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Alkan, H. (2015). Türkiye’de sistem sorunu ve yarı başkanlık. Ankara: SDE Yayını.
Alkan, H. (2018). Kurumsalcı yaklaşım ışığında yeni siyasetin analizi: cumhurbaşkanlığı sistemi. Ankara: Liberte Yayınları.
Cheibub, J. A.(1999). Divided government, deadlock and the survival of presidents and presidential regimes. Constitutional Design 2000 Conference. December 9-11. University of Notre Dame: Center for Continuing Education. s. 1-38.
Duverger, M. (1969). Political parties, their organization and activity in the modern state. B. and R. North (Çev.), London: Barnes & Noble.
Duverger, M.(1980). A new political system model: Semi-presidential government. European Journal of Political Research, 8(2), 165-187.
Epstein, D. ve Sharyn O. (1996). Divided government and the design of administrative procedures: a formal model and empirical test. The Journal of Politics, 58(2), 373-397.
Eren, A.(2008). Türkiye’de uygulanan %10 genel seçim barajının serbest seçim hakkını ihlal sorunu. Selçuk Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, 16(2), 63-110.
Gözler, K. (2000). Kanun hükmünde kararnamelerin hukuki rejimi, Bursa: Ekin Yayınevi.
Lijphart, A.(1999). Patterns of democracy: Government forms and performance in thirty-six countries, New Haven:Yale University Press.
Linz, J. J. (1994). Presidential or parliamentary democracy: Does it make a difference?. J.J. Linz ve A. Valenzuela (Haz.), The failure of presidential democracy 1 içinde (s. 3-87). Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
March, J. G. ve Johan P. O. (2006). Elaborating the ‘new institutionalism. R. A. W. Rhodes, S. A. Binder ve B. A. Rockman (Haz.),
Political institutions içinde (s.3-22). Norfolk: Oxford University Press.
Peters, B. G. (2012). Institutional theory in political science: The new institutionalism, London: The Continuum International Pub.,
Tan, T.(1995). Türk hukukunda kanun hükmünde kararname uygulaması ve sorunlar. AÜ SBF Dergisi, 50(1), 335-353.
Zittel, T. (2017). Electoral systems in context: Germany. E. S. Herron, R. Pekkanen, and M. Shugart (Haz.), The Oxford handbook of electoral systems, Oxford University Press, DOI:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190258658.013.3
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