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Chemical Diversity in Essential Oil Compositions of Leaf, Herb and Flower in Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis L.)

Year 2014, Volume: 1 Issue: 2, 210 - 214, 26.07.2014


This research was conducted to determine chemical variability in terms of essential oil compositions in leaves, herb and flowers of lemon balm. In experiment, Melissa officinalis ssp. officinalis was used as the material. Leaf and herb samples were taken before flowering stage while flower samples were taken at full flowering stage. The essential oils were isolated by hydro-distillation and analyzed by GC/MS. According to results, significant variations were observed in leaves, herb and flowers as concerns essential oil components. Thirteen, fifteen and fourteen components were identified in leaves, herb and flowers, respectively. In leaves and flower, main component was citral (25.22% and 21.20%), followed by caryophyllene oxide (21.95% and 18.44%) and z-citral (19.08% and 16.03%). Compared to leaf and flower, herb showed differences in terms of major components. While, caryophyllene oxide (29.25%) was the main component, citral (15.20%) and β-caryophyllene (12.14%) were the second and third components in herb, respectively.


  • Adinee, J., Piri, K. and Karami, O., 2008. Essential oil component in flower of lemon balm (Melissa officinalis L.). American Journal of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 4: 277-278.
  • Adzet, T., Ponz, E. and Schulte, E., 1992. Content and composition of Melissa officinalis oil in relation to leaf pozition and harvest time. Planta Med, 58: 562-564.
  • Asgari, F. and Sefidkon, F., 2004. Essential oil composition of Melissa officinalis L. from different region. Iranian Journal of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, 20: 229-237.
  • Ayanoglu, F., Arslan, M. and Hatay, A., 2005. Effects of harvesting stages, harvesting hours and drying methods on essential oil content of lemon balm grown in Eastern Mediterranean. International Journal of Botany, 1: 138-142.
  • Basta, A., Tzakou, O. and Couladis, M., 2005. Composition of the leaves essential oil of Melissa officinalis s.I. from Greece. Flavour and Fragnance Journal, 20: 642-644.
  • Bahtiyarca Bağdat, R., 2006. The essential oil of lemon balm (Melissa officinalis L.), its components and using fields. OMÜ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 21: 116-121.
  • Baytop, T., 1984. Türkiye’de Bitkilerle Tedavi. İstanbul Üniversitesi. Yayın No: 3255, Eczacılık Fakültesi No: 40, İstanbul.
  • Ceylan, A., 1987. Tıbbi Bitkiler II (Uçucu Yağ İçerenler). Ege Üniversitesi. Ziraat Fakültesi Yayınları No:481, İzmir, 188s.
  • Cosge, B., Ipek, A. and Gurbuz, B., 2009. GC/MS analysis of herbage essential oil from lemon balm (Melissa officinalis L.) Grown in Turkey. Journal of Applied Biological Sciences, 3: 136-139.
  • El-Gergaihi, S., Rofael, J. S. and Shalaby, F.S., 1985. Effect of Gamma Radiation on Growth, Essential Oil Content and Composition of Melissa officinalis L. Grown in Egypt. Annals of Agricultııral Sciens., 20: 17-27.
  • Ilisulu, K., 1992. İlaç ve baharat bitkileri. Ankara Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Yayınları No: 1256, Ders Kitabı No: 360, Ankara, 302 s.
  • Koller, W.D, Özgüven M. and Range, P., 1999. Composition of Essential Oil of Wild Melissa. Landesanstalt für Pflanzenbau, Z. Arzn. Gew. Pfl., 4: 39-43.
  • Meftahizade, H., Sargsyan, E. and Moradkhani, H., 20 Investigation of antioxidant capacity of Melissa officinalis L. essential oils. Journal of Medicinal Plant Research, 4: 1391-1395. Moradkhani, H., Sargsyan, E., Bibak, H., Naseri, B., Sadat-Hosseini, M., Fayazi-Barjin, A. and Meftahizade, H., 2010. Melissa officinalis L., a valuable medicine plant: A review. Journal of Medicinal Plant Research, 4: 2753-2759.
  • Norouzi, M., Soleimani, T. and Pasha Zanousi, M., 20 Essential oil component in leaf and flower of lemon balm (Meliss officinalis L.). Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences, 7: 749. Pino, J.A., Rosado, A. and Fuentes, V., 1999. Composition of essential oil of Melissa officinalis L. from Cuba. Journal of Essential Oil Research, 11: 363-364.
  • Saglam, C., Atakisi, I., Turhan, H., Kaba, S., Arslanoğlu, F. and Onemli, F., 2004. Effect of propagation method, plant density and age on lemon balm (Melissa officinalis L.) herb and oil yield. New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science, 32: 419-423.
  • Sari, A.O. and Ceylan, A., 2002. Yield characteristics and essential oil composition of lemon balm (Melissa officinalis L.) grown in the Aegean Region of Turkey. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 22: 217-224.
  • Simionatto, E., Hu, W., Cai, W. and Hussien, M.S., 200 Influence of cutting and harvest day time on essential oils of lemon balm (Melissa officinalis L.). Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants, 12: 348-357. Tinmaz, A.B., Gökkuş, A., Çetin, K. and Erdoğan, S. S., 2001. Determining of the volatile oil content and drug herbage yield of lemon balm (Melissa officinalis L.) applied different harvesting time and planting distances grown in the Çanakkale ecological conditions. Proceedings of the Workshop on Agricultural and Quality Aspects of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, May 29June 01, 2001, Adana, s:197-202.
  • Vaverkova, S., Mistrikova, I. and Farkas, P., 2012. Qualitative properties of Melissa officinalis after the application of Rastim 30 DKV. Botanica Serbica, 36: 81-84.

