Research Article
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Karaoğlan (Vitis vinifera L.) Üzüm Çeşidinin Şarap Fermantasyon Sürecinde Fenolik Bileşik ve Antioksidan İçeriğinin Belirlenmesi

Year 2019, , 671 - 677, 16.10.2019


kırmızı şaraplık üzüm çeşidi olan Karaoğlan (Vitis vinifera L.) çeşidi şaraba işlenmiş ve fermantasyon süresince
toplam fenolik bileşik, toplam antosiyanin ve antioksidan kapasite düzeyleri
ölçülmüştür. Fermantasyonun ilk günü 391.3 mg GA/L olan toplam fenolik bileşik
miktarı fermantasyon sonunda artarak 2005.7 mg GA/L’ye, toplam antosiyanin
içeriği 6.14 mg/L’den 185 mg/L’ye ve antioksidan kapasite 2.31 µmol troloks/mL’den
11.3 µmol troloks/mL’ye yükselmiştir. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre Karaoğlan üzüm
çeşidinin yüksek fenolik bileşik içeriğe sahip şarap veren kaliteli bir üzüm
çeşidi olduğu tespit edilmiştir.


  • Alcalde-Eon, C., Escribano-Bailon, M.T., Santos-Buelga, C., Rivas Gonzalo, J.C. 2006. Changes in the detailed pigment composition of red wine maturity and ageing a comprehensive study. Analytica Chimica Acta, 563: 238-254.
  • Anlı, R.E., Vural, N., Demiray, S. 2006. Trans‐ resveratrol and other phenolic compounds in Turkish red wines with HPLC. Journal of Wine Research, 17(2): 117‐125.
  • Banc, R., Loghin, F., Miere, D., Fetea, F., Socaciu, C. 2014. Romanian wines quality and authenticity using FT-MIR spectroscopy coupled with multivariate data analysis. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca, 42: 556-564.
  • Bayram, M. 2018. Farklı Maserasyon Koşullarının Öküzgözü Şaraplarının Fenolik Bileşiklerine Etkisi. Akademik Gıda, 16(3): 271-281.
  • Burin, V.M.,Falcão, L.D., Gonzaga, L.V., Fett, R., Rosier, J.P., Bordignon‐Luiz, M.T. 2010. Color, phenoliccontentandantioxidantactivity of grapejuice. Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimentos, 30: 1027-1032.
  • Galanakis, C.M.,Kotanidis, A., Dianellou, M., Gekas, V. 2015. Phenolic content and antioxidant capacity of Cypriot wines. Czech Journal of Food Sciences, 33(2): 126-136.
  • Gengaihi, S.E.L., Ella, F.M.A., Emad, M.H., Shalaby, E., Doha, H. 2014. Antioxidant activity of phenolic compounds from different grape wastes. Journal of Food Processing Technology, 5: 296-300.
  • Giusti, M., Wrolstad, R. 2001. Characterization and measurement of Anthocyanins by UV-Visible Spectroscopy. Current Protocols in Food Analytical Chemistry. Wiley, New York, F1.2.1-F1.2.13.
  • Gökçen, İ.S., Keskin, N., Kunter, B., Cantürk, S., Karadoğan, B. 2017. Üzüm fitokimyasalları ve Türkiye’de yetiştirilen üzüm çeşitleri üzerindeki araştırmalar. TurkishJournal of ForestScience, 1(1): 93-111.
  • Karadoğan, B., Keskin, N., Kunter, B., Oğuz, D., Kalkan, N. 2018. Karaerik (Cimin) klonlarının toplam fenolik ve antioksidan içerikleri bakımından karşılaştırılması. Bahçe, 47(Özel Sayı 1): 117-120.
  • Keskin, N. 2018. Van ili ekolojisinde yetişen bazı yerli üzüm çeşitlerinin toplam fenolik, antioksidan ve mineral profili. V. Uluslararası Multidisipliner Çalışmaları Kongresi, 2-3 Kasım 2018, Antalya, s. 364-375.
  • Keskin, N., Çavuşoğlu, Ş., Türkoğlu, N., Özrenk, K., Kunter, B. 2018. Siirt ili asma gen kaynakları içerisinde öne çıkan bazı yerli üzüm çeşitlerinin toplam fenolik ve antioksidan içerikleri. Bahçe, 47 (Özel Sayı 2): 326-330.
