Research Article
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Year 2018, , 515 - 532, 04.07.2018


The aim of the study is to determine the effect of
price sensitivity on the intention of repurchasing in terms of personality
characteristics, and also investigate the extent to which personality
characteristics affect price sensitivity. Accordingly, the research was carried
out in line with these objectives. In our research, price sensitivity,
personality traits, socio-demographic characteristics and intention to
repurchase were examined within the scope of marketing. The research was
conducted on 519 consumers who consume soft drinks in Turkey. In the study, it
was found out that price sensitivity differs from personality traits only with
Neuroticism, Extraversion and Agreeableness dimensions. Furthermore, it was a
variable income level, which varied according to the socio-demographic characteristics
of the participants and the price sensitivity. When the literature is examined,
it is possible that this research is beneficial to practitioners and it contributes
to the academic literature, since there are few studies on the topic.


  • Aaker, D. (1992). Strategic management (3rd ed.). New York, NY: John Wiley and Sons.
  • Aaker, D. A. (1991). Managing brand equity. New York: The Free Press.
  • Aliman, N.K. & Othman, M.N. (2007). Purchasing local and foreign brands: what product attributes metter? Proceedings of the 13th Asia Pacific Management Conference, Melbourne, Australia, pp 400-411
  • Back, K. J. (2005). The effects of image congruence on customers’ brand loyalty in the upper middle-class hotel industry. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 29(4), 448-467.
  • Bearden, W. O. & Teel, J. E. (1983). Selected determinants of consumer satisfaction and complaint reports. Journal of Marketing Research, 21-28.
  • Benet-Martinez, V. & John, O. P. (1998). Los Cinco Grandes across cultures and ethnic groups: Multitrait-multimethod analyses of the Big Five in Spanish and English. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 75(3), 729.
  • Bipp, T., Steinmayr, R. & Spinath, B. (2008). Personality and achievement motivation: Relationship among Big Five domain and facet scales, achievement goals, and intelligence. Personality and Individual Differences, 44(7), 1454-1464.
  • Boonpattarakan, A. (2012). An experimental design to test the main and interaction effects of CSR involvement, brand naming and pricing on purchase intentions in Thailand. International Journal of Business and Management, 7(16), 62-79.
  • Busato, V. V., Prins, F. J., Elshout, J. J. & Hamaker, C. (1998). The relation between learning styles, the Big Five personality traits and achievement motivation in higher education. Personality and Individual Differences, 26(1), 129-140.
  • Calder, B. J. & Burnkrant, R. E. (1977). Interpersonal influence on consumer behavior: An attribution theory approach. Journal of Consumer Research, 4(1), 29-38.
  • Casidy Mulyanegara, R. & Tsarenko, Y. (2009). Predicting brand preferences: An examination of the predictive power of consumer personality and values in the Australian fashion market. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management: An International Journal, 13(3), 358-371.
  • Casidy, R. (2012). An empirical investigation of the relationship between personality traits, prestige sensitivity, and fashion consciousness of Generation Y in Australia. Australasian Marketing Journal (AMJ), 20(4), 242-249.
  • Costa, P. T. & Mccrae, R. R. (1985). The NEO Personality Inventory Manual. Odessa, FL: Psychological Assessment Resources.
  • Costa, P. T. & Mccrae, R. R. (1988). Personality in adulthood: a six-year longitudinal study of self-reports and spouse ratings on the NEO Personality Inventory. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 54(5), 853.
  • Costa, P. T. & Mccrae, R. R. (1992). Four ways five factors are basic. Personality and Individual Differences, 13(6), 653-665.
  • Costa, P. T., & Mccrae, R. R. (1995). Domains and facets: Hierarchical personality assessment using the Revised NEO Personality Inventory. Journal of Personality Assessment, 64, 21-50.
  • Cravens, D. W., Piercy, N. F., & Baldauf, A. (2009). Management framework guiding strategic thinking in rapidly changing markets. Journal of Marketing Management, 25(1-2), 31-49.
  • De Raad, B., And Schouwenburg, H. C. (1996). Personality in learning and education: A review. European Journal of Personality, 10(5), 303-336.
  • Diamantopoulos, A. (2003). Pricing. In M. J. Baker (Ed.), The marketing book (pp. 342-359). Burlington, MA: Butterworth-Heinemann
  • Dickson, P. R., & Sawyer, A. G. (1990). The price knowledge and search of supermarket shoppers. The Journal of Marketing, 42-53.