Oğulotu (Melissa officinalis L.)’ndaYaprak, Herba ve Çiçekte Uçucu Yağ Bileşenlerindeki Kimyasal Değişim

Year 2014, Volume: 1 Issue: 2, 210 - 214, 26.07.2014


Bu çalışma oğulotu (Melissa officinalis L.)’nun yaprak, herba ve çiçeğindeki uçucu yağ bileşenleri açısından değişimi belirlemek için yapılmıştır. Denemede materyal olarak Melissa officinalis ssp. officinalis kullanılmıştır. Yaprak ve herba örnekleri çiçeklenme öncesi dönemde alınırken, çiçek örnekleri tam çiçeklenme döneminde alınmıştır. Uçucu yağlar su distilasyonu yöntemiyle elde edilmiş olup, GC/MS cihazıyla bileşen analizi yapılmıştır. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre, yaprak, herba ve çiçekte uçucu yağ bileşenleri bakımından önemli değişimler tespit edilmiştir. Yaprak, herba ve çiçekte sırasıyla 13, 15 ve 14 uçucu yağ bileşeni belirlenmiştir. Yaprak ve çiçekte ana bileşen citral (%25.22 ve %21.20) olurken, bunu caryophyllene oxide (%21.95 ve %18.44) ve z-citral (%19.08 ve %16.03) izlemiştir. Yaprak ve çiçekle kıyaslandığında, ana bileşenler bakımından herbada farklılıklar görülmüştür. Nitekim herbada caryophyllene oxide (%29.25) ana bileşen olurken, citral (%15.20) ve β-caryophyllene (%12.14) sırasıyla ikinci ve üçüncü bileşen olmuştur.


