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Bazı Ekmeklik Buğday Genotiplerinin Bazı Kalite Özellikleri Yönünden Trakya Bölgesine Adaptasyonunun İncelenmesi

Year 2023, , 622 - 630, 23.07.2023


Bu araştırma Trakya Bölgesinde 2 yıl 7 çevrede yetiştirilen 14 adet ekmeklik buğday genotipinde bazı kalite özelliklerinde genotip x çevre interaksiyonlarını değerlendirmek amacıyla yürütülmüştür. Araştırmada kalite özellikleri olarak bin tane ağırlığı, hektolitre ağırlığı, protein oranı, sedimantasyon testi, gluten indeksi ve gluten oranı incelenmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçların yorumlanmasında GGE-biplot analiz yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Bu yöntemde her bir özellik için poligon biplotlar oluşturulmuştur. GGE-biplot analizi bin tane ağırlığı, hektolitre ağırlığı, protein oranı, sedimantasyon testi, gluten indeksi ve gluten oranında toplam varyasyonu sırasıyla, %84,86, %78,24, %71,71, %81,60, %75,82 ve %75,19 oranında açıklamıştır. Deneme çevrelerinin çoğunluğunda bin tane ağırlığında G12, Aldane ve G17, hektolitre ağırlığında G4 ve Gelibolu, protein oranında, Aldane, G17, Saban ve G12, sedimantasyon testinde Aldane, G9, G20, G12 ve G14, gluten indeksinde Gelibolu, G14 ve G8, gluten oranında ise G9, Saban ve G21 iyi uyum sağlayan genotipler olmuştur. İncelenen kalite özelliklerinin tamamı üzerinden değerlendirme yapıldığında hatlar arasında G9 ve G12 diğer genotiplerden daha üstün değerlere sahip olmuştur.

Supporting Institution

Çanakkale Onsekiz Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri (BAP) Birimi

Project Number



Yazarlar Çanakkale Onsekiz Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri (BAP) Birimine FYL-2022-3938 kodlu proje desteği için teşekkür ederler.


  • Anonim, 1999. SAS Institute SAS/STAT Software: Release 9.00. SAS Inst. Cary, NC, USA.
  • Bosi, S., Negri, L., Fakaros, A., Oliveti, G., Whittaker, A., Dinelli, G. 2022. GGE Biplot Analysis to Explore the Adaption Potential of Italian Common Wheat Genotypes. Sustainability, 14(2), 897.
  • Call, L., Kapeller, M., Grausgruber, H., Reiter, E., Schoenlechner, R., D'Amico, S. 2020. Effects of species and breeding on wheat protein composition. Journal of Cereal Science, 93, 102974.
  • Campbell, K.G., Bergman, C.J.,Gualberto, D.G., Anderson, J.A.,Giroux, M.J., Hareland, G. 1999. Quantitative trait loci associated with kernel traits in a soft x hard wheat cross. Crop Science, 39: 1184–1195.
  • Carson G.R., Edwards N.M., 2009. Criteria of Wheat and Flour Quality. In: Khan, H. ve Shewry, P.R., Eds. Wheat Chemistry and Technology. AACC International, Inc. USA. 97-118.
  • Chairi, F., Aparicio, N., Serret, M. D., Araus, J. L. 2020. Breeding effects on the genotype× environment interaction for yield of durum wheat grown after the Green Revolution: The case of Spain. The Crop Journal, 8(4), 623-634.
  • Devi, K., Chahal, S., Venkatesh, K., Singh, S., Tripathi, S. C., Mamrutha, H. M., Tiwari, R. 2022. Identification of Wheat Genotypes Resilient to Terminal Heat Stress Using GGE Biplot Analysis. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 1-13.
