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Van Kalecik (Urartu) Toplumuna Ait Calcaneuslarda Artiküler Faset (Facies Articularis Talaris) Tipleri

Year 2009, , 619 - 634, 01.12.2009


Ayak bileği yedi kemikten oluşur ve tarsal kemikler olarak adlandırılır. Bilek kısmında yer alan ayak topuğuna calcaneus denir. Topuk kemiği, vücut yükünden gelen ağırlığın büyük bir kısmını taşıyan ayak bileğinin en büyük ve sağlam kemiğidir(1). Topuk kemiğinin üst yüzeyinde (superior) üç ayrı eklem yüzeyi görülür. Bunlar sırasıyla facies artikularis posterior, facies artikularis medial ve facies artikularis anteriordur(2).


  • Barbaix, E., Van Roy, P. and Clarys, J. P., 2000, “Variations of Anatomical Ele- ments Contributing to Subtalar Joint Stability: Intrinsic Risk Factors for Post- Traumatic Lateral Instability of the Ankle?”, Ergonomics, C.43, S.10, s.1718- 1725
  • Berry, A.C. and Berry, R.J., 1967, “Epigenetic Variation in the Human Cranium”, Journal of Anatomy, C.101, S.2, s.361-379.
  • Bidmos, M., 2006, “Metrical and Non-Metrical Assessment of Population Affinity from the Calcaneus”, Forensic Science International, S.159, s.6–13
  • Bostancı, E.Y., 1959, “Anadolu’da Gordion Roma Devri Halkı Astragalus ve Calcanus’larının Biometrik ve Morfolojik Tetkiki ile Ontojenetik ve Filojene- tik Münasebetlari Üzerinde Bir Araştırma”, Ankara Üniversitesi Dil ve Tarih Coğ- rafya Fakültesi Dergisi, C.XVII, S.1-2, s.1-91.
  • Brothwell, D.R. 1981, Digging Up Bones: Excavations, Treatment and Study of Human Skeletal Remains (3rd Edition), British Museum (Natural History) Oxford Uni- versity Pres, Great Britain.
  • Bruckner, J., 1987, “Variations in the Human Subtalar Joint”, Journal of Orthopedics and Sports Physical Therapy, S.8, s.484-494.
  • Bunning, S.C., 1964, “Some Observations on the West African Calcaneus and the Associated Talo-Calcaneal Interosseus Ligamentous Apparatus”, American Jo- urnal of Physical Anthropology, S.22, s.467-472.
  • Bunning, S.C. and Barnett, C.H., 1965, “A Comparison of Adult and Foetal Talocal- caneal Articulations”, Journal of Anatomy, C.99, S.1, s.71-76
  • Çavuşoğlu, R. ve Biber, H., 2005, “Van/Kalecik Urartu Gözlem Alanı ve Nekropo- lü”, Arkeoloji ve Sanat, S.120, s.17-26.
  • Campos, F. F. and Pellico, L. G., 1989, “Talar Articular Facets (Facies Articulares Talares) in Human Calcanei”, Acta Anatomica, C.134, s.124-127.
  • Davies, D.V. and Coupland, R.E., 1967, Gray’s Anatomy, 34th editor, Longmans, Gre- en & Co Ltd, University of London.
  • Drayer-Verhagen, F., 1993, “Arthritis of the Subtalar Joint Associated with Sustenta- culum Tali Facet Configuration”, Journal of Anatomy, S.183, s.631-634.
  • El-Eishi, H., 1974, “Variations in the Talar Articular Facets in Egyptian Calcanei”, Acta Anatomica, C.89, s.134-138.
  • Finnegan, M., 1978, “Non-metric Variation of the Infrocranial Skeleton”, Journal of Anatomy, C.125, S.1, s.23-37.
  • Finnegan, M., and Faust, M. A., 1974, Bibliography of Human and Nonhuman Non-Metric Variation, Research Reports No. 14, Department of Anthropology, University of Massachusetts, Amherst.
  • Gierse, V.H., 1982, “The Talar Articular Surfaces of Calcaneus: A Study of the Morphological and Functional Structure”, Anatomischer Anzeiger, C.152, S.1, s.67-77.
  • Gupta, S.C., Gupta, C. D. and Arora, A. K., 1977, “Pattern of Talar Articular Facets in Indian Calcanei”, Journal of Anatomy, C.124, S.3, s.651-655.
  • Jha, M.R ve Sing, D.R., 1972, “Variations in the Articular Facets on the Superior Surface of Calcaneus”, Journal of the Anatomical Society of India, S.21, s.40-42
  • Kenneth, A.B. 1993, A Field Guide for Human Skeletal Identifition (2nd Edition), Spring- field, Illinois: Charles C.Thomas Publisher, USA.
  • Krogman, W.M. ve İşçan, M.Y. 1986, The Human Skeleton in Forensic Medicine (2nd Edi- tion), Springfield, Illinois: Charles C.Thomas Publisher, USA.
