Research Article
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Year 2020, , 814 - 822, 20.10.2020


Besides limiting microbiological and chemical activity in fruits, drying is a practical method that provides healthy snacks nowadays, when culture of nutrition with snacks is increasingly common. It is very important to choose a method that preserves both nutritional values and physical and sensory properties of foods in the drying process. In this study, the comparison of quality characteristics of dried avocados using vacuum dryer and fluidized bed dryer was investigated. Avocados with initial moisture content of 72±09 % were dried until their moisture content reached 13±1 %. The drying process in the fluidized bed dryer was completed at 50 °C, 60 °C and 70°C with 1.5 m/s speed in 8 hours, 7 hours and 6 hours respectively, while the vacuum drying process was completed at 10 Kpa pressure at 50 °C, 60 °C and 70 °C temperatures in 10 hours, 9 hours and 8 hours respectively. In order to compare the physical, chemical and sensory properties of dried avocados, color, water activity, rehydration capacity, shrinkage rate, pH, antioxidant activity, total phenolic content measurements and sensory analysis tests were conducted. (p<0.05). In the result of this study, it has been revealed that vacuum drying is a method that better preserves the physical and chemical properties of avocados as well as their sensory properties.


  • Alibas, I. 2009. Microwave, vacuum, and air drying characteristics of collard leaves. Drying Technology, 27(11), 1266-1273.
  • AOAC. 2005. Official methods of analysis (18th ed.). Arlington, VA: Association of Official Analytical Chemists.
  • Artnaseaw, A., Theerakulpisut, S., Benjapiyaporn, C. 2010. Drying characteristics of Shiitake mushroom and Jinda chili during vacuum heat pump drying. Food and Bioproducts Processing, 88(2-3), 105-114.
  • Asami, D. K, Hong, Y. J, Barrett, D. M, Mitchell, A. E. 2003. Comparison of the total phenolic and ascorbic acid content of freeze-dried and air-dried marionberry, strawberry, and corn grown using conventional, organic, and sustainable agricultural practices. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry, 51(5), 1237-1241.
  • Astudillo-Ordóñez, C. E, Rodríguez, P. 2018. Physicochemical parameters of avocado Persea americana Mill. cv. Hass (Lauraceae) grown in Antioquia (Colombia) for export. Corpoica Ciencia y Tecnología Agropecuaria, 19(2), 383-392.
  • Balzarini, M. F., Reinheimer, M. A., Ciappini, M. C., & Scenna, N. J. 2018. Comparative study of hot air and vacuum drying on the drying kinetics and physicochemical properties of chicory roots. Journal of food science and technology, 55(10), 4067-4078.
  • Cemeroğlu, B. 2010. Gıda Analizleri, Gıda Teknolojisi Yayınları Derneği Yayınları, No:39, 2. Baskı Ankara.
  • Chang, C. H, Lin, H. Y, Chang, C. Y, Liu, Y. C. 2006. Comparisons on the antioxidant properties of fresh, freeze-dried and hot-air-dried tomatoes. Journal of Food Engineering, 77(3), 478-485.
  • Chartzoulakis, K., Patakas, A., Kofidis, G., Bosabalidis, A., Nastou, A. 2002. Water stress affects leaf anatomy, gas exchange, water relations and growth of two avocado cultivars. Scientia horticulturae, 95(1-2), 39-50.
  • Dinani, S. T., Hamdami, N., Shahedi, M., Havet. M., 2015. Quality assessment of mushroom slices dried by hot air combined with an electrohydrodynamic (EHD) drying system. Food and Bioproducts Processing, 94, 572-580.
  • Gabas, A. L., Telis V. R. N., Sobral, P. J. A., Telis-Romero J. 2007. Effect of maltodextrin and arabic gum in water vapor sorption thermodynamic properties of vacuum dried pineapple pulp powder. Journal of Food Engineering, 82(2), 246-252.
  • Gallagher, E., Gormley, T.R., Arendt, E.K., 2003. Crust and crumb characteristics of gluten free breads. Journal of Food Engineering 56(2): 153-161.
  • Gürlek, G., Akdemir, Ö., Güngör, A. 2015. Gıda Kurutulmasında Isı Pompalı Kurutucuların Kullanımı Ve Elma Kurutmada Uygulanması. Pamukkale University Journal of Engineering Sciences, 21(9).
