Research Article
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Contributions to the Coleopteran (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae, Histeridae and Hydrophilidae) Fauna Found in Animal (Cow, Donkey, Camel, Sheep, Chicken) Feces in Karacadağ (Diyarbakır, Mardin, Şanlıurfa)

Year 2024, Volume: 11 Issue: 4, 1239 - 1251, 12.10.2024


This study was carried out in order to determine dung beetles in the order Coleoptera (Scarabaeidae, Histeridae and Hydrophilidae) in Karacadağ Mountain (Diyarbakır, Mardin, Şanlıurfa provinces) during 2017-2018. As a result of this study, 13 species belonging to Scarabaeidae, 2 species belonging to Hydrophilidae and 1 species belonging to Histeridae families were determined. Totally, 16 species were found. Of these, Aphodius (Otophorus) haemorrhoidalis, A. contaminatus, A. fimetarius, Atholus bimaculatus, Biralus satellitius, Scarabaeus sacer, Sphaeridium marginatum and S. scarabaeoides were recorded for the first time from Diyarbakır, Mardin, Şanlıurfa provinces. Cheironitis pamphilus was recorded for the first time from Diyarbakır and Sanlıurfa provinces and also Colobopterus erraticus, Euonthophagus amyntas alces and E. atramentarius were recorded for the first time from Mardin province. In this study, S. scarabaeoides (21.66%) was the most predominant dung beetle species found. The highest number of adult dung beetle species were recorded in Şanlıurfa Province accounting for 72.57 %. The lowest number of adult dung beetle species were recorded in Mardin Province accounting for 8.82 %.