  • Kuba, C.L., 2006, “Nonmetric Traits and the Detection of Family Groups in Archae- ological Remains”, ProQuest Information and Learning Company, UMI Microform, AAT 3210158.
  • Laidlaw, P. P., 1905, “The Os Calcis: Part II-The Processus Posterior”, Journal of Anatomy Physiology, S.39, s.161-177.
  • Loth, S.R. ve İşça, M.Y. 1989, Morphological Assessment of Age in the Adult: The Thoracic Region. Age Markers in the Human Skeleton, Springfield Charles C.Thomas Pub- lisher, USA.
  • Lundy, J.K., 1984, “Selected Aspects of Metrical and Morphological Infracranial Skeletal Variation in the South African Negro”, ProQuest Information and Lear- ning Company, UMI Microform, AAT 0555402 (Abstract).
  • Murphy, A.M.C., 2002, “The Calcaneus: Sex Assessment of Prehistoric New Zea- land Polynesian Skeletal Remains”, Forensic Science International, S.129, s.205- 208.
  • Nester, C.J., 1998, “Review of literature on the axis of rotation at the sub talar joint”, The Foot, S.8, s.111-118.
  • Padmanabhan, R., 1986, “The Talar Facets of the Calcaneus-An Anatomical Note”, Anatomischer Anzeiger, C.161, s.389-392.
  • Patrick, T.L., Roberts, C. C., Chivers, F. S., Kile, T. A., Claridge, R. J., DeMartini, J. R., Kenrich, R. E. ve Freed, L. H., 2003, “Absent Middle Facet: A Sign on Unenhanced Radiography of Subtalar Joint Coalition”, American Journal of Ro- entgenology, S.181, s.1565-1572.
  • Penteado, C.V., Duarte, E., Filho, J.M. ve Stabille, S.R., 1986, “Non-Metric Traits of the Infracranial Skeleton”, Anatomischer Anzeiger, C.162, s.47-50.
  • Ragab, A.A., Stewart, S. L. ve Cooperman, D. R., 2003, “Implications of Subtalar Joint Anatomic Variation in Calcaneal Lengthening Osteotomy”, Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics, S.23, s.79-83.
  • Saadeh, F. A., Fuad, A. H., Mahmoud, S. M. ve Marwan, E. E., 2000, “Patterns of Talar Articular Facets of Egyptian Calcanei”, Journal of the Anatomical Society of India, S.49(1), s.6-8.
  • Saunders, S.R., 1977, “The Development and Distribution of Discontinuous Morp- hological Variation of the Human Infracranial Skeleton”, ProQuest Information and Learning Company, UMI Microform, AAT NK36808.
  • Saunders, S. R., 1989, “Nonmetric Skeletal Variation”, Reconstruction of Life from the Skeleton, (edit, Mehmet Yaşar İşçan and Kenneth A. R. Kennedy), Wiley-Liss, s.95-108.
  • Tanaka, K., Sawada, J., Sakaue, K. ve Dodo, Y., 2004a, “Morphological Variation in Talar Joint Facets of The Human Calcaneus_I.: Basic Morphological and Statistical Analyses”, Anthropological Science (Japanese Series), S.112, s.85-100.
  • Tanaka, K., Sawada, J., Sakaue, K. ve Dodo, Y., 2004b, “Morphological Variation in Talar Joint Facets of The Human Calcaneus II.: Temporal and Regional Differences in Japanese Islanders”, Anthropological Science (Japanese Series), S.112, s.101-111.
  • Trinkaus, E., 1975, “Squatting among the Neanderthals: A Problem in the Behavio- ral Interpretation of Skeletal Morphology”, Journal of Archaeological Science, S.2, s.327-351.
  • Turner, C.G. ve Markowitz, M.A., 1990, “Dental Discontinuity between Late Pleis- tocene and recent Nubian Peopling of the Eurafrican-South Asian Triangle”, HOMO, S.41, s.32-41.
  • Ubelaker, D.H. 1989, Human Skeletal Remains: Excavation, Analysis, Interpretation (2nd Edition), the Manuals on Archeology, Taraxacum, Washington USA.
  • Yılmaz, H. ve Baykara, İ, 2008, “Doğu Anadolu Ortaçağ Toplumlarına Ait Cal- caneuslarda Talar Artiküler Faset (Facies Articularis Talaris) Varyasyonları”, DTCF Dergisi, Baskıda.
  • Woerdeman, M.W., 1950, Atlas of Human Anatomy, Volume I, the Blakiston Company Philadelphie-Toronto.
  • Workshop of European Anthropologists, 1980, “Recommendations for Age and Sex Diagnoses of Skeletons”, Journal of Human Evolution, S.9, s.517–549.

