Year 2024,
Volume: 7 Issue: 1, 40 - 63, 03.07.2024
Mehmet Gökerik
Ahmet Gürbüz
Gerilla pazarlama, geleneksel pazarlama stratejilerinden farklı olarak, yaratıcı ve sıra dışı yaklaşımlar kullanarak düşük bütçeli kampanyalarla büyük etki yaratma amacını taşıyan bir pazarlama yöntemidir. Bu makalenin amacı, gerilla pazarlamanın temel kavramlarını, stratejilerini ve başarı faktörlerini analiz etmek ve vurgulamaktır. Gerilla pazarlama, özellikle küçük işletmeler ve girişimciler için önemlidir çünkü düşük bütçeli kampanyalarla büyük rakiplere karşı rekabet edebilme fırsatı sunar. Ayrıca, dijital dünyada gerilla pazarlamanın nasıl kullanılabileceği ve online varlığı artırmak için nasıl etkili bir şekilde kullanılabileceği de ele alınacaktır. Bu makale, gerilla pazarlamanın yaratıcı cesaret ve düşük maliyetli yaratıcılığın birleşimini temsil ettiğini ve işletmelerin büyüme ve farklılaşma yolunda önemli bir araç olduğunu vurgulamaktadır.
- Abimbola M. Oyinlola, Olusegun A. Omisakin and Oluwatosin A. Adeniyi, 2013. Do Trade Balances Adjust to Exchange Rate Shocks? An Enquiry Evidence of J-Curve in Nigeria. The Social Sciences, 8: 72-79.
- Alsamydai, J., Alnawas, A. M., & Yousif, R. A. (2010). The Impact of marketing innovation on creating a sustainable competitive advantage: the case of private commercial banks in Jordan. Asian Journal of Marketing, 4(3), 113.
- AlSuwaidan, L., & Ykhlef, M. (2016). Toward information diffusion model for viral marketing in business. International journal of advanced computer science and applications, 7(2), 637-646.
- Ang, S.H., Lee, Y.H. and Leong, S.M. (2012), “Necessary but not sufficient: beyond novelty in advertising creativity”, Journal of Marketing Communications, Vol. 20 No. 3, s. 214-230.
- Ay, C., Aytekin, P., & Nardali, S. (2010). Guerrilla Marketing Communication Tools and Ethical Problems in Guerilla Advertising. American Journal of Economics and Business Administration, 2 (3), s. 280-286.
- Baltes, G., & Leibing, I. (2008). Guerrilla marketing for information services?. New Library World, 109(1/2), 46-55.
- Baltes, G., & Leibing, I. (2008). Guerrilla marketing for information services? New Library World , 109 (1/2), s. 46-55.
- Bearden, W. O., Netemeyer, R. G., & Teel, J. E. (1989). Measurement of consumer susceptibility to interpersonal influence. Journal of consumer research, 15(4), 473-481.
- Behal, V., & Sareen, S. (2014). Guerilla Marketing: A Low Cost Marketing Strategy. International Journal of Management Research and Business Strategy, 3(1), 1-6.
- Bhat, S. Y., & Abulaish, M. (2013, August). Community-based features for identifying spammers in online social networks. In 2013 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM 2013) (pp. 100-107). IEEE.
- Biraghi, S., Gambetti, R. C., & Graffigna, G. (2015). An ecological definition of ambient communication: A discursive conceptualization. Journal of Marketing Communications, 21(1), 5-19.
- Centola, D. (2010). The spread of behavior in an online social network experiment. science, 329(5996), 1194-1197.
- Chadwick, S., & Burton, N. (2011). The evolving sophistication of ambush marketing: A typology of strategies.
Thunderbird International Business Review, 53(6), 709-719.
- Cook, G. R. (2013). Marketing in the 21st Century and beyond: Timeless Strategies for Success. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 30(7), 607-608.
- Dahlén, M., Granlund, A., & Grenros, M. (2009). The consumer-perceived value of non-traditional media: effects of brand reputation, appropriateness and expense. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 26(3), 155-163.