  • Li, H., Wang, X., Li, Y., Li, P., Wang, H. 2009. Polyphenolic compounds and antioxidant properties of selected China wines. Food Chemistry, 112: 454-460.
  • López, M., Martínez, F., Del Valle, C., Orte, J.C., Miró, M. 2001. Analysis of phenolic constituents of biological interest in red wines by high-performance liquid chromatography, Journal of ChromatographyA., 922: 359-363.
  • Majo, D.D., Guardia, M.L., Giammanco, S., Neve, L.L., Giammanco, M. 2008. The antioxidant capacity of red wine in relationship with its polyphenolic constituents. Food Chemistry, 111: 45-49.
  • Maletic, E., Kontic, J.K., Prenier, D., Jeromel, A., Patz, C.D. and Dietrich, H. 2009. Anthocyanin profile and antioxidative capacity of some autochthonous Croatian red wines. Journal of Food Agriculture and Environment, 7(1): 48-51.
  • Monagas, M., Bartolome, B., Gomez-Cordoves, C. 2005. Updated knowledge about the presence of phenolic compounds in wine. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 45(2): 85-118.
  • Nagel, C.W., Wulf, L.W. 1979. Changes in the anthocyanins, flavonoids and hydroxycinnamic acid esters during fermentation and aging of Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon wines. American Journal of Enology and Viticulture, 30: 111-116.
  • Netzel, M., Strass, G., Bitsch, I., Ko¨nitz, R., Christmann, M., Bitsch, R. 2003. Effect of grape processing on selected antioxidant phenolics in red wine. Journal of Food Engineering, 56: 223-228.
  • Ough, C.S., Amerine M.A. 1988. Methods for Analysis of Must and Wines. John Wiley and Sons, New York, USA.
  • Paixão, N., Perestrelo, R., Marques, J.C., Câmara, J.S. 2007. Relationship between antioxidant capacity and total phenolic content of red, rose and white wines. Food Chemistry, 105(1): 204-214.
  • Pazourek, J., Gajdosova, D., Spanila, M., Farkova, M., Novotna, K., Havel, J. 2005. Analysis of polyphenols in wines: correlation between total polyphenolic content and antioxidant potential from photometric measurements. Prediction of cultivars and vintage from capillary zone electrophoresis fingerprints using artificial neural network. Journal of ChromatographyA., 1081: 48-54.
  • Re, R., Pellegrini, N.,Proteggente, A., Pannala, A., Yang, M., Rice-Evans, C. 1999. Antioxidant activity applying an improved ABTS radical cation decolorization assay. Free RadicBiol Med., 26: 1231-1237.
  • Singleton, V.L., Rossi, J.J.A. 1965. Colorimetric of totalmphenolics with phosphomolybdic-phosphotungstic acid reagents. American Journal of Enology and Viticulture, 16(3): 144-158.
  • Van Leeuw, R., Kevers, C., Pincemail, J., Defraigne, J.O., Dommes, J. 2014. Antioxidant capacity and phenolic composition of red wines from various grape varieties: specificity of Pinot Noir. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 36: 40-50.
  • Zafrilla, P., Morillas, J., Mulero, J., Cayuela, J.M., Martinez-Cacha, A., Pardo, F., Lopez Nicolas, J.M. 2003. Changes during storage in conventional and ecological wine: Phenolic content and antioxidant activity. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 51: 4694-4700.