  • Digman, J. M. (1990). Personality structure: Emergence of the five-factor model. Annual Review of Psychology, 41(1), 417-440.
  • Erickson, G. M., & Johansson, J. K. (1985). The role of price in multi-attribute product evaluations. Journal of Consumer Research, 12(2), 195-199.
  • Evanschitzky, H., & Wunderlich, M. (2006). An examination of moderator effects in the four-stage loyalty model. Journal of Service Research, 8(4), 330-345.
  • Fullerton, G. (2003). When does commitment lead to loyalty?. Journal of Service Research, 5(4), 333-344.
  • Furnham, A. (1996). The big five versus the big four: the relationship between the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and NEO-PI five factor model of personality. Personality and Individual Differences, 21(2), 303-307.
  • Furnham, A. F. (1997). Knowing and faking one's five-factor personality score. Journal of Personality Assessment, 69(1), 229-243.
  • Gabor, A., & Granger, C. W. (1966). Price as an Indicator of Quality: Report on an Enquiry. Economica, 43-70.
  • Gijsbrechts, E. (1993). Prices and pricing research in consumer marketing: Some recent developments. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 10(2), 115-151.
  • Goldberg, L. R. (1981). Language and individual differences: The search for universals in personality lexicons (Vol. 2, pp. 141 -165). In L. Wheeler (Ed.), Review of personality and social psychology. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage.
  • Goldberg, L. R. (1990). An alternative “Description of personality”: The Big-Five factor structure. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 59, 1216-1229
  • Goldberg, L. R. (1993). The structure of phenotypic personality traits. American Psychologist, 48(1), 26.
  • Goldberg, L. R., & Saucier, G. (1995). So what do you propose we use instead? A reply to Block.
  • Goldsmith, R. E., Flynn, L. R., & Kim, D. (2010). Status consumption and price sensitivity. Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 18(4), 323-338.
  • Grewal, D., Krishnan, R., Baker, J., & Borin, N. (1998). The effect of store name, brand name and price discounts on consumers' evaluations and purchase intentions. Journal of Retailing, 74(3), 331-352.
  • Gupta, N. (2011). Extent of susceptibility to interpersonal influence and price sensitivity among Indian youth: is there a relationship between these two constructs?. Young Consumers, 12(4), 361-369.
  • Hair, J. F., Black, W. C., Babin, B. J., Anderson, R. E., & Tatham, R. L. (2006). Multivariate Data Analysis. 6th ed. Uppersaddle River: Pearson Prentice Hall.
  • Hamel, G., & Prahalad, C. K. (1993). Strategy as stretch and leverage. Harvard Business Review, 71(2), 75-84.
  • Han, H., & Back, K. J. (2008). Relationships among image congruence, consumption emotions, and customer loyalty in the lodging industry. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research, 32(4), 467-490.
  • Han, H., & Ryu, K. (2009). The roles of the physical environment, price perception, and customer satisfaction in determining customer loyalty in the restaurant industry. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 33(4), 487-510.
  • Hocutt, M.A. (1998). Relationship dissolution model: antecedents of relationship commitment and the likelihood of dissolving a relationship. International Journal of Service Industry Management, Vol. 9 No.2, pp.189-200.
  • John, O. P. (1990). The "Big Five" factor taxonomy: Dimensions of personality in the natural language and in questionnaires. In L. A. Pervin (Ed.), Handbook of personality: Theory and research (pp. 66- 100). New York: Guilford Press.
  • Jones, E. E., & Davis, K. E. (1965). From acts to dispositions the attribution process in person perception. Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, 2, 219-266.
  • Kaiser, H.F. (1974). An index of factorial simplicity. Psychometrika, 39, 31-36.
  • Kalyanaram, G., & Winer, R. S. (1995). Empirical generalizations from reference price research. Marketing Science, 14(special issue), 161-169.
  • Kim, D. J., Ferrin, D. L., & Rao, H. R. (2009). Trust and satisfaction, two stepping stones for successful e-commerce relationships: A longitudinal exploration. Information Systems Research, 20(2), 237-257.
  • Kotler, P., & Keller, K. L. (2006). Marketing management. 12e. New Jersey.
  • Lichtenstein, D. R., Ridgway, N. M., & Netemeyer, R. G. (1993). Price perceptions and consumer shopping behavior: a field study. Journal of Marketing Research, 234-245.
