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Photosynthetic Response of Potato Plants to Soil Salinity

Year 2014, Volume: 1 Issue: Özel Sayı-2, 1429 - 1439, 01.03.2014


In order to determine the potential production, it is important to know the response of crops such as potato (Solanum Tuberosum L.) which is one of the important starch crops in human diet under abiotic stress conditions. Salinity is one of the abiotic stress factors for potato limiting crop yield. The aim of this study is to determine the effects of saline water and proline applications on the yield and physiological characteristics of Morfona potato variety grown under cover just for rainfall proof under the Eastern Mediterranean conditions. In the experiment conducted between January-June 2010, foliar applied proline concentrations as much as 10 mM and 20 mM were applied to potato crop irrigated with water having electrical conductivity of 0.19 dS m-1(T0), 3.54 dS m-1(T3.5), 7.12 dS m-1 (T7), 9.57 dS m-1 (T10) and 12.86 dS m-1 (T13). Different levels of saline irrigation water were obtained by adding NaCl into the tap water. Irrigation water requirement, crop water use and water use efficiency were decreased as much as 4.5%-18.9%, 3%-16%, 16.45-19.36%, respectively, as the irrigation water salinity levels increased. The increase in soil salinity caused to decrease in all parameters (total fresh tuber yield, tuber number, tuber dry weight, weight of potato classified as Grade A, biomass and leaf area) except harvest index. Foliar application of proline to diminish the effect of salinity did not affect t significantly the most of the yield parameters. The most affected parameter by salinity was found to be stomatal conductance (Sc) among photosynthesis (Pn), transpiration (Tr) and stomatal conductance (Sc). The values of Pn, Tr and Sc increased in T7 treatment compared to T3.5. Irrigation water salinity affected significantly tuber bulking I and tuber bulking II periods whereas the effect of proline was found to be significant on tuber initiation and tuber bulking II periods (p<0.01). Leaf aging was accelerated in treatments where salinity was higher. Towards the harvest stage, it was observed that Pn, Tr and Sc were not affected by salinity, possibly as a result of leaf aging