Project Number



  • Anlaş S, D. Keith D, Tezcan S (2011a). Notes on the pitfall trap collected Scarabaeoidea (Coleoptera) species in Bozdağlar Mountain of western Turkey. Anadolu Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi 2: 9-14.
  • Anlaş S, D. Keith D, Tezcan S (2011b). Notes on the seasonal dynamics of some coprophagous Scarabaeoidea (Coleoptera) species in Manisa province, western Anatolia. Turkish Journal of Entomology 35: 447-460.
  • Balthasar V. (1952). Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Zoologischen Expedition des National-Museums in Prag nach der Turkei 10, Coleoptera 2, Scarabaeidae. Sbornik entomologickeho Oddeleni narodniho Musea v Praze, Praha, 28: p.19- 26.
  • Bánki O, Roskov Y, Döring, M, Ower G, Hernández Robles DR, Plata Corredor CA, Stjernegaard Jeppsen T, Örn A, Vandepitte L, Hobern D, Schalk P. DeWalt RE, Ma K, Miller J, Orrell T, Aalbu R, Abbott J, Adlard R, Adriaenssens EM, et al. (2023). Catalogue of Life Checklist (Version 2023-10-16). Catalogue of Life.
  • Bellmann A (2007). Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Aphodiinae der Türkei (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea). Entomologische Zeitschrift Stuttgart 117: 132-136.
  • Carpaneto GM (1976). Reperti di Coleotteri Scarabaeoidea Laparosticti del Vicino Oriente e delle isole greche. Fragmenta Entomologica 12: 253-271.
  • Carpaneto GM, Piattella E, Pittino R (2000). The scarab beetles of Turkey: an updated checklist and chorotype analysis (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea). Biogeographia 21: 217-240.
  • Darilmaz MC, İncekara Ü (2011). Checklist of Hydrophiloidea of Turkey (Coleoptera: Polyphaga). Journal of Natural History 45: 685-735.
  • Dellacasa M, Kırgız T (2002). Records of Aphodiinae (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea, Aphodiidae) from Edirne province and neighbouring areas (European Turkey). Italian Journal of Zoology 69:71–82.
  • Fauna Europaea, (2015). Last access date: 04 Ocak 2020,
  • Fikáček M, Angus RB, Gentili E, Jia F, Minoshima YN, Prokin A, Przewoźny M, Ryndevich SK (2015). Helophoridae, Hydrochidae, Hydrophilidae. İn: Löbl, İ. & Löbl, D. (eds.) Catalogue of Palaearctic Coleoptera. Volume 2/1. Hydrophiloidea-Staphylinoidea. Leiden: Brill.
  • Hanski İ, Cambefort Y (1991). Dung beetle ecology. Princeton University Press. Princeton, New Jersey, pp 481.
  • Küçükkaykı EC, Şenyüz Y, Şirin Ü, Çalışkan H, Destire C (2013). New Contributions to Scarabaeidae (Insecta: Coleoptera) Fauna of the Eskişehir Province. Anadolu University Journal of Science Technology-C Life Science Biotechnology 3, 23-30.
  • Lodos N, Önder F, Pehlivan E, Atalay R (1978). Ege ve Marmara Bölgesinin Zararlı Böcek Faunasının Tespiti Üzerine Çalışmalar. T.C. Gıda-Tarım ve Hayvancılık Bakanlığı Zirai Mücadele ve Zirai Karantina Genel Müdürlüğü, Ankara, Türkiye. 301 pp.
  • Lodos N, Önder F, Pehlivan E, Atalay R, Erkin E, Karsavuran Y, Tezcan S (1989). Research on the determination of the harmful and beneficial insect fauna of the Mediterranean Region in agriculture (Curculionidae, Scarabaeidae (Coleoptera), Plataspidae, Cydnidae, Acanthosomatidae, Scutelleridae, Pentatomidae, Lygaeidae, Miridae (Heteroptera). Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry 13: 81-88 pp.
  • Lodos N, Önder F, Pehlivan E, Atalay R, Erkin E, Karsavuran Y, Tezcan S, Aksoy S (1999). Faunistic studies on Scarabaeoidea (Aphodiidae, Cetoniidae, Dynastidae, Geotrupidae, Glaphyridae, Hybosoridae, Melolonthidae, Ochodaeidae, Rutelidae, Scarabaeidae) of Western Black Sea, Central Anatolia ve Mediterranean Regions of Turkey. E.Ü. Printing house, Bornova, İzmir, 64 pp.
  • Loreau M (1995). Consumers as maximizers of matter ve energy flow in ecosystems. American Naturalist 145: 22-42.
  • Löbl I, Smetana A (2006). Catalogue of Palaearctic Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea: Scirtoidea, Dascilloidea, Buprestoidea and Byrrhoidea. Apollo Books. Stenstrup, Denmark. Vol. 3.
  • Lumaret JP, Lobo JM (1996). Geographic distribution of endemic dung beetles (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae) in the Western Palaearctic region. Biodiversity Letters 3: 192–199.
  • Mazur S (2004). Hydrophilidae. İn Löbl İ. & Smetana A. 2004, Catalogue of Palaearctic Coleoptera II. Hydrophiloidea - Histeroidea – Staphylinoidea. — Stenstrup, 924 pp.