  • Link, F. (1997). Diffusion dynamics and the pricing of innovations. (Unpublished Doctoral Thesis). Lund Studies in Economics and Management, The Institute of Economic Research, Lund University.
  • Marshall, A. (1890). Principles of economics: An introductory volume. London: Macmillan.
  • Maxwell, S. (2001). An expanded price/brand effect model – demonstration of heterogeneity in global consumption. International Marketing Review, 18(3), 325-43.
  • Mayhew, G. E. & Winer, R. S. (1992). An empirical analysis of internal and external reference prices using scanner data. Journal of Consumer Research, 19, 62–70.
  • Mccrae, R. R., & Costa, P. X, Jr. (1985). Comparison of EPI and psychoticism scales with measures of the five-factor model of personality. Personality and Individual Differences, 6, 587-597
  • Miller, J. (2006). Online marketing research. In Grover, R., & Vriens, M. (2006). The handbook of marketing research: uses, misuses, and future advances (pp 110-131). Sage.
  • Munnukka, J. (2005). Dynamics of price sensitivity among mobile service customers. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 14(1), 65-73.
  • Munnukka, J. (2008). Customers' purchase intentions as a reflection of price perception. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 17(3), 188-196.
  • Nelson, E. C., Rust, R. T., Zahorik, A., & Rose, R. L. (1992). Do patient perceptions of quality relate to hospital financial performance?. Marketing Health Services, 12(4), 6.
  • Noh, M., Lee, K., Kim, S., & Garrison, G. (2013). Effects of collectivism on actual s-commerce use and the moderating effect of price consciousness. Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, 14(3), 244–260.
  • Nunnally, C. J. (1978). Psychometric Theory. New York: McGraw Hill Book Co.
  • Oliver, R. L. (1999). Whence Customer Loyalty?. Journal of Marketing (63), 33-44.
  • Oliver, R.L. (1980). A cognitive model of the antecedents and consequences of satisfaction decisions. Journal of Marketing Research, 17,460-9.
  • Oliver, R.L. (1981). Measurement and evaluation of satisfaction processes in retail settings. Journal of Retailing, 57(3), 25-48.
  • Otim, S., & Grover, V. (2006). An empirical study on web-based services and customer loyalty. European Journal of Information Systems, 15, 527-541.
  • Porter, M. E. (1985). Competitive advantage: creating and sustaining superior performance. New York: FreePress.
  • Porter, M. E. (2008). The five competitive forces that shape strategy. Harvard Business Review, 86(1), 79-93.
  • Rajendran, K. N. & Tellis, G. J. (1994). Contextual and temporal components of reference price. Journal of Marketing, 58, 22–34.
  • Ramirez, E., & Goldsmith, R. E. (2009). Some antecedents of price sensitivity. Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 17(3), 199-214.
  • Rao, V. R., & Kartono, B. (2009). Pricing objectives and strategies: A cross-country survey. Handbook of Pricing Research in Marketing, 9-36.
  • Renison, K., & Hardt, L. (2008). Price and revenue optimization for banking. In Proceedings of the SAS Global Forum 2008.
  • Roest, H., & Pieters, R. (1997). The nomological net of perceived service quality. International Journal of Service Industry Management, 8(4), 336-351.
  • Santonen, T. (2007). Price sensitivity as an indicator of customer defection in retail banking. International Journal of Bank Marketing, 25(1), 39-55.
  • Saucier, G., & Goldberg, L. R. (1996). The language of personality: Lexical perspectives. The Five-factor Model of Personality: Theoretical Perspectives, 21-50.
  • Schmitt, D. P., Allik, J., Mccrae, R. R. & Benet-Martinez, V. (2007). The geographic distribution of big five personality traits: Patterns and profiles of human self-description across 56 nations. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 38 (2), 173-212.
  • Silva, W. G. M., Udugama, J. M. M., & Jayasinghe-Mudalige, U. K. (2012). Consumer perceptions on quality attributes of liquid food products: an empirical analysis based on urban households. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 7(2).
