Research Article
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Türkiye's Northern Iraq Policy from the NeoclassIcal Realist Perspective (2002-2017)

Year 2023, , 75 - 100, 20.12.2023


This article, within the framework of the type III variation of neoclassical realism, explains the question of "Why did the AK Party Government in power since 2002, define Türkiye's Northern Iraq policy in the 2008-2017 period towards establishing close relations with the Iraqi Kurdish Regional Government (KRG)?" In this context, the article argues that internal factors (leader perception, strategic culture, state-society relations and domestic political institutions) rather than external factors (international system) can be determinative in Northern Iraq policy. Türkiye's Northern Iraq policy for 2008-2017 period has been defined based on mutual economic dependence rather than military power in context of changing strategic culture with leader perception. While Democratic Opening (2009-2015) process in Türkiye resulted in resumption of armed struggle in 2015, the independence referendum of KRG in 2017 led to redefinition of Northern Iraq policy based on military power.


  • Amanpour, Christian (2014). “Iraqi Kurdistan leader says ‘the time is here’ for self-determination, kurdishleader says-the-time-is-here-for-self-determination/(Erişim Tarihi: 18.08.2023).
  • Anadolu Ajansı (2013).“Barzani'nin gelişi çözüm süreci açısından anlamlı”, https://www. 204159 (Erişim Tarihi: 18.07.2023).
  • AK Parti 2002 Genel Seçimleri Seçim Beyannamesi (2015). (Ankara: AK Parti Tanıtım Medya Başkanlığı). AK Parti 2. Olağan Büyük Kongresi, Genel Başkan R. Tayyip Erdoğan’ın Konuşması, (2006).
  • AK Parti 2007 Genel Seçimleri Seçim Beyannamesi (2015). (Ankara: AK Parti Medya ve Tanıtım Başkanlığı).
  • Al Jazeera (2013).“Irak'tan BM'ye PKK şikâyeti”, /iraktan-bmye-pkk-sikayeti (Erişim Tarihi: 17.07.2023).
  • Al Jazeera (2017).“Iraq top court rules to suspend Kurdish referendum”, http://www. 8102729593.html (Erişim Tarihi: 17.08.2023).
  • Baykan, Mahmut Bali (1996). “Turkey's Policy in Northern Iraq, 1991–95”, Middle Eastern Studies, 32 (4): 343-366. Barzani, Mesud (2016). “Barzani:Kurdistan will hold referendum before October”, Kurdistan 24, -before-October (Erişim Tarihi: 18.08.2023).
  • Clinton, Hillary Rodham (2009). Foreign Policy Address at the Council on Foreign Relations /july/126071. htm (Erişim Tarihi: 21.11.2023) CNN Türk (2009 a) “Obama’nın Türkiye Ziyareti Basın Açıklaması”, https://edition. (Erişim Tarihi: 12.02.2023).
  • CNN Türk (2009 b). “Barzani:Türkiye'nin açılımı PKK'yı pes ettirir", https://www. cnnturk. com/dunya/barzani-turkiyenin-acilimi-pkkyi-pes-ettirir (Erişim Tarihi: 18.07.2023).
  • Coles, Isabel and Kalin, Stephan (2016). “In fight against Islamic State, Kurds expand their territory”, kurds-land/ (Erişim Tarihi: 18.08.2023). Davutoğlu, Ahmet (2001). Stratejik Derinlik: Türkiye'nin Uluslararası Konumu (İstanbul: Küre Yayınları).
  • Davutoğlu, Ahmet (2008). “Turkey’s Foreign Policy Vision: An Assessment of 2007”, Insight Turkey, 10, 1 (January-March): 79-82.
  • Davutoğlu, Ahmet (2010). “Turkish Vision of Regional and Global Order: Theoretical Background and Practical Implementation”, Political Reflection, 1(2):35-50.
  • Esposti, Nicola Degli (2021). “The 2017 independence referendum and the political economy of Kurdish nationalism in Iraq”, Third World Quarterly, 42 (10): 2317-2333.
  • Euronews (2017). “IKBY’nin Referandum Sonuçları”, 2017/10/25/ erbil-referandum-sonuclarini-askiya-almaya-hazir (Erişim Tarihi: 14.09.2022).
