Research Article
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Year 2021, Issue: 28, 225 - 241, 14.09.2021


Arkeolojide materyal kültür ya da kültürel materyal terimleri yaygın olarak tartışmalara konu olmuştur. Bu tartışmalar
sosyal antropoloji, felsefe, sosyoloji gibi diğer bilim dallarının çözümlemeleri üzerinden açıklanmaya çalışılmış
ve her bir bilimin kendi metodolojisinde incelenerek ölçütler konulmuştur. Fakat bu süreç içinde arkeolojiden
uzaklaşılmış ve bambaşka gerçekliklere yönelinmiştir. Bunun sebeplerinden biri, arkeolojik materyallerin ne ifade
etmesi gerektiğiyle, bunlarla kültürler arasındaki işleyişlerin entegrasyonunun nasıl gerçekleştirileceğinin açık bir
şekilde ifade edilememesidir. Paleolitik Çağ ve hemen sonrasındaki Epi-paleolitik dönem ve bunun arkasından
da gelen Neolitik Çağ’ı ifade etmede kullanılan önemli materyallerden biri taş aletlerse, analojiden kaynaklanan
tipolojik çağrışımların karşılığı olarak materyal sınıflamalarına gitme eğilimi, yontmataş alet analizcilerinin çalışma
yöntemi olarak kaydedilmiştir. Doğal olarak analojinin karşılık bulmadığı noktalarda “teknoloji” verilerini devreye
sokarak tanımlamalar yapılmış ve bu tanımlamalar da tipolojik sınıflamaların destekçisi olmuştur. Prehistoryenler
tarafından arkeolojik açıklamalar yapılırken teknik ve tipolojik veriler kullanılarak anlatımlar gerçekleştirilir. Bu, bazı
durumlarda özellikle de Paleolitik Çağ ve Epi-paleolitik gibi günümüzden çok farklı koşullar altında ortaya çıkan,
gelişen ve kaybolan kültürlerin tanınması ve tanımlanmasında bazı karışıklıklara sebep olmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın
amacı, prehistorik arkeolojide geçmişten günümüze kadar yontmataş aletler üzerinde yapılan çalışmaların, özellikle
de Paleolitik Çağ ve Epi-paleolitik dönemin sonuçlarını ele alarak, ortaya çıkmış karışık bazı durumlara dikkat


  • ARSEBÜK, G. 1987. “İki Milyon Yıl Öncesinin Taş Aletleri”, Tarih ve Toplum, 45: 37-41.
  • ASHTON, N.M./ MCNABB, J./ PARFITT, S. 1992. “Choppers and Clactonian: Ac Reinvestigation” Proceedings Prehistory Society, 58: 21-28.
  • BARKAI, R./ GOPHER, A./ SOLODENKO, N./ LEMORINI, C. 2013. “An Amudian Oddity: A Giant Biface from Late Lower Paleolithic Qesem Cave”, Tel Aviv, Vol. 40.2, 176-186.
  • BAR-YOSEF, O./ BELFER, A. 1977. “The Lagaman Industry”, Prehistoric Investigation in Gebel Maghara, Northern Sinai, Qedem 7, (Eds. O. Bar- Yosef, J.L. Philips), Hebrew University, Jeruselam: 42- 84.
  • BAR-YOSEF, O. 1998. “In Early Human Behavior in Global Context: The Rise and Diversity of the Lower Palaeolithic Record”, Early Colonizations and Cultural Continuities in the Lower Paleolithic of Western Asia, (Eds. M.D. Petraglia, R. Korisettar) London: 221-279.
  • BAR-YOSEF, O./ KUHN, S.L., 1999. “The Big Deal about Blades: Laminar Technologies and Human Evolution”, American Anthropologist, 101: 322- 338.
  • BAR-YOSEF MAYER, D.E./ ZOHAR, I, 2010. “The Role of Aquatic Resources in the Natufian Culture”, Eurasian Prehistory, Number 7, Vol. 1, 29-43.
  • BARZILAI, O./ AGHA, N./ ASHKENAZY, H./ BIRKENFELD, M./ BOARETTO, E./ PORAT, N./ SPIVAK, P./ ROSKIN, J. 2015. “The Natufian Site of Nahal Sekher VI: The 2009 Excavation Season”, Journal of the Israel Prehistoric Society, 45: 97-130.
