Prediction of the 5-Year Future of the Banking Sector in G20 Countries with ARIMA Method
Year 2019,
Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 26 - 38, 20.07.2019
Serkan Eti
Hasan Dinçer
Serhat Yüksel
In this study, it is
aimed to predict the future size of the banking sector of G20 countries. In
this context, 15 different countries whose data can be reached in the period of
1960-2018 were included in the scope of the study. These data were analyzed by
ARIMA method and forecasts were made for 2019-2023. According to the results of
the analysis, it is foreseen that the ratio of loans extended to private sector
by the banks to the GDP will increase in the next 5 years for 14 different G20
countries. This result indicates that the banking sector will be more effective
in the world in the future. However, it is estimated that this rate will
decrease for India in the next 5 years. Therefore, it would be appropriate for
the Indian government and authorities to take action on this issue.
- Abubakar, A. S., & Aduda, J. (2017). Islamic Banking and Investment Financing: A Case of Islamic Banking in Kenya. International Journal of Finance, 2(1), 66-87.
- Akyol, M., Tatoğlu, F. Y., & Ustaoğlu, M. (2017). Financing Economic Growth by Dual Banking in Malaysia: Empirical Evidence. In Balancing Islamic and Conventional Banking for Economic Growth (pp. 69-84). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
- Aleksynska, M. (2015). Banking crises, labour reforms, and unemployment: a comment. Journal of Comparative Economics, 43(4), 1135-1141.
- Al-Malkawi, H. A. N., & Pillai, R. (2018). Analyzing financial performance by integrating conventional governance mechanisms into the GCC Islamic banking framework. Managerial Finance, 44(5), 604-623.
- Amuakwa-Mensah, F., Klege, R. A., Adom, P. K., Amoah, A., & Hagan, E. (2018). Unveiling the energy saving role of banking performance in Sub-Sahara Africa. Energy Economics, 74, 828-842.
- Bernal-Verdugo, L. E., Furceri, D., & Guillaume, D. (2015). A reply to “Banking crises, labor reforms, and unemployment: A comment”. Journal of Comparative Economics, 43(4), 1142-1147.
- Cadenas, E., Rivera, W., Campos-Amezcua, R., & Heard, C. (2016). Wind speed prediction using a univariate ARIMA model and a multivariate NARX model. Energies, 9(2), 109.
- Cave, J., Chaudhuri, K., & Kumbhakar, S. C. (2019). Do banking sector and stock market development matter for economic growth?. Empirical Economics, 1-23.
- Daly, S., & Frikha, M. (2017). Determinants of bank performance: comparative study between conventional and Islamic banking in Bahrain. Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 8(2), 471-488.
- Dinçer, H., & Aracı, E. (2019). The Role of Effective Communication on Economic Development: The Effects of Political and Economic Crisis on the Performance of Turkish Economy. In Handbook of Research on Global Issues in Financial Communication and Investment Decision Making(pp. 74-94). IGI Global.
- Dinçer, H., & Yüksel, S. (2018). Comparative Evaluation of BSC-Based New Service Development Competencies in Turkish Banking Sector with the Integrated Fuzzy Hybrid MCDM Using Content Analysis. International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, 20(8), 2497-2516.
- Dinçer, H., Hacıoğlu, Ü., & Yüksel, S. (2017). A Strategic Approach to Global Financial Crisis in Banking Sector: A Critical Appraisal of Banking Strategies Using Fuzzy ANP and Fuzzy Topsis Methods. International Journal of Sustainable Economies Management (IJSEM), 6(1), 1-21.
- Dinçer, H., Yüksel, S., & Çetiner, İ. T. (2019b). Strategy Selection for Organizational Performance of Turkish Banking Sector With the Integrated Multi-Dimensional Decision-Making Approach. In Handbook of Research on Contemporary Approaches in Management and Organizational Strategy (pp. 273-291). IGI Global.
- Dinçer, H., Yüksel, S., Eti, S., & Tula, A. (2019e). Effects of Demographic Characteristics on Business Success: An Evidence From Turkish Banking Sector. In Handbook of Research on Business Models in Modern Competitive Scenarios (pp. 304-324). IGI Global.
- Dinçer, H., Yüksel, S., Kartal, M. T., & Alpman, G. (2019c). Corporate Governance-Based Evaluation of Alternative Distribution Channels in the Turkish Banking Sector Using Quality Function Deployment With an Integrated Fuzzy MCDM Method. In Intergenerational Governance and Leadership in the Corporate World: Emerging Research and Opportunities(pp. 39-77). IGI Global.
