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Türkiye’de Üretilen Baklavalık Unların Fiziksel, Fizikokimyasal ve Reolojik Özellikleri

Year 2014, Volume: 1 Issue: 2, 219 - 226, 26.07.2014


In this study, physical, physicochemical and rheological properties of 22 baklava flour samples obtained from baklava producers and flour factories with high baklava flour capacity in Konya, Gaziantep, Ankara, Izmir, Balıkesir, Isparta were determined and quality profile of baklava flour was introduced. Physical analysis such as particle size distribution and color; chemical and physicochemical properties such as ash content, protein content Zeleny sedimentation value, modified Zeleny sedimentation value, gluten content, gluten index, dried gluten, falling number, starch damage and rheological properties such as farinograph and extensograph tests were carried out. Average ash content of the samples were 0.58% (dm), protein content was 12.46% (dm), Zeleny sedimentation value was 37.6 mL, modified sedimentation value was 47.0 mL, gluten content was 29.8%, gluten index was 94.4% and water absorption was 60.4%. It was found that quality characteristics of flour samples obtained from flour factories and baklava producers changed regionally. Especially, flours obtained from Gaziantep had different physical, physicochemical and rheological properties depending on durum wheat.


  • Anonymous, 1982. Standard Methods of the International Association for Cereal Chemistry (ICC), Verlag Moritz Scläfer Detmold, ICC No: 110/1
  • Anonymous, 1990. Standard Methods of the International Association for Cereal Chemistry (ICC), Verlag Moritz Scläfer Detmold, ICC No: 104/1
  • Anonymous, 1992. Standard Methods of the International Association for Cereal Chemistry (ICC), Verlag Moritz Scläfer Detmold, ICC No: 114/1
  • Anonymous, 1994a. Standard Methods of the International Association for Cereal Chemistry (ICC), Verlag Moritz Scläfer Detmold, ICC No: 105/2
  • Anonymous, 1994b. Standard Methods of the International Association for Cereal Chemistry (ICC), Verlag Moritz Scläfer Detmold, ICC No: 116/1
  • Anonymous, 1995a. Standard Methods of the International Association for Cereal Chemistry (ICC), Verlag Moritz Scläfer Detmold, ICC No: 107/1.
  • Anonymous, 1995b. AACC International Method 54–02 - Rheological Behavior of Flour by Farinograph: Constant Flour Weight Procedure. Approved Methods of Analysis, 11th ed. AACC International, St. Paul, MN.
  • Anonymous, 2000. AACC International. Method 12–02 - Wet Gluten, Dry Gluten, WaterBinding Capacity, and Gluten Index, Approved Methods of Analysis, 11th ed. AACC International, St. Paul, MN.
  • Anonymous, 2006. AACC International Method 76– 01 - Damaged Starch - Amperometric Method by SDmatic, Approved Methods of Analysis, 11th ed. AACC International, St. Paul, MN. Anonymous, 2010a. Tezcan Un, Bilateral Discussion, İzmir. Anonymous, 2010b. Tekbaş Un, Bilateral Discussion, Konya.
  • Anonymous, 2010c. Güllüoğlu Baklava, Bilateral Discussion, Gaziantep
  • Anonymous, 2013. Turkish Food Codex, Wheat Flour Statement, Statement No: 99/01.
  • Acar, O., 2012. Baklava kalite karakteristiklerinin ve bazı buğday çeşitlerinden elde edilen unların baklava üretimine uygunluğunun araştırılması. Master Thesis Hacettepe University, Food Engineering Department, Ankara (in Turkish).
  • Akyildiz, E., 2010. Geleneksel Türk tatlısı ‘’baklava’’. Presented at The 1 st International Symposium on ‘Traditional Foods From Adriatic To Caucasus’: 2010, 15–17 April 2010 Tekirdağ/Turkey, s. 106–108 (in Turkish).
  • Atlı, A., Bulut, D., Kaya, E,B., Uzunok, G., Yıldırım, S., 2013. Effects of Flour and Oil Quality on the Properties of Baklava. P: 215. The 2nd International Symposium on “Traditional Foods from Adriatic to Caucasus” 24-26 October 2013 Struga (Ohrid Lake) / Macedonia
  • Elgun. A., Ertugay, Z., 2002. Tahıl işleme teknolojisi. Atatürk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Yayınları: 297, Erzurum.(in Turkish)
  • Ekinci, R., 2001. Türkiye’de üretilen unlarda bazı mineral madde, vitamin, amino asit ve zedelenmiş nişasta miktarlarının tiplere göre değişiminin belirlenmesi. 2001, PhD Thesis, Ege University, Institute of Science, İzmir (in Turkish)
  • Hoseney, C.R., 1994. Principles of Cereal Science and Technology. Second Addition, AACC. St.Paul, Minnesota, USA, 1994.
  • Koten, M., Atlı, A., Ünsal, A.S., 2008. Some Quality Characteristics of Flours Used For Baklava. ICC International Conference Bosphorus 2008, P.118., İstanbul,Turkey. ISBN 9789944-0519-0-3.
  • Koz, P., Boyacioglu, D., Ozcelik, B., 2004. Development of a functional Turkish desert: Dietetic and diabetic baklava. 2004 IFT Annual Meeting, July 12-16. 2004, Las Vegas NV.
  • Lin, P.Y., Czuchajowska, Z., 1996. Starch damage in soft wheats of the Pacific Northwest. Cereal Chem. 73:551-555
  • Oliver, J.R., Blakeney, A.B., Allen, H.M., 1992. Measurement of flour color in color space parameters. Cereal Chem. 69(5):546-551
  • Ozkaya, H., Kahveci, B., 1990. Tahıl ve Ürünleri Analiz Yöntemleri. Gıda Teknolojisi Derneği Yayınları No: 14, 152 s, Ankara.
  • Ozkaya, B., Ozkaya, H., 1994. Öğütme sırasındaki nişasta zedelenmesi ve ekmekçilikteki önemi. 1. Türkiye Değirmencilik Sanayi ve Teknolojisi Sempozyumu. Bildiriler: 118-121. 10-11 Mayıs, Konya. (in Turkish)
  • Pinckney, A.J., Greenaway, W.T., Lawrence, Z., 19 Further developments in the sedimentation test for wheat quality. Cereal Chemistry, 34:16 – 26. Pomeranz, Y., 1988. Color-effect of several variables on the color of flour. In ‘Wheat Chemistry and Technology’ (ed) Y. Pomeranz, American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc. St. Paul, Minnesota, USA, 476-500.
  • S.A.S., 2001. Statistical Analytical Systems, SAS Users Guide: Statistics. SAS Institute Inc.
  • Yasunaga, T., Uemura, M., 1962. Evaluation of color characteristics of flours obtained from various types and varieties of wheat. Cereal Chem. 39:171-183