  • BELFER-COHEN, A./ GORING-MORRIS, N. 2002. “Why Microlithization? Microlitization in The Levant”, Archeological Papers of the American Anthropological Association, Vol. 12, Issue: 1, 57-68.
  • BINFORD, L.R. 1962. “Archaeology as Anthropology”, American Antiquity, Vol:28, No:2, Cambridge University Press: 217-225.
  • BORDES, F. 1961. “Mousterian Culture in France”, Science, Vol. 134, 803- 810. BORDES, F. 1988. “Typologie du Paléolithique ancien et moyen”, Presses du CNRS.
  • BOUYSSONIE, J. 1944. “La Grotte Dufour près de Brive (Corrèze)”, Bulletin de la Société préhistorique de France, tome 41, n°10-12, 186-192.
  • BRAIDWOOD, L. 1961. “The General of Appearance of Obsidian in Southwestern Asia and Microlithic Side-Blow Blade-Flake in Obsidian”, Bericht über den V. Internationalen Kongress für Vor-und Frühgeschicte, Hamburg: 142-147.
  • BRÉZILION, M.N. 1971. “La Dénomination des Objects de Pierre Taillée, IVe supplément à Gallia Préhistoire” seconde édition, Éditions du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique 15, quai Anatole-France, Paris VIIe
  • BURDUKIEWICZ, J.M. 2006. “Lithic artefacts-typology, technology and morphometrics”, The Stone: Technique and Technology, Wroclaw: 11-22.
  • BUTLER, C. 2005. “Prehistoric Flintwork”, First Publishing, Tempus Publishing, England.
  • CHAZAN, M. 2010. “Technological Perspectives on The Upper Paleolithic”, Evolutionary Anthropology, 19: 57-65.
  • CHILDE, V.G. 1950. “The Urban Revolution”, The Town Planning Review, Vol. 21, No:1, 3-17.
  • CHIOTTI, L. 2005. “La production lamellaire du niveau 8 (Aurignacien évolué) de l’abri Pataud.” Le Brun, Archéologiques 1, (Eds: F. Ricalens, J.G. Bordes, F. Bon, Productions Lamellaires Attribuées à l’Aurignacien: chaînes opératoires et perspectives technoculturelle (XIVe congrés de l’UISPP Liège), Luxembourg: 227–243.
  • CHMIELEWSKI, W. 1972. “The Continuity and Discontinuity of The Evolution of Archaeological Cultures in Central and Eastern Europe between the 55th and 25th Millanaries BC”, The Origin of Homo Sapiens, Proceedings of The Paris Symposium 2-5 September (Ed: F. Bordes), Paris.
  • CLARK, G. 1969. “World Prehistory: A New Outline”, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • CLARK, J.D. 1970. “The Prehistory of Africa (Ancient Peoples & Places)”, Thames and Hudson: New York.
  • DARWIN, C. 1859. “On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or The Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life”, D. Appletion and Company: New York.
  • DEBÉNATH, A. 1990. “A propos de Typologie Lithique: inutilité ou inéluctabilité?”, Bulletin de la Société d’Anthropologie du Sud-Quest, 25:191-200.
  • DEBÉNATH, A./ DIBBLE, H.L. 1994. “Handbook of Paleolithic Typology, Volume One, Lower and Middle Paleolithic of Europe”, University of Pennsylvania. Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology; Illustrated Edition.
  • DEMİRSOY, A. 2017. “Evrim, Atom Altı Parçacıktan İnsana Türlerin Görkemli Yolculuğu”, Asi Kitap Guru Yapım Prodüksiyon Ltd.Şti.: İstanbul.
  • DİNÇER, B. 2018. “Alt Paleolitik Satır ve Kıyıcıların Tekno-Tipolojisi: Tekirdağ Buluntuları”, Anadolu Arkeolojisinde Taş Aletler: Teori, Metod, Pratik, Ege Yayınları, İstanbul: 31-68.
  • DORONICHEV, V./ GOLOVANOVA, L.V. 2003. “Bifacial Tools in The Lower Paleolithic of The Caucasus and Their Context”, Multiple Approaches to The Study of Bifacial Technologies, (Eds. M. Soressi, H.L Dibble), Philadelphia: 77-107.