- Dinçer, H., Yüksel, S., Pınarbaşı, F., & Çetiner, İ. T. (2019d). Measurement of Economic and Banking Stability in Emerging Markets by Considering Income Inequality and Nonperforming Loans. In Maintaining Financial Stability in Times of Risk and Uncertainty (pp. 49-68). IGI Global.
- Dinçer, H., Yüksel, S., Yazici, M., & Pınarbaşı, F. (2019a). Assessing Corporate Social Responsibilities in the Banking Sector: As a Tool of Strategic Communication During the Global Financial Crisis. In Handbook of Research on Global Issues in Financial Communication and Investment Decision Making (pp. 1-27). IGI Global.
- Ding, S., Li, Y., Wu, D., Zhang, Y., & Yang, S. (2018). Time-aware cloud service recommendation using similarity-enhanced collaborative filtering and ARIMA model. Decision Support Systems, 107, 103-115.
- Dorraji, A., & Abbasi, G. (2017). Study the Relation between Banking System Concentration and Unemployment-Rate in Iran. International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 7(4), 28-32.
- Doyle, N., Hermans, L., Molitor, P. A., & Weistroffer, C. (2016). Shadow banking in the euro area: risks and vulnerabilities in the investment fund sector. ECB Occasional Paper, (174).
- Eroğlu, N., & Kara, F. (2017). Makro İhtiyati Para Politikası Araçları ve Türkiye Uygulaması Üzerine Genel Bir Bakış. International Journal of Finance & Banking Studies (2147-4486), 6(2), 60-69.
- Feldenkirchen, W. (2017). Banking and Economic Growth: Banks and Industry in Germany in the Nineteenth Century and their Changing Relationship During Industrialisation. In German industry and German industrialisation (pp. 116-147). Routledge.
- Feldmann, H. (2015). Banking system concentration and unemployment in developing countries. Journal of Economics and Business, 77, 60-78.
- Ghosh, A. (2017). How does banking sector globalization affect economic growth?. International Review of Economics & Finance, 48, 83-97.
- Ibrahim, A., Hammed, A., Lateef, A., & Blessing, O. (2015). Information and Communication Technology and Unemployment: Is Technology Labor-substitutive in the Nigerian Banking Industry?. Ethiopian Journal of Business and Economics (The), 5(2), 250-268.
- Ibrahim, M. H. (2015). Issues in Islamic banking and finance: Islamic banks, Shari’ah-compliant investment and sukuk. Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 34, 185-191.
- Kalkavan, H., & Ersin, I. (2019). Determination of Factors Affecting the South East Asian Crisis of 1997 Probit-Logit Panel Regression: The South East Asian Crisis. In Handbook of Research on Global Issues in Financial Communication and Investment Decision Making (pp. 148-167). IGI Global.
- Kandilov, I. T., Leblebicioğlu, A., & Petkova, N. (2016). The impact of banking deregulation on inbound foreign direct investment: Transaction-level evidence from the United States. Journal of International Economics, 100, 138-159.
- Kumar, S. V., & Vanajakshi, L. (2015). Short-term traffic flow prediction using seasonal ARIMA model with limited input data. European Transport Research Review, 7(3), 21.
- Maradin, D., Drazenovic, B. O., & Benkovic, S. (2018). Performance evaluation of banking sector by using DEA method. Economic and Social Development: Book of Proceedings, 684-690.
- Mastromatteo, G., & Esposito, L. (2017). Banking on ELR: How Hyman Minsky’s Ideas Can Help Tackle Unemployment. Journal of Economic Issues, 51(3), 635-650.
- Mirzaei, A., & Moore, T. (2016). Banking performance and industry growth in an oil-rich economy: Evidence from Qatar. The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 60, 58-69.
- Morrison, A. D., Schenone, C., Thegeya, A., & Wilhelm Jr, W. J. (2018). Investment-Banking Relationships: 1933–2007. Review of Corporate Finance Studies, 7(2), 194-244.
- Neanidis, K. C. (2019). Volatile capital flows and economic growth: The role of banking supervision. Journal of Financial Stability, 40, 77-93.
