Volume: 5 Issue: 2, 1/5/24

Year: 2023

The main purpose of the International Journal of Law and Social Science Studies is to contribute to the national and international literature by publishing original and scientific articles in the fields of law and other social sciences.

Our journal is a journal published electronically twice a year, in June and December.
The content of UHUSBAD consists of studies between law and other social sciences. In this context, articles, decision reviews and legislative evaluations from academicians, researchers and practitioners are accepted. The publication language of the journal is Turkish and English.

Journal Open Access Policy

UHUSBAD provides open access, as it adopts the principle that scientific research will be provided free of charge to humanity and that it will increase the global sharing of knowledge.
However, the articles published in the journal, provided that they are cited in accordance with scientific ethics and rules, through the internet; It can be freely accessed, read, downloaded, copied, distributed, printed, scanned, linked to full texts, indexed, transferred as data to software and used for any legal purpose, without financial, legal or technical barriers. Written permission from the journal is required for commercial use of the content.
All of the studies published in our journal are open to free and continuous access in the archive of our journal (https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/uhusbad) with all their appendices.

* The authors are not charged an application and evaluation fee for the articles.

*Authors who send articles to our journal are deemed to have transferred the copyright of the work they sent to the journal free of charge.

1. Turkish abstract (maximum 300 words, Turkish and English Abstracts should not exceed one page. Accordingly, the font size can be shortened.) and keywords (maximum 8 words), English title of the article, English abstract and keywords should be complete. The abstract and keywords should be placed right after the title.

2. The article should consist of at least 2000 words and at most 15000 words.

3. The page dimensions of the journal can be adjusted by giving 2.5 cm from the top, 2.5 from the bottom, 2.5 cm from the left and 2.5 cm from the right. In other words, the dimensions of the area reserved for the text should be used as 16 x 24 cm. The following dimensions should be taken into account in the tables and special drawings. It would be appropriate to pay attention to this measure so that there are no shifts and distortions in the figures in the tables.

4. In the text;

Typeface Times New Roman,
The title of the article is 18 pt, bold, lowercase, left justified,
Author names are in 14-point, lowercase, surnames are capitalized, justified to the right,
Abstract, Keywords, Abstract, Keywords and texts in italics, 10 font size, English text of the article title in bold, italic, 11 font and left aligned,
Main headings are 14 pt, bold, left justified and lowercase,
Second headings should be in 12 font size, bold, left justified and in lower case.
Third headings are 11 pt, bold, italic, left justified and lowercase,
The fourth headings are 11 pt, italic, left aligned and lower case.
Line spacing in the text is single, 11 pt, justified and 2nk space after paragraphs,
References should be used in 10 points and left justified.
Abbreviations should be written clearly when first shown and abbreviated form in parentheses. It should be given in abbreviated form in later screenings.
Table and Figure explanations should be placed above the relevant table and figure. After the table and figure number, a period should be placed and the table and figure title should be given. The first words of the titles should start with capital letters (Example: Table 1. Income per Person by Years). If the table or figure is taken from another work, the reference should be placed under the table or figure in small font size in italics, in accordance with the reference rules. Tables and figures should be prepared in accordance with black and white printing.
In the text, "double quotes" should be used in direct quotations not exceeding three lines. Double quotes should not be used in the text, except for direct quotations.
When quoting long (more than three lines) from a source, it should be indented from the right and left (0.5 cm) and in 10 font size (without quotes). At the end of the citation, the cited source should be given in parentheses along with the page number.
Special terms and phrases in the text should be shown in 'single quotes'. If it is not a proper name, the words inside the quotation should be written in lower case. Single quotes or italics should be preferred (rather than underlined or bold) for words or phrases that are to be emphasized.
Foreign words in the text should be written in italics. If a Turkish term or phrase is to be given in a foreign language, it should be written in italics in parentheses.
Numbers in the text should be written in text if they are single-digit, and in numbers if they are two or more digits.
When numbering in the text, point should be preferred instead of th/third/th suffixes.
The % sign should be used for the word percent.
If a citation is made from within another citation, it should be cited with the phrase 'cited by'.
5. In-text citation system should be used in articles. Explanations other than references should be stated in footnote form at the bottom of the relevant page. Every reference in the text must be included in the bibliography. Works that are not cited in the text should not be included in the bibliography.