The Types of the Articular Facets Belonging to Van Kalecik (Urartu) Societies

Year 2009, , 619 - 634, 01.12.2009


In this study the joint types of the top surface of the calcaneus that belongs to Van Kalecik (Urartian) Society have been examined. A total of 20 calcaneus bones were examined for this variation. The type B is the most observed joint surface in Van Kalecik society. When the population examined is considered in general sense it is seen that type B is seen in 80% and type A in 20% of the population. Any meaningful (x²) determination has not been made in the examination applied between sexes. In the studies that have been made in the different regions of the world, it has been determinined that the type A joint surface is more common in males.


  • Barbaix, E., Van Roy, P. and Clarys, J. P., 2000, “Variations of Anatomical Ele- ments Contributing to Subtalar Joint Stability: Intrinsic Risk Factors for Post- Traumatic Lateral Instability of the Ankle?”, Ergonomics, C.43, S.10, s.1718- 1725
  • Berry, A.C. and Berry, R.J., 1967, “Epigenetic Variation in the Human Cranium”, Journal of Anatomy, C.101, S.2, s.361-379.
  • Bidmos, M., 2006, “Metrical and Non-Metrical Assessment of Population Affinity from the Calcaneus”, Forensic Science International, S.159, s.6–13
  • Bostancı, E.Y., 1959, “Anadolu’da Gordion Roma Devri Halkı Astragalus ve Calcanus’larının Biometrik ve Morfolojik Tetkiki ile Ontojenetik ve Filojene- tik Münasebetlari Üzerinde Bir Araştırma”, Ankara Üniversitesi Dil ve Tarih Coğ- rafya Fakültesi Dergisi, C.XVII, S.1-2, s.1-91.
  • Brothwell, D.R. 1981, Digging Up Bones: Excavations, Treatment and Study of Human Skeletal Remains (3rd Edition), British Museum (Natural History) Oxford Uni- versity Pres, Great Britain.
  • Bruckner, J., 1987, “Variations in the Human Subtalar Joint”, Journal of Orthopedics and Sports Physical Therapy, S.8, s.484-494.
  • Bunning, S.C., 1964, “Some Observations on the West African Calcaneus and the Associated Talo-Calcaneal Interosseus Ligamentous Apparatus”, American Jo- urnal of Physical Anthropology, S.22, s.467-472.
  • Bunning, S.C. and Barnett, C.H., 1965, “A Comparison of Adult and Foetal Talocal- caneal Articulations”, Journal of Anatomy, C.99, S.1, s.71-76
  • Çavuşoğlu, R. ve Biber, H., 2005, “Van/Kalecik Urartu Gözlem Alanı ve Nekropo- lü”, Arkeoloji ve Sanat, S.120, s.17-26.
  • Campos, F. F. and Pellico, L. G., 1989, “Talar Articular Facets (Facies Articulares Talares) in Human Calcanei”, Acta Anatomica, C.134, s.124-127.
  • Davies, D.V. and Coupland, R.E., 1967, Gray’s Anatomy, 34th editor, Longmans, Gre- en & Co Ltd, University of London.
  • Drayer-Verhagen, F., 1993, “Arthritis of the Subtalar Joint Associated with Sustenta- culum Tali Facet Configuration”, Journal of Anatomy, S.183, s.631-634.
  • El-Eishi, H., 1974, “Variations in the Talar Articular Facets in Egyptian Calcanei”, Acta Anatomica, C.89, s.134-138.
  • Finnegan, M., 1978, “Non-metric Variation of the Infrocranial Skeleton”, Journal of Anatomy, C.125, S.1, s.23-37.
  • Finnegan, M., and Faust, M. A., 1974, Bibliography of Human and Nonhuman Non-Metric Variation, Research Reports No. 14, Department of Anthropology, University of Massachusetts, Amherst.
  • Gierse, V.H., 1982, “The Talar Articular Surfaces of Calcaneus: A Study of the Morphological and Functional Structure”, Anatomischer Anzeiger, C.152, S.1, s.67-77.
  • Gupta, S.C., Gupta, C. D. and Arora, A. K., 1977, “Pattern of Talar Articular Facets in Indian Calcanei”, Journal of Anatomy, C.124, S.3, s.651-655.
  • Jha, M.R ve Sing, D.R., 1972, “Variations in the Articular Facets on the Superior Surface of Calcaneus”, Journal of the Anatomical Society of India, S.21, s.40-42
  • Kenneth, A.B. 1993, A Field Guide for Human Skeletal Identifition (2nd Edition), Spring- field, Illinois: Charles C.Thomas Publisher, USA.
  • Krogman, W.M. ve İşçan, M.Y. 1986, The Human Skeleton in Forensic Medicine (2nd Edi- tion), Springfield, Illinois: Charles C.Thomas Publisher, USA.