  • Pehlivan E (1988). Türkiye Scarabaeidae (Coleoptera) familyası üzerinde taksonomik çalışmalar. I. Scarabaeus L., Gymnopleurus III., Sisyphus Latr. Türkiye Entomoloji Dergisi 12: 221-230.
  • Pehlivan E (1989). Taxonomic studies on Turkey Scarabaeidae (Coleoptera) family (II. Onthophagus Latr.). Turkish Journal of Entomology 13: 25-42.
  • Rambo JL, Faeth SH (1999). Effect of Vertebrtate Grazing on Plant and Insect Community Structure. Conservation Biology 13: 1047-1054
  • Ratcliffe BC, Paulsen MC (2008). The Scarabaeoid Beetles of Nebraska. Bulletin of the Univesity of Nebraska State Museum 22: 1-569.
  • Rozner I, Rozner G (2009). Additional Data to the Lamellicornia Fauna of Turkey. Natura Somogyiensis 15: 69-100.
  • Öztürk ÖÖ, Kalkar Ö (2011). A preliminary study on Coleoptera fauna around Kahramanmaraş Menzelet Lake. KSÜ Journal of Natural Sciences 14: s.22-28
  • Scholtz CH, Davis ALV, Kryger U (2009). “Evolutionary biology and conservation of dung beetles”, Bulgaria, 567. Societa Entomologica Italiana (2015). Last access date: 04 Ocak 2020.'Ita lia%202014.
  • Sullivan GT, Sebahat KOS, Anne B, Jean PL, Ünal Z, Myron PZ, Greg B (201)6. Succession patterns in a warm, temperate- climate assemblage of coprophagous dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) in Turkey. Uluslararası Katılımlı Türkiye VI. Bitki Koruma Kongresi, 5-8 Eylül, Cilt 1, Konya, 233 pp.
  • Sullivan GT (2018). Aspects of Temporal Resource Partitioning among Dung Beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) of the Kizilirmak Delta on the Black Sea Coast of Turkey. Phd Thesis, The University of Queensland, Australia, 145 pp.
  • Şenyüz Y (2004). Kütahya İli Yakın Çevresi Scarabaeidae (Coleoptera) Faunasının Tespiti, Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Biyoloji Ana Bilim Dalı, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Eskişehir, 104 pp.
  • Şenyüz Y (2009). Türkmen Dağı Aphodiinae (Scarabaeidae, Coleoptera) Altfamilyasının Faunası, Dumlupınar Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Biyoloji Ana Bilim Dalı, Zooloji Bilim Dalı, Kütahya, Doktora Tezi, 90 pp.
  • Şenyüz Y, Şahin Y (2009). Faunistic Studies on Aphodiinae Subfamily (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae) of Kütahya (Turkey). Linzer Biologische Beiträge 14: 1757-1766.
  • Şenyüz Y, Şahin Y (2013). Faunistical, ecological and zoogeographical evaluations on the dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) of Kütahya province (Turkey). Turkish Journal of Entomology 37: 433-448.
  • Şenyüz Y, Dindar K, Dayıoğlu H (2013). Kütahya Gümüş DağıAphodiinae (Scarabaeidae: Coleoptera) Türlerinin Fenolojik ve Vertikal Dağılışı. I. Ulusal Zooloji Kongresi, Nevşehir Üniversitesi Yayınları: 7: s.2.
  • Şenyüz Y, Dindar K, Gülmez M (2015). Additions to Scarabaeoidea (Coleoptera) Fauna Of Eskişehir. Anadolu Univ. Jornal of Science and Technology - C - Life Science and Biotechology. 4:13-23.
  • Şenyüz Y, Gülmez Y (2024). New Data on the Scarabaeinae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) Fauna of Bozdağ at Eskişehir in Central Anatolia Region. KSU Journal of Agriculture and Natur 27: 407-416.
  • Tezcan S, Pehlivan E (2001). Evaluation of the Lucanoidea and Scarabaeoidea (Coleoptera) fauna of ecological cherry orchards in İzmir and Manisa provinces of Turkey. Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 38: 31-37.
  • Tuatay N, Gül S, Demirtola A, Kalkandelen A, Çağatay N (1967). Nebat Koruma Müzesi Böcek Kataloğu (1961 1966). Zirai Mücadele ve Zirai Karantina Gn. Md. Yayınları, Mesleki Kitaplar Serisi, Ayyıldız Matbaası A.Ş. Ankara, 66 pp. Tuatay N, Kalkandelen A, Çağatay Aysev N (1972). Nebat Koruma Müzesi Böcek Kataloğu (1961 -1971). Zirai Mücadele ve Zirai Karantina Gn. Md. Yayınları. Yenigün Matbaası, Ankara,119 pp.
  • Weisser WW, Siemann E (2004). Insect and Ecosystem Function (Weisser, W.W.; Siemann, E. editors). The Various Effects of Insects on Ecosystem Functioning. Ecological Studies 173: 1-24
  • Yılmaz A, Aslan EG (2014). Faunistical ve Ecological Investigations on Water Scavenger Beetles (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae) of Isparta Province, Turkey. Pakistan Journal of Zoology 46:1663-1671.
  • Zümreoğlu SG (1972). Böcek ve genel zararlılar kataloğu, T.C. Tarım Bakanlığı Zirai Mücadele Genel Müdürlüğü Yayınları, İstiklal Matbaası, İzmir, Turkey. 42–45 pp.

