Research Article
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Normative Power Europe: Democracy as a Dismissible Norm

Year 2017, Issue: 48, 19 - 36, 01.05.2017



  • “Algeria.” European Foreign Policy: Key Documents. Edited by Christopher Hill and Karen E. Smith, London and New York City/New York, Routledge, 2000, p. 342-347.
  • Ashton, Catherine. “The EU Wants ‘Deep Democracy’ to Take Root in Egypt and Tunisia.” The Guardian. 04 February 2011. tunisia-eu-deep-democracy> (access date: 15 February 2017).
  • Beaumont, Peter. “Protests Erupt Across Egypt after Presidential Decree.” The Guardian, 23 November 2012, presidential-decree (access date: 09 August 2017).
  • Bicchi, Federica. “Avrupa ve Arap Ayaklanmaları: Anlamsız Bir Güç mü?” Yeni Ortadoğu: Arap Dünyasına Protesto ve Devrim. Edited by Fawaz A. Gerges, İstanbul, İyidüşün Yayınları, 2014, pp. 491-509.
  • Bouandel, Youcef. “Algeria’s First Free Presidential Election, November 1995.” Representation, Vol. 34, No. 3-4, (1997), p. 173-179.
  • Bull, Hedley. “Civilian Power Europe: A Contradiction in Terms?” Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol. 21, No. 2 (1982), pp 149-170.
  • Cassarino, Jean-Pierre. “Reversing the Hierarchy of Priorities in EU- Mediterranean Relations.” The European Union and the Arab Spring
  • November 2012, <
  • presidential-decree >, (access date: 09 August 2017).
  • Michelle Pace “Mixed Messages from the EU won’t Help Solve Egypt’s Crisis”, The
  • Conversation, 06 August 2013, <
  • wont-help-solve-egypts-crisis-16595 >, (access date: 01 September 2017). Promoting Democracy and Human Rights in the Middle East. Edited by Joel Peters, Lanham/Maryland, Lexington Books, 2012, pp. 1-15.
  • Cavatorta, Francesco. “Geopolitical Challenges to the Success of Democracy in North Africa: Algeria, Tunisia and Morocco.” Democratization, Vol. 8, No. 4 (2001), pp. 175-194.
  • Cavatorta, Francesco. “Alternative Lessons from the ‘Algerian Scenario.’” Perspectives on Terrorism, Vol. II, No. 1 (2008), pp. 7-11.
  • Darbouche, Hakim and Yahia H. Zoubir. “The Algerian Crisis in European and US Foreign Policies: A Hindsight Analysis.” The Journal of North African Studies, Vol. 14, No. 1, (2009), pp. 33-55.
  • Duchene, François. “Europe’s Role in World Peace.” Europe Tomorrow: 16 Europeans Look Ahead. Edited by Richard Mayne, London, Fontana, 1972, pp. 32-47.
  • Durac, Vincent and Francesco Cavatorta. Politics and Governance in the Middle East, London, Palgrave, 2015.
  • Esposito, John L., Tamara Sonn, and John O. Voll. Islam and Democracy After the Arab Spring, New York, Oxford University Press, 2016.
  • EUR-Lex. “Consolidated Version of the Treaty on European Union.” 26 October 2012. (access date: 15 February 2017).
  • European Commission. “Commission Implementing Decision.” 20 July 2016. enlargement/sites/near/files/neighbourhood/pdf/key- documents/palestine/aap-2016-palestine-part_ii-financing-commission- decision-20160720.pdf (access date: 15 February 2017).
  • European Commission. “Euro-Med Partnership Morocco: National Indicative Programme 2005-2006.” ma/gdex/04/nip_05_12_en.pdf (access date: 19 July 2017).
  • European Council-Council of the European Union. “EU Terrorist List.” Last reviewed: 06 October 2016, terrorism/terrorist-list/ (access date: 16 February 2017).