  • Avcıoğlu. R.. Demiroğlu. G.. Khalvati. M.A.. and Geren. H.. 2003. Ozmotik basıncın bazı kültür bitkilerinin erken gelişme dönemindeki etkileri II. Prolin klorofil birikimi ve zar dayanıklılığı. Ege Üniv. Zir. Fak. Dergisi. 40(2): 9-16.
  • Ayers, R.S., and D.W. Westcot. 1985. Water quality for agriculture. FAO Irrigation and Drainage Paper (FAO) No 29 (rev 1), p 186 pp.
  • Ben-Asher, J. Tsuyuki, I. Bravdo, B.A., Sagih, M. 2006. Irrigation of grapevines with saline water conductance, photosynthesis management 83: 13–21. index, stomatal and water
  • Bek. Y. and Efe. E.. 1988. Araştırma ve Deneme Medotları I. Ç.Ü.Ziraat Fakültesi. Ders Kitabı: No:71. 395 s.
  • Bruns, S. and K. Caesar. 1990. Shoot development and tuber yield of several potato cultivars under high salt concentrations at different; Stages of development. Potato Research 33: 23–32.
  • Buston, A., Sagi, M.,Malach, Y.D.,Pasternak, D. 2004. Effects of saline irrigation water and heat waves on potato production in an arid environment. Field Crops ResearchVolume 90, Issues 2–3, 8 December. Pages 275–285
  • Chartzoulakis, K.S. 2005. Salinity and olive: Growth, salt tolerance, photosynthesis and yield. Agricultural Water Management, 78: 108– 121.
  • Choudhary, N.L. Sairam, R.K., Tayagi, A. 2005. of Expression carboxylate synthetase gene during drought in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Ind. J. Biochem. Biophys. 42, 366–370.
  • CIP. (International Potato Center). 2007. Root and Tubers: The overlooked opportunity, Annual Report. CIP, Lima, Peru.
  • Clough, B. F. And R. G. Sim. 1989. Changes in gas exchange characteristics and water use efficiency of mangroves in response to salinity and vapour pressure deficit Oecologia. 79 (1): 38-44.
  • Downton, W.J.S. 1977. Influence of rootstock on the accumulation of chloride sodium, and potassium in grapevine. Aust. J. Agric. Res. 28, 879–889.
  • Dwelle, R.B., Kleinkopf, G.E., Pavek, J.J., 1981. conductance of photosynthesis tuberosum L.) as influenced by irradiance, temperature and growth stage. Potato Res. 24, 49–59. and gross potato (Solanum
  • Demirel, E., Ödemiş, B. 2013. Tuz Stresinin Slaney Çeşidi Patates (Solanum Tuberosum L.) Bitkisinin Su-Verim İlişkilerine Etkilerinin Belirlenmesi İç Anadolu Bölgesi 1. Tarım Ve Gıda Kongresi. Niğde. 2-4 Ekim 2013. p: 78- 79
  • El-Khatib, R., Hamerlynck, E.P., Gallardo, F., Kirby, E.G., 2004. Transgenic poplar characterized by ectopic expression of a pine cytosolic glutamine enhanced tolerance to water stres. Tree Physiology, 24:729-736. gene exhibits
  • FAO, 2010. Dünyada ve Türkiye’de patates üretim miktarları.
  • Fidalgo, F. A. Santos, I. S, Salema, R. 2004. Effects of longterm salt stress on antioxidant defence systems, leaf water relations and chloroplast ultrastructure of potato plants. Annals of Applied Biology 145: 185–192.
  • Frenkel, H., Goertzen, J.O., Rhoades, J.D., 1978. Effect of exchangeable sodium percentage, and electrolyte concentration on clay dispertion and soil hydraulic conductivity. Soil Science Society of America Journal.141:32-39.
  • Gao, Z., Sagi, M., Lips, S.H., 1998. Carbohydrate metabolism in leaves and assimilate partitioning in fruits of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L.) as affected by salinity. Plant Sci. 135, 149–159.
  • Grattan S.R,, Grieve, C.M. 1999. Salinity mineral nutrient relations in horticultural crops. Scientia Horticulturae 78:127-157
  • Ghamarnia, H., Daıchın, S., Jalılı, Z. 2012. The effects of salıne ırrıgatıon water on dıfferent components of corıander (corıander satıvum l.) International journal of agriculture: research and review. 2 (6), 710-716. Heuer, B., Nadler, A.1995. development of potatoes under salinity and water deficit, Aust. J. Agric. Res. 46: 1477– 1486. Growth and
  • Hasegawa, P.M, Bressan, R. A, Zhu, J. K., Bohnert, H.J. 2000. Plant cellular and molecular response to high salinity. – Annu. Rev. Plant Physiol. Plant mol. Biol. 51: 463-499.
  • Hillel, D. 2000. Salinity Management for Sustainable Irrigation. The World Bank, Washington, D.C.
  • Howell, T.A., Yazar, A., Schneıder, A.D., Dusek, D.A And Copeland, K.S., 1994. Yield and Water Use Efficiency of Corn in Response to Lepa Irrigation. Transactions of the ASAE, 38(6):1737- 1747.
  • Iba. K.. 2002. Aclimative response to temperature stres in higher plants: approaches of gene engineering for temperature tolerance. Annual Review of Plant Biology, Vol. 53: 225- 245