  • EVANS, J. 1872. “The Ancient Stone Implements, Weapons and Ornaments of Great Britain”, Longsman, Green, Reader and Dyer: London.
  • FREEMAN, S./ HERRON, J.C. 2009. “Evrimsel Analiz”, (Çev. Ed. B. Çıplak, H. H. Başıbüyük, S. Karaytuğ, İ. Gündüz), Palme Yayıncılık: Ankara.
  • FRERE, J. 1800. “Account of Flint Weapons Discovered at Hoxne in Suffolk”, Archaeologia, Vol. 13, 204-205.
  • GABUNIA, L./ VEKUA, A./ LORDKIPANITZE, D./ FERRING, R./ JUSTUS, A./ MAISURADZE, G./ MOUSKHELISHVILI, A./ NIORADZE, M./ SOLOGASHVILI, D./ SWISHER, C. C./ TVALCHRELIDZE, M. 2000. “Current Research on the Hominid Site of Dmanisi”, Early Humans at the Gates of Europe, ERAUL 92, (Eds. D. Lordkipanidze, O. Bar-Yosef, M. Otte), 13-27. GOBERT, E.G. 1950. “Les Gisement Paléolithique de Sidi Zin”, Karthago 1, 1-64.
  • GOODALE, N./ANDREFSKY, W.J. 2015. “Interpreting Lithic Technology Under The Evolutionary Tent”, Lithic Technological Systems And Evolutionary Theory, Cambridge University Press, New York.
  • GRAYSON, G. 1983. “The Establishment of Human Antiquity”, Academic Press: Orlando.
  • HAYS, M.A./ LUCAS, G. 2000. “A Technological and Functional Analysis of Carinates from Le Flageolet I, Dordogne, France”, Journal of Field Archaeology, Vol.27, No:4, 455-465.
  • HERSHKOVITZ, I./ SMITH, P./ SARIG, R./ QUAM, R./ RODRIGUEZ, L./ GARCIA, R./ ARSUAGA, J.L./ BARKAI, R./ GOPHER, A. 2011. “Middle Pleistocene Dental Remains from Qesem Cave, Israil”, American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 144: 575-592.
  • HOLMES, W. H. 1894. “Natural History of Flaked Stone Implements”, In Memories of The International Congress of Anthropology, (Ed. C.S. Wake), Schulte: Chicago, 120-139.
  • JOLLY, C.J./WHITE, R. 1995. “Physical Anthropology and Archaeology”, McGraw- Hill, New York.
  • KARTAL, M. 2015. “Prehistorya (Tarih Öncesi) Kavramı”, Anadolu Prehistorya Araştırmaları Dergisi APAD, Sayı:1, 145- 161.
  • LEAKEY, M.D. 1966. “A Review of the Oldowan Culture from Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania”, Nature, 210: 462-466.
  • NEELEY, M.P. 2008. “Going Microlithic: A Levantine Perspective on The Adoption of Microlithic Technologies”, Archaeological Papers of American Anthropological Association, (Ed. D.L. Nichols), Vol. 12, Issue: 1, 45-55.
  • NISHIAKI, Y. 1990. “Corner-Thinned Blades: A New Obsidian Tool Type from a Pottery Neolithic Mound in the Khabur Basin, Syria”, Bulletin of The American Schools of Oriental Research, No: 280, 5-14.
  • OHEL, M. 1979. “The Clactonian: An Independent Complex or An Integral Part of The Acheulian”, Current Anthropology, 20: 685-726.
  • OLSZEWSKI, D. I. 2001. “Ruminations on The Early Upper Paleolithic and a Consideration of The Zagros Aurignacian”, Questioning and Answers: Re-Solving Fundamental Problems of The Early Upper Paleolithic, (Eds. M. A. Hays, P. T. Thacker), BAR 1005, Oxford: 79-89.
  • ROODENBERG, J.J. 1986. “Le Mobilier en Pierre de Bouqras: Utilistion de la Pierre dans Site Neolithique sur le Moyen Euphrate (Syrie)”, Nederlands Historisch-Arkeologisch Institut te İstanbul.
