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Çözeltiler Konusunun Öğretimi İçin 5E Öğrenme Modeline Uygun Olarak Geliştirilmiş Bir Etkinlik Örneği

Year 2023, , 443 - 449, 20.12.2023


Günümüz yaşantısında bireyler gelişimlerini sağlamak için sürekli öğrenen olmaya zorlanmaktadırlar. Öğrenme eylemini ezbercilikten kurtarıp bağımsız düşünebilme yeteneği kazanmak, anlayarak öğrenen bireyler yetiştirmek gerekmektedir. Öğrenenlerin bu hedefe ulaşabilmeleri için öğrenci merkezli etkili yöntem ve tekniklere ihtiyaç vardır. 5E modeli bunlardan bir tanesidir. Bu çalışmada 5E öğrenme modeline uygun olarak çözeltiler konusu ile ilgili 5E modeline uygun etkinlik geliştirilmiş, uygulanmış, değerlendirilmiş ve düzeltmeler yapılmıştır. Bu çalışmada veri toplama aracı olarak kavram başarı testi ve yarı yapılandırılmış mülakat kullanılmış olup hem nitel hem de nicel veri toplama aracı bir arada kullanılarak veri çeşitliliği sağlamaya çalışılmıştır. Nicel sonuçların analizinde t- testi ve MANOVA modeli kullanılmış, nitel verilerin analizinde ise öğrencilerle yapılan mülakatlar transkript edilmiştir. Sonuçlar, uygulama sonrasında çözeltiler konusu kavram başarısı açısından deney gruplarının kontrol gruplarından daha başarılı olduğunu göstermiştir. Çalışmada fen öğretiminin çeşitli düzeylerinde kullanılmak üzere hazırlanmış aktif öğrenme etkinlik örneği geliştimek ve kullanıma sunmak amaçlanmıştır. Geçerliliği test edilmiş etkinlik örneği fen eğitimcilerinin yararına sunulmuştur.


  • Açıkkar, E. (2002). Second Year High School Students’ Understanding Levels and Misconceptions about Solubility. (Master’s Thesis), Karadeniz Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, (Thesis no.127446).
  • Ayas, A., Çepni, S., Johnson, D., Turgut, M.F. (1997). Teaching Chemistry, Teacher Education Series. Ankara: YÖK/World Bank National Education Development Project Publications.
  • Boddy, N., Watson, K., Aubusson, P. (2003). A Trial of the Es: A referent model for constructivist teaching and learning. Research in Scinece Education, 33, 27-42.
  • Bybee, R. W., Taylor, J. A., Gardner, A., Scotter, P.V., Powell, J. C., Westbrook, A. and Landes, N. (2006). The BSCS 5E Instructional Model: Origins and Effectiveness. BSCS 5415 Mark Dabling Boulevard Colorado Springs, CO 80918.
  • Campbell, M.A. (2006). The Effects of The 5e Learnıng Cycle Model on Students’ Understandıng of Force and Motıon Concepts. (Electronic Theses and Dissertations), Education the University of Central Florida Orlando. 2004-2019. 809.
  • Demircioğlu, G., Özmen, H., Demircioğlu, H. (2004). Investigating the Effectiveness of Implementing Activities Developed Based on Integrative Learning Theory. Turkish Science Education Journal,1, 21-34.
  • Çepni, S., Akdeniz, A.R., Keser, Ö.F. (2000). Development of Sample Guide Materials Suitable for Integrative Learning Theory in Science Teaching, 19th Physics Congress, 26-29 September, Fırat University, Elazığ.
  • Ekici, F. (2007). The Effect of Course Materials Prepared According to the 5E Learning Cycle Suitable for Constructivist Approach on the 3rd Year High School Students’ Understanding of Oxidation-Reduction Reactions and Electrochemistry. (Master’s Thesis), Gazi University Institute of Educational Sciences, (Thesis no. 207020).