  • Elgün A., Türker S., Bilinçli N., 2001. Tahıl ve Ürünlerinde Analitik Kalite Kontrolü. Konya Ticaret Borsası, No: 2. 112 s.
  • Evers A.D., Cox R.I., Shaheedullah M.Z., Withey R.P., 1990. Predicting milling extraction rate by image analysis of wheat grains. Aspects of Applied Biology, 25: 417-426.
  • George, N., Lundy, M. 2019. Quantifying genotype× environment effects in long‐term common wheat yield trials from an agroecologically diverse production region. Crop Science, 59(5), 1960-1972.
  • Kaya, Y. 2016. Ekmeklik buğdayın (T. aestivum L.) tane verimi ve bazı kalite özelliklerinde genotip x çevre etkileşimlerinin belirlenmesi. Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Tarla Bitkileri Anabilim Dalı Doktora Tezi.
  • Kaya, Y., Akcura, M. 2014. Effects of genotype and environment on grain yield and quality traits in bread wheat (T. aestivum L.). Food Science and Technology, 34, 386-393.
  • Mahmodi, N., Yaghotipoor, A., Farshadfar, E. 2011. AMMI stability value and simultaneous estimation of yield and yield stability in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Australian Journal of Crop Science, 5(13), 1837-1844.
  • Malosetti, M., Ribaut, J. M., van Eeuwijk, F. A. 2013. The statistical analysis of multi-environment data: modeling genotype-by-environment interaction and its genetic basis. Frontiers in Physiology, 4, 44.
  • Mohamed, M. M., Darwish, M. A., El-Rady, A., Ghalab, E., & Elfanah, A. M. (2022). Estimation of AMMI and GGE Biplots for some bread and durum wheat genotypes. Journal of Plant Production, 13(3), 75
  • Morris, C. F., Paszczynska, B., Bettge, A. D., King, G. E. 2007. A critical examination of the sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) sedimentation test for wheat meals. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 87(4), 607-615.
  • Mulugeta, B., Tesfaye, K., Geleta, M., Johansson, E., Hailesilassie, T., Hammenhag, C., Ortiz, R. 2022. Multivariate analyses of Ethiopian durum wheat revealed stable and high yielding genotypes. Plos One, 17(8), e0273008.-83.
  • Rani, M. H., Faruquee, M., Khanom, M.S.R., Begum, S. 2022. Genetic variability and multivariate studies on the grain physical properties of rice (Oryza sativa L.) Landraces. SABRAO Journal of Breeding and Genetics, 54(1): 1-10.
  • Rubenthaler G.L., Pomeranz Y., 1987. NIR spectra of HRW wheats varying widely in protein content and breadmaking potential. Cereal Chemisrty, 64: 407–411.
  • Shewry P.R., Dovidio R., Lafiandra D., Jenkins J.A., Mills E.N.C., Bekes F., 2009. Wheat Grain Proteins. In: Khan, H. ve Shewry, P.R., Eds. Wheat Chemistry and Technology. AACC International, Inc. USA. 223-298.
  • Topal A., 2011. Buğday Yetiştiriliciği. Hasad Yayıncılık, İstanbul. 75 s.
  • Vida, G., Cséplő, M., Rakszegi, M., Bányai, J. 2021. Effect of multi-year environmental and meteorological factors on the quality traits of winter durum wheat. Plants, 11(1), 113.
  • Yan, W. (2014). Crop variety trials: Data management and analysis. John Wiley & Sons
  • Yan, W., Kang, M. S., Ma, B., Woods, S., Cornelius, P. L. 2007. GGE biplot vs. AMMI analysis of genotype‐by‐environment data. Crop Science, 47(2), 643-653.