  • Katerji, N., J.W. Van Hoorn, A. Hamdy and M. Mastrorilli, 1998. Response of tomatoes, a crop of indeterminate growth, to soil salinity. Agric. Water Manage., 38: 59-68.
  • Khrais. T.. Leclerc. Y. And Donnelly. D.J.. 1998. Relative salinity tolerance of potato cultivars assessed by in vitro screening. American Journal of Potato Research. 75: 207-210.
  • Levy, D., 1992. The response of potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) to salinity: plant growth and tuber yields in the arid desert of Israel. Ann. Appl.Biol. 120 (3), 547-555.
  • Levy, D., and G.C.C. Tai. 2013. Differential response of potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) to salinity in an arid environment and field performance of the seed tubers grown with fresh water in the following season. Agricultural Water Management 116: 122– 127
  • Lin C. C., Hsu Y. T., Kao C. H. 2002. The effect of NaCl on pra line accumulation in rice leaves. Plant Growth Regulation, Vol. 36 (3) :275-285
  • Maas, E.V; Hoffman, G.J. 1977. Crop salt tolerance – current assessment. Journal of the Irrigation and Drainage Division, ASCE, (103) 115-134.
  • Martinez-Beltran J., Manzur, C.L. 2005. Overview of salinity problems in the world and FAO strategies to address the problem. In: Proceedings of the International Salinity Forum, Riverside, California, 311–313.
  • Munns, R., 2002. Comparative physiology of salt and water stress. Plant Cell Environ. 25, 239– 250.
  • Munns, R., 1993. Physiological processes limiting plant growth in saline soils: some dogmas and hypotheses. Plant Cell Environ. 16, 15– 24
  • Nadler, A.,Heuer, B., 1995. Effect of saline irrigation and water deficit on tuber quality. Potato Res. 38, 119-123.
  • Nanjo T., Kobayashi M., Yoshiba Y., Wada K., Tsukaya H., Kakaubari Y., Yamaguchi- Shinozaki K., Shinozaki K. 1999. Biological functions of proline in morphogenesis and osmotolerance revealed in anti – sense transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant J., 18: 185-193.
  • Nielsen, E.T., Orcutt, D.M., 1996. The Physiology of Plants UnderStress. John Wiley & Sons, New York, pp. 322–361)
  • Paliwal, K.V.,Yadav, B.R., 1980. Effect of saline irrigation water on the yield of potato. Indian J. Agric. Sci., 50 (1), pp. 31–33
  • Patel, R.M., Prasher, S.O., Donnelly, D., Bonnell, R.B. 2001. Effect of initial soil salinity and subirrigation water salinity on potato tuber yield Management 46 231-239 Water
  • Rahnama, H., Ebrahimzadeh, H. 2004. The effect of NaCl on proline accumulation in potato seed lings and calli. Acta Physıologıae Plantarum 26 (3): 263-270.
  • Romero-Aranda, R., Soria, T., Cuartero J., 2001. Tomato plant-water uptake and plant-water relationships under saline growth conditions Plant Science Volume 160, Issue 2, 5 January 2001, Pages 265–272
  • Schittenhelm, S., Hartmann, M.U., Oldenburg, E.,
  • Photosynthesis, 2004.
  • metabolism and yield of phytochrome-B
  • overexpressing potatoes under different
  • light regimes. Crop Sci. 44(1):131-143.
  • Tardieu, F., N. Katerji, O. Bethenod, J. Zhang, and W.J. conductance in the field:Its relationship with soil and plant water potentials, mechanical constraints and ABA concentration in the xylem sap. Plant Cell Environ. 14:308–314.
  • Qadir, M., Wichelns, D., Raschid-Sally, L., McCornick, P.G., Drechsel, P., Bahri, A., Minhas, P.S. 2010. The challenges of wastewater countries. Agricultural Water Management 97: 561–568. in developing M., 1993. Effect of saline water on soil salinity and on water, stress, growth and yield of wheat and potatoes. Agric. Water Manage. 23 (3), 247-265.
  • Vos, J., Groenwold, J., 1989. Characteristics of Photosynthesis and Conductance of Potato Canopies and the Effects of Cultivar and Transient Drought. Field Crops research 20: 237-250
  • Widodo, Patterson, J. H., , Newbigin, E., , Tester, M., , Bacic, A., Roessner, U. (2009) Metabolic responses to salt stress of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) cultivars, Sahara and Clipper, which differ in salinity tolerance. J. Exp. Bot. 60, 4089–4103.
  • Yoshiba, Y., Kiyosue, T, Katagiri, T., Ueda, H., Mizoguchi, K.,Wada, K., Harada, Y., Shinozaki, K. 1995. Correlation between the induction of a gene for synthetase and the accumulation of proline in Arabidopsis thaliana under osmotic stress. Plant J. 7, 751–760

