Ethical Principles and Publication Policy

Review Process
Articles sent to International Journal of Economics and Innovation should not have been published elsewhere or sent for publication. There is an Editorial Board of our journal. All submissions are subject to a double blind peer-review process. Articles sent to the journal are evaluated by the two reviewers who are the experts of the related field after the editorial check. Article is sent to a third one if any of the reviewers reports unfavorable decisions. In order the article to be published, both of the reviewers should report favorable decisions. The journal is an online one and the evaluation period of the manuscripts is 2 months at most. Following the favorable decisions of the reviewers, if the author requests one, a certificate of acceptance signed by the editor is sent. In addition, those articles that are accepted for the publication can be followed under “Accepted Submissions” section on the homepage.
All legal and scientific responsibility of the contents of the work belongs to the author(s).
Publication Frequency
International Journal of Economics and Innovation is a biannual journal published in April and October. The authors can send their work whenever they wish. The evaluation process completed articles are published taking the dates they are received into consideration.
Open Access Policy
With the principle of offering scientific researches to the public free of charge will increase global sharing, this journal provides instant Open Access to its content. The scientific essays published in the International Journal of Economics and Innovation can be downloaded freely, used, copied, distributed, transferred, scanned, linked to full text, indexed, transferred to any software and used for any legal purpose without being subject to any determent/ determination. Furthermore, on condition that the user cites to the original article, the work can be copied digitally, distributed, and published articles can be copied in finite numbers for personal usage.
Privacy Statement
The names and the e-mail addresses on this site are used according to the aims stated here, and are not open for any other purposes or to the usage of any other people.
Plagiarism Detection
Plagiarism detecetion will be done by using iThenticate software. Manuscripts sent to International Journal of Economics and Innovation, are reviewed at the pre-evaluation level with iThenticate software and those which do not provide the certain criterions are not evaluated and are rejected.
Copyright Notice

Authors declare and undertake that the articles sent to International Journal of Economics and Innovation to be evaluated and published, haven’t been published anywhere else before, haven’t been accepted to be published, and haven’t been sent to any other journal to be published. Authors hold the copyright and grant the first publishing right to the journal.
All legal responsibility of the contents of the work belongs to the author(s). No royalty rate is paid for the work. Manuscripts can be cited on condition that the user gives reference.
Publication Ethics
International Journal of Economics and Innovation undertakes to carry out publication ethics in the supreme standards and to follow publication guide prepared by Committee of Publication Ethics (COPE).
Editors’ Responsibilities
Editors provide the following ethical duties and responsibilities based on the COPE Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors published by the Committee on Publication Ethics:

* Editors should actively seek the views of authors, readers, reviewers and editorial board members about ways of improving their journal’s processes.
* Editors should encourage and be aware of research into peer review and reassess journal processes in the light of new findings.
* Editors should work to persuade their publishers to provide them with appropriate resources, guidance from experts (e.g. designers, lawyers) and adequate training to perform their role in a professional manner and raise the quality of their journal.
* Editors should support initiatives designed to reduce academic misconduct.
* Editors should support initiatives to educate researchers about publication ethics.
* Editors should assess the effects of their journal policies on author and reviewer behavior and revise policies, as required, to encourage responsible behavior and discourage misconduct.
* Editors should ensure that any press releases issued by the journal reflect the message of the reported article and put it into context.
Authors’ Responsibilities
Authors provide the following ethical duties and responsibilities based on the Responsible research publication: international standards for authors published by the Committee on Publication Ethics:
* Authors should adhere to publication requirements that submitted work is original and has not been published elsewhere in any language.
* Authors should declare that applicable copyright laws and conventions should be followed.
* Data, text, figures or ideas originated by other researchers should be properly acknowledged and should not be presented as if they were the authors’ own.
* Authors should abide by relevant conventions, requirements, and regulations to make materials, reagents, software or datasets available to other researchers who request them.
* Authors should present their results honestly and without fabrication, falsification or inappropriate data manipulation.
* Authors should attestation that each signatory fulfils the authorship criteria laid out in the journal’s authorship policy.
* Authors should declare that no other individuals deserving of authorship have been omitted.
* Authors should state contributions of each signatory.
* Authors should declare that the signatory takes responsibility for the integrity of those contributions.
Reviewers’ Responsibilities
Reviewers provide the following ethical duties and responsibilities based on the COPE Ethical Guidelines for Peer Reviewers published by the Committee on Publication Ethics:
* Peer reviewers should only agree to review manuscripts for which they have the subject expertise required to carry out a proper assessment and which they can assess in a timely manner.
* Peer reviewers should respect the confidentiality of peer review and not reveal any details of a manuscript or its review, during or after the peer-review process, beyond those that are released by the journal.
* Peer reviewers should not use information obtained during the peer-review process for their own or any other person’s or organization’s advantage, or to disadvantage or discredit others.
* Peer reviewers should declare all potential conflicting interests, seeking advice from the journal if they are unsure whether something constitutes a relevant interest.
* Peer reviewers should not allow their reviews to be influenced by the origins of a manuscript, by the nationality, religious or political beliefs, gender or other characteristics of the authors, or by commercial considerations.
* Peer reviewers should be objective and constructive in their reviews, refraining from being hostile or inflammatory and from making libelous or derogatory personal comments.
* Peer reviewers should acknowledge that peer review is largely a reciprocal endeavor and undertake to carry out their fair share of reviewing and in a timely manner.
* Peer reviewers should provide journals with personal and professional information that is accurate and a true representation of their expertise.
* Peer reviewers should recognize that impersonation of another individual during the review process is considered serious misconduct.

Last Update Time: 4/1/24, 3:02:10 PM

International Journal of Economics and Innovation

Karadeniz Technical University, Department of Economics, 61080, Trabzon/Türkiye