  • International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 8586. (2012). Sensory Analysis- General guidelines for the selection, training and monitoring of selected assessors and expert sensory assessors.
  • Krokida, M. K., Maroulis, Z. B., Saravacos, G. D. 2001. The effect of the method of drying on the colour of dehydrated products. International journal of food science & technology, 36(1), 53-59.
  • Litvin, S., Mannheim, C. H., & Miltz, J. 1998. Dehydration of carrots by a combination of freeze drying, microwave heating and air or vacuum drying. Journal of food engineering, 36(1), 103-111.
  • Martynenko, A., Zheng, W. 2016. Electrohydrodynamic drying of apple slices: Energy and quality aspects. Journal of Food Engineering, 168, 215-222..
  • Mayor, L., Cunha, R. L., Sereno, A. M. 2007. Relation between mechanical properties and structural changes during osmotic dehydration of pumpkin. Food Research International, 40(4), 448-460.
  • Meilgaard, M. C., Civille, G. V., & Carr, B. T. 2016. Sensory evaluation techniques (5th ed., pp. 123-152). Boca Raton: CRC Press.
  • Michalczyk, M., Macura, R., Matuszak, I. 2009. The effect of air‐drying, freeze‐drying and storage on the quality and antioxidant activity of some selected berries. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 33(1), 11-21.
  • Opalić, M., Domitran, Z., Komes, D., Belščak, A., Horžić, D., & Karlović, D. 2009. The effect of ultrasound pre-treatment and air-drying on the quality of dried apples. Journal of Food Science, 27(SI), S297-S300.
  • Piga A, Pinna I, Özer K. B, Agabbio M, Aksoy U. 2004. Hot air dehydration of figs (Ficus carica L.): drying kinetics and quality loss. International journal of food science & technology, 39(7), 793-799.
  • Rodríguez-Carpena, J. G., Morcuende, D., Andrade, M. J., Kylli, P., & Estévez, M. 2011. Avocado (Persea americana Mill.) phenolics, in vitro antioxidant and antimicrobial activities, and inhibition of lipid and protein oxidation in porcine patties. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry, 59(10), 5625-5635.
  • Shi, Q., Zheng, Y., & Zhao, Y. 2013. Mathematical modeling on thin-layer heat pump drying of yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius) slices. Energy Conversion and Management, 71, 208-216.
  • Shishehgarha, F., Makhlouf, J., Ratti, C. 2002. Freeze-drying characteristics of strawberries. Drying technology, 20(1), 131-145.
  • Shofian, N. M., Hamid, A. A., Osman, A., Saari, N., Anwar, F., Pak, Dek M. S., Hairuddin, M. R. 2011. Effect of freeze-drying on the antioxidant compounds and antioxidant activity of selected tropical fruits. International Journal of molecular sciences, 12(7), 4678-4692.
  • Teles, U. M., Fernandes, F. A., Rodrigues, S., Lima, A. S., Maia, G. A, Figueiredo, R. W. 2006. Optimization of osmotic dehydration of melons followed by air‐drying. International journal of food science & technology, 41(6), 674-680.
  • Tsami, E., & Katsioti, M. 2000. Drying kinetics for some fruits: Predicting of porosity and color during dehydration. Drying Technology, 18(7), 1559-1581.
  • Wong, D. S., Lai, F. C. 2004. EHD-enhanced drying with auxiliary heating from below. Journal of energy resources technology, 126(2), 133-139.
  • Ye, XY., Wang, HX., Liu, F., Ng, T.B. 2000. Ribonuclease, cell-free translation-inhibitory and superoxide radical scavenging activities of the iron-binding protein lactoferrin from bovine milk. The international journal of biochemistry & cell biology, 32(2), 235-241.
  • Yıldız, Z., Gökayaz, L. 2019. Güneş Enerjili Kurutucuda Kurutulan Elma Dilimlerinin Kurutma Koşullarının RSM ile Optimizasyonu. Çukurova Tarım ve Gıda Bilimleri Dergisi, 34(2), 100-108.
  • Yongsawatdigul, J., Gunasekaran, S. 1996. Microwave‐vacuum drying of cranberries: Part II. Quality evaluation. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 20(2), 145-156.