Physical, Physicochemical and Rheological Properties of Baklava Flours Produced in Turkey

Year 2014, Volume: 1 Issue: 2, 219 - 226, 26.07.2014


Bu çalışmada, Konya, Gaziantep, Ankara, İzmir, Balıkesir ve Isparta’daki yüksek kapasiteli un fabrikalarından ve baklava üreticilerinden temin edilen 22 baklavalık un örneğinin fiziksel, fizikokimyasal ve reolojik özellikleri belirlenmiş ve baklavalık unun kalite profile ortaya konmuştur. Fiziksel analizlerden partikül boyutu dağılımı ve renk;, fizikokimyasal analizlerden kül, protein, Zeleny sedimentasyon, modifiye Zeleny sedimentasyon, gluten, gluten indeks, kuru gluten, düşme sayısı, nişasta zedelenmesi ve reolojik analizlerden farinograf ve ekstensograf testleri gerçekleştirilmiştir. Örneklerin ortalama kül içeriği kuru maddede %0.58, protein içeriği %12.46, Zeleny sedimentasyon değeri 37.6 mL, modifiye Zeleny sedimentasyon değeri 47.0 mL, gluten içeriği %29.8, gluten indeks %94.4 ve ortalama su kaldırması %60.4’tür. Baklava üreticileri ve fabrikalardan temin edilen un örneklerinin kalite karakteristiklerinin bölgesel değişimler gösterdiği belirlenmiştir. Özellikle, Gaziantep’ten temin edilen unlar durum buğdayı kullanımına bağlı olarak farklı fiziksel, fizikokimyasal ve reolojik özellikler göstermiştir.