Karacadağ (Diyarbakır, Mardin, Şanlıurfa)’daki Hayvan (İnek, Eşek, Deve, Koyun, Tavuk) Dışkılarında Bulunan Kınkanatlı (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae, Histeridae ve Hydrophilidae) Faunasına Katkılar

Year 2024, Volume: 11 Issue: 4, 1239 - 1251, 12.10.2024


Bu çalışma 2017 ve 2018 yılları arasında Karacadağ’daki (Diyarbakır, Mardin, Şanlıurfa) Coleoptera (Scarabaeidae, Histeridae ve Hydrophilidae) takımına ait gübre böceklerinin tespiti için yapılmıştır. Çalışma sonunda Scarabaeidae familyasından 13 tür, Hydrophilidae familyasından 2 tür ve Histeridae familyasından 1 tür bulunmuştur. Toplamda 16 tür kaydedilmiştir. Bu türlerden Aphodius (Otophorus) haemorrhoidalis, A. contaminatus, A. fimetarius, Atholus bimaculatus, Biralus satellitius, Scarabaeus sacer, Sphaeridium marginatum ve S. scarabaeoides Diyarbakır, Mardin, Şanlıurfa illeri için ilk kayıt niteliğindedir. Ayrıca Cheironitis pamphilus Diyarbakır ve Şanlıurfa için Colobopterus erraticus, Euonthophagus amyntas alces ve E. atramentarius ise Mardin ili için ilk kayıttır. Çalışmada en baskın gübre böceği türü S. scarabaeoides (21.66%) olmuştur. En fazla ergin tür adedine Şanlıurfa’da (72.57 %) rastlanılmıştır. En düşük adet ise 8.82 % ile Mardin’de kaydedilmiştir.

Ethical Statement

Bu çalışma HÜBAK tarafından desteklenmiştir

Supporting Institution


Project Number



We are grateful to Prof. Dr. Marco DELLACASA and Prof Dr. Stefano ZIANI for identification of species and their useful helps. We would also like to thank Prof. Dr. Esat PEHLİVAN for his literature support


