Research Article
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Year 2022, Volume: 6 Issue: 4, 1340 - 1357, 31.12.2022


The main purpose of the study is to investigate resilience (emotional resilience), hope, and job dissatisfaction based on the personal differences and work-related changes of remote working employees because of the COVID-19 pandemic period. The study is designed as a quantitative study with a quota sampling method. The data for the hypotheses prepared for the research question is obtained by the survey method. In addition to the socio-demographic information form, job dissatisfaction, resilience, and hope scales are used to test the hypotheses. The study sample consists of 269 participants working remotely due to COVID-19 pandemic. Hypotheses are analysed with difference and relation tests. It was concluded that there was a significant and negative correlation between job dissatisfaction for both hope and resilience, job dissatisfaction negatively affects the hope and resilience level of employees, but socio-demographic characteristics were not determinative on their emotinal experiences. In addition to these findings, regardless of the conditions, the respondents who experienced remote work had high levels of resilience ( mean=4.0384) and hope (mean=4.0019) and low levels of job dissatisfaction (mean=1.9182). Accordingly, hope and resilience are essential to overcome job dissatisfaction, which is a vital outcome discussed in the literature. Increasing these capacities is both beneficial for employees who are working in unusual circumstances and for generally desired organizational outcomes.


  • Am, E. N., Affandi, A., Udobong, A., & Sarwani, S. (2020). Implementation Of Human Resource Management In The Adaptation Period For New Habits. International Journal of Educational Administration, Management and Leadership, 19-26. Doi:
  • Bardoel, E. A., Pettit, T. M., De Cieri, H., & Mcmillan, L. (2014). Employee Resilience: An Emerging Challenge For Hrm. Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 52(3), 279-297. Doi:
  • Baruch, Y., & Nicholson, N. (1997). Home, Sweet Work: Requirements For Effective Home Working. Journal of General Management, 23(2), 15-30. Doi:
  • Bellmann, L., & Hübler, O. (2020). Working From Home, Job Satisfaction And Work–Life Balance–Robust Or Heterogeneous Links?. International Journal of Manpower. 42 (3), 424-441. Doi:
  • Beňo, M. (2021). The Advantages and Disadvantages of E-Working: An Examination Using an Aldine Analysis. Emerging Science Journal, 5, 11-20. Doi:
  • Bowling, N. A., Eschleman, K. J., & Wang, Q. (2010). A Meta‐Analytic Examination of The Relationship Between Job Satisfaction and Subjective Well‐Being. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 83(4), 915-934. Doi:
  • Bridges, E. M. (1980). Job Satisfaction and Teacher Absenteeism. Educational Administration Quarterly, 16(2), 41-56. Doi:
  • Brooke, P. P., Russell, D. W., & Price, J. L. (1988). Discriminant Validation of Measures of Job Satisfaction, Job Involvement, and Organizational Commitment. Journal of Applied Psychology, 73(2), 139. Doi:
  • Brush, D. H., Moch, M. K., & Pooyan, A. (1987). Individual Demographic Differences and Job Satisfaction. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 8(2), 139-155. Doi:
  • Chitra, A. (2020). Study on Impact of Occupational Stress on Job Satisfaction of Teachers During Covid-19 Pandemic Period. Global Development Review, 4(2), 52-62.
  • Curtis, W. J., & Cicchetti, D. (2003). Moving Research on Resilience into The 21st Century: Theoretical and Methodological Considerations in Examining The Biological Contributors to Resilience. Development And Psychopathology, 15(3), 773-810. Doi:
  • Der Feltz-Cornelis, V., Maria, C., Varley, D., Allgar, V. L., & De Beurs, E. (2020). Workplace Stress, Presenteeism, Absenteeism, and Resilience Amongst University Staff and Students in the Covid-19 Lockdown. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 11, 1-15. Doi:
  • Duggleby, W., Cooper, D., & Penz, K. (2009). Hope, Self‐Efficacy, Spiritual Well‐Being and Job Satisfaction. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 65(11), 2376-2385. Doi:
  • Folkman, S. (2010). Stress, Coping, and Hope. Psycho-Oncology, 19, 901–908. Doi:
  • Gaddy, S., Gallardo, R., Mccluskey, S., Moore, L., Peuser, A., Rotert, R., ... & Lagasse, A. B. (2020). Covid-19 And Music Therapists’ Employment, Service Delivery, Perceived Stress, And Hope: A Descriptive Study. Music Therapy Perspectives, 38(2), 157-166. Doi:
  • George, D., & Mallery, M. (2010). Spss for Windows Step by Step: A Simple Guide and Reference, 17.0 Update, 10ed., Pearson.