- Nezhad, S. M. T., Nazari, M., & Gharavol, E. A. (2016). A novel DoS and DDoS attacks detection algorithm using ARIMA time series model and chaotic system in computer networks. IEEE Communications Letters, 20(4), 700-703.
- Nouaili, M. A., Abaoub, E., & Anis, O. C. H. I. (2015). The determinants of banking performance in front of financial changes: Case of Trade Banks in Tunisia. International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 5(2), 410-417.
- Platonova, E., Asutay, M., Dixon, R., & Mohammad, S. (2018). The impact of corporate social responsibility disclosure on financial performance: Evidence from the GCC Islamic banking sector. Journal of Business Ethics, 151(2), 451-471.
- Shukur, O. B., & Lee, M. H. (2015). Daily wind speed forecasting through hybrid KF-ANN model based on ARIMA. Renewable Energy, 76, 637-647.
- Sugarda, P. P., & Wicaksono, M. R. (2017). Strengthening Indonesia's Economic Resilience through Regulatory Reforms in Banking, Investment and Competition Law. Journal of Economic & Management Perspectives, 11(3), 1093-1103.
- Tang, H. M., & Ho, C. M. (2017). Banking, Stock Market and Economic Growth in Four ASEAN Countries: Evidence from Linear and Nonlinear Methods. IUP Journal of Applied Finance, 23(2), 5.
- Yaseen, Z., & Naqvi, S. R. (2018). Factors Affecting investment Decision in banking sector of Pakistan: Analysis of Islamic and conventional Banks. Journal of Islamic Financial Studies, 4(01), 57-74.
- Yuan, C., Liu, S., & Fang, Z. (2016). Comparison of China's primary energy consumption forecasting by using ARIMA (the autoregressive integrated moving average) model and GM (1, 1) model. Energy, 100, 384-390.
- Yüksel, S., Dinçer, H., & Emir, Ş. (2017). Comparing the performance of Turkish deposit banks by using DEMATEL, Grey Relational Analysis (GRA) and MOORA approaches. World Journal of Applied Economics, 3(2), 26-47.
Year 2019,
Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 26 - 38, 20.07.2019
Serkan Eti
Hasan Dinçer
Serhat Yüksel
Bu çalışmada, G20
ülkelerinin bankacılık sektörünün gelecekteki büyüklüğü tahmin edilmeye
çalışılacaktır. Bu çerçevede, 1960-2018 dönem aralığındaki verilerine
ulaşılabilen 15 farklı ülke inceleme kapsamına alınmıştır. Söz konusu veriler
ARIMA yöntemi ile analiz edilmiş ve 2019-2023 yıllarına yönelik tahminlerde
bulunulmuştur. Elde edilen analiz sonuçlarına göre, 14 farklı G20 ülkesi için
önümüzdeki 5 yıl içerisinde bankalar tarafından özel sektöre verilen kredilerin
GSYİH rakamına oranının artacağı öngörülmektedir. Belirtilen bu sonuç,
gelecekte bankacılık sektörünün dünyada daha etkin olacağını ifade etmektedir.
Buna karşın, Hindistan için önümüzdeki 5 yılda bu oranın azalacağı tahmin
edilmektedir. Bundan dolayı, Hindistan hükümetinin ve yetkili kuruluşların bu
konuya yönelik aksiyon almaları yerinde olacaktır.
- Abubakar, A. S., & Aduda, J. (2017). Islamic Banking and Investment Financing: A Case of Islamic Banking in Kenya. International Journal of Finance, 2(1), 66-87.
- Akyol, M., Tatoğlu, F. Y., & Ustaoğlu, M. (2017). Financing Economic Growth by Dual Banking in Malaysia: Empirical Evidence. In Balancing Islamic and Conventional Banking for Economic Growth (pp. 69-84). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
- Aleksynska, M. (2015). Banking crises, labour reforms, and unemployment: a comment. Journal of Comparative Economics, 43(4), 1135-1141.
- Al-Malkawi, H. A. N., & Pillai, R. (2018). Analyzing financial performance by integrating conventional governance mechanisms into the GCC Islamic banking framework. Managerial Finance, 44(5), 604-623.
- Amuakwa-Mensah, F., Klege, R. A., Adom, P. K., Amoah, A., & Hagan, E. (2018). Unveiling the energy saving role of banking performance in Sub-Sahara Africa. Energy Economics, 74, 828-842.