  • SHEA, J.J. 2013a. “Lithic Modes A-I: A New Framework for Describing Global-Scale Variation in Stone Tool Technology Illustrated with Evidence from the East Mediterranean Levant”, Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory, Vol. 20, Issue 1, 151-186.
  • SHEA, J.J. 2013b. “Stone Tools in The Paleolithic and Neolithic Near East”, Cambridge University Press, New York.
  • TIXIER, J. 1963. “Typologie de l’Épipaléolithique du Mghreb, Mémoires du Centre de Recherches anthropologiques, préhistoriques et étnographiques”, 2, Alger, Paris.
  • VAN RIET LOWE, C. 1952. “The Pleistocene Geology and Prehistory of Uganda, Part 1”, Geological Survey of Uganda 6.
  • VARDI, J./ GILEAD, I. 2011. “Side-Blow Blade-Flake from The Ghassullian Sickle Blade Workshope of Beit Eshel: Chalcolithic Solution to A Neolithic Riddle”, The State of the Stone Terminologies, Continuities and Contexts in Near Eastern Lithics, (Eds. E. Healey, S. Campbell, O. Maeda) Berlin: 343-356.
  • VARDI, J./ MARDER, O./ BOOKMAN, R./ FRIESEM, D.E./ GROMAN-YEROSLAVSKI, I./ EDELTIN, L./ PORAT, N./ BOARETTO, E./ ROSKIN, J. 2018. “Middle to Late Epipaleolithic Hunter-Gatherer Encampments at The Ashalim Site, on a Linear Dune- Like Morphology, Along Dunefield Margin Water Bodies”, Quaternary International, 464, 187-205. doi. org/10.1016/j.quaint.2017.06.011.
  • WENBAN-SMITH, F.F. 1998. “Clactonian and Acheulian Industries in Britain: Their Chronology and Significance Reconsidered”, Stone Age Archaeology: Essay in Honour of John Wymer, (Eds. N. Ashton, F. Healy, P. Pettitt), Oxbow Books: Oxford, 90- 97.
  • WYMER, J.J. 1999. “The Lower Paleolithic Occupation of Britain”, Wessex Archaeology and English Heritage.
Year 2021, Issue: 28, 225 - 241, 14.09.2021



  • ARSEBÜK, G. 1987. “İki Milyon Yıl Öncesinin Taş Aletleri”, Tarih ve Toplum, 45: 37-41.
  • ASHTON, N.M./ MCNABB, J./ PARFITT, S. 1992. “Choppers and Clactonian: Ac Reinvestigation” Proceedings Prehistory Society, 58: 21-28.
  • BARKAI, R./ GOPHER, A./ SOLODENKO, N./ LEMORINI, C. 2013. “An Amudian Oddity: A Giant Biface from Late Lower Paleolithic Qesem Cave”, Tel Aviv, Vol. 40.2, 176-186.
  • BAR-YOSEF, O./ BELFER, A. 1977. “The Lagaman Industry”, Prehistoric Investigation in Gebel Maghara, Northern Sinai, Qedem 7, (Eds. O. Bar- Yosef, J.L. Philips), Hebrew University, Jeruselam: 42- 84.
  • BAR-YOSEF, O. 1998. “In Early Human Behavior in Global Context: The Rise and Diversity of the Lower Palaeolithic Record”, Early Colonizations and Cultural Continuities in the Lower Paleolithic of Western Asia, (Eds. M.D. Petraglia, R. Korisettar) London: 221-279.
  • BAR-YOSEF, O./ KUHN, S.L., 1999. “The Big Deal about Blades: Laminar Technologies and Human Evolution”, American Anthropologist, 101: 322- 338.
  • BAR-YOSEF MAYER, D.E./ ZOHAR, I, 2010. “The Role of Aquatic Resources in the Natufian Culture”, Eurasian Prehistory, Number 7, Vol. 1, 29-43.
  • BARZILAI, O./ AGHA, N./ ASHKENAZY, H./ BIRKENFELD, M./ BOARETTO, E./ PORAT, N./ SPIVAK, P./ ROSKIN, J. 2015. “The Natufian Site of Nahal Sekher VI: The 2009 Excavation Season”, Journal of the Israel Prehistoric Society, 45: 97-130.
