• Academicians who want to contribute to Trakya University Journal of Social Science as a reviewer should firstly become a member of the system by using link.
  • The reviewer should specify  their expertise and interests and add current contact information.
  • Reviewer should accept the article evaluation process if it is appropriate for the study expertise and interest.
  • When the article is submitted for evaluation, our reviewers are given a period of 1 month. During this process, a reminder message is sent. A new reviewers appointment is being made instead of a reviewers who has gone out of time.
  • The reviewer should add the report to the system after making the article evaluation.
  • If the article is required to be revised, it is sent again to be evaluated after being edited by the author.
  • The reviewer should notify the final decision (refusal or acceptance) of the revised article.
  • "Certificate of appretiation" is sent to the people who are reviewer in our Journal.
  • Journal of Social Science is a peer-reviewed open-access international journal. For this reason, identity, institution and communication information are not shared between authors and reviewers.
  • Manuscripts that comply with the main rules of the journal are sent to at least two external reviewers, and the reviewers are asked for their opinion about the suitability of the paper for publication. The reviewed manuscripts are then re-reviewed by the Editor in Chief and the Editorial Board and a decision of rejection or acceptance is shaped. If study is rejected by one reviewer, a third reviewer is invited for evaluation.
  • The evaluation process of the study can be monitored by the author via the system.
  •  If the reviewers have any suspect, the editors can provide them information obtained by plagiarism screening tools.
  • The study which is accepted is taken last iThenticate plagiarism detection report then prepared for publication.
  • Trakya University Journal of Social Science uses bibliographic databases and also accepts authors' suggestions to find new reviewers. The journal thanks to the reviewers and publishes the reviewer list every year in the last issue and on the website after each issue.
  • All opinions and scientific responsibilities include in the articles submitted for evaluation belong to the author/s. Trakya University Journal of Social Science has not responsiblity about it.
    • 1. Please state any conflict(s) of interest that you have in relation to the review of this manuscript (state "none" if this is not applicable).
      2. Do you suspect any research or publication misconduct? If yes, please indicate in detail.
      3. Does the manuscript contain new and significant information to justify publication?
      4. Is the title of the article appropriate?
      5. Does the abstract clearly and accurately describe the content of the article?
      6. Is the problem significant and concisely stated?
      7. Are the methods described comprehensively?
      8. Is the results section clear and satisfactory?
      9. Are the interpretations and conclusions justified by the results?
      10. Is adequate and current reference made to other work in the field?
      11. Is the language acceptable?
      12. Please rate the priority for publishing this article (1 is the highest priority, 10 is the lowest priority).
      13. Is the appropriate terminology used in the text?
      14. Is it sufficient that figures and/or tables?
      15. Is it necessary to shorten the article?

Last Update Time: 6/27/18, 4:32:25 PM

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