- Datta, S., Majumder, A., & Shrivastava, N. (2010, December). Viral marketing for mul- tiple products. Presented at the 2010 IEEE 10th International Conference on Data Mining, Sydney, Australia.
- Dickson, G., Naylor, M., & Phelps, S. (2015). Consumer attitudes towards ambush marketing. Sport Management Review, 18(2), 280-290.
- Edwards, S.M., H. Li and J.H. Lee, (2002). Forces exposure and psychological reactance: Antecedents and consequences of perceived intrusiveness of pop-up ads. J. Advertising, 31: 83-95.
- Erkan, I., Gokerik, M., & Acikgoz, F. (2019). The impacts of facebook ads on brand image, brand awareness, and brand equity. In Handbook of Research on Entrepreneurship and Marketing for Global Reach in the Digital
Economy (pp. 442-462). IGI Global.
- Galer-Unti, R. A. (2009). Guerilla advocacy: using aggressive marketing techniques for health policy change. Health promotion practice, 10(3), 325-327.
- Giannoulakis, C., Stotlar, D., & Chatziefstathiou, D. (2008). Olympic sponsorship: evolution, challenges and impact on the Olympic Movement. International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship, 9(4), 14-28.
- Gökerik, M., & Ebubekir, I. (2023). Üniversite öğrencilerinin Instagram’a yönelik algılarının metafor analizi ile incelenmesi. Finans Ekonomi ve Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 8(3), 647-659.
- Gökerik, M., Gürbüz, A., Erkan, I., Mogaji, E., & Sap, S. (2018). Surprise me with your ads! The impacts of guerrilla marketing in social media on brand image. Asia Pacific journal of marketing and logistics, 30(5), 1222-1238.
- Gökerik, M. (2024). İnfluencer pazarlaması: Sosyal medya liderlerinin gücü ve etkisine teorik bir yaklaşım. In Güncel Pazarlama Yöntemleri: Stratejilerden Uygulamalara (pp. 1-21). Serüven Yayınevi.
Guevara, E. C. 1960. Guerilla Warfare. New York: Monthly Review Press
- Gui-sheng, Y., Ji-jie, W., Hong-bin, D., & Jia, L. (2011, September). Intelligent Viral Marketing algorithm over online social network. In Networking and Distributed Computing (ICNDC), 2011 Second International Conference on (pp. 319-323). IEEE.
- Hafer, C. L., Reynolds, K. L., & Obertynski, M. A. (1996). Message comprehensibility and persuasion: Effects of complex language in counterattitudinal appeals to laypeople. Social Cognition, 14(4), 317-337.
- Himpe, T., and W. Collin. (2006). Advertising is dead: Long live advertising! Long live advertising! Over 200 inspiring campaigns for the New Marketplace. London: Thames & Hudson.
- Hutter, K. (2015). Unusual location and unexpected execution in advertising: A content analysis and test of effectiveness in ambient advertisements. Journal of Marketing Communications, 21(1), 33-47.
- Hutter, K., & Hoffmann, S. (2011). Guerrilla marketing: The nature of the concept and propositions for further research. Asian Journal of Marketing, 5(2), 39-54.
- Isen, A. M., & Shalker, T. E. (1982). The effect of feeling state on evaluation of positive, neutral, and negative stimuli: When you" accentuate the positive," do you" eliminate the negative"?. Social psychology quarterly.
- Jay, C. L., & Hanley, P. (1984). Guerrilla Marketing. Barnes and Noble,.
- Jurvetson, S. (2000). What exactly is viral marketing. Red Herring, 78, 110-112.
- Jurvetson, S., & Draper, T. (1997). Viral marketing phenomenon explained. Alıntılanan
- Kaden, R. J. (2006). Guerrilla marketing research: Marketing research techniques that can help any business make more money. Kogan Page Publishers.
- Kalamadi, S. (2012). Intellectual property and the business of sports management. Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 17(5), 437–442.