  • Gillespie, B. M., Chaboyer, W., & Wallis, M. (2007). Development of a Theoretically Derived Model of Resilience Through Concept Analysis. Contemporary Nurse, 25(1-2), 124-135. Doi:
  • Giménez-Espert, M. D. C., Prado-Gascó, V., & Soto-Rubio, A. (2020). Psychosocial Risks, Work Engagement, and Job Satisfaction of Nurses During Covid-19 Pandemic. Frontiers in Public Health, 8, 1-10. Doi:
  • Grant, M. (2021). Remote Working and Its Impact on Employee Job Satisfaction During Covid-19. Leadership Education Capstones, 60.
  • Hou, J., He, Y., Zhao, X., Thai, J., Fan, M., Feng, Y., & Huang, L. (2020). The Effects of Job Satisfaction and Psychological Resilience on Job Performance Among Residents of the Standardized Residency Training: A Nationwide Study in China. Psychology, Health & Medicine, 25(9), 1106-1118. Doi:
  • Ivbijaro, G., Brooks, C., Kolkiewicz, L., Sunkel, C., & Long, A. (2020). Psychological Impact and Psychosocial Consequences of The Covid 19 Pandemic Resilience, Mental Well-Being, and the Coronavirus Pandemic. Indian Journal of Psychiatry, 62(3), 395-403. Doi:
  • Jackson, D., Firtko, A., & Edenborough, M. (2007). Personal Resilience as a Strategy for Surviving and Thriving in the Face of Workplace Adversity: A Literature Review. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 60(1), 1-9.
  • Jackson, P. (1999) Virtual Working: Social and Organizational Dynamics. Routledge. Doi:
  • Jones, M. D. (2006). Which is a Better Predictor of Job Performance: Job Satisfaction or Life Satisfaction? Journal of Behavioral and Applied Management, 8(1), 20-42. Doi:
  • Judge, T. A., & Watanabe, S. (1993). Another Look at the Job Satisfaction-Life Satisfaction Relationship. Journal of Applied Psychology, 78(6), 939- 948. Doi:
  • Judge, T. A., Thoresen, C. J., Bono, J. E., & Patton, G. K. (2001). The Job Satisfaction–Job Performance Relationship: A Qualitative And Quantitative Review. Psychological Bulletin, 127(3), 376- 407. Doi:
  • Kossek, E.E., & Lautsch, B.A. (2018). Work–Life Flexibility For Whom? Occupational Status and Work–Life Inequality in Upper, Middle, and Lower Level Jobs. Academy of Management Annals, 12(1), 5–36. Doi:
  • Lambert, E. G., Hogan, N. L., & Barton, S. M. (2001). The Impact of Job Satisfaction on Turnover Intent: A Test of a Structural Measurement Model Using a National Sample of Workers. The Social Science Journal, 38(2), 233-250. Doi:
  • Lee, E. J., & Cha, P. (2015). Effects of Work Environment and Resilience on Job Satisfaction and Organisational Commitment of Social Workers in Juvenile Reformatory Schools. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 8(1), 360-366. Doi:
  • Lee, J. H., Nam, S. K., Kim, A. R., Kim, B., Lee, M. Y., & Lee, S. M. (2013). Resilience: A Meta‐Analytic Approach. Journal of Counseling & Development, 91(3), 269-279. Doi:
  • Lee, T. W. (1988). How Job Dissatisfaction Leads to Employee Turnover. Journal of Business and Psychology, 2(3), 263-271. Doi:
  • Locke, E. A. (1970). Job Satisfaction and Job Performance: A Theoretical Analysis. Organizational Behavior and Human Performance, 5(5), 484-500. Doi:
  • Luthans, F., Youssef, C. M., Avolio , B. J. (2007). Psychological Capital: Developing the Human Competitive Edge, Oxford University Press.