Vakum kurutucu ve Akışkan Yatak Kurutucu Kullanılarak Kurutulmuş Avokadoların Kalite Karakteristiklerinin Kıyaslanması

Year 2020, , 814 - 822, 20.10.2020


Kurutma meyvelerdeki mikrobiyolojik ve kimyasal aktiviteyi sınırlandırmasının yanında, atıştırmalıklarla beslenme kültürünün giderek yaygınlaştığı günümüzde sağlıklı atıştırmalıkların elde edilmesine olanak sağlayan pratik bir yöntemdir. Kurutma işleminde gıdaların hem besleyici değerini hem de fiziksel ve duyusal özelliklerini iyi bir biçimde koruyan yöntemin seçilmesi son derece önemlidir. Bu çalışmada vakum kurutucu ve akışkan yatak kurutucu kullanılarak kurutulmuş avokadoların kalite karakteristiklerinin karşılaştırılması incelenmiştir. Başlangıç nem içeriği %72.04±0.9 olan avokadolar nem içerikleri %13.02±1’e ulaşana kadar kurutulmuştur. Akışkan yatak kurutucuda kurutma işlemi 50 °C, 60 °C ve 70°C sıcaklıkta 1.5 m/s hızla sırasıyla 8 saat, 7 saat ve 6 saatte, vakumla kurutma işlemi ise 10 Kpa basınçta 50 °C, 60 °C ve 70 °C sıcaklıklarında sırasıyla 10 saat, 9 saat ve 8 saatte tamamlanmıştır. Kurutulmuş avokadoların fiziksel, kimyasal ve duyusal özelliklerini kıyaslamak amacıyla renk, su aktivitesi, rehidrasyon kapasitesi, büzülme oranı, pH, antioksidan aktivite toplam fenolik madde ölçümleri ve duyusal analiz testleri gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışmanın sonucunda vakumla kurutma işleminin avokadoların fiziksel ve kimyasal özelliklerinin yanı sıra duyusal özelliklerini daha iyi koruyan bir yöntem olduğu ortaya çıkarılmıştır.