  • Evans, Graham and Jeffrey Newnham (2007). Uluslararası İlişkiler Sözlüğü, Çev. H. Ahsen Utku (İstanbul: Bilimevi Basın Yayın).
  • Freyberg-Inan, Annette, Ewan Harrison, and Patrick James (2009). Rethinking Realism in International Relations (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press).
  • Goertz, Gary and Mahoney, James (2012). “Causes of Effects versus Effects of Causes”, in A Tale of Two Cultures Qualitative and Quantitative Research in the Social Sciences (NJ: Princeton University Press).
  • Götz, Elias (2021). “Neoclassical Realist Theories, Intervening Variables, and Paradigmatic Boundaries”, Foreign Policy Analysis: 1-13.
  • Gunes, Cengiz and Robert Lowe (2015). “The Impact of the Syrian War on Kurdish Politics Across the Middle East”, The Royal Institute of International Affairs:1,14. https://www. 20150723SyriaKurdsGunes Lowe.pdf (Erişim Tarihi: 24.03.2023).
  • Heller, Jeffrey (2017).“Israel endorses independent Kurdish state”, https://www.reuters. com/article/us-mideast-crisis-kurds-israel/israel-endorses-independentkur dish-state-idUSKCN1BO0QZ (Erişim Tarihi: 18.08.2023).
  • Hürriyet (2012). “Türkiye düşman ülke gibi davranıyor”, /gundem/turkiye-dusman-ulke-gibi-davraniyor-20390556 (Erişim:23.03.2023).
  • Hürriyet (2013). Kuzey Irak’a petrol kapısı”, kuzey-irak-a-petrol-kapisi-22906288 (Erişim Tarihi: 23.03.2023).
  • Independent (2017). “Iraqi Kurdish referendum: Why international powers fear independence vote could derail fight against Isis”,, (Erişim Tarihi: 18.08.2023).
  • Jenkins, Gareth (2012). “Islamism in Turkey”, Shahram Akbarzadeh (edt) Routledge Handbook of Political Islam, (NY: Routledge): 129-141.
  • Jepperson, Ronald L. Alexander Wendt, and Peter J. Katzenstein (1996). “Norms, Identity, and Culture in National Security,” Peter J. Katzenstein (edt) The Culture of National Security: Norms and Identity in World Politics (NY: Columbia University Press): 33-75.
  • Johnston, Alastair Iain (1995). Cultural Realism: Strategic Culture and Grand Strategy in Chinese History (Princeton: Princeton University Press).
  • Kampf, David (2009). The Emergence of a Multipolar World, Rising Powers, https:// foreign (Erişim: 21.11.2023).
  • Kane, Sean (2011). “The Coming Turkish-Iranian Competition in Iraq”, US Institute of Peace: 1-16.
  • Kaygusuz, Özlem (2010). “Soğuk Savaş Sonrası Dönemde Türkiye’de Sivil-Asker İlişkilerinin Dönüşümüne Bir Bakış: Küresel Eğilimler, AB Süreci ve Kürt Sorunu’nun Etkileri”, Mülkiye, XXXIV, 268:187-210.
  • Lobell, Steven E. (2009). “Threat Assessment, the State, and Foreign Policy: A Neoclassical Realist Model” S. E. Lobell, N.M. Ripsman, J. W. Taliaferro (Eds.), Neoclassical Realism, The State, and Foreign Policy (Cambridge: Cambridge Unv. Press): 42-74.
  • Meibauer, Gustav et. al. (2021) Forum: Rethinking Neoclassical Realism At Theory’s End, International Studies Review, (23):268-295.
  • Mercan, Sezgin (2016). “Perceptions of Security In Turkish Foreign Policy Toward The Middle East In The 21st Century”, Sertif Demir (edt) Turkey's Foreign Policy and Security Perspectives In The 21st Century Prospects and Challenges, (Boca Raton, Florida: Brown Walker Press): 97-119.
  • Milliyet (2007). “Talabani: Kedi bile vermeyiz”, talabani-kedi-bile-vermeyiz-219128 (Erişim Tarihi: 19.06.2023).
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  • NTV (2009). “Barzani’den Kürt açılımına destek”, https://www. barzaniden-kurt-acilimina-destek0Dk2YsLma0WKRMHxDkjMgw (Erişim Tarihi: 18.07.2023).
