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Effects of Different Harvesting Stages and Rates on the Green Herbage Yield of Shrub-Medic (Medicago arborea L.)

Year 2014, Volume: 1 Issue: 2, 161 - 166, 26.07.2014


This study was conducted in the experimental fields of Field Crop Department of Agricultural. Faculty of Ege University in the growing season of 2011-2012. Effect of different harvesting stages (April, May, June, July and August) and f cutting rate (green shoot harvest at 50-100%) on the herbage yield and some other yield characteristics of Shrub-Medic (Medicago arborea L.) were tested in the experiment. The Experiment was arranged in a randomized complete block design with 3 replications. Some characteristics such as fresh herbage yield, fresh leaf ratio, fresh stem ratio, air dried hay content were determined. Results indicated that the highest fresh herbage yield (969 g plant-1), leaf rate of fresh herbage (75.8%) were obtained when five years old crops harvested at the rate of 50% in April.


  • Açıkgöz, N., Akbaş, M.E., Moghaddam A. ve Özcan, K., 1994. PC’ler İçin Veritabanı Esaslı Türkçe İstatistik Paketi:TARİST, 1.Tarla Bitkileri
  • Kongresi, 24-28.04.1994, Ege Üniversitesi
  • Ziraat Fakültesi Ofset Basımevi, 264, Bornova, İzmir. Alegre, J., Sancha, J.L., Guía, E. and Agudo, M.A., 1993. Caracterización nutritiva de arbustos forrajeros: I. Composición química de leguminosas arbustivas y su evolución estacional. XVIII Jornadas Científicas de la Sociedad Española para el Estudio de los Pastos: 58–67
  • Amato, G., Stringi, L., and Giambalvo, D., 2004. Productivity and canopy modification of Medicago arborea as affected by defoliation management and genotype in a Mediterranean environment, Grass and Forage Science, 59: 20–28
  • Avcıoğlu, R., Geren, H., Tamkoç A. ve Karadağ, Y., 200 Yembitkileri, 'Baklagil Yembitkileri', Bölüm 9, Yonca (Medicago sp. L.), - TC Tarım ve Köyişleri Bakanlığı, TÜGEM, Cilt 2, s:3143
  • De Koning, C.T, Hughes, S., McLachlan, D. and Duncan, A.J., 2000. Medicago arborea - a leguminous fodder shrub for low rainfall farming systems, CIHEAM - Options Mediterraneennes, 45:4354
  • Douglas, G.B., Bulloch, B.T. & Foote, A.G., 1996. Cutting management of willows (Salix spp.) and leguminous shrubs for forage during summer. New Zealand J. Agr. Res. 39: 175– 1
  • Douglas, G.B., Gadgil, R.L., Skinner, M.F., Bulloch, B.T., Sandberg, A.M., Foote, A.G. and Lowe, A.T., 19 Nitrogen-fixing replacements for tree lupin (Lupinus arboreus Sims) on North Island coastal dunes. Proceedings of the 1994 New Zealand Conference on Sustainable Land Management: 216–222.
  • Elhamrouni, A. and Sarson, M., 1976. Résultant d’un essai de charge sur une parcelle de Medicago arborea L. Note de recherche 14, I.N.R.F., Tunisie.
  • Geren, H., Avcıoğlu, R., Kır, B. ve Kavut, Y.T., 2011. Çalımsı Yonca’nın (Medicago arborea L.) Bazı Morfolojik ve Agronomik Özellikleri Üzerinde Araştırmalar, Türkiye Tarla Bitkileri Kongresi, 12-14 Eylül 2011, Bursa, Cilt:3:1656-1661.
  • Gonzàlez-Andres, F., Chàvez, J., Montaňes G. and Ceresuela, J.L., 1999. Characterisation of woody Medicago (Section Dendrotelis) species, on the basis of seed and seedling morphometry, Genetic Resources and Crop Evalution 46:5055
  • Greuter, W., Matthäs, U. & Risse, H., 1982. Medicago strasseri, a new leguminous shrub from Kriti, Notes on Cardaegan plants Wildenowia 12: 201–206.
  • Greuter, W., Burdet, H.M. & Long, G., 1989. Dicotyledones
  • (Lauraceae-Rhamnaceae). Conservatore et jardin botaniques de la ville de Genève, Med-checklist. 4, Gèneve. Le Houérou, H.N., 1993. Land degradation in Mediterranean Europe: Can agroforestry be a part of the solution? A prospective review. Agroforestry Syst. 21: 43–61.
  • Lefroy, E.C., Dann, P.R., Wildin, J.H., Wesley-Smith R.N. and McGowan, A.A., 1992. Trees and shrubs as sources of fodder in Australia. Agroforestry Syst., 20:117–139.
  • Martiniello, P., Baviello, G. and Lamascese, N., 1994. Phenotypic variability for morphological and yield parameters in woody forage accessions of saltbush (Atriplex halimus L.) and tree-medic (Medicago arborea L.). J. Genet. Breed. 48: 175–182.
  • Papanastasis, V.P., 1987. Multipurpose woody plants for the Mediterranean arid zone of Greece. Les espèces à usages multiples des zones arides Méditerranéennes. Raport EUR: 73–91.
  • Papanastasis, V.P., Yiakoulaki, M.D., Decandia, M. and Dini-Papanastasi, O., 2008. Integrating woody species into livestock feeding in the Mediterranean areas of Europe, Animal Feed Science and Technology, 140:1–17.
  • Salisbury, F.B. and Ross, C.W., 1992. Plant Physiology, Wadsworth Pub. Com., Inc., Belmont, California-USA.
  • Sibole, J.V., Cabot, C., Poschenrieder, C. and Barceló, J., 200 Effcient leaf ion partitioning, an overriding condition for abscisic acid-controlled stomatal and leaf growth responses to NaCl salinization in two legumes, Journal of Experimental Botany, 54 (390):2111-2119.
  • Stringi, L., Amato, G., Giambalvo, D. and Accardo, A., 2000. Behaviour and phenotypic variability of some Medicago arborea populations in Sicily, CIHEAM - Options Mediterraneennes, 45:51
  • Olives, G., 1969. La alfalfa arbórea. Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación, Madrid.
  • Villax, E.J., 1963. La culture des plantes fourragères dans la Région Méditerranéenne Occidentale (Maroc, Portugal, Tunisie, Algerie, Espagne, France). Les Cahiers de la Recherche Agronomique 17, I.N.R.A., Rabat. Walter, H., 1962. Die Vegetation der Erde, Band I: Die tropischen und subtropischen Zonen, VEB Gustav Fischer Verlag Jena, p: 27-39.