  • Kuba, C.L., 2006, “Nonmetric Traits and the Detection of Family Groups in Archae- ological Remains”, ProQuest Information and Learning Company, UMI Microform, AAT 3210158.
  • Laidlaw, P. P., 1905, “The Os Calcis: Part II-The Processus Posterior”, Journal of Anatomy Physiology, S.39, s.161-177.
  • Loth, S.R. ve İşça, M.Y. 1989, Morphological Assessment of Age in the Adult: The Thoracic Region. Age Markers in the Human Skeleton, Springfield Charles C.Thomas Pub- lisher, USA.
  • Lundy, J.K., 1984, “Selected Aspects of Metrical and Morphological Infracranial Skeletal Variation in the South African Negro”, ProQuest Information and Lear- ning Company, UMI Microform, AAT 0555402 (Abstract).
  • Murphy, A.M.C., 2002, “The Calcaneus: Sex Assessment of Prehistoric New Zea- land Polynesian Skeletal Remains”, Forensic Science International, S.129, s.205- 208.
  • Nester, C.J., 1998, “Review of literature on the axis of rotation at the sub talar joint”, The Foot, S.8, s.111-118.
  • Padmanabhan, R., 1986, “The Talar Facets of the Calcaneus-An Anatomical Note”, Anatomischer Anzeiger, C.161, s.389-392.
  • Patrick, T.L., Roberts, C. C., Chivers, F. S., Kile, T. A., Claridge, R. J., DeMartini, J. R., Kenrich, R. E. ve Freed, L. H., 2003, “Absent Middle Facet: A Sign on Unenhanced Radiography of Subtalar Joint Coalition”, American Journal of Ro- entgenology, S.181, s.1565-1572.
  • Penteado, C.V., Duarte, E., Filho, J.M. ve Stabille, S.R., 1986, “Non-Metric Traits of the Infracranial Skeleton”, Anatomischer Anzeiger, C.162, s.47-50.
  • Ragab, A.A., Stewart, S. L. ve Cooperman, D. R., 2003, “Implications of Subtalar Joint Anatomic Variation in Calcaneal Lengthening Osteotomy”, Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics, S.23, s.79-83.
  • Saadeh, F. A., Fuad, A. H., Mahmoud, S. M. ve Marwan, E. E., 2000, “Patterns of Talar Articular Facets of Egyptian Calcanei”, Journal of the Anatomical Society of India, S.49(1), s.6-8.
  • Saunders, S.R., 1977, “The Development and Distribution of Discontinuous Morp- hological Variation of the Human Infracranial Skeleton”, ProQuest Information and Learning Company, UMI Microform, AAT NK36808.
  • Saunders, S. R., 1989, “Nonmetric Skeletal Variation”, Reconstruction of Life from the Skeleton, (edit, Mehmet Yaşar İşçan and Kenneth A. R. Kennedy), Wiley-Liss, s.95-108.
  • Tanaka, K., Sawada, J., Sakaue, K. ve Dodo, Y., 2004a, “Morphological Variation in Talar Joint Facets of The Human Calcaneus_I.: Basic Morphological and Statistical Analyses”, Anthropological Science (Japanese Series), S.112, s.85-100.
  • Tanaka, K., Sawada, J., Sakaue, K. ve Dodo, Y., 2004b, “Morphological Variation in Talar Joint Facets of The Human Calcaneus II.: Temporal and Regional Differences in Japanese Islanders”, Anthropological Science (Japanese Series), S.112, s.101-111.
  • Trinkaus, E., 1975, “Squatting among the Neanderthals: A Problem in the Behavio- ral Interpretation of Skeletal Morphology”, Journal of Archaeological Science, S.2, s.327-351.
  • Turner, C.G. ve Markowitz, M.A., 1990, “Dental Discontinuity between Late Pleis- tocene and recent Nubian Peopling of the Eurafrican-South Asian Triangle”, HOMO, S.41, s.32-41.
  • Ubelaker, D.H. 1989, Human Skeletal Remains: Excavation, Analysis, Interpretation (2nd Edition), the Manuals on Archeology, Taraxacum, Washington USA.
  • Yılmaz, H. ve Baykara, İ, 2008, “Doğu Anadolu Ortaçağ Toplumlarına Ait Cal- caneuslarda Talar Artiküler Faset (Facies Articularis Talaris) Varyasyonları”, DTCF Dergisi, Baskıda.
  • Woerdeman, M.W., 1950, Atlas of Human Anatomy, Volume I, the Blakiston Company Philadelphie-Toronto.
  • Workshop of European Anthropologists, 1980, “Recommendations for Age and Sex Diagnoses of Skeletons”, Journal of Human Evolution, S.9, s.517–549.
There are 41 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Araştırma Makaleleri