- Bernal-Verdugo, L. E., Furceri, D., & Guillaume, D. (2015). A reply to “Banking crises, labor reforms, and unemployment: A comment”. Journal of Comparative Economics, 43(4), 1142-1147.
- Cadenas, E., Rivera, W., Campos-Amezcua, R., & Heard, C. (2016). Wind speed prediction using a univariate ARIMA model and a multivariate NARX model. Energies, 9(2), 109.
- Cave, J., Chaudhuri, K., & Kumbhakar, S. C. (2019). Do banking sector and stock market development matter for economic growth?. Empirical Economics, 1-23.
- Daly, S., & Frikha, M. (2017). Determinants of bank performance: comparative study between conventional and Islamic banking in Bahrain. Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 8(2), 471-488.
- Dinçer, H., & Aracı, E. (2019). The Role of Effective Communication on Economic Development: The Effects of Political and Economic Crisis on the Performance of Turkish Economy. In Handbook of Research on Global Issues in Financial Communication and Investment Decision Making(pp. 74-94). IGI Global.
- Dinçer, H., & Yüksel, S. (2018). Comparative Evaluation of BSC-Based New Service Development Competencies in Turkish Banking Sector with the Integrated Fuzzy Hybrid MCDM Using Content Analysis. International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, 20(8), 2497-2516.
- Dinçer, H., Hacıoğlu, Ü., & Yüksel, S. (2017). A Strategic Approach to Global Financial Crisis in Banking Sector: A Critical Appraisal of Banking Strategies Using Fuzzy ANP and Fuzzy Topsis Methods. International Journal of Sustainable Economies Management (IJSEM), 6(1), 1-21.
- Dinçer, H., Yüksel, S., & Çetiner, İ. T. (2019b). Strategy Selection for Organizational Performance of Turkish Banking Sector With the Integrated Multi-Dimensional Decision-Making Approach. In Handbook of Research on Contemporary Approaches in Management and Organizational Strategy (pp. 273-291). IGI Global.
- Dinçer, H., Yüksel, S., Eti, S., & Tula, A. (2019e). Effects of Demographic Characteristics on Business Success: An Evidence From Turkish Banking Sector. In Handbook of Research on Business Models in Modern Competitive Scenarios (pp. 304-324). IGI Global.
- Dinçer, H., Yüksel, S., Kartal, M. T., & Alpman, G. (2019c). Corporate Governance-Based Evaluation of Alternative Distribution Channels in the Turkish Banking Sector Using Quality Function Deployment With an Integrated Fuzzy MCDM Method. In Intergenerational Governance and Leadership in the Corporate World: Emerging Research and Opportunities(pp. 39-77). IGI Global.
- Dinçer, H., Yüksel, S., Pınarbaşı, F., & Çetiner, İ. T. (2019d). Measurement of Economic and Banking Stability in Emerging Markets by Considering Income Inequality and Nonperforming Loans. In Maintaining Financial Stability in Times of Risk and Uncertainty (pp. 49-68). IGI Global.
- Dinçer, H., Yüksel, S., Yazici, M., & Pınarbaşı, F. (2019a). Assessing Corporate Social Responsibilities in the Banking Sector: As a Tool of Strategic Communication During the Global Financial Crisis. In Handbook of Research on Global Issues in Financial Communication and Investment Decision Making (pp. 1-27). IGI Global.
- Ding, S., Li, Y., Wu, D., Zhang, Y., & Yang, S. (2018). Time-aware cloud service recommendation using similarity-enhanced collaborative filtering and ARIMA model. Decision Support Systems, 107, 103-115.
- Dorraji, A., & Abbasi, G. (2017). Study the Relation between Banking System Concentration and Unemployment-Rate in Iran. International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 7(4), 28-32.
- Doyle, N., Hermans, L., Molitor, P. A., & Weistroffer, C. (2016). Shadow banking in the euro area: risks and vulnerabilities in the investment fund sector. ECB Occasional Paper, (174).
- Eroğlu, N., & Kara, F. (2017). Makro İhtiyati Para Politikası Araçları ve Türkiye Uygulaması Üzerine Genel Bir Bakış. International Journal of Finance & Banking Studies (2147-4486), 6(2), 60-69.
- Feldenkirchen, W. (2017). Banking and Economic Growth: Banks and Industry in Germany in the Nineteenth Century and their Changing Relationship During Industrialisation. In German industry and German industrialisation (pp. 116-147). Routledge.