  • Anlaş S, D. Keith D, Tezcan S (2011a). Notes on the pitfall trap collected Scarabaeoidea (Coleoptera) species in Bozdağlar Mountain of western Turkey. Anadolu Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi 2: 9-14.
  • Anlaş S, D. Keith D, Tezcan S (2011b). Notes on the seasonal dynamics of some coprophagous Scarabaeoidea (Coleoptera) species in Manisa province, western Anatolia. Turkish Journal of Entomology 35: 447-460.
  • Balthasar V. (1952). Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Zoologischen Expedition des National-Museums in Prag nach der Turkei 10, Coleoptera 2, Scarabaeidae. Sbornik entomologickeho Oddeleni narodniho Musea v Praze, Praha, 28: p.19- 26.
  • Bánki O, Roskov Y, Döring, M, Ower G, Hernández Robles DR, Plata Corredor CA, Stjernegaard Jeppsen T, Örn A, Vandepitte L, Hobern D, Schalk P. DeWalt RE, Ma K, Miller J, Orrell T, Aalbu R, Abbott J, Adlard R, Adriaenssens EM, et al. (2023). Catalogue of Life Checklist (Version 2023-10-16). Catalogue of Life.
  • Bellmann A (2007). Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Aphodiinae der Türkei (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea). Entomologische Zeitschrift Stuttgart 117: 132-136.
  • Carpaneto GM (1976). Reperti di Coleotteri Scarabaeoidea Laparosticti del Vicino Oriente e delle isole greche. Fragmenta Entomologica 12: 253-271.
  • Carpaneto GM, Piattella E, Pittino R (2000). The scarab beetles of Turkey: an updated checklist and chorotype analysis (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea). Biogeographia 21: 217-240.
  • Darilmaz MC, İncekara Ü (2011). Checklist of Hydrophiloidea of Turkey (Coleoptera: Polyphaga). Journal of Natural History 45: 685-735.
  • Dellacasa M, Kırgız T (2002). Records of Aphodiinae (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea, Aphodiidae) from Edirne province and neighbouring areas (European Turkey). Italian Journal of Zoology 69:71–82.
  • Fauna Europaea, (2015). Last access date: 04 Ocak 2020,
  • Fikáček M, Angus RB, Gentili E, Jia F, Minoshima YN, Prokin A, Przewoźny M, Ryndevich SK (2015). Helophoridae, Hydrochidae, Hydrophilidae. İn: Löbl, İ. & Löbl, D. (eds.) Catalogue of Palaearctic Coleoptera. Volume 2/1. Hydrophiloidea-Staphylinoidea. Leiden: Brill.
  • Hanski İ, Cambefort Y (1991). Dung beetle ecology. Princeton University Press. Princeton, New Jersey, pp 481.
  • Küçükkaykı EC, Şenyüz Y, Şirin Ü, Çalışkan H, Destire C (2013). New Contributions to Scarabaeidae (Insecta: Coleoptera) Fauna of the Eskişehir Province. Anadolu University Journal of Science Technology-C Life Science Biotechnology 3, 23-30.
  • Lodos N, Önder F, Pehlivan E, Atalay R (1978). Ege ve Marmara Bölgesinin Zararlı Böcek Faunasının Tespiti Üzerine Çalışmalar. T.C. Gıda-Tarım ve Hayvancılık Bakanlığı Zirai Mücadele ve Zirai Karantina Genel Müdürlüğü, Ankara, Türkiye. 301 pp.
  • Lodos N, Önder F, Pehlivan E, Atalay R, Erkin E, Karsavuran Y, Tezcan S (1989). Research on the determination of the harmful and beneficial insect fauna of the Mediterranean Region in agriculture (Curculionidae, Scarabaeidae (Coleoptera), Plataspidae, Cydnidae, Acanthosomatidae, Scutelleridae, Pentatomidae, Lygaeidae, Miridae (Heteroptera). Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry 13: 81-88 pp.
  • Lodos N, Önder F, Pehlivan E, Atalay R, Erkin E, Karsavuran Y, Tezcan S, Aksoy S (1999). Faunistic studies on Scarabaeoidea (Aphodiidae, Cetoniidae, Dynastidae, Geotrupidae, Glaphyridae, Hybosoridae, Melolonthidae, Ochodaeidae, Rutelidae, Scarabaeidae) of Western Black Sea, Central Anatolia ve Mediterranean Regions of Turkey. E.Ü. Printing house, Bornova, İzmir, 64 pp.
  • Loreau M (1995). Consumers as maximizers of matter ve energy flow in ecosystems. American Naturalist 145: 22-42.
  • Löbl I, Smetana A (2006). Catalogue of Palaearctic Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea: Scirtoidea, Dascilloidea, Buprestoidea and Byrrhoidea. Apollo Books. Stenstrup, Denmark. Vol. 3.
  • Lumaret JP, Lobo JM (1996). Geographic distribution of endemic dung beetles (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae) in the Western Palaearctic region. Biodiversity Letters 3: 192–199.
  • Mazur S (2004). Hydrophilidae. İn Löbl İ. & Smetana A. 2004, Catalogue of Palaearctic Coleoptera II. Hydrophiloidea - Histeroidea – Staphylinoidea. — Stenstrup, 924 pp.
  • Pehlivan E (1988). Türkiye Scarabaeidae (Coleoptera) familyası üzerinde taksonomik çalışmalar. I. Scarabaeus L., Gymnopleurus III., Sisyphus Latr. Türkiye Entomoloji Dergisi 12: 221-230.
  • Pehlivan E (1989). Taxonomic studies on Turkey Scarabaeidae (Coleoptera) family (II. Onthophagus Latr.). Turkish Journal of Entomology 13: 25-42.
  • Rambo JL, Faeth SH (1999). Effect of Vertebrtate Grazing on Plant and Insect Community Structure. Conservation Biology 13: 1047-1054