  • Hiçcan, B. (2008). The Effect of Teaching Activities Based on the 5E Learning Cycle Model on the Academic Achievement of 7th Grade Primary School Students in the Subject of First Order Equations with One Unknown in Mathematics Course. (Master’s Thesis), Gazi University Institute of Educational Sciences, (Thesis no. 218082).
  • Koç, G. (2002). The Effect of Constructivist Learning Approach on Affective and Cognitive Learning Products. (Doctoral Thesis), Hacettepe University, Institute of Social Sciences, (Thesis no. 113407).
  • Lawson, A. E., Abraham, M. R., Renner, J. W. (1989). A Theory of İnstruction: Using The Learning Cycle to Teach Science Concepts and Thinking Skills [Monograph, Number One]. Kansas State University, Manhattan, Ks: National Association for Research in Science Teaching.
  • Mcmillan, J. H., Schumacher, S. (2006). .Research in Education, (New York: Longman).
  • Öztürk, Ç. (2008). The Effect of the 5E Model in Geography Teaching on Science Process Skills, Academic Achievement and Attitude. (Doctoral Thesis), Gazi University, Institute of Educational Sciences, (Thesis no. 214836).
  • Uzuntiryaki, E. (1998). The Effect of Concept Map Supported Concept Change Approach on Students’ Understanding of the Solution Topic. (Master’s Thesis), Middle East Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, (Thesis no. 75855).
  • Ünal, H. (2003). The Effect of the Learning Circle Method on Success in Teaching the Science Course “Classification and Transformations of Matter”. (Master’s Thesis) Marmara University, Institute of Educational Sciences, (Thesis no. 133566).
  • Pınarbaşı, T. (2002). Examining the Effectiveness of the Conceptual Change Approach in Understanding Resolution-Related Concepts. (Doctoral Thesis), Atatürk University, Institute of Science and Technology, (Thesis no.121471).
  • Powers, A.R. (2000). Relationship of Students’ Conceptual Representations and Problem- Solving abilities in Acid- Base Chemistry. (Doctor of Philosophy), College of Arts and Sciences Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Colorado The Graduate School.
  • Saygın, Ö., Atılboz, G., Salman., S. (2006). The Effect of Constructivist Teaching Approach on the Success of Learning Biology Course Topics: The Basic Unit of Life - Cell. Journal of Gazi Faculty of Education, 26(1), 51-64. Saka, A., Akdeniz, A.R. (2006). Development of Computer Aided Materials on Genetics and Its Application According to the 5E Model. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology-TOJET, 5(1), 14. Smerdon, B. A., Burkam, D. T., Lee.V. E. (1999). Access to Costructivist and Didactic Teaching: Who Gets It? Where Is IT Practised? Teachers College Record, 101 (1),5–34.
  • Süzen, S. (2009). Evaluation of Science and Technology Lessons Taught with 5E and Traditional Methods with Structured Grid. National Education,38, (181),169-183.
  • Yıldırım, A. ve Şimşek, H. (2005). Qualitative Research Methods in Social Sciences, (5th Edition), Ankara, Seçkin Publishing.