6. Citations in the text should be given in parentheses (author/authors' surname, publication year of the source: following the relevant page number order) and the bibliography list containing the complete and full citation of the references used should be shown at the end of the text in accordance with the citation system.

APA style should be used as the source writing format. According to their nature, some of the spellings of the source in the citations in the text and in the bibliography are shown below:

single author books

In Text:

(Mardin, 2005: 56)

In the bibliography:

Mardin, S. (2005). Political Ideas of the Young Turks, 1895-1908. Istanbul: İletişim Publications.

Single author articles

In Text:

(Mardin, 1966: 56)

In the bibliography:

Mardin, S. (1966). “Opposition and Control in Turkey”. Government and Opposition, 1(3), 375-387.

Books with two authors:

In the text:

(Horkheimer and Adorno, 1995: 35)

In the bibliography:

Horkheimer, M. and T. Adorno (1996). Dialectics of Enlightenment, Philosophical Fragments I. (Trans. Oğuz Özügül). Istanbul: Kabalci Publishing House.

Articles with two authors

In the text:

(Grey and Garsten, 2001: 240)

In the bibliography:

Grey, C., and C. Garsten. (2001). “Trust, Control and Post-Bureaucracy”. Organization Studies, 22(2), 229-250.

Books with more than two authors

In the text:

(Arrighi et al., 1995: 51)

In the bibliography:

Arrighi, G., T. K. Hopkins and I. Wallerstein (1995). Anti-System Movements. (Trans. C. Kanat, B. Somay, S. Sökmen). Istanbul: Metis Publications.

Articles with more than two authors

In the text:

(Held et al., 2012: 215)

In the bibliography:

Held, D., A. McGrew, D. Goldblatt and J. Perraton (1999). "Globalization". Global Governance, 5(4), 483-496.

Compilation publications:

In the text:

(Kalaycıoğlu and Sarıbay, 1986: 3)

In the bibliography:

Kalaycıoğlu, E. and A. Y. Sarıbay (Ed.) (2011). Development of Turkish Political Life. Istanbul: Beta Publishing.

Articles included in compilation publications:

In the text:

(Mardin, 1986: 39).

In the bibliography:

Mardin, S. (1986). Extreme Westernization After the Tanzimat. Development of Turkish Political Life. (Ed. E. Kalaycıoğlu and A. Y. Sarıbay). Istanbul: Beta Publishing.

If an author has more than one publication of the same date:

In the text:

(Mardin, 1990a: 61)

(Mardin, 1990b: 55)

In the bibliography:

Mardin, S. (1990a). “Civil…

Mardin, S. (1990b). The Development of Economic Thought in Turkey…

Authorless/collective publications:

In the text:

(TODAIE, 1991: 101)

In the bibliography:

TODAIE (1966). Central Government Organization Establishment and Duties, Central Government Organization Research Project Report, Ankara: TODAIE Publication.

Quotations from secondary source:

In the text:

(Parsons, 1951: 170 cited in Mardin, 1983: 29)

In the bibliography:

Mardin, S. (1983). Religion and Ideology. Istanbul: İletişim Publications.

Citations from electronic media:

a) If the citation is from the work of an author, references in the text should be made using the same method as in written sources; In the bibliography, the surname of the author/authors, the date of publication or revision, the full name of the document, the complete http or ftp address in parentheses and the date of accessing the document should be given in accordance with the example below.

In the text:

(Chhotray and Stoker, 2009)

In the bibliography:

Chhotray, V. and G. Stoker (2009), Governance: from theory to practice, https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1057/9780230583344_10#page-1 (06.04.2017).

b) If the citation is made directly from a site, the general address of the web site and the year of reaching the site should be given in parentheses for references within the text. In the bibliography, the web address, including the sub-addresses, should be given in parentheses together with the date of reaching the site (day, month and year).

In the text:

(data.worldbank.org, 2017)

In the bibliography:

http://databank.worldbank.org/data/reports.aspx?source=2&type=metadata&series=SI.POV.NAHC (30.05.2017)

Ethical Principles

The publication process of the International Journal of Law and Social Science Studies is based on the impartial production, development and sharing of knowledge by scientific method; Adhering to academic principles, in line with the determined academic and ethical standards, it is committed to prevent malpractices in publishing.