  • Alibas, I. 2009. Microwave, vacuum, and air drying characteristics of collard leaves. Drying Technology, 27(11), 1266-1273.
  • AOAC. 2005. Official methods of analysis (18th ed.). Arlington, VA: Association of Official Analytical Chemists.
  • Artnaseaw, A., Theerakulpisut, S., Benjapiyaporn, C. 2010. Drying characteristics of Shiitake mushroom and Jinda chili during vacuum heat pump drying. Food and Bioproducts Processing, 88(2-3), 105-114.
  • Asami, D. K, Hong, Y. J, Barrett, D. M, Mitchell, A. E. 2003. Comparison of the total phenolic and ascorbic acid content of freeze-dried and air-dried marionberry, strawberry, and corn grown using conventional, organic, and sustainable agricultural practices. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry, 51(5), 1237-1241.
  • Astudillo-Ordóñez, C. E, Rodríguez, P. 2018. Physicochemical parameters of avocado Persea americana Mill. cv. Hass (Lauraceae) grown in Antioquia (Colombia) for export. Corpoica Ciencia y Tecnología Agropecuaria, 19(2), 383-392.
  • Balzarini, M. F., Reinheimer, M. A., Ciappini, M. C., & Scenna, N. J. 2018. Comparative study of hot air and vacuum drying on the drying kinetics and physicochemical properties of chicory roots. Journal of food science and technology, 55(10), 4067-4078.
  • Cemeroğlu, B. 2010. Gıda Analizleri, Gıda Teknolojisi Yayınları Derneği Yayınları, No:39, 2. Baskı Ankara.
  • Chang, C. H, Lin, H. Y, Chang, C. Y, Liu, Y. C. 2006. Comparisons on the antioxidant properties of fresh, freeze-dried and hot-air-dried tomatoes. Journal of Food Engineering, 77(3), 478-485.
  • Chartzoulakis, K., Patakas, A., Kofidis, G., Bosabalidis, A., Nastou, A. 2002. Water stress affects leaf anatomy, gas exchange, water relations and growth of two avocado cultivars. Scientia horticulturae, 95(1-2), 39-50.
  • Dinani, S. T., Hamdami, N., Shahedi, M., Havet. M., 2015. Quality assessment of mushroom slices dried by hot air combined with an electrohydrodynamic (EHD) drying system. Food and Bioproducts Processing, 94, 572-580.
  • Gabas, A. L., Telis V. R. N., Sobral, P. J. A., Telis-Romero J. 2007. Effect of maltodextrin and arabic gum in water vapor sorption thermodynamic properties of vacuum dried pineapple pulp powder. Journal of Food Engineering, 82(2), 246-252.
  • Gallagher, E., Gormley, T.R., Arendt, E.K., 2003. Crust and crumb characteristics of gluten free breads. Journal of Food Engineering 56(2): 153-161.
  • Gürlek, G., Akdemir, Ö., Güngör, A. 2015. Gıda Kurutulmasında Isı Pompalı Kurutucuların Kullanımı Ve Elma Kurutmada Uygulanması. Pamukkale University Journal of Engineering Sciences, 21(9).
  • International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 8586. (2012). Sensory Analysis- General guidelines for the selection, training and monitoring of selected assessors and expert sensory assessors.
  • Krokida, M. K., Maroulis, Z. B., Saravacos, G. D. 2001. The effect of the method of drying on the colour of dehydrated products. International journal of food science & technology, 36(1), 53-59.
  • Litvin, S., Mannheim, C. H., & Miltz, J. 1998. Dehydration of carrots by a combination of freeze drying, microwave heating and air or vacuum drying. Journal of food engineering, 36(1), 103-111.
  • Martynenko, A., Zheng, W. 2016. Electrohydrodynamic drying of apple slices: Energy and quality aspects. Journal of Food Engineering, 168, 215-222..
  • Mayor, L., Cunha, R. L., Sereno, A. M. 2007. Relation between mechanical properties and structural changes during osmotic dehydration of pumpkin. Food Research International, 40(4), 448-460.
  • Meilgaard, M. C., Civille, G. V., & Carr, B. T. 2016. Sensory evaluation techniques (5th ed., pp. 123-152). Boca Raton: CRC Press.
  • Michalczyk, M., Macura, R., Matuszak, I. 2009. The effect of air‐drying, freeze‐drying and storage on the quality and antioxidant activity of some selected berries. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 33(1), 11-21.
  • Opalić, M., Domitran, Z., Komes, D., Belščak, A., Horžić, D., & Karlović, D. 2009. The effect of ultrasound pre-treatment and air-drying on the quality of dried apples. Journal of Food Science, 27(SI), S297-S300.
  • Piga A, Pinna I, Özer K. B, Agabbio M, Aksoy U. 2004. Hot air dehydration of figs (Ficus carica L.): drying kinetics and quality loss. International journal of food science & technology, 39(7), 793-799.
  • Rodríguez-Carpena, J. G., Morcuende, D., Andrade, M. J., Kylli, P., & Estévez, M. 2011. Avocado (Persea americana Mill.) phenolics, in vitro antioxidant and antimicrobial activities, and inhibition of lipid and protein oxidation in porcine patties. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry, 59(10), 5625-5635.
  • Shi, Q., Zheng, Y., & Zhao, Y. 2013. Mathematical modeling on thin-layer heat pump drying of yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius) slices. Energy Conversion and Management, 71, 208-216.
  • Shishehgarha, F., Makhlouf, J., Ratti, C. 2002. Freeze-drying characteristics of strawberries. Drying technology, 20(1), 131-145.
  • Shofian, N. M., Hamid, A. A., Osman, A., Saari, N., Anwar, F., Pak, Dek M. S., Hairuddin, M. R. 2011. Effect of freeze-drying on the antioxidant compounds and antioxidant activity of selected tropical fruits. International Journal of molecular sciences, 12(7), 4678-4692.
  • Teles, U. M., Fernandes, F. A., Rodrigues, S., Lima, A. S., Maia, G. A, Figueiredo, R. W. 2006. Optimization of osmotic dehydration of melons followed by air‐drying. International journal of food science & technology, 41(6), 674-680.
  • Tsami, E., & Katsioti, M. 2000. Drying kinetics for some fruits: Predicting of porosity and color during dehydration. Drying Technology, 18(7), 1559-1581.
  • Wong, D. S., Lai, F. C. 2004. EHD-enhanced drying with auxiliary heating from below. Journal of energy resources technology, 126(2), 133-139.
  • Ye, XY., Wang, HX., Liu, F., Ng, T.B. 2000. Ribonuclease, cell-free translation-inhibitory and superoxide radical scavenging activities of the iron-binding protein lactoferrin from bovine milk. The international journal of biochemistry & cell biology, 32(2), 235-241.
  • Yıldız, Z., Gökayaz, L. 2019. Güneş Enerjili Kurutucuda Kurutulan Elma Dilimlerinin Kurutma Koşullarının RSM ile Optimizasyonu. Çukurova Tarım ve Gıda Bilimleri Dergisi, 34(2), 100-108.
  • Yongsawatdigul, J., Gunasekaran, S. 1996. Microwave‐vacuum drying of cranberries: Part II. Quality evaluation. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 20(2), 145-156.
There are 32 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Articles

Sibel Bölek 0000-0003-4967-9416

Publication Date October 20, 2020
Submission Date February 8, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020


APA Bölek, S. (2020). Vakum kurutucu ve Akışkan Yatak Kurutucu Kullanılarak Kurutulmuş Avokadoların Kalite Karakteristiklerinin Kıyaslanması. Turkish Journal of Agricultural and Natural Sciences, 7(4), 814-822.