- Karimova, G. Z. (2014). Toward a Bakhtinian typology of ambient advertising. Journal of Marketing Communications, 20(4), 251-269.
- Kempe, D., Kleinberg, J., & Tardos, É. (2003, August). Maximizing the spread of influence through a social network. In Proceedings of the ninth ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge discovery and data mining (pp. 137-146).
- Kitsak, M., Gallos, L. K., Havlin, S., Liljeros, F., Muchnik, L., Stanley, H. E., & Makse, H. A. (2010). Identification of influential spreaders in complex networks. Nature physics, 6(11), 888-893.
- Klepek, M. (2014). Guerrilla marketing concept and further research possibilities. Opava: Silesian University in Opava, School of Business Administration in Karvina, 79-87.
- Lessne, G.J. and E.M. Notarantonio, 1988. The effect of limits in retail advertisements: A reactance theory perspective. Psychol. Market., 5: 33-44.
- Levinson, J. C. (1993). Guerrilla marketing excellence: The 50 golden rules for small-business success. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.
- Levinson, J. C. (1993). Guerrilla marketing excellence: The 50 golden rules for small-business success. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.
- Levinson, J. C. (1994). Guerrilla advertising: cost-effective techniques for small-business success. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.
- Levinson, J. C. (2007). Guerrilla Marketing: Easy and Inexpensive Strategies for Making Big Profits from Your SmallBusiness. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.
- Lichtenthaler, F. W., Kamm, B., Gruber, P. R., & Kamm, M. (2006). Biorefineries—Industrial Processes and Products, vol. 2 Wiley.
- Long, C., & Wong, R. C. W. (2011, December). Minimizing seed set for viral marketing. In Data Mining (ICDM), 2011 IEEE 11th International Conference on (pp. 427-436). IEEE.
- Luxton, S., and L. Drummond. (2000). “What is this Thing Called ‘Ambient Advertising’?” Paper presented at the Australian & New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference (ANZMAC 2000), Brisbane, Australia, November 28–December 1
- McQuarrie, E.F. and Mick, D.G. (1992), “On resonance: a critical pluralistic inquiry into advertising rhetoric”, Journal of Consumer Research, Vol. 19 No. 2, s. 180-197.
- Mochalova, A., & Nanopoulos, A. (2014). A targeted approach to viral marketing. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 13(4), 283-294.
- Nagar, K. (2015), “Consumers’ evaluation of ad-brand congruity in comparative advertising”, Journal of International Consumer Marketing, Vol. 27 No. 3, s. 253-276.
- Nufer, G. (2013). Guerrilla marketing—Innovative or parasitic marketing. Modern Economy, 4(9), 1-6.
- O’Reilly, N., & Horning, D. L. (2013). Leveraging sponsorship: The activation ratio. Sport Management Review, 16(4), 424-437.
- O’Reilly, N., Lyberger, M., McCarthy, L., Séguin, B., & Nadeau, J. (2008). Mega-special-event promotions and intent to purchase: A longitudinal analysis of the Super Bowl. Journal of Sport Management, 22(4), 392-409.
- Pham, M. T., & Johar, G. V. (2001). Market prominence biases in sponsor identification: Processes and consequentiality. Psychology and Marketing, 18(2), 123-143.
- Piątkowska, M., Żyśko, J., & Gocłowska, S. (2015). A systematic literature review on ambush marketing in sport. Physical Culture and Sport. Studies and Research, 66(1), 14-27.
- Pieters, R., Warlop, L. and Wedel, M. (2002), “Breaking through the clutter: benefits of advertisement originality and familiarity for brand attention and memory”, Management Science, Vol. 48 No. 6, s. 765-781.
- Preuss, H., Gemeinder, K., & Seguin, B. (2008). Ambush marketing in China: Counterbalancing Olympic sponsorship efforts. Asian Business & Management, 7(2), 243-263.
- Rosengren, S., Modig, E., & Dahlén, M. (2015). The value of ambient communication from a consumer perspective. Journal of Marketing Communications, 21(1), 20-32.