  • BELFER-COHEN, A./ GORING-MORRIS, N. 2002. “Why Microlithization? Microlitization in The Levant”, Archeological Papers of the American Anthropological Association, Vol. 12, Issue: 1, 57-68.
  • BINFORD, L.R. 1962. “Archaeology as Anthropology”, American Antiquity, Vol:28, No:2, Cambridge University Press: 217-225.
  • BORDES, F. 1961. “Mousterian Culture in France”, Science, Vol. 134, 803- 810. BORDES, F. 1988. “Typologie du Paléolithique ancien et moyen”, Presses du CNRS.
  • BOUYSSONIE, J. 1944. “La Grotte Dufour près de Brive (Corrèze)”, Bulletin de la Société préhistorique de France, tome 41, n°10-12, 186-192.
  • BRAIDWOOD, L. 1961. “The General of Appearance of Obsidian in Southwestern Asia and Microlithic Side-Blow Blade-Flake in Obsidian”, Bericht über den V. Internationalen Kongress für Vor-und Frühgeschicte, Hamburg: 142-147.
  • BRÉZILION, M.N. 1971. “La Dénomination des Objects de Pierre Taillée, IVe supplément à Gallia Préhistoire” seconde édition, Éditions du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique 15, quai Anatole-France, Paris VIIe
  • BURDUKIEWICZ, J.M. 2006. “Lithic artefacts-typology, technology and morphometrics”, The Stone: Technique and Technology, Wroclaw: 11-22.
  • BUTLER, C. 2005. “Prehistoric Flintwork”, First Publishing, Tempus Publishing, England.
  • CHAZAN, M. 2010. “Technological Perspectives on The Upper Paleolithic”, Evolutionary Anthropology, 19: 57-65.
  • CHILDE, V.G. 1950. “The Urban Revolution”, The Town Planning Review, Vol. 21, No:1, 3-17.
  • CHIOTTI, L. 2005. “La production lamellaire du niveau 8 (Aurignacien évolué) de l’abri Pataud.” Le Brun, Archéologiques 1, (Eds: F. Ricalens, J.G. Bordes, F. Bon, Productions Lamellaires Attribuées à l’Aurignacien: chaînes opératoires et perspectives technoculturelle (XIVe congrés de l’UISPP Liège), Luxembourg: 227–243.
  • CHMIELEWSKI, W. 1972. “The Continuity and Discontinuity of The Evolution of Archaeological Cultures in Central and Eastern Europe between the 55th and 25th Millanaries BC”, The Origin of Homo Sapiens, Proceedings of The Paris Symposium 2-5 September (Ed: F. Bordes), Paris.
  • CLARK, G. 1969. “World Prehistory: A New Outline”, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • CLARK, J.D. 1970. “The Prehistory of Africa (Ancient Peoples & Places)”, Thames and Hudson: New York.
  • DARWIN, C. 1859. “On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or The Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life”, D. Appletion and Company: New York.
  • DEBÉNATH, A. 1990. “A propos de Typologie Lithique: inutilité ou inéluctabilité?”, Bulletin de la Société d’Anthropologie du Sud-Quest, 25:191-200.
  • DEBÉNATH, A./ DIBBLE, H.L. 1994. “Handbook of Paleolithic Typology, Volume One, Lower and Middle Paleolithic of Europe”, University of Pennsylvania. Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology; Illustrated Edition.
  • DEMİRSOY, A. 2017. “Evrim, Atom Altı Parçacıktan İnsana Türlerin Görkemli Yolculuğu”, Asi Kitap Guru Yapım Prodüksiyon Ltd.Şti.: İstanbul.
  • DİNÇER, B. 2018. “Alt Paleolitik Satır ve Kıyıcıların Tekno-Tipolojisi: Tekirdağ Buluntuları”, Anadolu Arkeolojisinde Taş Aletler: Teori, Metod, Pratik, Ege Yayınları, İstanbul: 31-68.
  • DORONICHEV, V./ GOLOVANOVA, L.V. 2003. “Bifacial Tools in The Lower Paleolithic of The Caucasus and Their Context”, Multiple Approaches to The Study of Bifacial Technologies, (Eds. M. Soressi, H.L Dibble), Philadelphia: 77-107.
  • EVANS, J. 1872. “The Ancient Stone Implements, Weapons and Ornaments of Great Britain”, Longsman, Green, Reader and Dyer: London.