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  • Matos, P. S., Neushotz, L. A., Griffin, M. T. Q., & Fitzpatrick, J. J. (2010). An Exploratory Study of Resilience and Job Satisfaction Among Psychiatric Nurses Working in Inpatient Units. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 19(5), 307-312. Doi:
  • Matrunola, P. (1996). Is There a Relationship Between Job Satisfaction and Absenteeism?, Journal of Advanced Nursing, 23(4), 827-834. Doi:
  • Meneghel, I., Borgogni, L., Miraglia, M., Salanova, M., & Martinez, I. M. (2016). From Social Context and Resilience to Performance Through Job Satisfaction: A Multilevel Study Over Time. Human Relations, 69(11), 2047-2067. Doi:
  • Mishra, U. S., Patnaik, S., & Mishra, B. B. (2016). Role Of Hope in Job Satisfaction and Stress. International Business Management, 10(9), 1729-1736. Doi:
  • Möhring, K., Naumann, E., Reifenscheid, M., Wenz, A., Rettig, T., Krieger, U., ... & Blom, A. G. (2020). The Covid-19 Pandemic and Subjective Well-Being: Longitudinal Evidence on Satisfaction with Work and Family. European Societies, 1-17. Doi:
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  • Mudor, H. (2011). Conceptual Framework on the Relationship Between Human Resource Management Practices, Job Satisfaction, and Turnover. Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies, 2(2), 41-49. Doi:
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  • Othman, N., & Nasurdin, A. M. (2011). Work Engagement of Malaysian Nurses: Exploring the Impact of Hope and Resilience. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 60, 1702-1706.
  • Ouedraogo, A., & Leclerc, A. (2013). Job Satisfaction and Organizational Performance: Evidence from Canadian Credit Union. Journal of Organizational Culture, Communications And Conflict, 17(1), 35.
  • Pathak, D., & Joshi, G. (2021). Impact of Psychological Capital and Life Satisfaction on Organizational Resilience During Covid-19: Indian Tourism Insights. Current Issues in Tourism, 24(17), 2398-2415. Doi:
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Year 2022, Volume: 6 Issue: 4, 1340 - 1357, 31.12.2022


Çalışmanın temel amacı, COVID-19 pandemi dönemi nedeniyle uzaktan çalışanların kişisel farklılıklarına ve işle ilgili değişikliklerine dayalı olarak dayanıklılık (duygusal dayanıklılık), umut ve iş memnuniyetsizliğinin araştırılmasıdır. Araştırma, kota örnekleme yöntemiyle nicel bir çalışma olarak tasarlanmıştır. Araştırma sorusu için hazırlanan hipotezlerin verileri anket yöntemi ile elde edilmiştir. Hipotezleri test etmek için sosyodemografik bilgi formunun yanı sıra iş tatminsizliği, dayanıklılık ve umut ölçekleri kullanılmıştır. Çalışma örneklemi, COVID-19 pandemisi nedeniyle uzaktan çalışan 269 katılımcıdan oluşmaktadır. Hipotezler fark ve ilişki testleri ile analiz edilmiştir. Hem umut hem de dayanıklılık ile iş tatminsizliği arasında anlamlı ve negatif bir ilişki olduğu, iş taminsizliğinin çalışanların umut ve dayanıklılık düzeylerini olumsuz etkilediği ancak sosyo-demografik özelliklerin belirleyici olmadığı sonucuna varılmıştır. Bu bulgulara ek olarak, koşullardan bağımsız olarak, uzaktan çalışma deneyimi yaşayan katılımcıların dayanıklılık (ortalama=4.0384) ve umut (ortalama=4.0019) düzeyleri yüksek ve iş tatminsizliği düzeyleri (ortalama=1.9182) düşüktür. Buna göre, literatürde tartışılan kritik bir çıktı olan iş tatminsizliğinin üstesinden gelmek için umut ve dayanıklılık esastır. Bu kapasitelerin artırılması hem olağandışı koşullarda çalışanlar için hem de genel olarak istenen örgütsel sonuçlar için anlamlıdır.