- Ruiz Mafé, C., & Sanz Blas, S. (2006). Explaining Internet dependency: An exploratory study of future purchase intention of Spanish Internet users. Internet research, 16(4), 380-397.
- Seth, R. (2010). Ambush marketing: Need for legislation in India. Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 15(6), 455–463.
- Shankar, A., & Horton, B. (1999). Ambient media: advertising's new media opportunity? International Journal of Advertising, 18(3), 305-321.
- Singh, P. (2012). Guerrilla Marketing: Revitalizing the Advertising Industry. Education, 3(6).
- Sorensen, L. (2008). The Anti-corrido of George Washington Gómez: A Narrative of Emergent Subject Formation. American Literature, 80(1), 111-140.
- Sudarević, T., Šurjanović, I., & Vlahović, B. (2015). Viral Marketing in the Food Industry: Canada vs. Serbia. Journal of International Food & Agribusiness Marketing, 27(2), 100-119.
- Till, B. D., & Busler, M. (2000). The match-up hypothesis: Physical attractiveness, expertise, and the role of fit on brand attitude, purchase intent and brand beliefs. Journal of advertising, 29(3), 1-13.
- Tsang, M.M., Ho, S.C. and Liang, T.P. (2004), “Consumer attitude toward mobile advertising: an empirical study”, International Journal of Electronic Commerce, Vol. 8 No. 3, s. 65-78.
- Wang, J. C., & Chang, C. H. (2013). How online social ties and product-related risks influence purchase intentions: A Facebook experiment. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 12(5), 337-346.
- West, D. C., Kover, A. J., & Caruana, A. (2008). Practitioner and customer views of advertising creativity: same concept, different meaning?. Journal of Advertising, 37(4), 35-46.
- Zhang, H., Zhou, S. And Shen, B. (2014), “Publictrust: a comprehensive investigation on perceived media credibility in China”, Asian Journal of Communication, Vol. 24 No. 2, s. 158-172.
- Zuo, L. and S. Veil, 2006. Guerilla Marketing and the aqua teen hunger force fiasco. Public Relat. Quart., 51: 8-11.
Guerrilla Marketing Strategies: Achieving Big Results on A Small Budget
Year 2024,
Volume: 7 Issue: 1, 40 - 63, 03.07.2024
Mehmet Gökerik
Ahmet Gürbüz
Guerilla marketing is a marketing approach that aims to create a significant impact with low-budget campaigns by utilizing creative and unconventional methods, distinct from traditional marketing strategies. The purpose of this article is to analyze and emphasize the fundamental concepts, strategies, and success factors of guerrilla marketing. Guerrilla marketing holds particular importance for small businesses and entrepreneurs as it offers the opportunity to compete against larger competitors through cost-effective campaigns. Additionally, the article will delve into how guerrilla marketing can be employed in the digital realm and effectively used to enhance online presence. This article underscores that guerrilla marketing represents the combination of creative courage and cost-effective innovation, serving as a significant tool for businesses in their journey towards growth and differentiation.
- Abimbola M. Oyinlola, Olusegun A. Omisakin and Oluwatosin A. Adeniyi, 2013. Do Trade Balances Adjust to Exchange Rate Shocks? An Enquiry Evidence of J-Curve in Nigeria. The Social Sciences, 8: 72-79.
- Alsamydai, J., Alnawas, A. M., & Yousif, R. A. (2010). The Impact of marketing innovation on creating a sustainable competitive advantage: the case of private commercial banks in Jordan. Asian Journal of Marketing, 4(3), 113.
- AlSuwaidan, L., & Ykhlef, M. (2016). Toward information diffusion model for viral marketing in business. International journal of advanced computer science and applications, 7(2), 637-646.
- Ang, S.H., Lee, Y.H. and Leong, S.M. (2012), “Necessary but not sufficient: beyond novelty in advertising creativity”, Journal of Marketing Communications, Vol. 20 No. 3, s. 214-230.