  • Oğuzlu, Tarık (2008). “Turkey’s Northern Iraq Policy: Competing Perspectives”, Insight Turkey, 10 (3): 5-22.
  • Özcan, Mesut (2010). “Turkish Foreign Policy Towards Iraq in 2009”, Perceptions XV, 3(4): 113-132.
  • Park, Bill, Joost Jongerden, and Francis Owtram (2017). “Field Notes: On the Independence Referendum in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq and Disputed Territories in 2017”, Kurdish Studies, 5 (2): 199-214.
  • Park, Bill (2019). “Explaining Turkey’s Reaction to the September 2017 Independence Referendum in the KRG: Final Divorce or Relationship Reset?”, Ethnopolitics, 18 (1): 46-60.
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  • Ripsman, Norrin M. Jeffrey W. Taliaferro, and Steven E. Lobell (2009). “Conclusion: The state of Neoclassical Realism”, S. E. Lobell, N. M. Ripsman, and J. W. Taliaferro (eds) Neoclassical Realism, the State, and Foreign Policy (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press): 280-299.
  • Ripsman, Norrin M. (2011). Neoclassical Realism, studies/display/10.1093/acrefore/9780190846626.001.0001/acrefore-9780190846626 -e-36? print=pdf (Erişim Tarihi: 19.09.2021).
  • Ripsman, Norrin M. Jeffrey W. Taliaferro, and Steven E. Lobell (2016). Neoclassical Realist Theory of International Politics (New York: Oxford University Press).
  • Rose, Gideon (1998). “Neoclassical Realism and Theories of Foreign Policy”, World Politics, 51 (1): 144-172.
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  • Sterling-Folker, Jennifer (2009). “Forward Is as Forward Does: Assessing Neoclassical Realism from a Traditions Perspective”, A. Freyberg-Inan, E. Harrison, P. James (eds.) Rethinking Realism in International Relations (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press): 191-218.
  • Şenbaş, Demet (2018). Türkiye’nin Kuzey Irak Politikası: İç ve Dış Politika Etkileşimi (London: Transnational Press). Taliaferro, J.W. S.E. Lobell, N.M. Ripsman (2009). “Introduction: Neoclassical realism, the state, and foreign policy” S. E. Lobell, N.M.Ripsman, J. W. Taliaferro (eds.), Neoclassical Realism, the State, and Foreign Policy (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press): 1-41.
  • T.C. Başbakanlık Kamu Düzeni ve Güvenliği Müsteşarlığı (2013). Sessiz Devrim: Türkiye’nin Demokratik Değişim ve Dönüşüm Envanteri, (2002-2012) (Ankara: Kamu Düzeni ve Güvenliği Müsteşarlığı Yayınları 4).
  • Tsebelis, George (2001). Veto Players: How Political Institutions Work (NJ: Princeton University Press).
  • Tür, Özlem ve Ahmet K. Han (2011). “A Framework for Understanding the Changing Turkish Foreign Policy of the 2000s”, Özden Zeynep Oktav (edt) Turkey in the 21st Century Quest for a New Foreign Policy (London: Routledge): 7-29.
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Neoklasik Realist Perspektiften Türkiye'nin Kuzey Irak Politikası (2002-2017)

Year 2023, , 75 - 100, 20.12.2023


Bu makale “Neden 2002’den beri iktidar olan AK Parti Hükümeti 2008-2017 arası Irak Kürt Bölgesel Yönetimi (IKBY) ile yakın siyasi ve ekonomik ikişkiler kurma yönünde Türkiye’nin dış politikasını tanımlamıştır?” sorusunu neoklasik realizmin tip III varyasyonu bağlamında açıklamaktadır. Makale uluslararası sistem ve bölgesel güç dengeleri politikalarından (dış faktörler) ziyade Türkiye’nin Kuzey Irak politikasının iç siyasi faktörlere göre şekillendiğini ileri sürmektedir. Neoklasik realizm iç siyasi faktörleri ara değişkenler (lider algısı, stratejik kültür, devlet-toplum ilişkileri ve iç siyasi kurumlar) olarak tanımlamakta ve dış politika inşasında bu unsurların daha belirleyici olabildiklerini ileri sürmektedir. Türkiye’nin 2008-2017 arası Kuzey Irak politikası başta lider algısı ve buna bağlı olarak yeniden tanımlanan stratejik kültür, devlet-toplum ilişkileri ve siyasi kurumlar bağlamında askeri güç kullanımı yerine karşılıklı ekonomik bağımlılığa dayalı ilişkiler şeklinde tanımlanmıştır. Bu esnada, AK Parti Hükümeti 2009-2015 arasında Türkiye’de “Demokratik Açılım” politikasını uygulamıştır. PKK terör örgütünün 2015’de tekrar silahlı mücadeleye başlamasıyla “Demokratik Açılım” sona ererken; 2017’de IKBY’nin bağımsız Kürt devleti kurmak için referandum yapması Türkiye’nin Kuzey Irak politikasının tekrar askeri güç odaklı olarak tanımlanmasına sebep olmuştur.