  • Am, E. N., Affandi, A., Udobong, A., & Sarwani, S. (2020). Implementation Of Human Resource Management In The Adaptation Period For New Habits. International Journal of Educational Administration, Management and Leadership, 19-26. Doi:
  • Bardoel, E. A., Pettit, T. M., De Cieri, H., & Mcmillan, L. (2014). Employee Resilience: An Emerging Challenge For Hrm. Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 52(3), 279-297. Doi:
  • Baruch, Y., & Nicholson, N. (1997). Home, Sweet Work: Requirements For Effective Home Working. Journal of General Management, 23(2), 15-30. Doi:
  • Bellmann, L., & Hübler, O. (2020). Working From Home, Job Satisfaction And Work–Life Balance–Robust Or Heterogeneous Links?. International Journal of Manpower. 42 (3), 424-441. Doi:
  • Beňo, M. (2021). The Advantages and Disadvantages of E-Working: An Examination Using an Aldine Analysis. Emerging Science Journal, 5, 11-20. Doi:
  • Bowling, N. A., Eschleman, K. J., & Wang, Q. (2010). A Meta‐Analytic Examination of The Relationship Between Job Satisfaction and Subjective Well‐Being. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 83(4), 915-934. Doi:
  • Bridges, E. M. (1980). Job Satisfaction and Teacher Absenteeism. Educational Administration Quarterly, 16(2), 41-56. Doi:
  • Brooke, P. P., Russell, D. W., & Price, J. L. (1988). Discriminant Validation of Measures of Job Satisfaction, Job Involvement, and Organizational Commitment. Journal of Applied Psychology, 73(2), 139. Doi:
  • Brush, D. H., Moch, M. K., & Pooyan, A. (1987). Individual Demographic Differences and Job Satisfaction. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 8(2), 139-155. Doi:
  • Chitra, A. (2020). Study on Impact of Occupational Stress on Job Satisfaction of Teachers During Covid-19 Pandemic Period. Global Development Review, 4(2), 52-62.
  • Curtis, W. J., & Cicchetti, D. (2003). Moving Research on Resilience into The 21st Century: Theoretical and Methodological Considerations in Examining The Biological Contributors to Resilience. Development And Psychopathology, 15(3), 773-810. Doi:
  • Der Feltz-Cornelis, V., Maria, C., Varley, D., Allgar, V. L., & De Beurs, E. (2020). Workplace Stress, Presenteeism, Absenteeism, and Resilience Amongst University Staff and Students in the Covid-19 Lockdown. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 11, 1-15. Doi:
  • Duggleby, W., Cooper, D., & Penz, K. (2009). Hope, Self‐Efficacy, Spiritual Well‐Being and Job Satisfaction. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 65(11), 2376-2385. Doi:
  • Folkman, S. (2010). Stress, Coping, and Hope. Psycho-Oncology, 19, 901–908. Doi:
  • Gaddy, S., Gallardo, R., Mccluskey, S., Moore, L., Peuser, A., Rotert, R., ... & Lagasse, A. B. (2020). Covid-19 And Music Therapists’ Employment, Service Delivery, Perceived Stress, And Hope: A Descriptive Study. Music Therapy Perspectives, 38(2), 157-166. Doi:
  • George, D., & Mallery, M. (2010). Spss for Windows Step by Step: A Simple Guide and Reference, 17.0 Update, 10ed., Pearson.