Photosynthetic Response of Potato Plants to Soil Salinity

Year 2014, Volume: 1 Issue: Özel Sayı-2, 1429 - 1439, 01.03.2014


Patates gibi insan beslenmesinde çok önemli bir yere sahip bitkilerin abiyotik stres koşullarına verdikleri tepkinin belirlenmesi potansiyel üretim miktarının belirlenmesi açısından önemlidir. Tuzluluk, patates yetiştiriciliğinde ürün miktarını kısıtlayan en önemli abiyotik stres parametrelerinden biridir. Tuzlu koşullarda bitkilerin tolerans düzeylerinin artırılmasında tuz- verim ilişkilerinin bilinmesi ve kültürel önlemler ile tuzluluğa dayanımın artırılması öncelikli bir konudur. Bu çalışmada, Türkiye’nin kurak ve yarı kurak iklime sahip Doğu Akdeniz Bölgesinde farklı tuz ve prolin düzeylerinin yağmurdan korunaklı ortamda yetiştirilen Morfona çeşidi patatesin verim ve fizyolojik özelliklerine etkilerinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Araştırmada 0.19 dS m-1 (T0), 3.54 dS m-1 (T3.5), 7.12 dS m-1 (T7), 9.57 dS m-1 (T10) ve 12.86 dS m-1 (T13) sulama suları ve 10 mM (P10), 20 mM (P20) prolin düzeylerinin etkisi incelenmiştir. Sulama suyu tuzluluğunun oluşturulmasında NaCl tuzu kullanılmıştır. Sulama suyu gereksinimi, bitki su tüketimi ve su kullanma randımanı (WUE) tuzluluğun yüksek olduğu konularda, azalmıştır. Tuzluluk arttıkça sulama suyu gereksinimi 4.5%-18.9%, bitki su tüketimi 3%- 16%, WUE %16.45-19.36 arasında azalmıştır. Toprak tuzluluğundaki artış, hasat indeksi dışında verim parametrelerinin (toplam yumru verimi, yumru sayısı, yumru kuru ağırlığı, Asınıfı yumru büyüklüğü biomass ve yaprak alan indeksi) tamamının azalmasına neden olmuştur. Tuzluluk stresinin azaltılması için yapraktan uygulanan prolinin, çoğu verim parametrelerine etkisi istatistiksel olarak önemli bulunmamıştır. Fotosentez (Pn), transpirasyon (Tr) ve stoma iletkenliği (Sc) parametreleri arasında tuzluluktan en fazla Sc, en az Pn etkilenmiştir. Pn, Tr ve Sc, T3.5 uygulaması ile kıyaslandığında T7 konusunda artmıştır. Bunun nedeninin, patatesin tuzluluğa karşı içsel dayanım mekanizmasını harekete geçirme çabasından kaynaklandığı ve anılan düzeydeki tuzluluğun gaz değişimini teşvik ettiği sonucuna varılmıştır. Yumru gelişiminin farklı dönemlerinde yapılan ölçümlerde tuzluluğun Tuber bulking I ve Tuber bulking II dönemlerine, prolinin Tuber initiation ve Tuber bulking II dönemlerine etkisi istatistiksel olarak önemli bulunmuştur (p<0.01). Tuzluluğun yüksek olduğu uygulamalarda yaprak yaşlanmasının hızlandığı belirlenmiştir. Hasat dönemine yaklaştıkça Pn, Tr ve Sc’nin tuz düzeylerinden etkilenmediği bu durumun yaprak yaşlanmasının bir sonucu olduğu değerlendirilmiştir. Hasatta ürün miktarına bitkinin hangi gelişim döneminin etkili olduğu ve bu dönemlerde stresi azaltacak uygulamaların etkilerinin bilinmesi farklı bitkilerde ayrıntılı olarak irdelenmesi gereken bir konudur