Farklı Hasat Dönemi ve Oranlarının Çalımsı Yonca (Medicago arborea L.) Verimine Etkileri

Year 2014, Volume: 1 Issue: 2, 161 - 166, 26.07.2014


Bu araştırma 2011-2012 yılları yetiştirme sezonunda Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Tarla Bitkileri Bölümü deneme tarlasında 3 tekrarlı olarak yürütülmüştür. Çalışmada, farklı hasat dönemi (Nisan, Mayıs, Haziran, Temmuz, Ağustos) ile biçim oranının (yeşil sürgünlerin %50 veya %100 biçilmesi) çalımsı yonca (Medicago arborea L.)’da verim ve verime ilişkin bazı özellikler üzerine etkisi incelenmiştir. İki faktörlü tesadüf blokları deneme desenine göre kurulan denemede, yeşil ot verimi, yeşil otta yaprak oranı, yeşil otta sap oranı, havada kuru madde oranı gibi karakterler incelenmiştir. Bulgular, genel olarak erken ilkbahar döneminde ve Nisan ayında özellikle 5 yaşındaki bitkilerin %50 oranında hasat edildiği koşullarda en yüksek yeşil ot (969 g bitki-1) ve yeşil otta yaprak oranı (%75.8) elde edildiğini göstermiştir.


