Writing Rules


The journal publishes scientific studies in various disciplines of social sciences.


1. Submissions should be between 4000 and 9000 words.
2. Submissions must not have been previously published in any form, either domestically or internationally. However, papers presented at scientific meetings (conferences, symposiums, seminars, etc.) and not published in full text may be accepted, provided that the place and date of the presentation are indicated.
3. Manuscripts must be submitted via https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/ufuksbedergi.
4. In accordance with ULAKBIM TR DIZIN requirements, submissions must include an Ethics Committee Approval document. Authors must clearly indicate and document this in their manuscripts. Detailed information is available in the "Ethical Principles and Publication Policy" section on the journal's website.
5. Manuscripts should be prepared in Microsoft Word, with single line spacing, 10 pt spacing after paragraphs, Times New Roman font, 12 pt size, and A4 paper size. Figures and tables in the text must adhere to these formatting standards.
6. The use of section breaks and page breaks should be avoided. Pages should not be numbered.
7. For articles in Turkish, the manuscript must include a Turkish title, an abstract (150–200 words), and keywords (3–5 words) under the authors' names, followed by the English title, abstract, and keywords. For articles in English, the reverse structure applies. Abstracts should be written in single line spacing and 11 pt font size.
8. Citations can be made using either footnotes or in-text references.
9. Appendices should include methodological details and supplementary information. Multiple appendices should be labeled as "Appendix A," "Appendix B," etc. Appendices should follow the References section.
10. Author information (academic title, affiliation, and email address) should be provided as a 10 pt footnote at the bottom of the first page.
11. Tables and figures must have titles and sequential numbers. Titles should appear above tables/figures, while sources should be placed below the tables.
12. Equations must be sequentially numbered, with numbers placed in parentheses on the right side of the page.
13. Page margins should be as follows: top: 2.5 cm, bottom: 2.5 cm, left: 2.5 cm, right: 2.5 cm. Pages should not be numbered.
14. The text should begin with an **Introduction** section on the second page and should be organized into appropriate sections. All sections should be numbered consecutively. Headings (including abstracts and titles) should be written in 12 pt font size. Section headings should be in uppercase (e.g., "1. INTRODUCTION"), while subsections should follow the format "1.1," "1.2," etc., with only the first letter of each word capitalized. The final section should be titled **Conclusion(s)/Discussion**, followed by **References** and, if applicable, **Acknowledgments** and **Appendices**. Optional lists of figures or tables may be placed before the References section.
15. Notations and abbreviations must follow the standard conventions of the relevant field or be defined upon their first occurrence. These can also be provided in a separate section following the Introduction.
16. All drawings, maps, graphs, and photographs should be treated as figures. Original, publication-ready figures must be submitted after the manuscript is accepted. Figures must be sequentially numbered (e.g., "Figure 1.") and appropriately titled. Titles should be written below the figures along with the figure number.
17. Tables must also be sequentially numbered (e.g., "Table 1.") and titled. Titles should appear above the tables along with the table number.
18. Citations to other works must follow one of the following formats:

**A. In-text citations:**
- Use the author's surname and year (e.g., "Author, 2010").
- For works by two authors, include both surnames and the year (e.g., "Author and Author, 2009").
- For works with three or more authors, use the first author's surname followed by "et al." and the year (e.g., "Author et al., 2023").
- Direct quotations longer than three lines should be enclosed in double quotation marks (“...”).

The control environment reflects how organizational patterns influence employees' awareness of control (Erdoğan, 2005).

19. **Explanatory Footnotes:**
Explanatory notes should be kept to a minimum and indicated with an asterisk (*) at the bottom of the page.

20. **References:**
- The heading "REFERENCES" should be left-aligned, written in uppercase, and bold.
- Use the most recent APA style for references.
- References should be listed alphabetically by the first author's surname.
- Works by the same first author should be ordered by co-authors' surnames or, if the same, by publication year (from oldest to newest).
- Include all authors' surnames and initials in the reference list.


1. Articles submitted to the **Ufuk University Journal of Social Sciences Institute** are reviewed by at least two referees and published only if deemed "Publishable."
2. Referees evaluate submissions based on originality, scientific contribution, literature use, compliance with academic writing conventions, research methods and findings (if applicable), style, and other critical elements. Their written assessments are forwarded to the Editorial Board.
3. If revisions are requested, authors must submit the revised manuscript within the specified timeframe. Revised manuscripts may be sent back to referees for re-evaluation.
4. Once approved, manuscripts are queued for publication, and the authors are informed.
5. Case studies, reports, news about scientific activities, book reviews and critiques, publication announcements and summaries, appendices to previously published articles, criticisms, responses to critiques, and similar works may also be published.
6. Decisions regarding these works are made solely by the Editorial Board, without requiring referee evaluation.
7. All submissions undergo preliminary review by the Editorial Board. Manuscripts unrelated to the journal’s scope or failing to meet scientific writing standards may be returned or revised before entering the peer review process.
8. Manuscripts can be written in Turkish or English.
9. Non-substantive edits may be made to accepted manuscripts.
10. Authors are not paid royalties for their published articles.
11. The identities of authors and referees are mutually anonymized.  

Last Update Time: 11/20/24, 11:37:21 AM