Determination of Phenolic Compound and Antioxidant Content of Karaoğlan (Vitis vinifera L.) Grape Cultivar in Wine Fermentation Process

Year 2019, , 671 - 677, 16.10.2019


In this study Karaoğlan (Vitis vinifera L.) red winegrape variety
was processed in to wine and total phenolic compound, total anthocyanin and
antioxidant contents were determined during fermentation. The total phenolic
compound content was measured 391.3 mg GA/L at the first day of the
fermentation and 2005.7 mg GA/L at the last day of the fermentation, total
anthocyanin was measured 6.14 mg/L at the first day of the fermentation and 185
mg/L at the last day of the fermentation and antioxidant capacity was measured
2.31 µmoltroloks/mL at the first day of the fermentation and 11.3 µmol trolox/mL
at the last day of the fermentation with the great increase. According to the
research results, Karaoğlan variety is a high quality grape variety with high
phenolic compound content.


  • Alcalde-Eon, C., Escribano-Bailon, M.T., Santos-Buelga, C., Rivas Gonzalo, J.C. 2006. Changes in the detailed pigment composition of red wine maturity and ageing a comprehensive study. Analytica Chimica Acta, 563: 238-254.
  • Anlı, R.E., Vural, N., Demiray, S. 2006. Trans‐ resveratrol and other phenolic compounds in Turkish red wines with HPLC. Journal of Wine Research, 17(2): 117‐125.
  • Banc, R., Loghin, F., Miere, D., Fetea, F., Socaciu, C. 2014. Romanian wines quality and authenticity using FT-MIR spectroscopy coupled with multivariate data analysis. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca, 42: 556-564.
  • Bayram, M. 2018. Farklı Maserasyon Koşullarının Öküzgözü Şaraplarının Fenolik Bileşiklerine Etkisi. Akademik Gıda, 16(3): 271-281.
  • Burin, V.M.,Falcão, L.D., Gonzaga, L.V., Fett, R., Rosier, J.P., Bordignon‐Luiz, M.T. 2010. Color, phenoliccontentandantioxidantactivity of grapejuice. Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimentos, 30: 1027-1032.
  • Galanakis, C.M.,Kotanidis, A., Dianellou, M., Gekas, V. 2015. Phenolic content and antioxidant capacity of Cypriot wines. Czech Journal of Food Sciences, 33(2): 126-136.
  • Gengaihi, S.E.L., Ella, F.M.A., Emad, M.H., Shalaby, E., Doha, H. 2014. Antioxidant activity of phenolic compounds from different grape wastes. Journal of Food Processing Technology, 5: 296-300.
  • Giusti, M., Wrolstad, R. 2001. Characterization and measurement of Anthocyanins by UV-Visible Spectroscopy. Current Protocols in Food Analytical Chemistry. Wiley, New York, F1.2.1-F1.2.13.
  • Gökçen, İ.S., Keskin, N., Kunter, B., Cantürk, S., Karadoğan, B. 2017. Üzüm fitokimyasalları ve Türkiye’de yetiştirilen üzüm çeşitleri üzerindeki araştırmalar. TurkishJournal of ForestScience, 1(1): 93-111.
  • Karadoğan, B., Keskin, N., Kunter, B., Oğuz, D., Kalkan, N. 2018. Karaerik (Cimin) klonlarının toplam fenolik ve antioksidan içerikleri bakımından karşılaştırılması. Bahçe, 47(Özel Sayı 1): 117-120.
  • Keskin, N. 2018. Van ili ekolojisinde yetişen bazı yerli üzüm çeşitlerinin toplam fenolik, antioksidan ve mineral profili. V. Uluslararası Multidisipliner Çalışmaları Kongresi, 2-3 Kasım 2018, Antalya, s. 364-375.
  • Keskin, N., Çavuşoğlu, Ş., Türkoğlu, N., Özrenk, K., Kunter, B. 2018. Siirt ili asma gen kaynakları içerisinde öne çıkan bazı yerli üzüm çeşitlerinin toplam fenolik ve antioksidan içerikleri. Bahçe, 47 (Özel Sayı 2): 326-330.
  • Li, H., Wang, X., Li, Y., Li, P., Wang, H. 2009. Polyphenolic compounds and antioxidant properties of selected China wines. Food Chemistry, 112: 454-460.