- Ay, C., Aytekin, P., & Nardali, S. (2010). Guerrilla Marketing Communication Tools and Ethical Problems in Guerilla Advertising. American Journal of Economics and Business Administration, 2 (3), s. 280-286.
- Baltes, G., & Leibing, I. (2008). Guerrilla marketing for information services?. New Library World, 109(1/2), 46-55.
- Baltes, G., & Leibing, I. (2008). Guerrilla marketing for information services? New Library World , 109 (1/2), s. 46-55.
- Bearden, W. O., Netemeyer, R. G., & Teel, J. E. (1989). Measurement of consumer susceptibility to interpersonal influence. Journal of consumer research, 15(4), 473-481.
- Behal, V., & Sareen, S. (2014). Guerilla Marketing: A Low Cost Marketing Strategy. International Journal of Management Research and Business Strategy, 3(1), 1-6.
- Bhat, S. Y., & Abulaish, M. (2013, August). Community-based features for identifying spammers in online social networks. In 2013 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM 2013) (pp. 100-107). IEEE.
- Biraghi, S., Gambetti, R. C., & Graffigna, G. (2015). An ecological definition of ambient communication: A discursive conceptualization. Journal of Marketing Communications, 21(1), 5-19.
- Centola, D. (2010). The spread of behavior in an online social network experiment. science, 329(5996), 1194-1197.
- Chadwick, S., & Burton, N. (2011). The evolving sophistication of ambush marketing: A typology of strategies.
Thunderbird International Business Review, 53(6), 709-719.
- Cook, G. R. (2013). Marketing in the 21st Century and beyond: Timeless Strategies for Success. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 30(7), 607-608.
- Dahlén, M., Granlund, A., & Grenros, M. (2009). The consumer-perceived value of non-traditional media: effects of brand reputation, appropriateness and expense. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 26(3), 155-163.
- Datta, S., Majumder, A., & Shrivastava, N. (2010, December). Viral marketing for mul- tiple products. Presented at the 2010 IEEE 10th International Conference on Data Mining, Sydney, Australia.
- Dickson, G., Naylor, M., & Phelps, S. (2015). Consumer attitudes towards ambush marketing. Sport Management Review, 18(2), 280-290.
- Edwards, S.M., H. Li and J.H. Lee, (2002). Forces exposure and psychological reactance: Antecedents and consequences of perceived intrusiveness of pop-up ads. J. Advertising, 31: 83-95.
- Erkan, I., Gokerik, M., & Acikgoz, F. (2019). The impacts of facebook ads on brand image, brand awareness, and brand equity. In Handbook of Research on Entrepreneurship and Marketing for Global Reach in the Digital
Economy (pp. 442-462). IGI Global.
- Galer-Unti, R. A. (2009). Guerilla advocacy: using aggressive marketing techniques for health policy change. Health promotion practice, 10(3), 325-327.
- Giannoulakis, C., Stotlar, D., & Chatziefstathiou, D. (2008). Olympic sponsorship: evolution, challenges and impact on the Olympic Movement. International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship, 9(4), 14-28.
- Gökerik, M., & Ebubekir, I. (2023). Üniversite öğrencilerinin Instagram’a yönelik algılarının metafor analizi ile incelenmesi. Finans Ekonomi ve Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 8(3), 647-659.
- Gökerik, M., Gürbüz, A., Erkan, I., Mogaji, E., & Sap, S. (2018). Surprise me with your ads! The impacts of guerrilla marketing in social media on brand image. Asia Pacific journal of marketing and logistics, 30(5), 1222-1238.
- Gökerik, M. (2024). İnfluencer pazarlaması: Sosyal medya liderlerinin gücü ve etkisine teorik bir yaklaşım. In Güncel Pazarlama Yöntemleri: Stratejilerden Uygulamalara (pp. 1-21). Serüven Yayınevi.
