11 pt and 1 line space. They are arranged properly margined (6.2 cm from top, 5.5 cm from bottom, 4 cm from right, 4 cm from left, 5.2 cm from header, 5 cm from footer), and not exceeding 20 pages. The printed version manuscripts must be submitted to the editor as three copies (without including name, title and working institution in two copies) and along with a CD. Articles should not exceed 20 pages if not they may not published on the journal.

5. Unpublished articles are not sent back to the writer.

6. First line of the paragraphs in the text will start 1 cm from inside. Title of the article will be written with capital letters starting from the left top of the page by leaving 4 lines empty space. Subtitles will be placed in accordance with the paragraph order (1 cm from inside). Name/names of the writer is written right bottom of the title side by side. Any kind of academic title of the writer is not written while writing the name/names of the writer. Academic title of the writer, institution where he/she works (university, faculty, department or others) should be written as footnotes at the bottom of the page. Any kind of titles are not used except for the academic titles.

7. Articles in the field of research and examination are submitted according to the order of Abstract, Introduction, Methods and Results.

“Footnote” or “APA style” can be used in the articles.


8. Tags of resources used in the academic study are displayed at the end of the paper as footnotes. Resources exploited in the academic study are given in the first pass and in accordance with the order of the following detailed examples.


Author's Name, Last name, Name of the Book (italics), Printing,

Publisher Place and Year of Publication, Page Number

Example: Levent Doğan, Uygur Türkçesi Grameri, 2. Baskı, Paradigma Akademi Yayınları, İstanbul, Eylül 2016, p.33.


Author's Name, Last name, Title of the Article (in quotations), Title of the Journal/Book (italics), Volume Number, Issue, Place and Year of Publication, Page Number.

Example: M. Öcal Oğuz, Terim Olarak Somut Olmayan Kültürel Miras, Milli Folklor Dergisi, Volume 25, 2013, p.100.

Journals and Annuals:

Publishing Institution, Title of the Publication (italics), Place and Year of Publication, Page Number.

Example: Devlet İstatistik Enstitüsü, Türkiye İstatistik Yıllığı 1997, Ankara 1998, p: 17-21.


Author’s Name, Last name, Title of the Thesis (in quotations), (Thesis Degree, University, Year), page number.

Example: Serdar Yılmaz, “Kazakistan’ın Türkiye Politikası”, (Doktora Tezi, Trakya Üniversitesi, 2016), p.98

Internet-based Resources:

Author's Name, Last name, Title of the document, Title of the Article (if available), Edition or File Number (if related), Address and Access Path, Date of Visit (in parenthesis). Page numbers are indicated if available. General footnote style is used according to the normal citation in the books and articles taken from internet environment. However, specified data applications are also stated.

Example: Mehmet Tez, “Avrupanın En Kirli Havası”, http://www.milliyet.com.tr/yazarlar/mehmet-tez/avrupa-nin-en-kirli-havasi-2776784/, (15.112018)

Example: Türkiye’nin Katılım Yönünde İlerlemesi Hakkında 2004 Yılı Düzenli Raporu, Avrupa Toplulukları Komisyonu, Brüksel, http://www.aggs.gov.tr/uploads/files/ilerleme_raporu_2004_tr.pdf (07.10.2005).

APA style

9.References which are quoted must be given in the text with the connective references according to the technique of "writer and year", surname of the author, publishing date and page number.

If the name of the author is mentioned in the text, year of the references must be written in brackets.

Example: Yıldırım (1996). or by giving the page number, Yildirim (1996: 70­97).

In some cases, the name of the author can be given in brackets.

Example: New developments have been made in this field. (Raths, 1967: 40­85)

If the references written by the same author in the same year are mentioned, it is given as below:

Example: Gates (1967a: 45-50 (1967b: 130-170).

If the references have two authors only their surnames are written.

Example: Massialas and Cox (1967: 37-66)

If the two writers have the same surname and their works which were published at the same year can be distinguished by the first letter of their names.

Example: Smith, O. and Smith, B. (1958: 251-251)

If the reference has more than two authors, the surnames are mentioned at first.