  • Açıkgöz, N., Akbaş, M.E., Moghaddam A. ve Özcan, K., 1994. PC’ler İçin Veritabanı Esaslı Türkçe İstatistik Paketi:TARİST, 1.Tarla Bitkileri
  • Kongresi, 24-28.04.1994, Ege Üniversitesi
  • Ziraat Fakültesi Ofset Basımevi, 264, Bornova, İzmir. Alegre, J., Sancha, J.L., Guía, E. and Agudo, M.A., 1993. Caracterización nutritiva de arbustos forrajeros: I. Composición química de leguminosas arbustivas y su evolución estacional. XVIII Jornadas Científicas de la Sociedad Española para el Estudio de los Pastos: 58–67
  • Amato, G., Stringi, L., and Giambalvo, D., 2004. Productivity and canopy modification of Medicago arborea as affected by defoliation management and genotype in a Mediterranean environment, Grass and Forage Science, 59: 20–28
  • Avcıoğlu, R., Geren, H., Tamkoç A. ve Karadağ, Y., 200 Yembitkileri, 'Baklagil Yembitkileri', Bölüm 9, Yonca (Medicago sp. L.), - TC Tarım ve Köyişleri Bakanlığı, TÜGEM, Cilt 2, s:3143
  • De Koning, C.T, Hughes, S., McLachlan, D. and Duncan, A.J., 2000. Medicago arborea - a leguminous fodder shrub for low rainfall farming systems, CIHEAM - Options Mediterraneennes, 45:4354
  • Douglas, G.B., Bulloch, B.T. & Foote, A.G., 1996. Cutting management of willows (Salix spp.) and leguminous shrubs for forage during summer. New Zealand J. Agr. Res. 39: 175– 1
  • Douglas, G.B., Gadgil, R.L., Skinner, M.F., Bulloch, B.T., Sandberg, A.M., Foote, A.G. and Lowe, A.T., 19 Nitrogen-fixing replacements for tree lupin (Lupinus arboreus Sims) on North Island coastal dunes. Proceedings of the 1994 New Zealand Conference on Sustainable Land Management: 216–222.
  • Elhamrouni, A. and Sarson, M., 1976. Résultant d’un essai de charge sur une parcelle de Medicago arborea L. Note de recherche 14, I.N.R.F., Tunisie.
  • Geren, H., Avcıoğlu, R., Kır, B. ve Kavut, Y.T., 2011. Çalımsı Yonca’nın (Medicago arborea L.) Bazı Morfolojik ve Agronomik Özellikleri Üzerinde Araştırmalar, Türkiye Tarla Bitkileri Kongresi, 12-14 Eylül 2011, Bursa, Cilt:3:1656-1661.
  • Gonzàlez-Andres, F., Chàvez, J., Montaňes G. and Ceresuela, J.L., 1999. Characterisation of woody Medicago (Section Dendrotelis) species, on the basis of seed and seedling morphometry, Genetic Resources and Crop Evalution 46:5055
  • Greuter, W., Matthäs, U. & Risse, H., 1982. Medicago strasseri, a new leguminous shrub from Kriti, Notes on Cardaegan plants Wildenowia 12: 201–206.
  • Greuter, W., Burdet, H.M. & Long, G., 1989. Dicotyledones
  • (Lauraceae-Rhamnaceae). Conservatore et jardin botaniques de la ville de Genève, Med-checklist. 4, Gèneve. Le Houérou, H.N., 1993. Land degradation in Mediterranean Europe: Can agroforestry be a part of the solution? A prospective review. Agroforestry Syst. 21: 43–61.
  • Lefroy, E.C., Dann, P.R., Wildin, J.H., Wesley-Smith R.N. and McGowan, A.A., 1992. Trees and shrubs as sources of fodder in Australia. Agroforestry Syst., 20:117–139.
  • Martiniello, P., Baviello, G. and Lamascese, N., 1994. Phenotypic variability for morphological and yield parameters in woody forage accessions of saltbush (Atriplex halimus L.) and tree-medic (Medicago arborea L.). J. Genet. Breed. 48: 175–182.
  • Papanastasis, V.P., 1987. Multipurpose woody plants for the Mediterranean arid zone of Greece. Les espèces à usages multiples des zones arides Méditerranéennes. Raport EUR: 73–91.
  • Papanastasis, V.P., Yiakoulaki, M.D., Decandia, M. and Dini-Papanastasi, O., 2008. Integrating woody species into livestock feeding in the Mediterranean areas of Europe, Animal Feed Science and Technology, 140:1–17.
  • Salisbury, F.B. and Ross, C.W., 1992. Plant Physiology, Wadsworth Pub. Com., Inc., Belmont, California-USA.
  • Sibole, J.V., Cabot, C., Poschenrieder, C. and Barceló, J., 200 Effcient leaf ion partitioning, an overriding condition for abscisic acid-controlled stomatal and leaf growth responses to NaCl salinization in two legumes, Journal of Experimental Botany, 54 (390):2111-2119.
  • Stringi, L., Amato, G., Giambalvo, D. and Accardo, A., 2000. Behaviour and phenotypic variability of some Medicago arborea populations in Sicily, CIHEAM - Options Mediterraneennes, 45:51
  • Olives, G., 1969. La alfalfa arbórea. Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación, Madrid.
  • Villax, E.J., 1963. La culture des plantes fourragères dans la Région Méditerranéenne Occidentale (Maroc, Portugal, Tunisie, Algerie, Espagne, France). Les Cahiers de la Recherche Agronomique 17, I.N.R.A., Rabat. Walter, H., 1962. Die Vegetation der Erde, Band I: Die tropischen und subtropischen Zonen, VEB Gustav Fischer Verlag Jena, p: 27-39.
There are 23 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Articles

Seyithan Seydoşoğlu This is me

Rıza Avcıoğlu This is me

Publication Date July 26, 2014
Submission Date July 26, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2014 Volume: 1 Issue: 2


APA Seydoşoğlu, S., & Avcıoğlu, R. (2014). Farklı Hasat Dönemi ve Oranlarının Çalımsı Yonca (Medicago arborea L.) Verimine Etkileri. Turkish Journal of Agricultural and Natural Sciences, 1(2), 161-166.