  • Avcıoğlu. R.. Demiroğlu. G.. Khalvati. M.A.. and Geren. H.. 2003. Ozmotik basıncın bazı kültür bitkilerinin erken gelişme dönemindeki etkileri II. Prolin klorofil birikimi ve zar dayanıklılığı. Ege Üniv. Zir. Fak. Dergisi. 40(2): 9-16.
  • Ayers, R.S., and D.W. Westcot. 1985. Water quality for agriculture. FAO Irrigation and Drainage Paper (FAO) No 29 (rev 1), p 186 pp.
  • Ben-Asher, J. Tsuyuki, I. Bravdo, B.A., Sagih, M. 2006. Irrigation of grapevines with saline water conductance, photosynthesis management 83: 13–21. index, stomatal and water
  • Bek. Y. and Efe. E.. 1988. Araştırma ve Deneme Medotları I. Ç.Ü.Ziraat Fakültesi. Ders Kitabı: No:71. 395 s.
  • Bruns, S. and K. Caesar. 1990. Shoot development and tuber yield of several potato cultivars under high salt concentrations at different; Stages of development. Potato Research 33: 23–32.
  • Buston, A., Sagi, M.,Malach, Y.D.,Pasternak, D. 2004. Effects of saline irrigation water and heat waves on potato production in an arid environment. Field Crops ResearchVolume 90, Issues 2–3, 8 December. Pages 275–285
  • Chartzoulakis, K.S. 2005. Salinity and olive: Growth, salt tolerance, photosynthesis and yield. Agricultural Water Management, 78: 108– 121.
  • Choudhary, N.L. Sairam, R.K., Tayagi, A. 2005. of Expression carboxylate synthetase gene during drought in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Ind. J. Biochem. Biophys. 42, 366–370.
  • CIP. (International Potato Center). 2007. Root and Tubers: The overlooked opportunity, Annual Report. CIP, Lima, Peru.
  • Clough, B. F. And R. G. Sim. 1989. Changes in gas exchange characteristics and water use efficiency of mangroves in response to salinity and vapour pressure deficit Oecologia. 79 (1): 38-44.
  • Downton, W.J.S. 1977. Influence of rootstock on the accumulation of chloride sodium, and potassium in grapevine. Aust. J. Agric. Res. 28, 879–889.
  • Dwelle, R.B., Kleinkopf, G.E., Pavek, J.J., 1981. conductance of photosynthesis tuberosum L.) as influenced by irradiance, temperature and growth stage. Potato Res. 24, 49–59. and gross potato (Solanum
  • Demirel, E., Ödemiş, B. 2013. Tuz Stresinin Slaney Çeşidi Patates (Solanum Tuberosum L.) Bitkisinin Su-Verim İlişkilerine Etkilerinin Belirlenmesi İç Anadolu Bölgesi 1. Tarım Ve Gıda Kongresi. Niğde. 2-4 Ekim 2013. p: 78- 79
  • El-Khatib, R., Hamerlynck, E.P., Gallardo, F., Kirby, E.G., 2004. Transgenic poplar characterized by ectopic expression of a pine cytosolic glutamine enhanced tolerance to water stres. Tree Physiology, 24:729-736. gene exhibits
  • FAO, 2010. Dünyada ve Türkiye’de patates üretim miktarları.
  • Fidalgo, F. A. Santos, I. S, Salema, R. 2004. Effects of longterm salt stress on antioxidant defence systems, leaf water relations and chloroplast ultrastructure of potato plants. Annals of Applied Biology 145: 185–192.
  • Frenkel, H., Goertzen, J.O., Rhoades, J.D., 1978. Effect of exchangeable sodium percentage, and electrolyte concentration on clay dispertion and soil hydraulic conductivity. Soil Science Society of America Journal.141:32-39.
  • Gao, Z., Sagi, M., Lips, S.H., 1998. Carbohydrate metabolism in leaves and assimilate partitioning in fruits of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L.) as affected by salinity. Plant Sci. 135, 149–159.
  • Grattan S.R,, Grieve, C.M. 1999. Salinity mineral nutrient relations in horticultural crops. Scientia Horticulturae 78:127-157
  • Ghamarnia, H., Daıchın, S., Jalılı, Z. 2012. The effects of salıne ırrıgatıon water on dıfferent components of corıander (corıander satıvum l.) International journal of agriculture: research and review. 2 (6), 710-716. Heuer, B., Nadler, A.1995. development of potatoes under salinity and water deficit, Aust. J. Agric. Res. 46: 1477– 1486. Growth and
  • Hasegawa, P.M, Bressan, R. A, Zhu, J. K., Bohnert, H.J. 2000. Plant cellular and molecular response to high salinity. – Annu. Rev. Plant Physiol. Plant mol. Biol. 51: 463-499.
  • Hillel, D. 2000. Salinity Management for Sustainable Irrigation. The World Bank, Washington, D.C.
  • Howell, T.A., Yazar, A., Schneıder, A.D., Dusek, D.A And Copeland, K.S., 1994. Yield and Water Use Efficiency of Corn in Response to Lepa Irrigation. Transactions of the ASAE, 38(6):1737- 1747.
  • Iba. K.. 2002. Aclimative response to temperature stres in higher plants: approaches of gene engineering for temperature tolerance. Annual Review of Plant Biology, Vol. 53: 225- 245
  • Katerji, N., J.W. Van Hoorn, A. Hamdy and M. Mastrorilli, 1998. Response of tomatoes, a crop of indeterminate growth, to soil salinity. Agric. Water Manage., 38: 59-68.