Guevara, E. C. 1960. Guerilla Warfare. New York: Monthly Review Press
- Gui-sheng, Y., Ji-jie, W., Hong-bin, D., & Jia, L. (2011, September). Intelligent Viral Marketing algorithm over online social network. In Networking and Distributed Computing (ICNDC), 2011 Second International Conference on (pp. 319-323). IEEE.
- Hafer, C. L., Reynolds, K. L., & Obertynski, M. A. (1996). Message comprehensibility and persuasion: Effects of complex language in counterattitudinal appeals to laypeople. Social Cognition, 14(4), 317-337.
- Himpe, T., and W. Collin. (2006). Advertising is dead: Long live advertising! Long live advertising! Over 200 inspiring campaigns for the New Marketplace. London: Thames & Hudson.
- Hutter, K. (2015). Unusual location and unexpected execution in advertising: A content analysis and test of effectiveness in ambient advertisements. Journal of Marketing Communications, 21(1), 33-47.
- Hutter, K., & Hoffmann, S. (2011). Guerrilla marketing: The nature of the concept and propositions for further research. Asian Journal of Marketing, 5(2), 39-54.
- Isen, A. M., & Shalker, T. E. (1982). The effect of feeling state on evaluation of positive, neutral, and negative stimuli: When you" accentuate the positive," do you" eliminate the negative"?. Social psychology quarterly.
- Jay, C. L., & Hanley, P. (1984). Guerrilla Marketing. Barnes and Noble,.
- Jurvetson, S. (2000). What exactly is viral marketing. Red Herring, 78, 110-112.
- Jurvetson, S., & Draper, T. (1997). Viral marketing phenomenon explained. Alıntılanan
- Kaden, R. J. (2006). Guerrilla marketing research: Marketing research techniques that can help any business make more money. Kogan Page Publishers.
- Kalamadi, S. (2012). Intellectual property and the business of sports management. Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 17(5), 437–442.
- Karimova, G. Z. (2014). Toward a Bakhtinian typology of ambient advertising. Journal of Marketing Communications, 20(4), 251-269.
- Kempe, D., Kleinberg, J., & Tardos, É. (2003, August). Maximizing the spread of influence through a social network. In Proceedings of the ninth ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge discovery and data mining (pp. 137-146).
- Kitsak, M., Gallos, L. K., Havlin, S., Liljeros, F., Muchnik, L., Stanley, H. E., & Makse, H. A. (2010). Identification of influential spreaders in complex networks. Nature physics, 6(11), 888-893.
- Klepek, M. (2014). Guerrilla marketing concept and further research possibilities. Opava: Silesian University in Opava, School of Business Administration in Karvina, 79-87.
- Lessne, G.J. and E.M. Notarantonio, 1988. The effect of limits in retail advertisements: A reactance theory perspective. Psychol. Market., 5: 33-44.
- Levinson, J. C. (1993). Guerrilla marketing excellence: The 50 golden rules for small-business success. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.
- Levinson, J. C. (1993). Guerrilla marketing excellence: The 50 golden rules for small-business success. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.
- Levinson, J. C. (1994). Guerrilla advertising: cost-effective techniques for small-business success. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.
- Levinson, J. C. (2007). Guerrilla Marketing: Easy and Inexpensive Strategies for Making Big Profits from Your SmallBusiness. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.
- Lichtenthaler, F. W., Kamm, B., Gruber, P. R., & Kamm, M. (2006). Biorefineries—Industrial Processes and Products, vol. 2 Wiley.
- Long, C., & Wong, R. C. W. (2011, December). Minimizing seed set for viral marketing. In Data Mining (ICDM), 2011 IEEE 11th International Conference on (pp. 427-436). IEEE.
- Luxton, S., and L. Drummond. (2000). “What is this Thing Called ‘Ambient Advertising’?” Paper presented at the Australian & New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference (ANZMAC 2000), Brisbane, Australia, November 28–December 1
- McQuarrie, E.F. and Mick, D.G. (1992), “On resonance: a critical pluralistic inquiry into advertising rhetoric”, Journal of Consumer Research, Vol. 19 No. 2, s. 180-197.
