Ethics Principles/Policy

Author(s) Uploaded/ Sent Articles to Journal of Tour Guiding Are Deemed Commit/ Acknowledge Following Ethics Principles, Terms and Conditions

  • In article, uploaded to Journal of Tour Guiding through Dergi-Park System to be evaluated for publication, all used sources are citied with taking academic research methods and ethical principles into consideration.

  • If study belongs to more than one author, all authors have academic-scientific direct contributions.

  • This study is an original work of author(s)

  • All authors checked and approved the last version of the study.

  • The article submitted to the journal is not an article which has been uploaded to any journal system or accepted for publishing or waiting for publication or be under consideration for publication in another journal. Accordingly, will not be sent any other journal before the evaluation process is over.

  • No ethical violation against the respondents (subjects) has been issued in article development process. All data collection methods have been performed in accordance with ethical principles.

  • All evaluation process (referee reports, editor notes etc.) has not been shared /will not be shared with third party.

  • All publication rights related to accepted article belongs to the institution publishing the journal.

  • Thoughts and recommendations in the article totally belong to author(s).

  • If the study is presented at a scientific meeting as an abstract or shorter version of the same study, this must be indicated in the article.

  • Authors accept ad commit all kinds of rights of publicity including processing, reproduction, representation, printing, publishing, distribution and transmission online to Journal of Tour Guising for unlimited use.

  • In concern with the study, there is no responsibility of Journal of Tour Guiding and its related committees in case of copyright claims or request filed/to be filed by third party. All responsibility belongs to the author(s).

  • There are no criminal elements or illegal expressions in the study. No illegal methods were used while conducting the research and all legal permissions were obtained and ethical principles considered in the research process.

  • Journal of Tour Guiding adopts the principles of open access, Tübitak Dergi-Park academic open access system and "Budapest Open Access Movement" ( list signatures) principles. According to these principles; “articles passed referee evaluation is available for free on the public internet, permitting any users to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of these articles, crawl them for indexing, pass them as data to software, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without financial, legal, or technical barriers other than those inseparable from gaining access to the internet itself. Authors and copyright owners accept all users have free access to sources.”

  • Authors whose articles have been accepted for publishing are deemed consent that the information covered by the article can be shared by others on condition that reference citation for copyright protection and protection journal rights under the Creative Commons Attribution License. In this sense, Journal of Tour Guiding uses Attribution Non Commercial International 4.0 (CC By-Nc 4.0) for all papers in publishing process.  

  • Publishers and editors of Journal of Tour Guiding strive at a high level in adhering to the academic ethical standards, which advocate freedom of expression and are fully committed to the processes involved to ensure the quality of the published articles. Accordingly, attention is given to the appropriate treatment of all the parties (writer, reader, arbitrator and members of the editorial board etc.) who have contributed to the journal in accordance with scientific ethical principles in all processes (article submission, editorial process, referee evaluation and publishing process etc.).  In this context, Journal of Tour Guiding gives high importance acting in accordance with Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Guidelines" published by  Turkey Council of Higher Education (  It is expected that all parties must bear ethic responsibility. Additionally, Journal of Tour Guiding also adopts the principles published as open access by Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE -

Author(s) who has uploaded/sent articles to Journal of Tour Guiding for evaluation for publication are deemed read and commit/ acknowledge all terms and conditions above.

Last Update Time: 7/10/20, 10:15:04 PM