  • FREEMAN, S./ HERRON, J.C. 2009. “Evrimsel Analiz”, (Çev. Ed. B. Çıplak, H. H. Başıbüyük, S. Karaytuğ, İ. Gündüz), Palme Yayıncılık: Ankara.
  • FRERE, J. 1800. “Account of Flint Weapons Discovered at Hoxne in Suffolk”, Archaeologia, Vol. 13, 204-205.
  • GABUNIA, L./ VEKUA, A./ LORDKIPANITZE, D./ FERRING, R./ JUSTUS, A./ MAISURADZE, G./ MOUSKHELISHVILI, A./ NIORADZE, M./ SOLOGASHVILI, D./ SWISHER, C. C./ TVALCHRELIDZE, M. 2000. “Current Research on the Hominid Site of Dmanisi”, Early Humans at the Gates of Europe, ERAUL 92, (Eds. D. Lordkipanidze, O. Bar-Yosef, M. Otte), 13-27. GOBERT, E.G. 1950. “Les Gisement Paléolithique de Sidi Zin”, Karthago 1, 1-64.
  • GOODALE, N./ANDREFSKY, W.J. 2015. “Interpreting Lithic Technology Under The Evolutionary Tent”, Lithic Technological Systems And Evolutionary Theory, Cambridge University Press, New York.
  • GRAYSON, G. 1983. “The Establishment of Human Antiquity”, Academic Press: Orlando.
  • HAYS, M.A./ LUCAS, G. 2000. “A Technological and Functional Analysis of Carinates from Le Flageolet I, Dordogne, France”, Journal of Field Archaeology, Vol.27, No:4, 455-465.
  • HERSHKOVITZ, I./ SMITH, P./ SARIG, R./ QUAM, R./ RODRIGUEZ, L./ GARCIA, R./ ARSUAGA, J.L./ BARKAI, R./ GOPHER, A. 2011. “Middle Pleistocene Dental Remains from Qesem Cave, Israil”, American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 144: 575-592.
  • HOLMES, W. H. 1894. “Natural History of Flaked Stone Implements”, In Memories of The International Congress of Anthropology, (Ed. C.S. Wake), Schulte: Chicago, 120-139.
  • JOLLY, C.J./WHITE, R. 1995. “Physical Anthropology and Archaeology”, McGraw- Hill, New York.
  • KARTAL, M. 2015. “Prehistorya (Tarih Öncesi) Kavramı”, Anadolu Prehistorya Araştırmaları Dergisi APAD, Sayı:1, 145- 161.
  • LEAKEY, M.D. 1966. “A Review of the Oldowan Culture from Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania”, Nature, 210: 462-466.
  • NEELEY, M.P. 2008. “Going Microlithic: A Levantine Perspective on The Adoption of Microlithic Technologies”, Archaeological Papers of American Anthropological Association, (Ed. D.L. Nichols), Vol. 12, Issue: 1, 45-55.
  • NISHIAKI, Y. 1990. “Corner-Thinned Blades: A New Obsidian Tool Type from a Pottery Neolithic Mound in the Khabur Basin, Syria”, Bulletin of The American Schools of Oriental Research, No: 280, 5-14.
  • OHEL, M. 1979. “The Clactonian: An Independent Complex or An Integral Part of The Acheulian”, Current Anthropology, 20: 685-726.
  • OLSZEWSKI, D. I. 2001. “Ruminations on The Early Upper Paleolithic and a Consideration of The Zagros Aurignacian”, Questioning and Answers: Re-Solving Fundamental Problems of The Early Upper Paleolithic, (Eds. M. A. Hays, P. T. Thacker), BAR 1005, Oxford: 79-89.
  • ROODENBERG, J.J. 1986. “Le Mobilier en Pierre de Bouqras: Utilistion de la Pierre dans Site Neolithique sur le Moyen Euphrate (Syrie)”, Nederlands Historisch-Arkeologisch Institut te İstanbul.
  • SHEA, J.J. 2013a. “Lithic Modes A-I: A New Framework for Describing Global-Scale Variation in Stone Tool Technology Illustrated with Evidence from the East Mediterranean Levant”, Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory, Vol. 20, Issue 1, 151-186.