  • Gillespie, B. M., Chaboyer, W., & Wallis, M. (2007). Development of a Theoretically Derived Model of Resilience Through Concept Analysis. Contemporary Nurse, 25(1-2), 124-135. Doi:
  • Giménez-Espert, M. D. C., Prado-Gascó, V., & Soto-Rubio, A. (2020). Psychosocial Risks, Work Engagement, and Job Satisfaction of Nurses During Covid-19 Pandemic. Frontiers in Public Health, 8, 1-10. Doi:
  • Grant, M. (2021). Remote Working and Its Impact on Employee Job Satisfaction During Covid-19. Leadership Education Capstones, 60.
  • Hou, J., He, Y., Zhao, X., Thai, J., Fan, M., Feng, Y., & Huang, L. (2020). The Effects of Job Satisfaction and Psychological Resilience on Job Performance Among Residents of the Standardized Residency Training: A Nationwide Study in China. Psychology, Health & Medicine, 25(9), 1106-1118. Doi:
  • Ivbijaro, G., Brooks, C., Kolkiewicz, L., Sunkel, C., & Long, A. (2020). Psychological Impact and Psychosocial Consequences of The Covid 19 Pandemic Resilience, Mental Well-Being, and the Coronavirus Pandemic. Indian Journal of Psychiatry, 62(3), 395-403. Doi:
  • Jackson, D., Firtko, A., & Edenborough, M. (2007). Personal Resilience as a Strategy for Surviving and Thriving in the Face of Workplace Adversity: A Literature Review. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 60(1), 1-9.
  • Jackson, P. (1999) Virtual Working: Social and Organizational Dynamics. Routledge. Doi:
  • Jones, M. D. (2006). Which is a Better Predictor of Job Performance: Job Satisfaction or Life Satisfaction? Journal of Behavioral and Applied Management, 8(1), 20-42. Doi:
  • Judge, T. A., & Watanabe, S. (1993). Another Look at the Job Satisfaction-Life Satisfaction Relationship. Journal of Applied Psychology, 78(6), 939- 948. Doi:
  • Judge, T. A., Thoresen, C. J., Bono, J. E., & Patton, G. K. (2001). The Job Satisfaction–Job Performance Relationship: A Qualitative And Quantitative Review. Psychological Bulletin, 127(3), 376- 407. Doi:
  • Kossek, E.E., & Lautsch, B.A. (2018). Work–Life Flexibility For Whom? Occupational Status and Work–Life Inequality in Upper, Middle, and Lower Level Jobs. Academy of Management Annals, 12(1), 5–36. Doi:
  • Lambert, E. G., Hogan, N. L., & Barton, S. M. (2001). The Impact of Job Satisfaction on Turnover Intent: A Test of a Structural Measurement Model Using a National Sample of Workers. The Social Science Journal, 38(2), 233-250. Doi:
  • Lee, E. J., & Cha, P. (2015). Effects of Work Environment and Resilience on Job Satisfaction and Organisational Commitment of Social Workers in Juvenile Reformatory Schools. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 8(1), 360-366. Doi:
  • Lee, J. H., Nam, S. K., Kim, A. R., Kim, B., Lee, M. Y., & Lee, S. M. (2013). Resilience: A Meta‐Analytic Approach. Journal of Counseling & Development, 91(3), 269-279. Doi:
  • Lee, T. W. (1988). How Job Dissatisfaction Leads to Employee Turnover. Journal of Business and Psychology, 2(3), 263-271. Doi:
  • Locke, E. A. (1970). Job Satisfaction and Job Performance: A Theoretical Analysis. Organizational Behavior and Human Performance, 5(5), 484-500. Doi:
  • Luthans, F., Youssef, C. M., Avolio , B. J. (2007). Psychological Capital: Developing the Human Competitive Edge, Oxford University Press.