Hakan Yılmaz This is me

Rafet Çavuşoğlu This is me

İsmail Baykara This is me

Timur Gültekin This is me

Bilcan Gökce This is me

Publication Date December 1, 2009
Published in Issue Year 2009


APA Yılmaz, H., Çavuşoğlu, R., Baykara, İ., Gültekin, T., et al. (2009). Van Kalecik (Urartu) Toplumuna Ait Calcaneuslarda Artiküler Faset (Facies Articularis Talaris) Tipleri. BELLETEN, 73(268), 619-634.
AMA Yılmaz H, Çavuşoğlu R, Baykara İ, Gültekin T, Gökce B. Van Kalecik (Urartu) Toplumuna Ait Calcaneuslarda Artiküler Faset (Facies Articularis Talaris) Tipleri. TTK BELLETEN. December 2009;73(268):619-634. doi:10.37879/belleten.2009.619
Chicago Yılmaz, Hakan, Rafet Çavuşoğlu, İsmail Baykara, Timur Gültekin, and Bilcan Gökce. “Van Kalecik (Urartu) Toplumuna Ait Calcaneuslarda Artiküler Faset (Facies Articularis Talaris) Tipleri”. BELLETEN 73, no. 268 (December 2009): 619-34.
EndNote Yılmaz H, Çavuşoğlu R, Baykara İ, Gültekin T, Gökce B (December 1, 2009) Van Kalecik (Urartu) Toplumuna Ait Calcaneuslarda Artiküler Faset (Facies Articularis Talaris) Tipleri. BELLETEN 73 268 619–634.
IEEE H. Yılmaz, R. Çavuşoğlu, İ. Baykara, T. Gültekin, and B. Gökce, “Van Kalecik (Urartu) Toplumuna Ait Calcaneuslarda Artiküler Faset (Facies Articularis Talaris) Tipleri”, TTK BELLETEN, vol. 73, no. 268, pp. 619–634, 2009, doi: 10.37879/belleten.2009.619.
ISNAD Yılmaz, Hakan et al. “Van Kalecik (Urartu) Toplumuna Ait Calcaneuslarda Artiküler Faset (Facies Articularis Talaris) Tipleri”. BELLETEN 73/268 (December 2009), 619-634.
JAMA Yılmaz H, Çavuşoğlu R, Baykara İ, Gültekin T, Gökce B. Van Kalecik (Urartu) Toplumuna Ait Calcaneuslarda Artiküler Faset (Facies Articularis Talaris) Tipleri. TTK BELLETEN. 2009;73:619–634.
MLA Yılmaz, Hakan et al. “Van Kalecik (Urartu) Toplumuna Ait Calcaneuslarda Artiküler Faset (Facies Articularis Talaris) Tipleri”. BELLETEN, vol. 73, no. 268, 2009, pp. 619-34, doi:10.37879/belleten.2009.619.
Vancouver Yılmaz H, Çavuşoğlu R, Baykara İ, Gültekin T, Gökce B. Van Kalecik (Urartu) Toplumuna Ait Calcaneuslarda Artiküler Faset (Facies Articularis Talaris) Tipleri. TTK BELLETEN. 2009;73(268):619-34.