General Publication Rules

  • Journal of Tour Guiding accepts articles both in Turkish and English.

  • While uploading your manuscript, please ensure that manuscript file is Microsoft Word format. All information about author(s) should be in article title page. Besides, author(s) information, (title, name and family name, institution details, e-mail and Orchid IDs ( must be uploaded to the system one by one in a separate procedure). No information about the authors should be mentioned in other pages of the main text.

  • Each paper is reviewed by the editor and editorial board and, if it is judged suitable for publication, it is then sent to at least two independent referees.

  • Authors should send manuscripts within 15 days at the latest by making necessary corrections in accordance with revision requests from the referees. (manuscripts must be uploaded to the journal system).

  • After correction, if required, the manuscripts will be sent back to the referee, after the referee evaluation, the relevant article will be published with the approval of the journal management.

  • Articles submitted to journal system must supply structured abstracts both in Turkish and English. The framework of the structured abstracts is given in detail in journals Authour Guidelines/Spelling Rules section.

  • Evaluation and Publishing process performed by Journal of Tour Guiding (JOTOG) are as follows:

1. Each article submitted to the journal is reviewed by editor(s) whether it is suitable for the journal’s aim and scope. In this stage, if the paper is out of aim/scope/foci of the journal, it is declined.

2. Articles deemed suitable are reviewed by the secretariat for suitability of spelling rules and in this stage, in case of unsuitability, the paper is returned to the author to make the necessary revision and resent it to the journal.

3. Articles deemed suitable for the spelling rules are sent to two referees with taking the article’s subject into consideration.

4. Referees can accept the articles, accept with minor changes, accept with major changes or reject it.

5. In case the referees request a change in the article, it is sent to author(s) with referee reports to make required revision.

6. In case of requisition of referee, the article is resent to the referee for final decision.

7. In case the referees request a change in the article and do not control it for the second time whether the necessary revision has been done, editor(s) are responsible for controlling the last version of the manuscript. Under signature of editor and publishing board, the article is ranked for publication.

8. In case the referees accept article without any requisition for revision; authors are notified for last revision after manuscript’s typesetting.

9. In case of necessity, editor(s) have privilege for checking the articles already passed all the process for publication in order to check the articles’ originality (through related programs) according to the ethical standards of the journal. If the articles cannot pass the process, they are sent back to the author(s) for revision of the manuscript according to the principles stated.

10. Author(s) is informed about articles’ issue and date of publication.

11. If the publication process has been completed but there is still time for publication; upon requisition, a letter will be sent with signature of the editor about publication date of the article.

12. Referees’ names who contributed to evaluation process will be included under the title of “referees of this issue” in each number published. If requested an official letter will be sent to the referees.


In Addition to the Issues Mentioned Above, Author(s) Uploaded/ Sent Articles to Journal of Tour Guiding Are Deemed Commit/ Acknowledge Following Terms and Conditions

  •  In article, uploaded to Journal of Tour Guiding through Dergi-Park System to be evaluated for publication, all used sources are citied with taking academic research methods and ethical principles into consideration.
  • If study belongs to more than one author, all authors have academic-scientific direct contributions.
  • This study is an original work of author(s)
  • All authors checked and approved the last version of the study.
  • The article submitted to the journal is not an article which has been uploaded to any journal system or accepted for publishing or waiting for publication or be under consideration for publication in another journal. Accordingly, will not be sent any other journal before the evaluation process is over.
  • No ethical violation against the respondents (subjects) has been issued in article development process. All data collection methods have been performed in accordance with ethical principles.
  • All evaluation process (referee reports, editor notes etc.) has not been shared /will not be shared with third party.
  • All publication rights related to accepted article belongs to the institution publishing the journal.
  • Thoughts and recommendations in the article totally belong to author(s).
  • If the study is presented at a scientific meeting as an abstract or shorter version of the same study, this must be indicated in the article.
  • Authors accept ad commit all kinds of rights of publicity including processing, reproduction, representation, printing, publishing, distribution and transmission online to Journal of Tour Guising for unlimited use.
  • In concern with the study, there is no responsibility of Journal of Tour Guiding and its related committees in case of copyright claims or request filed/to be filed by third party. All responsibility belongs to the author(s).
  • There are no criminal elements or illegal expressions in the study. No illegal methods were used while conducting the research and all legal permissions were obtained and ethical principles considered in the research process.
  • “ Council of Higher Education Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Guideline” ( is taken into consideration for all other  terms and conditions not mentioned above regarding the appropriateness of the study in terms of scientific research and publication ethics and additionally , principles published as open access by Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) are adapted by the journal.

Author(s) who has uploaded/sent articles to Journal of Tour Guiding for evaluation for publication are deemed read and commit/ acknowledge all terms and conditions above.

Last Update Time: 12/30/20, 3:59:26 PM