Writing Rules

General Rules

Articles to be submitted to the journal should be in A4 page layout. Papers should be written using the Times New Roman 11 font size and set at 1.0 lines. Both sides of the manuscript must be aligned. The top, bottom and right margins must be 2 cm., and left margin must be 2.5 cm. There must be double space between titles. Tables and references must be written in font size 10. The manuscript must be up to 10000 words including references and appendix. Manuscript template can be downloaded from the Journal website and used for editing the manuscript.

1.       Title

The manuscript title should be max. 10-12 words, with font size 12, centered, and in capital letters. In articles written in Turkish, the English title should be placed under the Turkish title. In articles written in English, the Turkish title should be placed under the English title. Author name(s) (first name with lowercase, surname with capital letters, no qualification) must be written in font size 11, under the title and must be centered. The title, author affiliation/s and e-mail address of the author(s) should be written as a footnote.

2.        Abstract and Key Words

The abstract should be written in Turkish and English. The abstract shouldn’t be longer than 100-150 words. Abstracts must be indented 1 cm. from right and left sides. Key words (between 3-6 words) should be stated as “Anahtar Sözcükler” under the Turkish heading, and “Key Words” under the English heading. Abstract titles must be centered.  The first letters of the abstract title must be written in uppercase and the others letters must be written in lowercase.

3.       Sections and Sub-Sections

All section titles must be written in capital letters, centered and bold. The first letters of the subheadings must be written in uppercase and the others in lowercase, aligned to the left, bold and without indentation Main sections of the manuscript must be numbered consecutively and include INTRODUCTION, METHOD, FINDINGS, DISCUSSION and CONCLUSION, and REFERENCES sections.

4.        Tables

Table title and table number must be given above the table and must be aligned to the left. Its content must be explained as a title next to the table number. The first letter of the table title must be written in uppercase. Nothing should be written to the right and left sides of the tables. Tables should be aligned to the left.

5.        References

All the sources used in the text should be available in the list of “References”. References should be written according to the standards of APA 6th Edition (American Psychological Association). More detailed information about referencing can be accessed through the following website http://www.apastyle.org/learn/.index.aspx.

6.        Submission Checklist

Before submitting an article, authors should ensure that their manuscript meet the following criteria, otherwise manuscripts will be sent back to authors.
  • The study submitted to the journal should not have been previously published elsewhere or submitted for publication in another journal. (Detailed information is included in the Author Guidelines).

The manuscript is sent in the Microsoft Word (doc) format.

The manuscript is related to the field of Educational Sciences and Teacher Training.

If the manuscript is accepted for publication, Trakya Journal of Education withholds all rights of copyright and related publishing rights.

If the manuscript is accepted for publication, the author(s) are required to submit the article submission report to the web address tuefder@gmail.com stating that the manuscript has been read, approved and not sent to another journal.

The manuscript is prepared in accordance with the standards of APA 6th Edition.

There is no author information in the copy of the manuscript uploaded to the system for evaluation purposes.

The author/s has/have not submitted another article to Trakya Journal of Education during the last year.