  • Füle, Stefan. “Speech on the Recent Events in North Africa.” European Commission, 28 February 2011, release_SPEECH-11-130_en.htm (access date: 06 August 2017).
  • Hamid, Shadi. “Arab Islamist Parties: Losing on Purpose?” Journal of Democracy, Vol. 22, No. 1 (2011), pp. 68-80.
  • Hudson, Michael C. “After the Gulf War: Prospects for Democratization in the Arab World.” Middle East Journal, Vol. 45, No. 3, (1991), pp. 407-426.
  • Hyde-Price, Adrian. “A ‘Tragic Actor’? A Realist Perspective on ‘Ethical Power Europe.” International Affairs, Vol. 84, No. 1, (2008), pp. 29-44.
  • International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance. Resolution on Human Rights, Democracy and Development.” (access date: 13 July 2017).
  • Kurki, Milja. Democratic Futures: Revisioning Democracy Promotion. London and New York, Routledge, 2013.
  • Magen, Amichai and Michael A. McFaul. “Introduction: American and European Strategies to Promote Democracy – Shared Values, Common Challenges, Divergent Tools?” Promoting Democracy and Rule of Law: American and European Strategies. Edited by Amichai Magen, Thomas Risse and Michael A. McFaul, Basingstoke and New York City/New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2009, pp. 1-33.
  • Manners, Ian. “Normative Power Europe: A Contradiction in Terms?” Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol. 40, No. 2 (2002), pp. 235-258.
  • Mortimer, Robert. “Islam and Multiparty Politics in Algeria.” Middle East Journal, Vol. 45, No. 4, (1991), pp. 575-593.
  • Pace, Michelle. “The Construction of EU Normative Power.” Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol. 45, No. 5 (2007), pp. 1041-1064.
  • Pace, Michelle. “Liberal or Social Democracy? Aspect Dawning in the EU’s Democracy Promotion Agenda in the Middle East.” The International Journal of Human Rights, Vol. 16, No. 6, (2011), pp. 801-812.
  • Pace, Michelle. “Mixed Messages from the EU won’t Help Solve Egypt’s Crisis.” The Conversation, 06 August 2013, 25710600587785 (access date: 16 February 2017).
  • Washington Post. “Hamas Sweeps Palestinian Elections, Complicating Peace.” 27 January 2006, dyn/content/article/2006/01/26/AR2006012600372.html (access date: 19 July 2017).
  • Willis, Michael J. “Containing Radicalism through the Political Process in North Africa.” Transnational Islam and Regional Security: Cooperation and Diversity between Europe and North Africa. Edited by Frederic Volpi, Abingdon and New York City/New York, Routledge, 2008, pp. 1- 14.
  • Willis, Michael J. Politics and Power in the Maghreb: Algeria, Tunisia and Morocco from Independence to the Arab Spring. London, Hurst & Company, 2012.
  • Windsor, Jennifer L. “Promoting Democratization Can Combat Terrorism.” The Washington Quarterly, Vol. 26, No. 3 (2003), pp. 43-58.
  • Wintour, Patrick. “Hamas Presents New Charter Accepting a Palestine Based on 1967 Borders.” The Guardian, 01 May 2017, palestine-israel-1967-borders (access date: 20 July 2017).
  • Hamas. “Hamas Covenant 1988.” 18 August 1988, (access date: 20 July 2017).
  • Youngs, Richard. “Introduction: Idealism at Bay.” The European Union and Democracy Promotion: A Critical Global Assessment, eds. Richard Youngs, Baltimore/Maryland, The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2010, pp. 1-15.
  • Youngs, Tim. “The Palestinian Parliamentary Election and the Rise of Hamas.” House of Commons Library Research Paper 06/17, (2006), pp. 1-28.