  • Adinee, J., Piri, K. and Karami, O., 2008. Essential oil component in flower of lemon balm (Melissa officinalis L.). American Journal of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 4: 277-278.
  • Adzet, T., Ponz, E. and Schulte, E., 1992. Content and composition of Melissa officinalis oil in relation to leaf pozition and harvest time. Planta Med, 58: 562-564.
  • Asgari, F. and Sefidkon, F., 2004. Essential oil composition of Melissa officinalis L. from different region. Iranian Journal of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, 20: 229-237.
  • Ayanoglu, F., Arslan, M. and Hatay, A., 2005. Effects of harvesting stages, harvesting hours and drying methods on essential oil content of lemon balm grown in Eastern Mediterranean. International Journal of Botany, 1: 138-142.
  • Basta, A., Tzakou, O. and Couladis, M., 2005. Composition of the leaves essential oil of Melissa officinalis s.I. from Greece. Flavour and Fragnance Journal, 20: 642-644.
  • Bahtiyarca Bağdat, R., 2006. The essential oil of lemon balm (Melissa officinalis L.), its components and using fields. OMÜ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 21: 116-121.
  • Baytop, T., 1984. Türkiye’de Bitkilerle Tedavi. İstanbul Üniversitesi. Yayın No: 3255, Eczacılık Fakültesi No: 40, İstanbul.
  • Ceylan, A., 1987. Tıbbi Bitkiler II (Uçucu Yağ İçerenler). Ege Üniversitesi. Ziraat Fakültesi Yayınları No:481, İzmir, 188s.
  • Cosge, B., Ipek, A. and Gurbuz, B., 2009. GC/MS analysis of herbage essential oil from lemon balm (Melissa officinalis L.) Grown in Turkey. Journal of Applied Biological Sciences, 3: 136-139.
  • El-Gergaihi, S., Rofael, J. S. and Shalaby, F.S., 1985. Effect of Gamma Radiation on Growth, Essential Oil Content and Composition of Melissa officinalis L. Grown in Egypt. Annals of Agricultııral Sciens., 20: 17-27.
  • Ilisulu, K., 1992. İlaç ve baharat bitkileri. Ankara Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Yayınları No: 1256, Ders Kitabı No: 360, Ankara, 302 s.
  • Koller, W.D, Özgüven M. and Range, P., 1999. Composition of Essential Oil of Wild Melissa. Landesanstalt für Pflanzenbau, Z. Arzn. Gew. Pfl., 4: 39-43.
  • Meftahizade, H., Sargsyan, E. and Moradkhani, H., 20 Investigation of antioxidant capacity of Melissa officinalis L. essential oils. Journal of Medicinal Plant Research, 4: 1391-1395. Moradkhani, H., Sargsyan, E., Bibak, H., Naseri, B., Sadat-Hosseini, M., Fayazi-Barjin, A. and Meftahizade, H., 2010. Melissa officinalis L., a valuable medicine plant: A review. Journal of Medicinal Plant Research, 4: 2753-2759.
  • Norouzi, M., Soleimani, T. and Pasha Zanousi, M., 20 Essential oil component in leaf and flower of lemon balm (Meliss officinalis L.). Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences, 7: 749. Pino, J.A., Rosado, A. and Fuentes, V., 1999. Composition of essential oil of Melissa officinalis L. from Cuba. Journal of Essential Oil Research, 11: 363-364.
  • Saglam, C., Atakisi, I., Turhan, H., Kaba, S., Arslanoğlu, F. and Onemli, F., 2004. Effect of propagation method, plant density and age on lemon balm (Melissa officinalis L.) herb and oil yield. New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science, 32: 419-423.
  • Sari, A.O. and Ceylan, A., 2002. Yield characteristics and essential oil composition of lemon balm (Melissa officinalis L.) grown in the Aegean Region of Turkey. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 22: 217-224.
  • Simionatto, E., Hu, W., Cai, W. and Hussien, M.S., 200 Influence of cutting and harvest day time on essential oils of lemon balm (Melissa officinalis L.). Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants, 12: 348-357. Tinmaz, A.B., Gökkuş, A., Çetin, K. and Erdoğan, S. S., 2001. Determining of the volatile oil content and drug herbage yield of lemon balm (Melissa officinalis L.) applied different harvesting time and planting distances grown in the Çanakkale ecological conditions. Proceedings of the Workshop on Agricultural and Quality Aspects of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, May 29June 01, 2001, Adana, s:197-202.
  • Vaverkova, S., Mistrikova, I. and Farkas, P., 2012. Qualitative properties of Melissa officinalis after the application of Rastim 30 DKV. Botanica Serbica, 36: 81-84.
There are 18 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Articles

Mesut Uyanık This is me

Bilal Gurbuz This is me

Publication Date July 26, 2014
Submission Date July 26, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2014 Volume: 1 Issue: 2


APA Uyanık, M., & Gurbuz, B. (2014). Oğulotu (Melissa officinalis L.)’ndaYaprak, Herba ve Çiçekte Uçucu Yağ Bileşenlerindeki Kimyasal Değişim. Turkish Journal of Agricultural and Natural Sciences, 1(2), 210-214.