  • Amanpour, Christian (2014). “Iraqi Kurdistan leader says ‘the time is here’ for self-determination, kurdishleader says-the-time-is-here-for-self-determination/(Erişim Tarihi: 18.08.2023).
  • Anadolu Ajansı (2013).“Barzani'nin gelişi çözüm süreci açısından anlamlı”, https://www. 204159 (Erişim Tarihi: 18.07.2023).
  • AK Parti 2002 Genel Seçimleri Seçim Beyannamesi (2015). (Ankara: AK Parti Tanıtım Medya Başkanlığı). AK Parti 2. Olağan Büyük Kongresi, Genel Başkan R. Tayyip Erdoğan’ın Konuşması, (2006).
  • AK Parti 2007 Genel Seçimleri Seçim Beyannamesi (2015). (Ankara: AK Parti Medya ve Tanıtım Başkanlığı).
  • Al Jazeera (2013).“Irak'tan BM'ye PKK şikâyeti”, /iraktan-bmye-pkk-sikayeti (Erişim Tarihi: 17.07.2023).
  • Al Jazeera (2017).“Iraq top court rules to suspend Kurdish referendum”, http://www. 8102729593.html (Erişim Tarihi: 17.08.2023).
  • Baykan, Mahmut Bali (1996). “Turkey's Policy in Northern Iraq, 1991–95”, Middle Eastern Studies, 32 (4): 343-366. Barzani, Mesud (2016). “Barzani:Kurdistan will hold referendum before October”, Kurdistan 24, -before-October (Erişim Tarihi: 18.08.2023).
  • Clinton, Hillary Rodham (2009). Foreign Policy Address at the Council on Foreign Relations /july/126071. htm (Erişim Tarihi: 21.11.2023) CNN Türk (2009 a) “Obama’nın Türkiye Ziyareti Basın Açıklaması”, https://edition. (Erişim Tarihi: 12.02.2023).
  • CNN Türk (2009 b). “Barzani:Türkiye'nin açılımı PKK'yı pes ettirir", https://www. cnnturk. com/dunya/barzani-turkiyenin-acilimi-pkkyi-pes-ettirir (Erişim Tarihi: 18.07.2023).
  • Coles, Isabel and Kalin, Stephan (2016). “In fight against Islamic State, Kurds expand their territory”, kurds-land/ (Erişim Tarihi: 18.08.2023). Davutoğlu, Ahmet (2001). Stratejik Derinlik: Türkiye'nin Uluslararası Konumu (İstanbul: Küre Yayınları).
  • Davutoğlu, Ahmet (2008). “Turkey’s Foreign Policy Vision: An Assessment of 2007”, Insight Turkey, 10, 1 (January-March): 79-82.
  • Davutoğlu, Ahmet (2010). “Turkish Vision of Regional and Global Order: Theoretical Background and Practical Implementation”, Political Reflection, 1(2):35-50.
  • Esposti, Nicola Degli (2021). “The 2017 independence referendum and the political economy of Kurdish nationalism in Iraq”, Third World Quarterly, 42 (10): 2317-2333.
  • Euronews (2017). “IKBY’nin Referandum Sonuçları”, 2017/10/25/ erbil-referandum-sonuclarini-askiya-almaya-hazir (Erişim Tarihi: 14.09.2022).