  • SHEA, J.J. 2013b. “Stone Tools in The Paleolithic and Neolithic Near East”, Cambridge University Press, New York.
  • TIXIER, J. 1963. “Typologie de l’Épipaléolithique du Mghreb, Mémoires du Centre de Recherches anthropologiques, préhistoriques et étnographiques”, 2, Alger, Paris.
  • VAN RIET LOWE, C. 1952. “The Pleistocene Geology and Prehistory of Uganda, Part 1”, Geological Survey of Uganda 6.
  • VARDI, J./ GILEAD, I. 2011. “Side-Blow Blade-Flake from The Ghassullian Sickle Blade Workshope of Beit Eshel: Chalcolithic Solution to A Neolithic Riddle”, The State of the Stone Terminologies, Continuities and Contexts in Near Eastern Lithics, (Eds. E. Healey, S. Campbell, O. Maeda) Berlin: 343-356.
  • VARDI, J./ MARDER, O./ BOOKMAN, R./ FRIESEM, D.E./ GROMAN-YEROSLAVSKI, I./ EDELTIN, L./ PORAT, N./ BOARETTO, E./ ROSKIN, J. 2018. “Middle to Late Epipaleolithic Hunter-Gatherer Encampments at The Ashalim Site, on a Linear Dune- Like Morphology, Along Dunefield Margin Water Bodies”, Quaternary International, 464, 187-205. doi. org/10.1016/j.quaint.2017.06.011.
  • WENBAN-SMITH, F.F. 1998. “Clactonian and Acheulian Industries in Britain: Their Chronology and Significance Reconsidered”, Stone Age Archaeology: Essay in Honour of John Wymer, (Eds. N. Ashton, F. Healy, P. Pettitt), Oxbow Books: Oxford, 90- 97.
  • WYMER, J.J. 1999. “The Lower Paleolithic Occupation of Britain”, Wessex Archaeology and English Heritage.
There are 53 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Archaeology
Journal Section Articles

Cevdet Merih Erek This is me 0000-0002-0259-5111

Publication Date September 14, 2021
Submission Date November 3, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2021 Issue: 28


APA Erek, C. M. (2021). YONTMATAŞ İLE BAŞLAYAN ENDÜSTRİYEL SÜREKLİLİK: EVRİM, İLERLEME, GELİŞME. TÜBA-AR Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi Arkeoloji Dergisi(28), 225-241.
AMA Erek CM. YONTMATAŞ İLE BAŞLAYAN ENDÜSTRİYEL SÜREKLİLİK: EVRİM, İLERLEME, GELİŞME. TÜBA-AR. September 2021;(28):225-241. doi:10.22520/tubaar.2021.28.012
Chicago Erek, Cevdet Merih. “YONTMATAŞ İLE BAŞLAYAN ENDÜSTRİYEL SÜREKLİLİK: EVRİM, İLERLEME, GELİŞME”. TÜBA-AR Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi Arkeoloji Dergisi, no. 28 (September 2021): 225-41.
EndNote Erek CM (September 1, 2021) YONTMATAŞ İLE BAŞLAYAN ENDÜSTRİYEL SÜREKLİLİK: EVRİM, İLERLEME, GELİŞME. TÜBA-AR Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi Arkeoloji Dergisi 28 225–241.
IEEE C. M. Erek, “YONTMATAŞ İLE BAŞLAYAN ENDÜSTRİYEL SÜREKLİLİK: EVRİM, İLERLEME, GELİŞME”, TÜBA-AR, no. 28, pp. 225–241, September 2021, doi: 10.22520/tubaar.2021.28.012.
ISNAD Erek, Cevdet Merih. “YONTMATAŞ İLE BAŞLAYAN ENDÜSTRİYEL SÜREKLİLİK: EVRİM, İLERLEME, GELİŞME”. TÜBA-AR Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi Arkeoloji Dergisi 28 (September 2021), 225-241.
MLA Erek, Cevdet Merih. “YONTMATAŞ İLE BAŞLAYAN ENDÜSTRİYEL SÜREKLİLİK: EVRİM, İLERLEME, GELİŞME”. TÜBA-AR Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi Arkeoloji Dergisi, no. 28, 2021, pp. 225-41, doi:10.22520/tubaar.2021.28.012.

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