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Year 2018, , 515 - 532, 04.07.2018


amacı, kişilik özellikleri açısından fiyat duyarlılığının yeniden satın alma
niyetine olan etkisini belirlemek ve kişilik özelliklerinin fiyat duyarlılığı
üzerindeki etkisini incelemektir. Bu bağlamda araştırma bu amaçlar
doğrultusunda yürütülmüştür. Araştırmamızda fiyat duyarlılığı, kişilik
özellikleri, sosyo-demografik özellikler ve yeniden satın alma niyeti pazarlama
kapsamında incelenmiştir. Araştırma, Türkiye'de alkolsüz içecek tüketen 519
tüketici üzerinde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışmada, fiyat duyarlılığının kişilik
özellikleri arasında Duygusal Dengesizlik, Dışadönüklük ve Uyumluluk
değişkenleri ile farklılık gösterdiği saptanmıştır. Ayrıca, sosyo-demografik
özellikleri açısından katılımcıların yalnızca gelir seviyesine göre fiyat
duyarlılığına göre farklılık gösterdiği bulunmuştur. Literatür incelendiğinde,
bu araştırmanın uygulayıcılara faydalı olması ve akademik literatüre katkı
sağlayacağını söylemek mümkündür, çünkü konuyla ilgili az çalışma


  • Aaker, D. (1992). Strategic management (3rd ed.). New York, NY: John Wiley and Sons.
  • Aaker, D. A. (1991). Managing brand equity. New York: The Free Press.
  • Aliman, N.K. & Othman, M.N. (2007). Purchasing local and foreign brands: what product attributes metter? Proceedings of the 13th Asia Pacific Management Conference, Melbourne, Australia, pp 400-411
  • Back, K. J. (2005). The effects of image congruence on customers’ brand loyalty in the upper middle-class hotel industry. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 29(4), 448-467.
  • Bearden, W. O. & Teel, J. E. (1983). Selected determinants of consumer satisfaction and complaint reports. Journal of Marketing Research, 21-28.
  • Benet-Martinez, V. & John, O. P. (1998). Los Cinco Grandes across cultures and ethnic groups: Multitrait-multimethod analyses of the Big Five in Spanish and English. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 75(3), 729.
  • Bipp, T., Steinmayr, R. & Spinath, B. (2008). Personality and achievement motivation: Relationship among Big Five domain and facet scales, achievement goals, and intelligence. Personality and Individual Differences, 44(7), 1454-1464.
  • Boonpattarakan, A. (2012). An experimental design to test the main and interaction effects of CSR involvement, brand naming and pricing on purchase intentions in Thailand. International Journal of Business and Management, 7(16), 62-79.
  • Busato, V. V., Prins, F. J., Elshout, J. J. & Hamaker, C. (1998). The relation between learning styles, the Big Five personality traits and achievement motivation in higher education. Personality and Individual Differences, 26(1), 129-140.
  • Calder, B. J. & Burnkrant, R. E. (1977). Interpersonal influence on consumer behavior: An attribution theory approach. Journal of Consumer Research, 4(1), 29-38.
  • Casidy Mulyanegara, R. & Tsarenko, Y. (2009). Predicting brand preferences: An examination of the predictive power of consumer personality and values in the Australian fashion market. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management: An International Journal, 13(3), 358-371.
  • Casidy, R. (2012). An empirical investigation of the relationship between personality traits, prestige sensitivity, and fashion consciousness of Generation Y in Australia. Australasian Marketing Journal (AMJ), 20(4), 242-249.
  • Costa, P. T. & Mccrae, R. R. (1985). The NEO Personality Inventory Manual. Odessa, FL: Psychological Assessment Resources.
  • Costa, P. T. & Mccrae, R. R. (1988). Personality in adulthood: a six-year longitudinal study of self-reports and spouse ratings on the NEO Personality Inventory. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 54(5), 853.
  • Costa, P. T. & Mccrae, R. R. (1992). Four ways five factors are basic. Personality and Individual Differences, 13(6), 653-665.
  • Costa, P. T., & Mccrae, R. R. (1995). Domains and facets: Hierarchical personality assessment using the Revised NEO Personality Inventory. Journal of Personality Assessment, 64, 21-50.
  • Cravens, D. W., Piercy, N. F., & Baldauf, A. (2009). Management framework guiding strategic thinking in rapidly changing markets. Journal of Marketing Management, 25(1-2), 31-49.
  • De Raad, B., And Schouwenburg, H. C. (1996). Personality in learning and education: A review. European Journal of Personality, 10(5), 303-336.