  • Anonymous, 1982. Standard Methods of the International Association for Cereal Chemistry (ICC), Verlag Moritz Scläfer Detmold, ICC No: 110/1
  • Anonymous, 1990. Standard Methods of the International Association for Cereal Chemistry (ICC), Verlag Moritz Scläfer Detmold, ICC No: 104/1
  • Anonymous, 1992. Standard Methods of the International Association for Cereal Chemistry (ICC), Verlag Moritz Scläfer Detmold, ICC No: 114/1
  • Anonymous, 1994a. Standard Methods of the International Association for Cereal Chemistry (ICC), Verlag Moritz Scläfer Detmold, ICC No: 105/2
  • Anonymous, 1994b. Standard Methods of the International Association for Cereal Chemistry (ICC), Verlag Moritz Scläfer Detmold, ICC No: 116/1
  • Anonymous, 1995a. Standard Methods of the International Association for Cereal Chemistry (ICC), Verlag Moritz Scläfer Detmold, ICC No: 107/1.
  • Anonymous, 1995b. AACC International Method 54–02 - Rheological Behavior of Flour by Farinograph: Constant Flour Weight Procedure. Approved Methods of Analysis, 11th ed. AACC International, St. Paul, MN.
  • Anonymous, 2000. AACC International. Method 12–02 - Wet Gluten, Dry Gluten, WaterBinding Capacity, and Gluten Index, Approved Methods of Analysis, 11th ed. AACC International, St. Paul, MN.
  • Anonymous, 2006. AACC International Method 76– 01 - Damaged Starch - Amperometric Method by SDmatic, Approved Methods of Analysis, 11th ed. AACC International, St. Paul, MN. Anonymous, 2010a. Tezcan Un, Bilateral Discussion, İzmir. Anonymous, 2010b. Tekbaş Un, Bilateral Discussion, Konya.
  • Anonymous, 2010c. Güllüoğlu Baklava, Bilateral Discussion, Gaziantep
  • Anonymous, 2013. Turkish Food Codex, Wheat Flour Statement, Statement No: 99/01.
  • Acar, O., 2012. Baklava kalite karakteristiklerinin ve bazı buğday çeşitlerinden elde edilen unların baklava üretimine uygunluğunun araştırılması. Master Thesis Hacettepe University, Food Engineering Department, Ankara (in Turkish).
  • Akyildiz, E., 2010. Geleneksel Türk tatlısı ‘’baklava’’. Presented at The 1 st International Symposium on ‘Traditional Foods From Adriatic To Caucasus’: 2010, 15–17 April 2010 Tekirdağ/Turkey, s. 106–108 (in Turkish).
  • Atlı, A., Bulut, D., Kaya, E,B., Uzunok, G., Yıldırım, S., 2013. Effects of Flour and Oil Quality on the Properties of Baklava. P: 215. The 2nd International Symposium on “Traditional Foods from Adriatic to Caucasus” 24-26 October 2013 Struga (Ohrid Lake) / Macedonia
  • Elgun. A., Ertugay, Z., 2002. Tahıl işleme teknolojisi. Atatürk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Yayınları: 297, Erzurum.(in Turkish)
  • Ekinci, R., 2001. Türkiye’de üretilen unlarda bazı mineral madde, vitamin, amino asit ve zedelenmiş nişasta miktarlarının tiplere göre değişiminin belirlenmesi. 2001, PhD Thesis, Ege University, Institute of Science, İzmir (in Turkish)
  • Hoseney, C.R., 1994. Principles of Cereal Science and Technology. Second Addition, AACC. St.Paul, Minnesota, USA, 1994.
  • Koten, M., Atlı, A., Ünsal, A.S., 2008. Some Quality Characteristics of Flours Used For Baklava. ICC International Conference Bosphorus 2008, P.118., İstanbul,Turkey. ISBN 9789944-0519-0-3.
  • Koz, P., Boyacioglu, D., Ozcelik, B., 2004. Development of a functional Turkish desert: Dietetic and diabetic baklava. 2004 IFT Annual Meeting, July 12-16. 2004, Las Vegas NV.
  • Lin, P.Y., Czuchajowska, Z., 1996. Starch damage in soft wheats of the Pacific Northwest. Cereal Chem. 73:551-555
  • Oliver, J.R., Blakeney, A.B., Allen, H.M., 1992. Measurement of flour color in color space parameters. Cereal Chem. 69(5):546-551
  • Ozkaya, H., Kahveci, B., 1990. Tahıl ve Ürünleri Analiz Yöntemleri. Gıda Teknolojisi Derneği Yayınları No: 14, 152 s, Ankara.
  • Ozkaya, B., Ozkaya, H., 1994. Öğütme sırasındaki nişasta zedelenmesi ve ekmekçilikteki önemi. 1. Türkiye Değirmencilik Sanayi ve Teknolojisi Sempozyumu. Bildiriler: 118-121. 10-11 Mayıs, Konya. (in Turkish)
  • Pinckney, A.J., Greenaway, W.T., Lawrence, Z., 19 Further developments in the sedimentation test for wheat quality. Cereal Chemistry, 34:16 – 26. Pomeranz, Y., 1988. Color-effect of several variables on the color of flour. In ‘Wheat Chemistry and Technology’ (ed) Y. Pomeranz, American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc. St. Paul, Minnesota, USA, 476-500.
  • S.A.S., 2001. Statistical Analytical Systems, SAS Users Guide: Statistics. SAS Institute Inc.
  • Yasunaga, T., Uemura, M., 1962. Evaluation of color characteristics of flours obtained from various types and varieties of wheat. Cereal Chem. 39:171-183
There are 26 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Articles

Nazlı YEYİNLİ Savlak This is me

Ergun Köse This is me

Publication Date July 26, 2014
Submission Date July 26, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2014 Volume: 1 Issue: 2


APA Savlak, N. Y., & Köse, E. (2014). Physical, Physicochemical and Rheological Properties of Baklava Flours Produced in Turkey. Turkish Journal of Agricultural and Natural Sciences, 1(2), 219-226.