- Feldmann, H. (2015). Banking system concentration and unemployment in developing countries. Journal of Economics and Business, 77, 60-78.
- Ghosh, A. (2017). How does banking sector globalization affect economic growth?. International Review of Economics & Finance, 48, 83-97.
- Ibrahim, A., Hammed, A., Lateef, A., & Blessing, O. (2015). Information and Communication Technology and Unemployment: Is Technology Labor-substitutive in the Nigerian Banking Industry?. Ethiopian Journal of Business and Economics (The), 5(2), 250-268.
- Ibrahim, M. H. (2015). Issues in Islamic banking and finance: Islamic banks, Shari’ah-compliant investment and sukuk. Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 34, 185-191.
- Kalkavan, H., & Ersin, I. (2019). Determination of Factors Affecting the South East Asian Crisis of 1997 Probit-Logit Panel Regression: The South East Asian Crisis. In Handbook of Research on Global Issues in Financial Communication and Investment Decision Making (pp. 148-167). IGI Global.
- Kandilov, I. T., Leblebicioğlu, A., & Petkova, N. (2016). The impact of banking deregulation on inbound foreign direct investment: Transaction-level evidence from the United States. Journal of International Economics, 100, 138-159.
- Kumar, S. V., & Vanajakshi, L. (2015). Short-term traffic flow prediction using seasonal ARIMA model with limited input data. European Transport Research Review, 7(3), 21.
- Maradin, D., Drazenovic, B. O., & Benkovic, S. (2018). Performance evaluation of banking sector by using DEA method. Economic and Social Development: Book of Proceedings, 684-690.
- Mastromatteo, G., & Esposito, L. (2017). Banking on ELR: How Hyman Minsky’s Ideas Can Help Tackle Unemployment. Journal of Economic Issues, 51(3), 635-650.
- Mirzaei, A., & Moore, T. (2016). Banking performance and industry growth in an oil-rich economy: Evidence from Qatar. The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 60, 58-69.
- Morrison, A. D., Schenone, C., Thegeya, A., & Wilhelm Jr, W. J. (2018). Investment-Banking Relationships: 1933–2007. Review of Corporate Finance Studies, 7(2), 194-244.
- Neanidis, K. C. (2019). Volatile capital flows and economic growth: The role of banking supervision. Journal of Financial Stability, 40, 77-93.
- Nezhad, S. M. T., Nazari, M., & Gharavol, E. A. (2016). A novel DoS and DDoS attacks detection algorithm using ARIMA time series model and chaotic system in computer networks. IEEE Communications Letters, 20(4), 700-703.
- Nouaili, M. A., Abaoub, E., & Anis, O. C. H. I. (2015). The determinants of banking performance in front of financial changes: Case of Trade Banks in Tunisia. International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 5(2), 410-417.
- Platonova, E., Asutay, M., Dixon, R., & Mohammad, S. (2018). The impact of corporate social responsibility disclosure on financial performance: Evidence from the GCC Islamic banking sector. Journal of Business Ethics, 151(2), 451-471.
- Shukur, O. B., & Lee, M. H. (2015). Daily wind speed forecasting through hybrid KF-ANN model based on ARIMA. Renewable Energy, 76, 637-647.
- Sugarda, P. P., & Wicaksono, M. R. (2017). Strengthening Indonesia's Economic Resilience through Regulatory Reforms in Banking, Investment and Competition Law. Journal of Economic & Management Perspectives, 11(3), 1093-1103.
- Tang, H. M., & Ho, C. M. (2017). Banking, Stock Market and Economic Growth in Four ASEAN Countries: Evidence from Linear and Nonlinear Methods. IUP Journal of Applied Finance, 23(2), 5.
- Yaseen, Z., & Naqvi, S. R. (2018). Factors Affecting investment Decision in banking sector of Pakistan: Analysis of Islamic and conventional Banks. Journal of Islamic Financial Studies, 4(01), 57-74.
- Yuan, C., Liu, S., & Fang, Z. (2016). Comparison of China's primary energy consumption forecasting by using ARIMA (the autoregressive integrated moving average) model and GM (1, 1) model. Energy, 100, 384-390.
- Yüksel, S., Dinçer, H., & Emir, Ş. (2017). Comparing the performance of Turkish deposit banks by using DEMATEL, Grey Relational Analysis (GRA) and MOORA approaches. World Journal of Applied Economics, 3(2), 26-47.