  • Evans, Graham and Jeffrey Newnham (2007). Uluslararası İlişkiler Sözlüğü, Çev. H. Ahsen Utku (İstanbul: Bilimevi Basın Yayın).
  • Freyberg-Inan, Annette, Ewan Harrison, and Patrick James (2009). Rethinking Realism in International Relations (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press).
  • Goertz, Gary and Mahoney, James (2012). “Causes of Effects versus Effects of Causes”, in A Tale of Two Cultures Qualitative and Quantitative Research in the Social Sciences (NJ: Princeton University Press).
  • Götz, Elias (2021). “Neoclassical Realist Theories, Intervening Variables, and Paradigmatic Boundaries”, Foreign Policy Analysis: 1-13.
  • Gunes, Cengiz and Robert Lowe (2015). “The Impact of the Syrian War on Kurdish Politics Across the Middle East”, The Royal Institute of International Affairs:1,14. https://www. 20150723SyriaKurdsGunes Lowe.pdf (Erişim Tarihi: 24.03.2023).
  • Heller, Jeffrey (2017).“Israel endorses independent Kurdish state”, https://www.reuters. com/article/us-mideast-crisis-kurds-israel/israel-endorses-independentkur dish-state-idUSKCN1BO0QZ (Erişim Tarihi: 18.08.2023).
  • Hürriyet (2012). “Türkiye düşman ülke gibi davranıyor”, /gundem/turkiye-dusman-ulke-gibi-davraniyor-20390556 (Erişim:23.03.2023).
  • Hürriyet (2013). Kuzey Irak’a petrol kapısı”, kuzey-irak-a-petrol-kapisi-22906288 (Erişim Tarihi: 23.03.2023).
  • Independent (2017). “Iraqi Kurdish referendum: Why international powers fear independence vote could derail fight against Isis”,, (Erişim Tarihi: 18.08.2023).
  • Jenkins, Gareth (2012). “Islamism in Turkey”, Shahram Akbarzadeh (edt) Routledge Handbook of Political Islam, (NY: Routledge): 129-141.
  • Jepperson, Ronald L. Alexander Wendt, and Peter J. Katzenstein (1996). “Norms, Identity, and Culture in National Security,” Peter J. Katzenstein (edt) The Culture of National Security: Norms and Identity in World Politics (NY: Columbia University Press): 33-75.
  • Johnston, Alastair Iain (1995). Cultural Realism: Strategic Culture and Grand Strategy in Chinese History (Princeton: Princeton University Press).
  • Kampf, David (2009). The Emergence of a Multipolar World, Rising Powers, https:// foreign (Erişim: 21.11.2023).
  • Kane, Sean (2011). “The Coming Turkish-Iranian Competition in Iraq”, US Institute of Peace: 1-16.
  • Kaygusuz, Özlem (2010). “Soğuk Savaş Sonrası Dönemde Türkiye’de Sivil-Asker İlişkilerinin Dönüşümüne Bir Bakış: Küresel Eğilimler, AB Süreci ve Kürt Sorunu’nun Etkileri”, Mülkiye, XXXIV, 268:187-210.
  • Lobell, Steven E. (2009). “Threat Assessment, the State, and Foreign Policy: A Neoclassical Realist Model” S. E. Lobell, N.M. Ripsman, J. W. Taliaferro (Eds.), Neoclassical Realism, The State, and Foreign Policy (Cambridge: Cambridge Unv. Press): 42-74.
  • Meibauer, Gustav et. al. (2021) Forum: Rethinking Neoclassical Realism At Theory’s End, International Studies Review, (23):268-295.
  • Mercan, Sezgin (2016). “Perceptions of Security In Turkish Foreign Policy Toward The Middle East In The 21st Century”, Sertif Demir (edt) Turkey's Foreign Policy and Security Perspectives In The 21st Century Prospects and Challenges, (Boca Raton, Florida: Brown Walker Press): 97-119.
  • Milliyet (2007). “Talabani: Kedi bile vermeyiz”, talabani-kedi-bile-vermeyiz-219128 (Erişim Tarihi: 19.06.2023).
  • NTV (2007). “Barzani: Bağımsız Kürdistan fikrine alışın”, gundem/barzani-bagimsiz-kurdistan-fikrine-alisin-6023791 (Erişim Tarihi: 28.07.2023).