  • Diamantopoulos, A. (2003). Pricing. In M. J. Baker (Ed.), The marketing book (pp. 342-359). Burlington, MA: Butterworth-Heinemann
  • Dickson, P. R., & Sawyer, A. G. (1990). The price knowledge and search of supermarket shoppers. The Journal of Marketing, 42-53.
  • Digman, J. M. (1990). Personality structure: Emergence of the five-factor model. Annual Review of Psychology, 41(1), 417-440.
  • Erickson, G. M., & Johansson, J. K. (1985). The role of price in multi-attribute product evaluations. Journal of Consumer Research, 12(2), 195-199.
  • Evanschitzky, H., & Wunderlich, M. (2006). An examination of moderator effects in the four-stage loyalty model. Journal of Service Research, 8(4), 330-345.
  • Fullerton, G. (2003). When does commitment lead to loyalty?. Journal of Service Research, 5(4), 333-344.
  • Furnham, A. (1996). The big five versus the big four: the relationship between the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and NEO-PI five factor model of personality. Personality and Individual Differences, 21(2), 303-307.
  • Furnham, A. F. (1997). Knowing and faking one's five-factor personality score. Journal of Personality Assessment, 69(1), 229-243.
  • Gabor, A., & Granger, C. W. (1966). Price as an Indicator of Quality: Report on an Enquiry. Economica, 43-70.
  • Gijsbrechts, E. (1993). Prices and pricing research in consumer marketing: Some recent developments. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 10(2), 115-151.
  • Goldberg, L. R. (1981). Language and individual differences: The search for universals in personality lexicons (Vol. 2, pp. 141 -165). In L. Wheeler (Ed.), Review of personality and social psychology. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage.
  • Goldberg, L. R. (1990). An alternative “Description of personality”: The Big-Five factor structure. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 59, 1216-1229
  • Goldberg, L. R. (1993). The structure of phenotypic personality traits. American Psychologist, 48(1), 26.
  • Goldberg, L. R., & Saucier, G. (1995). So what do you propose we use instead? A reply to Block.
  • Goldsmith, R. E., Flynn, L. R., & Kim, D. (2010). Status consumption and price sensitivity. Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 18(4), 323-338.
  • Grewal, D., Krishnan, R., Baker, J., & Borin, N. (1998). The effect of store name, brand name and price discounts on consumers' evaluations and purchase intentions. Journal of Retailing, 74(3), 331-352.
  • Gupta, N. (2011). Extent of susceptibility to interpersonal influence and price sensitivity among Indian youth: is there a relationship between these two constructs?. Young Consumers, 12(4), 361-369.
  • Hair, J. F., Black, W. C., Babin, B. J., Anderson, R. E., & Tatham, R. L. (2006). Multivariate Data Analysis. 6th ed. Uppersaddle River: Pearson Prentice Hall.
  • Hamel, G., & Prahalad, C. K. (1993). Strategy as stretch and leverage. Harvard Business Review, 71(2), 75-84.
  • Han, H., & Back, K. J. (2008). Relationships among image congruence, consumption emotions, and customer loyalty in the lodging industry. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research, 32(4), 467-490.
  • Han, H., & Ryu, K. (2009). The roles of the physical environment, price perception, and customer satisfaction in determining customer loyalty in the restaurant industry. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 33(4), 487-510.
  • Hocutt, M.A. (1998). Relationship dissolution model: antecedents of relationship commitment and the likelihood of dissolving a relationship. International Journal of Service Industry Management, Vol. 9 No.2, pp.189-200.
  • John, O. P. (1990). The "Big Five" factor taxonomy: Dimensions of personality in the natural language and in questionnaires. In L. A. Pervin (Ed.), Handbook of personality: Theory and research (pp. 66- 100). New York: Guilford Press.
  • Jones, E. E., & Davis, K. E. (1965). From acts to dispositions the attribution process in person perception. Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, 2, 219-266.
  • Kaiser, H.F. (1974). An index of factorial simplicity. Psychometrika, 39, 31-36.
  • Kalyanaram, G., & Winer, R. S. (1995). Empirical generalizations from reference price research. Marketing Science, 14(special issue), 161-169.
  • Kim, D. J., Ferrin, D. L., & Rao, H. R. (2009). Trust and satisfaction, two stepping stones for successful e-commerce relationships: A longitudinal exploration. Information Systems Research, 20(2), 237-257.
  • Kotler, P., & Keller, K. L. (2006). Marketing management. 12e. New Jersey.