Peer-reviewed studies are studies that embody and support the scientific method. It is important that authors, readers and researchers, reviewers and editors comply with ethical standards in publication processes. All stakeholders are expected to bear ethical responsibilities within the scope of the publication ethics of the International Journal of Law and Social Science Studies.

The principles published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) are adopted as open access in ethical duties and responsibilities in the International Journal of Law and Social Science Studies.

Code of Ethics

Within the scope of publication ethics of the International Journal of Law and Social Science Studies, all stakeholders are expected to have the following ethical responsibilities:

Author's Responsibilities

· It is the author's responsibility that the studies submitted for publication bear academic and scientific qualifications.

· The author declares that all data in the article are original.

· Citations and bibliography must be given completely.

· Although the plagiarism screening will be controlled by the journal, the author is fully responsible for plagiarism and the results are for the author(s).

· A study sent to the journal should not be sent to another journal or journals at the same time. It should be ensured that all authors whose names will be written in the article contribute to the research. It is against scientific ethics to show people who do not have academic contributions as additional authors or to rank the authors by non-scientific criteria such as title, age and gender, regardless of the order of contribution.

· It is assumed that the authors who submit articles to the journal have read and accepted the journal's ethical rules, publication principles and writing principles. Authors should take into account the "Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Directive" specified by the Council of Higher Education.

In articles to be published in journals, whether ethics committee permission and/or legal/special permission is required should be stated in the article. If it is necessary to obtain these permissions, it should be clearly presented from which institution, on what date and with what decision or issue number.

If the study requires the use of human and animal subjects, it should be declared that the study was carried out in accordance with the international declaration, guideline, etc.

Referee Responsibilities

· The referees should act with the awareness that they are the main determinants of the academic quality of the article to be published in the journal and should evaluate with the responsibility of increasing the academic quality.

· Reviewers should only accept refereeing of articles for which they have the expertise necessary to make an appropriate assessment.

· After the article review process, any information about the reviewed article should not be shared with others in any way.

· Reviewers should only evaluate the accuracy of the content of the articles and their compliance with academic criteria. The fact that the opinions expressed in the article are different from the opinions of the referee should not affect the evaluation.

· Referee reports should be objective and measured. Insulting, derogatory and accusatory expressions should be avoided.

· Referees should avoid superficial and vague expressions in their evaluation reports. In the evaluations with negative results, the missing and faulty points on which the result is based should be explained in a concrete way.

· The referees should evaluate the articles within the time allotted to them. If they are not going to evaluate, they should notify the journal within a reasonable time.

Editorial Responsibilities

· Editors should accept articles that will contribute to the relevant fields specified in the journal policy, into the evaluation process.

· Editors should prioritize academic concerns and criteria when accepting articles to the journal.

· Editors have full responsibility and authority to accept or reject an article.

· Editors should not have a conflict of interest/relationship with the authors of the articles they accept or reject.

· Support the publication or withdrawal of corrections when errors are found.

· Editors should make every effort to prevent plagiarism/fake data.

· It is the responsibility of the editors to keep the names of the referees and authors mutually confidential.

In the selection of the referees, the author should not give referees to people who have previously published collaborative studies, helped in the preliminary readings of their studies, who were known to have problems with them before, who would benefit financially from the publication of the study, and who work in the same institution/unit as the author.

Publication Policy

Journal Open Access Policy
UHUSBAD provides open access, as it adopts the principle that scientific research will be provided free of charge to humanity and that it will increase the global sharing of knowledge.
However, the articles published in the journal, provided that they are cited in accordance with scientific ethics and rules, through the internet; It can be freely accessed, read, downloaded, copied, distributed, printed, scanned, linked to full texts, indexed, transferred as data to software and used for any legal purpose, without financial, legal or technical barriers. Written permission from the journal is required for commercial use of the content.
All of the studies published in our journal are open to free and continuous access in the archive of our journal (https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/uhusbad/archive), together with all their appendices.
In addition, all content of the journal is available immediately after publication.

The evaluation period of the articles is approximately 4 months. After the article is uploaded to the system by the author, if it is found appropriate during the preliminary examination phase, a referee is appointed. The process is completed according to the response time of the article from the referees.

There is no charge for publication of the article and the execution of the article processes in the journal. No processing fee or publication fee is charged for articles submitted to the journal or accepted for publication.

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