  • López, M., Martínez, F., Del Valle, C., Orte, J.C., Miró, M. 2001. Analysis of phenolic constituents of biological interest in red wines by high-performance liquid chromatography, Journal of ChromatographyA., 922: 359-363.
  • Majo, D.D., Guardia, M.L., Giammanco, S., Neve, L.L., Giammanco, M. 2008. The antioxidant capacity of red wine in relationship with its polyphenolic constituents. Food Chemistry, 111: 45-49.
  • Maletic, E., Kontic, J.K., Prenier, D., Jeromel, A., Patz, C.D. and Dietrich, H. 2009. Anthocyanin profile and antioxidative capacity of some autochthonous Croatian red wines. Journal of Food Agriculture and Environment, 7(1): 48-51.
  • Monagas, M., Bartolome, B., Gomez-Cordoves, C. 2005. Updated knowledge about the presence of phenolic compounds in wine. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 45(2): 85-118.
  • Nagel, C.W., Wulf, L.W. 1979. Changes in the anthocyanins, flavonoids and hydroxycinnamic acid esters during fermentation and aging of Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon wines. American Journal of Enology and Viticulture, 30: 111-116.
  • Netzel, M., Strass, G., Bitsch, I., Ko¨nitz, R., Christmann, M., Bitsch, R. 2003. Effect of grape processing on selected antioxidant phenolics in red wine. Journal of Food Engineering, 56: 223-228.
  • Ough, C.S., Amerine M.A. 1988. Methods for Analysis of Must and Wines. John Wiley and Sons, New York, USA.
  • Paixão, N., Perestrelo, R., Marques, J.C., Câmara, J.S. 2007. Relationship between antioxidant capacity and total phenolic content of red, rose and white wines. Food Chemistry, 105(1): 204-214.
  • Pazourek, J., Gajdosova, D., Spanila, M., Farkova, M., Novotna, K., Havel, J. 2005. Analysis of polyphenols in wines: correlation between total polyphenolic content and antioxidant potential from photometric measurements. Prediction of cultivars and vintage from capillary zone electrophoresis fingerprints using artificial neural network. Journal of ChromatographyA., 1081: 48-54.
  • Re, R., Pellegrini, N.,Proteggente, A., Pannala, A., Yang, M., Rice-Evans, C. 1999. Antioxidant activity applying an improved ABTS radical cation decolorization assay. Free RadicBiol Med., 26: 1231-1237.
  • Singleton, V.L., Rossi, J.J.A. 1965. Colorimetric of totalmphenolics with phosphomolybdic-phosphotungstic acid reagents. American Journal of Enology and Viticulture, 16(3): 144-158.
  • Van Leeuw, R., Kevers, C., Pincemail, J., Defraigne, J.O., Dommes, J. 2014. Antioxidant capacity and phenolic composition of red wines from various grape varieties: specificity of Pinot Noir. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 36: 40-50.
  • Zafrilla, P., Morillas, J., Mulero, J., Cayuela, J.M., Martinez-Cacha, A., Pardo, F., Lopez Nicolas, J.M. 2003. Changes during storage in conventional and ecological wine: Phenolic content and antioxidant activity. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 51: 4694-4700.
There are 26 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Articles

Hande Tahmaz

Gökhan Söylemezoğlu This is me

Publication Date October 16, 2019
Submission Date December 12, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2019


APA Tahmaz, H., & Söylemezoğlu, G. (2019). Karaoğlan (Vitis vinifera L.) Üzüm Çeşidinin Şarap Fermantasyon Sürecinde Fenolik Bileşik ve Antioksidan İçeriğinin Belirlenmesi. Türk Tarım Ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi, 6(4), 671-677.