Open Access Policy

"Open Access" is a term that covers both Gratis and Libre Open Access. More than 20 years ago, Open Access meant content that was made freely available without any charge. This type of Open Access is now referred to as Free Open Access. Over time, as the concept of open access became more widely accepted, there was a need to be clearer about what users were allowed to do with the content. This meant that the rights of users had to be clearly stated. This type of Open Access has no price barriers and removes at least some of the permission barriers. It is called Free Open Access. Different levels of permissions are available for reuse, such as commercial use, creating translations, etc. (e.g. as specified in six different Creative Commons licenses). The publisher also believes that for Open Access to work effectively, user rights and copyright holders must be clear through licensing.
Privacy Statement

Personal information in the journal management system of Turkish Journal of African Studies will not be shared with third parties for any purpose and will only be used for the scientific purposes of this journal.

The original author is responsible for seeing and approving the article by all other authors.

Last Update Time: 12/17/24, 3:20:41 PM

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