Example: Bursalıoğlu, Aydin, Kaya, (1995: 120-145)

In the next mentioning et al. is used.

Example: Bursalıoğlu , et al. (1995: 120-145)

The references which are given as a line should be ordered from the oldest date to the recent one and must be separated with semicolon in the brackets.

Example: According to the recent developments about this subject (Cobb, 1972: 221; Flanders, 1970:124; Bursalıoğlu vd., 1995: 31)

While referring to the internet resources of which the author is not certain, the parenthesis is opened, a few words are selected from the internet topic in question and then quoted.

Example: (“İnternette 1 saniyede”, 2017)

İnternette 1 saniyede neler oluyor?. (2017, 4 Ocak). Access Address: https://www.ntv.com.tr/galeri/teknoloji/internette-1-saniyede-neler-oluyor,XUH_UVqM80GODfAK20z__Q 

10. References

In the preparation of the reference, the following points shall be followed according to the annotation and the bibliography method.

   In the middle of the page, REFERENCES are written in capital letters. As the references are listed alphabetically according to the author's surname, any sequence or category number is not given and the titles of the authors are not mentioned.

Footnote method:

List of references is given stating the Author’s Surname and Name, the Title of the Article if available (in quotations), The Title of the Journal or Book (italics), The Name Of the Editor or Translator if available, Volume, Issue, the number of the printing if it is published more than once, the Year and the Place of Publication. If more than one work of an author is used as references, they should be given from the oldest to the recent one. Each resource in the bibliography should be written 1 cm from the inside.

APA style: Left indent followed by 1 cm from the first row indent followed by the following pattern:

Author’s last name and initial. (Year). The name of the book (Italich). Printing place: Publisher.

11.Not specified for the footnote method related to: https://dergipark.org.tr/uploads/submissionfiles/14a9/d2bf/37da/595018dfe908c.pdf

With reference to unspecified issues for the bibliography method, https://www.tk.org.tr/APA/apa_2.pdf .

12. Pictures, figures, graphics belonging to the articles which will be sent must be clear and suitable for the technique of offset printing and should not exceed the area of writing. Their sequence number and names are given below the each figure or graphic.

13. In one of the issues of the journals, more than two manuscripts of an author as the first name cannot be published. If more than two manuscripts are sent in the terms, the ones except from the first and second are transmitted to the other issues.

14. 25 separate editions with two journals are given to the authors whose articles, translations and critics have been published.

Note 1: For the subjects that are not available in the Publishing Principles of Trakya University Social Sciences Journal, more information can be obtained from Trakya University Social Sciences Institute The Rules and Principles for Writing Graduate Thesis.

Journal of Social Sciences is the official publication of Trakya University, Institute of Social Sciences and an international peer-reviewed academic journal. The journal is published twice a year (December-June).

The main aim of the journal is to publish scientific studies in the humanities and natural sciences defined in the classical meaning in the field of social sciences. (educational science and field education, theology, communication, geography, history, linguistics, psychology, anthropology, philosophy, philology, musicology, fine arts, sociology, archaeology, economy, international relations, social services, political science, international studies, business management, applied econometrics, applied statistics, law, public administration) .
The journal serves as a publishing tool for solving problems in the field of social sciences.
The journal is based on independent and unbiased double-blinded peer-reviewed principles. Only unpublished papers that are not under review for publication elsewhere can be submitted.Trakya University Journal of Social Science does not accept multiple submission and duplicate submission even though the previous one was published in a different language. The authors are responsible for the scientific content of the material to be published. This Journal reserves the right to request any research materials on which the paper is based.


This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supporting a greater global exchange of knowledge. By “open access” to [peer-reviewed research literature], we mean its free availability on the public internet, permitting any users to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search or link to the full texts of these articles, crawl them for indexing, pass them as data to software or use them for any other lawful purpose, without financial, legal or technical barriers other than those inseparable from gaining access to the internet itself. The only constraint on reproduction and distribution and the only role for copyright in this domain, is given to authors to retain control over the integrity of their work and the right to be properly acknowledged and cited.

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