  • NTV (2009). “Barzani’den Kürt açılımına destek”, https://www. barzaniden-kurt-acilimina-destek0Dk2YsLma0WKRMHxDkjMgw (Erişim Tarihi: 18.07.2023).
  • Oğuzlu, Tarık (2008). “Turkey’s Northern Iraq Policy: Competing Perspectives”, Insight Turkey, 10 (3): 5-22.
  • Özcan, Mesut (2010). “Turkish Foreign Policy Towards Iraq in 2009”, Perceptions XV, 3(4): 113-132.
  • Park, Bill, Joost Jongerden, and Francis Owtram (2017). “Field Notes: On the Independence Referendum in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq and Disputed Territories in 2017”, Kurdish Studies, 5 (2): 199-214.
  • Park, Bill (2019). “Explaining Turkey’s Reaction to the September 2017 Independence Referendum in the KRG: Final Divorce or Relationship Reset?”, Ethnopolitics, 18 (1): 46-60.
  • Reuters (2009). “Iraq President Says PKK Must Accept Peace”, _President_Says_PKK_Must_Accept_Peace/ 1808298.html (Erişim Tarihi: 18.07.2023).
  • Ripsman, Norrin M. Jeffrey W. Taliaferro, and Steven E. Lobell (2009). “Conclusion: The state of Neoclassical Realism”, S. E. Lobell, N. M. Ripsman, and J. W. Taliaferro (eds) Neoclassical Realism, the State, and Foreign Policy (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press): 280-299.
  • Ripsman, Norrin M. (2011). Neoclassical Realism, studies/display/10.1093/acrefore/9780190846626.001.0001/acrefore-9780190846626 -e-36? print=pdf (Erişim Tarihi: 19.09.2021).
  • Ripsman, Norrin M. Jeffrey W. Taliaferro, and Steven E. Lobell (2016). Neoclassical Realist Theory of International Politics (New York: Oxford University Press).
  • Rose, Gideon (1998). “Neoclassical Realism and Theories of Foreign Policy”, World Politics, 51 (1): 144-172.
  • Snyder, Jack L. (1977). The Soviet Strategic Culture: Implications for Nuclear Options, R-2154-AF, (Santa Monica, California: RAND Corporation).
  • SOFA Anlaşması, (2008). (Erişim: 8.02.2023).
  • Sterling-Folker, Jennifer (2009). “Forward Is as Forward Does: Assessing Neoclassical Realism from a Traditions Perspective”, A. Freyberg-Inan, E. Harrison, P. James (eds.) Rethinking Realism in International Relations (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press): 191-218.
  • Şenbaş, Demet (2018). Türkiye’nin Kuzey Irak Politikası: İç ve Dış Politika Etkileşimi (London: Transnational Press). Taliaferro, J.W. S.E. Lobell, N.M. Ripsman (2009). “Introduction: Neoclassical realism, the state, and foreign policy” S. E. Lobell, N.M.Ripsman, J. W. Taliaferro (eds.), Neoclassical Realism, the State, and Foreign Policy (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press): 1-41.
  • T.C. Başbakanlık Kamu Düzeni ve Güvenliği Müsteşarlığı (2013). Sessiz Devrim: Türkiye’nin Demokratik Değişim ve Dönüşüm Envanteri, (2002-2012) (Ankara: Kamu Düzeni ve Güvenliği Müsteşarlığı Yayınları 4).
  • Tsebelis, George (2001). Veto Players: How Political Institutions Work (NJ: Princeton University Press).
  • Tür, Özlem ve Ahmet K. Han (2011). “A Framework for Understanding the Changing Turkish Foreign Policy of the 2000s”, Özden Zeynep Oktav (edt) Turkey in the 21st Century Quest for a New Foreign Policy (London: Routledge): 7-29.
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There are 63 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Turkish Foreign Policy
Journal Section Research Article

Tahir Bekiroğlu 0000-0003-3558-4678

Publication Date December 20, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Bekiroğlu, T. (2023). Neoklasik Realist Perspektiften Türkiye’nin Kuzey Irak Politikası (2002-2017). The Turkish Yearbook of International Relations, 54, 75-100.