  • Khrais. T.. Leclerc. Y. And Donnelly. D.J.. 1998. Relative salinity tolerance of potato cultivars assessed by in vitro screening. American Journal of Potato Research. 75: 207-210.
  • Levy, D., 1992. The response of potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) to salinity: plant growth and tuber yields in the arid desert of Israel. Ann. Appl.Biol. 120 (3), 547-555.
  • Levy, D., and G.C.C. Tai. 2013. Differential response of potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) to salinity in an arid environment and field performance of the seed tubers grown with fresh water in the following season. Agricultural Water Management 116: 122– 127
  • Lin C. C., Hsu Y. T., Kao C. H. 2002. The effect of NaCl on pra line accumulation in rice leaves. Plant Growth Regulation, Vol. 36 (3) :275-285
  • Maas, E.V; Hoffman, G.J. 1977. Crop salt tolerance – current assessment. Journal of the Irrigation and Drainage Division, ASCE, (103) 115-134.
  • Martinez-Beltran J., Manzur, C.L. 2005. Overview of salinity problems in the world and FAO strategies to address the problem. In: Proceedings of the International Salinity Forum, Riverside, California, 311–313.
  • Munns, R., 2002. Comparative physiology of salt and water stress. Plant Cell Environ. 25, 239– 250.
  • Munns, R., 1993. Physiological processes limiting plant growth in saline soils: some dogmas and hypotheses. Plant Cell Environ. 16, 15– 24
  • Nadler, A.,Heuer, B., 1995. Effect of saline irrigation and water deficit on tuber quality. Potato Res. 38, 119-123.
  • Nanjo T., Kobayashi M., Yoshiba Y., Wada K., Tsukaya H., Kakaubari Y., Yamaguchi- Shinozaki K., Shinozaki K. 1999. Biological functions of proline in morphogenesis and osmotolerance revealed in anti – sense transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant J., 18: 185-193.
  • Nielsen, E.T., Orcutt, D.M., 1996. The Physiology of Plants UnderStress. John Wiley & Sons, New York, pp. 322–361)
  • Paliwal, K.V.,Yadav, B.R., 1980. Effect of saline irrigation water on the yield of potato. Indian J. Agric. Sci., 50 (1), pp. 31–33
  • Patel, R.M., Prasher, S.O., Donnelly, D., Bonnell, R.B. 2001. Effect of initial soil salinity and subirrigation water salinity on potato tuber yield Management 46 231-239 Water
  • Rahnama, H., Ebrahimzadeh, H. 2004. The effect of NaCl on proline accumulation in potato seed lings and calli. Acta Physıologıae Plantarum 26 (3): 263-270.
  • Romero-Aranda, R., Soria, T., Cuartero J., 2001. Tomato plant-water uptake and plant-water relationships under saline growth conditions Plant Science Volume 160, Issue 2, 5 January 2001, Pages 265–272
  • Schittenhelm, S., Hartmann, M.U., Oldenburg, E.,
  • Photosynthesis, 2004.
  • metabolism and yield of phytochrome-B
  • overexpressing potatoes under different
  • light regimes. Crop Sci. 44(1):131-143.
  • Tardieu, F., N. Katerji, O. Bethenod, J. Zhang, and W.J. conductance in the field:Its relationship with soil and plant water potentials, mechanical constraints and ABA concentration in the xylem sap. Plant Cell Environ. 14:308–314.
  • Qadir, M., Wichelns, D., Raschid-Sally, L., McCornick, P.G., Drechsel, P., Bahri, A., Minhas, P.S. 2010. The challenges of wastewater countries. Agricultural Water Management 97: 561–568. in developing M., 1993. Effect of saline water on soil salinity and on water, stress, growth and yield of wheat and potatoes. Agric. Water Manage. 23 (3), 247-265.
  • Vos, J., Groenwold, J., 1989. Characteristics of Photosynthesis and Conductance of Potato Canopies and the Effects of Cultivar and Transient Drought. Field Crops research 20: 237-250
  • Widodo, Patterson, J. H., , Newbigin, E., , Tester, M., , Bacic, A., Roessner, U. (2009) Metabolic responses to salt stress of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) cultivars, Sahara and Clipper, which differ in salinity tolerance. J. Exp. Bot. 60, 4089–4103.
  • Yoshiba, Y., Kiyosue, T, Katagiri, T., Ueda, H., Mizoguchi, K.,Wada, K., Harada, Y., Shinozaki, K. 1995. Correlation between the induction of a gene for synthetase and the accumulation of proline in Arabidopsis thaliana under osmotic stress. Plant J. 7, 751–760
There are 50 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Articles

Berkant Ödemiş This is me

Mehmet Emin Çalışkan This is me

Publication Date March 1, 2014
Submission Date January 26, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2014 Volume: 1 Issue: Özel Sayı-2


APA Ödemiş, B., & Çalışkan, M. E. (2014). Photosynthetic Response of Potato Plants to Soil Salinity. Turkish Journal of Agricultural and Natural Sciences, 1(Özel Sayı-2), 1429-1439.