- Mochalova, A., & Nanopoulos, A. (2014). A targeted approach to viral marketing. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 13(4), 283-294.
- Nagar, K. (2015), “Consumers’ evaluation of ad-brand congruity in comparative advertising”, Journal of International Consumer Marketing, Vol. 27 No. 3, s. 253-276.
- Nufer, G. (2013). Guerrilla marketing—Innovative or parasitic marketing. Modern Economy, 4(9), 1-6.
- O’Reilly, N., & Horning, D. L. (2013). Leveraging sponsorship: The activation ratio. Sport Management Review, 16(4), 424-437.
- O’Reilly, N., Lyberger, M., McCarthy, L., Séguin, B., & Nadeau, J. (2008). Mega-special-event promotions and intent to purchase: A longitudinal analysis of the Super Bowl. Journal of Sport Management, 22(4), 392-409.
- Pham, M. T., & Johar, G. V. (2001). Market prominence biases in sponsor identification: Processes and consequentiality. Psychology and Marketing, 18(2), 123-143.
- Piątkowska, M., Żyśko, J., & Gocłowska, S. (2015). A systematic literature review on ambush marketing in sport. Physical Culture and Sport. Studies and Research, 66(1), 14-27.
- Pieters, R., Warlop, L. and Wedel, M. (2002), “Breaking through the clutter: benefits of advertisement originality and familiarity for brand attention and memory”, Management Science, Vol. 48 No. 6, s. 765-781.
- Preuss, H., Gemeinder, K., & Seguin, B. (2008). Ambush marketing in China: Counterbalancing Olympic sponsorship efforts. Asian Business & Management, 7(2), 243-263.
- Rosengren, S., Modig, E., & Dahlén, M. (2015). The value of ambient communication from a consumer perspective. Journal of Marketing Communications, 21(1), 20-32.
- Ruiz Mafé, C., & Sanz Blas, S. (2006). Explaining Internet dependency: An exploratory study of future purchase intention of Spanish Internet users. Internet research, 16(4), 380-397.
- Seth, R. (2010). Ambush marketing: Need for legislation in India. Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 15(6), 455–463.
- Shankar, A., & Horton, B. (1999). Ambient media: advertising's new media opportunity? International Journal of Advertising, 18(3), 305-321.
- Singh, P. (2012). Guerrilla Marketing: Revitalizing the Advertising Industry. Education, 3(6).
- Sorensen, L. (2008). The Anti-corrido of George Washington Gómez: A Narrative of Emergent Subject Formation. American Literature, 80(1), 111-140.
- Sudarević, T., Šurjanović, I., & Vlahović, B. (2015). Viral Marketing in the Food Industry: Canada vs. Serbia. Journal of International Food & Agribusiness Marketing, 27(2), 100-119.
- Till, B. D., & Busler, M. (2000). The match-up hypothesis: Physical attractiveness, expertise, and the role of fit on brand attitude, purchase intent and brand beliefs. Journal of advertising, 29(3), 1-13.
- Tsang, M.M., Ho, S.C. and Liang, T.P. (2004), “Consumer attitude toward mobile advertising: an empirical study”, International Journal of Electronic Commerce, Vol. 8 No. 3, s. 65-78.
- Wang, J. C., & Chang, C. H. (2013). How online social ties and product-related risks influence purchase intentions: A Facebook experiment. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 12(5), 337-346.
- West, D. C., Kover, A. J., & Caruana, A. (2008). Practitioner and customer views of advertising creativity: same concept, different meaning?. Journal of Advertising, 37(4), 35-46.
- Zhang, H., Zhou, S. And Shen, B. (2014), “Publictrust: a comprehensive investigation on perceived media credibility in China”, Asian Journal of Communication, Vol. 24 No. 2, s. 158-172.
- Zuo, L. and S. Veil, 2006. Guerilla Marketing and the aqua teen hunger force fiasco. Public Relat. Quart., 51: 8-11.