Investigation of the Adaptation of Some Bread Wheat Genotypes to the Thrace Region in Terms of Some Quality Traits

Year 2023, , 622 - 630, 23.07.2023


In this research, 14 bread wheat genotypes grown in 7 environments for 2 years in the Thrace Region was investigated for genotype x environment interactions in some quality characteristics. As quality characteristics, the research examined at thousand grain weight, hectoliter weight, protein ratio, sedimentation test, gluten index, and gluten ratio. The findings were evaluated using GGE-biplot analysis method. For each characteristic in this technique, polygon biplots were produced. The results of a biplot analysis of thousand kernel weight, test weight, protein ratio, sedimentation test, gluten index, and gluten ratio showed that, respectively, 84.86%, 78.24%, 71.71%, 81.60%, 75.82%, and 75.19% of the total variation. G12, Aldane, and G17 in thousand kernel weight, G4 as well as Gelibolu in test weight, Aldane, G17, Saban, and G12 in protein content, G9, G20, G12, and G14 in sedimentation test, Gelibolu, G14, and G8 in gluten index, and G12, Aldane, and G17 in protein content were the genotypes that best fit in the most of the trial environments. When all of the examined quality characteristics were considered, the genotypes G9 and G12 among the lines performed better than the other genotypes.

Project Number



  • Anonim, 1999. SAS Institute SAS/STAT Software: Release 9.00. SAS Inst. Cary, NC, USA.
  • Bosi, S., Negri, L., Fakaros, A., Oliveti, G., Whittaker, A., Dinelli, G. 2022. GGE Biplot Analysis to Explore the Adaption Potential of Italian Common Wheat Genotypes. Sustainability, 14(2), 897.
  • Call, L., Kapeller, M., Grausgruber, H., Reiter, E., Schoenlechner, R., D'Amico, S. 2020. Effects of species and breeding on wheat protein composition. Journal of Cereal Science, 93, 102974.
  • Campbell, K.G., Bergman, C.J.,Gualberto, D.G., Anderson, J.A.,Giroux, M.J., Hareland, G. 1999. Quantitative trait loci associated with kernel traits in a soft x hard wheat cross. Crop Science, 39: 1184–1195.
  • Carson G.R., Edwards N.M., 2009. Criteria of Wheat and Flour Quality. In: Khan, H. ve Shewry, P.R., Eds. Wheat Chemistry and Technology. AACC International, Inc. USA. 97-118.
  • Chairi, F., Aparicio, N., Serret, M. D., Araus, J. L. 2020. Breeding effects on the genotype× environment interaction for yield of durum wheat grown after the Green Revolution: The case of Spain. The Crop Journal, 8(4), 623-634.
  • Devi, K., Chahal, S., Venkatesh, K., Singh, S., Tripathi, S. C., Mamrutha, H. M., Tiwari, R. 2022. Identification of Wheat Genotypes Resilient to Terminal Heat Stress Using GGE Biplot Analysis. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 1-13.
  • Elgün A., Türker S., Bilinçli N., 2001. Tahıl ve Ürünlerinde Analitik Kalite Kontrolü. Konya Ticaret Borsası, No: 2. 112 s.
  • Evers A.D., Cox R.I., Shaheedullah M.Z., Withey R.P., 1990. Predicting milling extraction rate by image analysis of wheat grains. Aspects of Applied Biology, 25: 417-426.
  • George, N., Lundy, M. 2019. Quantifying genotype× environment effects in long‐term common wheat yield trials from an agroecologically diverse production region. Crop Science, 59(5), 1960-1972.
  • Kaya, Y. 2016. Ekmeklik buğdayın (T. aestivum L.) tane verimi ve bazı kalite özelliklerinde genotip x çevre etkileşimlerinin belirlenmesi. Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Tarla Bitkileri Anabilim Dalı Doktora Tezi.
  • Kaya, Y., Akcura, M. 2014. Effects of genotype and environment on grain yield and quality traits in bread wheat (T. aestivum L.). Food Science and Technology, 34, 386-393.
  • Mahmodi, N., Yaghotipoor, A., Farshadfar, E. 2011. AMMI stability value and simultaneous estimation of yield and yield stability in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Australian Journal of Crop Science, 5(13), 1837-1844.
  • Malosetti, M., Ribaut, J. M., van Eeuwijk, F. A. 2013. The statistical analysis of multi-environment data: modeling genotype-by-environment interaction and its genetic basis. Frontiers in Physiology, 4, 44.
  • Mohamed, M. M., Darwish, M. A., El-Rady, A., Ghalab, E., & Elfanah, A. M. (2022). Estimation of AMMI and GGE Biplots for some bread and durum wheat genotypes. Journal of Plant Production, 13(3), 75
  • Morris, C. F., Paszczynska, B., Bettge, A. D., King, G. E. 2007. A critical examination of the sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) sedimentation test for wheat meals. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 87(4), 607-615.
  • Mulugeta, B., Tesfaye, K., Geleta, M., Johansson, E., Hailesilassie, T., Hammenhag, C., Ortiz, R. 2022. Multivariate analyses of Ethiopian durum wheat revealed stable and high yielding genotypes. Plos One, 17(8), e0273008.-83.
  • Rani, M. H., Faruquee, M., Khanom, M.S.R., Begum, S. 2022. Genetic variability and multivariate studies on the grain physical properties of rice (Oryza sativa L.) Landraces. SABRAO Journal of Breeding and Genetics, 54(1): 1-10.
  • Rubenthaler G.L., Pomeranz Y., 1987. NIR spectra of HRW wheats varying widely in protein content and breadmaking potential. Cereal Chemisrty, 64: 407–411.
  • Shewry P.R., Dovidio R., Lafiandra D., Jenkins J.A., Mills E.N.C., Bekes F., 2009. Wheat Grain Proteins. In: Khan, H. ve Shewry, P.R., Eds. Wheat Chemistry and Technology. AACC International, Inc. USA. 223-298.
  • Topal A., 2011. Buğday Yetiştiriliciği. Hasad Yayıncılık, İstanbul. 75 s.
  • Vida, G., Cséplő, M., Rakszegi, M., Bányai, J. 2021. Effect of multi-year environmental and meteorological factors on the quality traits of winter durum wheat. Plants, 11(1), 113.
  • Yan, W. (2014). Crop variety trials: Data management and analysis. John Wiley & Sons
  • Yan, W., Kang, M. S., Ma, B., Woods, S., Cornelius, P. L. 2007. GGE biplot vs. AMMI analysis of genotype‐by‐environment data. Crop Science, 47(2), 643-653.
There are 24 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Agricultural, Veterinary and Food Sciences
Journal Section Research Article

Levent Gülhan 0009-0001-5548-5485

Mevlüt Akçura 0000-0001-7828-5163

İrfan Öztürk 0000-0002-1858-0790

Project Number FYL-2022-3938
Early Pub Date July 24, 2023
Publication Date July 23, 2023
Submission Date March 29, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Gülhan, L., Akçura, M., & Öztürk, İ. (2023). Bazı Ekmeklik Buğday Genotiplerinin Bazı Kalite Özellikleri Yönünden Trakya Bölgesine Adaptasyonunun İncelenmesi. Türk Tarım Ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi, 10(3), 622-630.