An Example of an Activity Developed in Accordance with the 5E Learning Model for Teaching Solutions

Year 2023, , 443 - 449, 20.12.2023


In today’s life, individuals are forced to be a constant learner to ensure their development. It is necessary to save the act of learning from rote learning, to gain the ability to think independently, and to raise individuals who learn by understanding. In this study, it is aimed to develop and present an active learning activity example prepared to be used at various levels of science teaching. In order for learners to achieve this goal, effective student-centered methods and techniques are needed. 5E model is one of them. In this study, activities related to the subject of solutions were developed, implemented, evaluated and necessary corrections were made in accordance with the 5E learning model. In this study, concept achievement test and semi-structured interview were used as data collection tools and both qualitative and quantitative data collection tools were used together to provide data diversity. In the analysis of quantitative results, t-test and MANOVA model were used, and in the analysis of qualitative data, the interviews with the students were transcribed. The results showed that the experimental groups were more successful than the control groups in terms of concept achievement in the subject of solutions after the application.


  • Açıkkar, E. (2002). Second Year High School Students’ Understanding Levels and Misconceptions about Solubility. (Master’s Thesis), Karadeniz Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, (Thesis no.127446).
  • Ayas, A., Çepni, S., Johnson, D., Turgut, M.F. (1997). Teaching Chemistry, Teacher Education Series. Ankara: YÖK/World Bank National Education Development Project Publications.
  • Boddy, N., Watson, K., Aubusson, P. (2003). A Trial of the Es: A referent model for constructivist teaching and learning. Research in Scinece Education, 33, 27-42.
  • Bybee, R. W., Taylor, J. A., Gardner, A., Scotter, P.V., Powell, J. C., Westbrook, A. and Landes, N. (2006). The BSCS 5E Instructional Model: Origins and Effectiveness. BSCS 5415 Mark Dabling Boulevard Colorado Springs, CO 80918.
  • Campbell, M.A. (2006). The Effects of The 5e Learnıng Cycle Model on Students’ Understandıng of Force and Motıon Concepts. (Electronic Theses and Dissertations), Education the University of Central Florida Orlando. 2004-2019. 809.
  • Demircioğlu, G., Özmen, H., Demircioğlu, H. (2004). Investigating the Effectiveness of Implementing Activities Developed Based on Integrative Learning Theory. Turkish Science Education Journal,1, 21-34.
  • Çepni, S., Akdeniz, A.R., Keser, Ö.F. (2000). Development of Sample Guide Materials Suitable for Integrative Learning Theory in Science Teaching, 19th Physics Congress, 26-29 September, Fırat University, Elazığ.
  • Ekici, F. (2007). The Effect of Course Materials Prepared According to the 5E Learning Cycle Suitable for Constructivist Approach on the 3rd Year High School Students’ Understanding of Oxidation-Reduction Reactions and Electrochemistry. (Master’s Thesis), Gazi University Institute of Educational Sciences, (Thesis no. 207020).
  • Hiçcan, B. (2008). The Effect of Teaching Activities Based on the 5E Learning Cycle Model on the Academic Achievement of 7th Grade Primary School Students in the Subject of First Order Equations with One Unknown in Mathematics Course. (Master’s Thesis), Gazi University Institute of Educational Sciences, (Thesis no. 218082).
  • Koç, G. (2002). The Effect of Constructivist Learning Approach on Affective and Cognitive Learning Products. (Doctoral Thesis), Hacettepe University, Institute of Social Sciences, (Thesis no. 113407).
  • Lawson, A. E., Abraham, M. R., Renner, J. W. (1989). A Theory of İnstruction: Using The Learning Cycle to Teach Science Concepts and Thinking Skills [Monograph, Number One]. Kansas State University, Manhattan, Ks: National Association for Research in Science Teaching.
  • Mcmillan, J. H., Schumacher, S. (2006). .Research in Education, (New York: Longman).
  • Öztürk, Ç. (2008). The Effect of the 5E Model in Geography Teaching on Science Process Skills, Academic Achievement and Attitude. (Doctoral Thesis), Gazi University, Institute of Educational Sciences, (Thesis no. 214836).
  • Uzuntiryaki, E. (1998). The Effect of Concept Map Supported Concept Change Approach on Students’ Understanding of the Solution Topic. (Master’s Thesis), Middle East Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, (Thesis no. 75855).
  • Ünal, H. (2003). The Effect of the Learning Circle Method on Success in Teaching the Science Course “Classification and Transformations of Matter”. (Master’s Thesis) Marmara University, Institute of Educational Sciences, (Thesis no. 133566).
  • Pınarbaşı, T. (2002). Examining the Effectiveness of the Conceptual Change Approach in Understanding Resolution-Related Concepts. (Doctoral Thesis), Atatürk University, Institute of Science and Technology, (Thesis no.121471).
  • Powers, A.R. (2000). Relationship of Students’ Conceptual Representations and Problem- Solving abilities in Acid- Base Chemistry. (Doctor of Philosophy), College of Arts and Sciences Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Colorado The Graduate School.
  • Saygın, Ö., Atılboz, G., Salman., S. (2006). The Effect of Constructivist Teaching Approach on the Success of Learning Biology Course Topics: The Basic Unit of Life - Cell. Journal of Gazi Faculty of Education, 26(1), 51-64. Saka, A., Akdeniz, A.R. (2006). Development of Computer Aided Materials on Genetics and Its Application According to the 5E Model. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology-TOJET, 5(1), 14. Smerdon, B. A., Burkam, D. T., Lee.V. E. (1999). Access to Costructivist and Didactic Teaching: Who Gets It? Where Is IT Practised? Teachers College Record, 101 (1),5–34.
  • Süzen, S. (2009). Evaluation of Science and Technology Lessons Taught with 5E and Traditional Methods with Structured Grid. National Education,38, (181),169-183.
  • Yıldırım, A. ve Şimşek, H. (2005). Qualitative Research Methods in Social Sciences, (5th Edition), Ankara, Seçkin Publishing.
There are 20 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Higher Education Studies (Other)
Journal Section Research Article

İclal Avinç Akpınar 0000-0001-9994-6733

Samih Bayrakçeken 0000-0001-8777-6714

Early Pub Date December 5, 2023
Publication Date December 20, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Avinç Akpınar, İ., & Bayrakçeken, S. (2023). An Example of an Activity Developed in Accordance with the 5E Learning Model for Teaching Solutions. Journal of University Research, 6(4), 443-449.

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