  • Ratcliffe BC, Paulsen MC (2008). The Scarabaeoid Beetles of Nebraska. Bulletin of the Univesity of Nebraska State Museum 22: 1-569.
  • Rozner I, Rozner G (2009). Additional Data to the Lamellicornia Fauna of Turkey. Natura Somogyiensis 15: 69-100.
  • Öztürk ÖÖ, Kalkar Ö (2011). A preliminary study on Coleoptera fauna around Kahramanmaraş Menzelet Lake. KSÜ Journal of Natural Sciences 14: s.22-28
  • Scholtz CH, Davis ALV, Kryger U (2009). “Evolutionary biology and conservation of dung beetles”, Bulgaria, 567. Societa Entomologica Italiana (2015). Last access date: 04 Ocak 2020.'Ita lia%202014.
  • Sullivan GT, Sebahat KOS, Anne B, Jean PL, Ünal Z, Myron PZ, Greg B (201)6. Succession patterns in a warm, temperate- climate assemblage of coprophagous dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) in Turkey. Uluslararası Katılımlı Türkiye VI. Bitki Koruma Kongresi, 5-8 Eylül, Cilt 1, Konya, 233 pp.
  • Sullivan GT (2018). Aspects of Temporal Resource Partitioning among Dung Beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) of the Kizilirmak Delta on the Black Sea Coast of Turkey. Phd Thesis, The University of Queensland, Australia, 145 pp.
  • Şenyüz Y (2004). Kütahya İli Yakın Çevresi Scarabaeidae (Coleoptera) Faunasının Tespiti, Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Biyoloji Ana Bilim Dalı, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Eskişehir, 104 pp.
  • Şenyüz Y (2009). Türkmen Dağı Aphodiinae (Scarabaeidae, Coleoptera) Altfamilyasının Faunası, Dumlupınar Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Biyoloji Ana Bilim Dalı, Zooloji Bilim Dalı, Kütahya, Doktora Tezi, 90 pp.
  • Şenyüz Y, Şahin Y (2009). Faunistic Studies on Aphodiinae Subfamily (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae) of Kütahya (Turkey). Linzer Biologische Beiträge 14: 1757-1766.
  • Şenyüz Y, Şahin Y (2013). Faunistical, ecological and zoogeographical evaluations on the dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) of Kütahya province (Turkey). Turkish Journal of Entomology 37: 433-448.
  • Şenyüz Y, Dindar K, Dayıoğlu H (2013). Kütahya Gümüş DağıAphodiinae (Scarabaeidae: Coleoptera) Türlerinin Fenolojik ve Vertikal Dağılışı. I. Ulusal Zooloji Kongresi, Nevşehir Üniversitesi Yayınları: 7: s.2.
  • Şenyüz Y, Dindar K, Gülmez M (2015). Additions to Scarabaeoidea (Coleoptera) Fauna Of Eskişehir. Anadolu Univ. Jornal of Science and Technology - C - Life Science and Biotechology. 4:13-23.
  • Şenyüz Y, Gülmez Y (2024). New Data on the Scarabaeinae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) Fauna of Bozdağ at Eskişehir in Central Anatolia Region. KSU Journal of Agriculture and Natur 27: 407-416.
  • Tezcan S, Pehlivan E (2001). Evaluation of the Lucanoidea and Scarabaeoidea (Coleoptera) fauna of ecological cherry orchards in İzmir and Manisa provinces of Turkey. Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 38: 31-37.
  • Tuatay N, Gül S, Demirtola A, Kalkandelen A, Çağatay N (1967). Nebat Koruma Müzesi Böcek Kataloğu (1961 1966). Zirai Mücadele ve Zirai Karantina Gn. Md. Yayınları, Mesleki Kitaplar Serisi, Ayyıldız Matbaası A.Ş. Ankara, 66 pp. Tuatay N, Kalkandelen A, Çağatay Aysev N (1972). Nebat Koruma Müzesi Böcek Kataloğu (1961 -1971). Zirai Mücadele ve Zirai Karantina Gn. Md. Yayınları. Yenigün Matbaası, Ankara,119 pp.
  • Weisser WW, Siemann E (2004). Insect and Ecosystem Function (Weisser, W.W.; Siemann, E. editors). The Various Effects of Insects on Ecosystem Functioning. Ecological Studies 173: 1-24
  • Yılmaz A, Aslan EG (2014). Faunistical ve Ecological Investigations on Water Scavenger Beetles (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae) of Isparta Province, Turkey. Pakistan Journal of Zoology 46:1663-1671.
  • Zümreoğlu SG (1972). Böcek ve genel zararlılar kataloğu, T.C. Tarım Bakanlığı Zirai Mücadele Genel Müdürlüğü Yayınları, İstiklal Matbaası, İzmir, Turkey. 42–45 pp.
There are 41 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Entomology in Agriculture, Plant Protection (Other)
Journal Section Research Article

Seval Zeybek 0000-0002-9075-0491

Emine Çıkman 0000-0003-4375-5043

Sultan Çoban 0000-0002-5596-5657

Project Number 17226
Early Pub Date October 12, 2024
Publication Date October 12, 2024
Submission Date June 6, 2024
Acceptance Date August 14, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 11 Issue: 4


APA Zeybek, S., Çıkman, E., & Çoban, S. (2024). Contributions to the Coleopteran (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae, Histeridae and Hydrophilidae) Fauna Found in Animal (Cow, Donkey, Camel, Sheep, Chicken) Feces in Karacadağ (Diyarbakır, Mardin, Şanlıurfa). Türk Tarım Ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi, 11(4), 1239-1251.