Normative Power Europe: Democracy as a Dismissible Norm

Year 2017, Issue: 48, 19 - 36, 01.05.2017


The EU is one of the key actors of the democracy promotion industry and the region of South Mediterranean is an important area for the democracy promotion endeavours of the EU. Yet in this region the EU’s ambitious rhetoric about democracy promotion has never translated into concrete action. Particularly two important events, the military coup in Algeria in 1992 and the parliamentary elections in Palestine in 2006, clearly demonstrate that the EU overlooks the violations of democratic principles in her vicinity in order not to risk the stability under the aegis of authoritarian status-quo. Sacrificing the norm of democracy in favour of stability has not just important ramifications for the countries of the South Mediterranean but also for the debates related with the idea of ‘normative power Europe’


  • “Algeria.” European Foreign Policy: Key Documents. Edited by Christopher Hill and Karen E. Smith, London and New York City/New York, Routledge, 2000, p. 342-347.
  • Ashton, Catherine. “The EU Wants ‘Deep Democracy’ to Take Root in Egypt and Tunisia.” The Guardian. 04 February 2011. tunisia-eu-deep-democracy> (access date: 15 February 2017).
  • Beaumont, Peter. “Protests Erupt Across Egypt after Presidential Decree.” The Guardian, 23 November 2012, presidential-decree (access date: 09 August 2017).
  • Bicchi, Federica. “Avrupa ve Arap Ayaklanmaları: Anlamsız Bir Güç mü?” Yeni Ortadoğu: Arap Dünyasına Protesto ve Devrim. Edited by Fawaz A. Gerges, İstanbul, İyidüşün Yayınları, 2014, pp. 491-509.
  • Bouandel, Youcef. “Algeria’s First Free Presidential Election, November 1995.” Representation, Vol. 34, No. 3-4, (1997), p. 173-179.
  • Bull, Hedley. “Civilian Power Europe: A Contradiction in Terms?” Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol. 21, No. 2 (1982), pp 149-170.
  • Cassarino, Jean-Pierre. “Reversing the Hierarchy of Priorities in EU- Mediterranean Relations.” The European Union and the Arab Spring
  • November 2012, <
  • presidential-decree >, (access date: 09 August 2017).
  • Michelle Pace “Mixed Messages from the EU won’t Help Solve Egypt’s Crisis”, The
  • Conversation, 06 August 2013, <
  • wont-help-solve-egypts-crisis-16595 >, (access date: 01 September 2017). Promoting Democracy and Human Rights in the Middle East. Edited by Joel Peters, Lanham/Maryland, Lexington Books, 2012, pp. 1-15.
  • Cavatorta, Francesco. “Geopolitical Challenges to the Success of Democracy in North Africa: Algeria, Tunisia and Morocco.” Democratization, Vol. 8, No. 4 (2001), pp. 175-194.
  • Cavatorta, Francesco. “Alternative Lessons from the ‘Algerian Scenario.’” Perspectives on Terrorism, Vol. II, No. 1 (2008), pp. 7-11.
  • Darbouche, Hakim and Yahia H. Zoubir. “The Algerian Crisis in European and US Foreign Policies: A Hindsight Analysis.” The Journal of North African Studies, Vol. 14, No. 1, (2009), pp. 33-55.
  • Duchene, François. “Europe’s Role in World Peace.” Europe Tomorrow: 16 Europeans Look Ahead. Edited by Richard Mayne, London, Fontana, 1972, pp. 32-47.
  • Durac, Vincent and Francesco Cavatorta. Politics and Governance in the Middle East, London, Palgrave, 2015.
  • Esposito, John L., Tamara Sonn, and John O. Voll. Islam and Democracy After the Arab Spring, New York, Oxford University Press, 2016.
  • EUR-Lex. “Consolidated Version of the Treaty on European Union.” 26 October 2012. (access date: 15 February 2017).
  • European Commission. “Commission Implementing Decision.” 20 July 2016. enlargement/sites/near/files/neighbourhood/pdf/key- documents/palestine/aap-2016-palestine-part_ii-financing-commission- decision-20160720.pdf (access date: 15 February 2017).
  • European Commission. “Euro-Med Partnership Morocco: National Indicative Programme 2005-2006.” ma/gdex/04/nip_05_12_en.pdf (access date: 19 July 2017).