  • Magnano, P., Craparo, G., & Paolillo, A. (2016). Resilience and Emotional Intelligence: Which Role in Achievement Motivation. International Journal of Psychological Research, 9(1), 9-20. Doi:
  • Matos, P. S., Neushotz, L. A., Griffin, M. T. Q., & Fitzpatrick, J. J. (2010). An Exploratory Study of Resilience and Job Satisfaction Among Psychiatric Nurses Working in Inpatient Units. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 19(5), 307-312. Doi:
  • Matrunola, P. (1996). Is There a Relationship Between Job Satisfaction and Absenteeism?, Journal of Advanced Nursing, 23(4), 827-834. Doi:
  • Meneghel, I., Borgogni, L., Miraglia, M., Salanova, M., & Martinez, I. M. (2016). From Social Context and Resilience to Performance Through Job Satisfaction: A Multilevel Study Over Time. Human Relations, 69(11), 2047-2067. Doi:
  • Mishra, U. S., Patnaik, S., & Mishra, B. B. (2016). Role Of Hope in Job Satisfaction and Stress. International Business Management, 10(9), 1729-1736. Doi:
  • Möhring, K., Naumann, E., Reifenscheid, M., Wenz, A., Rettig, T., Krieger, U., ... & Blom, A. G. (2020). The Covid-19 Pandemic and Subjective Well-Being: Longitudinal Evidence on Satisfaction with Work and Family. European Societies, 1-17. Doi:
  • Moraitou, D., Kolovou, C., Papasozomenou, C., & Paschoula, C. (2006). Hope and Adaptation to Old Age: Their Relationship with Individual-Demographic Factors. Social Indicators Research, 76(1), 71-93. Doi:
  • Mudor, H. (2011). Conceptual Framework on the Relationship Between Human Resource Management Practices, Job Satisfaction, and Turnover. Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies, 2(2), 41-49. Doi:
  • Ong, A. D., Edwards, L. M., & Bergeman, C. S. (2006). Hope as a Source of Resilience in Later Adulthood. Personality and Individual Differences, 41(7), 1263-1273. Doi:
  • Othman, N., & Nasurdin, A. M. (2011). Work Engagement of Malaysian Nurses: Exploring the Impact of Hope and Resilience. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 60, 1702-1706.
  • Ouedraogo, A., & Leclerc, A. (2013). Job Satisfaction and Organizational Performance: Evidence from Canadian Credit Union. Journal of Organizational Culture, Communications And Conflict, 17(1), 35.
  • Pathak, D., & Joshi, G. (2021). Impact of Psychological Capital and Life Satisfaction on Organizational Resilience During Covid-19: Indian Tourism Insights. Current Issues in Tourism, 24(17), 2398-2415. Doi:
  • Peterson, S. J., & Byron, K. (2008). Exploring The Role of Hope in Job Performance: Results from Four Studies. Journal of Organizational Behavior: The International Journal of Industrial, Occupational and Organizational Psychology and Behavior, 29(6), 785-803. Doi:
  • Pushpakumari, M. D. (2008). The Impact of Job Satisfaction on Job Performance: An Empirical Analysis. City Forum, 9 (1), 89-105. Rode, J. C. (2004). Job Satisfaction and Life Satisfaction Revisited: A Longitudinal Test of an Integrated Model. Human Relations, 57(9), 1205-1230. Doi:
  • Roman-Oertwig, S. (2004). Teacher Resilience and Job Satisfaction. Proquest Dissertations Publishing, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Rössler, W. (2012). Stress, Burnout, and Job Dissatisfaction in Mental Health Workers. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, 262(2), 65-69. Doi:
  • Ryu, E. (2011). Effects of Skewness and Kurtosis on Normal-Theory Based Maximum Likelihood Test Statistic in Multilevel Structural Equation Modeling. Behavior Research Methods, 43(4), 1066-1074. Doi:
  • Sapta, I., Muafi, M., & Setini, N. M. (2021). The Role of Technology, Organizational Culture, and Job Satisfaction in Improving Employee Performance During The Covid-19 Pandemic. The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, 8(1), 495-505. Doi:
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There are 68 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Öznur Ertosun 0000-0001-9339-2610

Publication Date December 31, 2022
Submission Date September 20, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 6 Issue: 4


APA Ertosun, Ö. (2022). REMOTE WORKING DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC AND JOB-RELATED EMOTIONAL EXPERIENCES. Uluslararası Anadolu Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 6(4), 1340-1357.

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