Special Issues

Turkish Journal of Education welcomes proposals from Guest Editors for specific special issues.
These special issues are themed and focused publications that fit within the overarching remit of Turkish Journal of Education.
Proposals are welcome from editors with a specialism in any relevant field.
All general enquiries should be made to the Editors at turjeorg@gmail.com

Current Special Issue Call

Call for Papers for Special Issue on:
Navigating the Socioscientific Landscape: Interdisciplinary Perspectives and Solutions

Guest Editors:
Dana L. Zeidler, Ph.D.
Distinguished University Professor, Department of Teaching and Learning, College of Education, University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida

Dilek Karışan, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Science Education, Department of Mathematics and Science Education, Adnan Menderes University, Aydın, TÜRKİYE


In today's complex and interconnected world, socioscientific issues have become paramount. These multifaceted challenges at the intersection of science, society, and ethics demand comprehensive exploration and innovative solutions. This special issue aims to bring together scholars from diverse disciplines to advance our understanding of socioscientific issues and provide valuable insights for addressing them.
Genres of Studies
We invite researchers to submit original manuscripts, reviews, conceptual pieces, and empirical studies that contribute to the dialogue on socioscientific issues. Submissions may include but are not limited to:
Original Research Papers: Empirical studies, quantitative, qualitative research, mixed methods, and case studies that investigate specific socioscientific issues, their impacts, and potential solutions with a focus toward improving classroom practice and/or theory.
Interdisciplinary Perspectives: Manuscripts that explore socioscientific issues from an interdisciplinary standpoint, fostering collaboration between different fields of study, such as science, ethics, policy, and education.
Educational Approaches: Articles focusing on innovative educational strategies and curricular designs for teaching socioscientific issues, along with assessments of their effectiveness.
Policy Analyses: Research that examines the influence of policy and governance on socioscientific issues, as well as proposals for evidence-based policy recommendations.
Ethical Considerations: Papers that delve into the ethical dimensions of socioscientific issues, ethical decision-making frameworks, and the moral responsibilities of scientists and policymakers.
Community Engagement and Stakeholder Involvement: Studies on engaging communities, stakeholders, and the public in addressing socioscientific issues, including participatory research and citizen science.
Submission Guidelines
Please adhere to the journal's submission guidelines and formatting instructions. Manuscripts should be submitted online through the journal's submission portal by 01.07.2024.
We look forward to receiving your contributions to this special issue, which will help advance our understanding and solutions for socioscientific issues in our ever-evolving world.

Important Dates

Submission deadline: 01.07.2024
Peer review completion: 01.09.2024
Expected publication: 01.10.2024


While submitting your paper, please select "I want to send my article to a speacial issue" option on submission page.

For inquiries, please contact the guest editor at turjeorg@gmail.com

Last Update Time: 1/18/24, 2:45:52 PM

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