  • European Council-Council of the European Union. “EU Terrorist List.” Last reviewed: 06 October 2016, terrorism/terrorist-list/ (access date: 16 February 2017).
  • Füle, Stefan. “Speech on the Recent Events in North Africa.” European Commission, 28 February 2011, release_SPEECH-11-130_en.htm (access date: 06 August 2017).
  • Hamid, Shadi. “Arab Islamist Parties: Losing on Purpose?” Journal of Democracy, Vol. 22, No. 1 (2011), pp. 68-80.
  • Hudson, Michael C. “After the Gulf War: Prospects for Democratization in the Arab World.” Middle East Journal, Vol. 45, No. 3, (1991), pp. 407-426.
  • Hyde-Price, Adrian. “A ‘Tragic Actor’? A Realist Perspective on ‘Ethical Power Europe.” International Affairs, Vol. 84, No. 1, (2008), pp. 29-44.
  • International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance. Resolution on Human Rights, Democracy and Development.” (access date: 13 July 2017).
  • Kurki, Milja. Democratic Futures: Revisioning Democracy Promotion. London and New York, Routledge, 2013.
  • Magen, Amichai and Michael A. McFaul. “Introduction: American and European Strategies to Promote Democracy – Shared Values, Common Challenges, Divergent Tools?” Promoting Democracy and Rule of Law: American and European Strategies. Edited by Amichai Magen, Thomas Risse and Michael A. McFaul, Basingstoke and New York City/New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2009, pp. 1-33.
  • Manners, Ian. “Normative Power Europe: A Contradiction in Terms?” Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol. 40, No. 2 (2002), pp. 235-258.
  • Mortimer, Robert. “Islam and Multiparty Politics in Algeria.” Middle East Journal, Vol. 45, No. 4, (1991), pp. 575-593.
  • Pace, Michelle. “The Construction of EU Normative Power.” Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol. 45, No. 5 (2007), pp. 1041-1064.
  • Pace, Michelle. “Liberal or Social Democracy? Aspect Dawning in the EU’s Democracy Promotion Agenda in the Middle East.” The International Journal of Human Rights, Vol. 16, No. 6, (2011), pp. 801-812.
  • Pace, Michelle. “Mixed Messages from the EU won’t Help Solve Egypt’s Crisis.” The Conversation, 06 August 2013, 25710600587785 (access date: 16 February 2017).
  • Washington Post. “Hamas Sweeps Palestinian Elections, Complicating Peace.” 27 January 2006, dyn/content/article/2006/01/26/AR2006012600372.html (access date: 19 July 2017).
  • Willis, Michael J. “Containing Radicalism through the Political Process in North Africa.” Transnational Islam and Regional Security: Cooperation and Diversity between Europe and North Africa. Edited by Frederic Volpi, Abingdon and New York City/New York, Routledge, 2008, pp. 1- 14.
  • Willis, Michael J. Politics and Power in the Maghreb: Algeria, Tunisia and Morocco from Independence to the Arab Spring. London, Hurst & Company, 2012.
  • Windsor, Jennifer L. “Promoting Democratization Can Combat Terrorism.” The Washington Quarterly, Vol. 26, No. 3 (2003), pp. 43-58.
  • Wintour, Patrick. “Hamas Presents New Charter Accepting a Palestine Based on 1967 Borders.” The Guardian, 01 May 2017, palestine-israel-1967-borders (access date: 20 July 2017).
  • Hamas. “Hamas Covenant 1988.” 18 August 1988, (access date: 20 July 2017).
  • Youngs, Richard. “Introduction: Idealism at Bay.” The European Union and Democracy Promotion: A Critical Global Assessment, eds. Richard Youngs, Baltimore/Maryland, The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2010, pp. 1-15.
  • Youngs, Tim. “The Palestinian Parliamentary Election and the Rise of Hamas.” House of Commons Library Research Paper 06/17, (2006), pp. 1-28.
There are 42 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Political Science
Journal Section Research Article

Ertuğrul Cevheri This is me

Publication Date May 1, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Issue: 48


APA Cevheri, E. (2017). Normative Power Europe: Democracy as a Dismissible Norm. The Turkish Yearbook of International Relations(48), 19-36.