  • Lichtenstein, D. R., Ridgway, N. M., & Netemeyer, R. G. (1993). Price perceptions and consumer shopping behavior: a field study. Journal of Marketing Research, 234-245.
  • Link, F. (1997). Diffusion dynamics and the pricing of innovations. (Unpublished Doctoral Thesis). Lund Studies in Economics and Management, The Institute of Economic Research, Lund University.
  • Marshall, A. (1890). Principles of economics: An introductory volume. London: Macmillan.
  • Maxwell, S. (2001). An expanded price/brand effect model – demonstration of heterogeneity in global consumption. International Marketing Review, 18(3), 325-43.
  • Mayhew, G. E. & Winer, R. S. (1992). An empirical analysis of internal and external reference prices using scanner data. Journal of Consumer Research, 19, 62–70.
  • Mccrae, R. R., & Costa, P. X, Jr. (1985). Comparison of EPI and psychoticism scales with measures of the five-factor model of personality. Personality and Individual Differences, 6, 587-597
  • Miller, J. (2006). Online marketing research. In Grover, R., & Vriens, M. (2006). The handbook of marketing research: uses, misuses, and future advances (pp 110-131). Sage.
  • Munnukka, J. (2005). Dynamics of price sensitivity among mobile service customers. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 14(1), 65-73.
  • Munnukka, J. (2008). Customers' purchase intentions as a reflection of price perception. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 17(3), 188-196.
  • Nelson, E. C., Rust, R. T., Zahorik, A., & Rose, R. L. (1992). Do patient perceptions of quality relate to hospital financial performance?. Marketing Health Services, 12(4), 6.
  • Noh, M., Lee, K., Kim, S., & Garrison, G. (2013). Effects of collectivism on actual s-commerce use and the moderating effect of price consciousness. Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, 14(3), 244–260.
  • Nunnally, C. J. (1978). Psychometric Theory. New York: McGraw Hill Book Co.
  • Oliver, R. L. (1999). Whence Customer Loyalty?. Journal of Marketing (63), 33-44.
  • Oliver, R.L. (1980). A cognitive model of the antecedents and consequences of satisfaction decisions. Journal of Marketing Research, 17,460-9.
  • Oliver, R.L. (1981). Measurement and evaluation of satisfaction processes in retail settings. Journal of Retailing, 57(3), 25-48.
  • Otim, S., & Grover, V. (2006). An empirical study on web-based services and customer loyalty. European Journal of Information Systems, 15, 527-541.
  • Porter, M. E. (1985). Competitive advantage: creating and sustaining superior performance. New York: FreePress.
  • Porter, M. E. (2008). The five competitive forces that shape strategy. Harvard Business Review, 86(1), 79-93.
  • Rajendran, K. N. & Tellis, G. J. (1994). Contextual and temporal components of reference price. Journal of Marketing, 58, 22–34.
  • Ramirez, E., & Goldsmith, R. E. (2009). Some antecedents of price sensitivity. Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 17(3), 199-214.
  • Rao, V. R., & Kartono, B. (2009). Pricing objectives and strategies: A cross-country survey. Handbook of Pricing Research in Marketing, 9-36.
  • Renison, K., & Hardt, L. (2008). Price and revenue optimization for banking. In Proceedings of the SAS Global Forum 2008.
  • Roest, H., & Pieters, R. (1997). The nomological net of perceived service quality. International Journal of Service Industry Management, 8(4), 336-351.
  • Santonen, T. (2007). Price sensitivity as an indicator of customer defection in retail banking. International Journal of Bank Marketing, 25(1), 39-55.
  • Saucier, G., & Goldberg, L. R. (1996). The language of personality: Lexical perspectives. The Five-factor Model of Personality: Theoretical Perspectives, 21-50.
  • Schmitt, D. P., Allik, J., Mccrae, R. R. & Benet-Martinez, V. (2007). The geographic distribution of big five personality traits: Patterns and profiles of human self-description across 56 nations. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 38 (2), 173-212.
  • Silva, W. G. M., Udugama, J. M. M., & Jayasinghe-Mudalige, U. K. (2012). Consumer perceptions on quality attributes of liquid food products: an empirical analysis based on urban households. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 7(2).
  • Simonson, I. (1989). Choice based on reasons: The case of attraction and compromise effects. Journal of Consumer Research, 16(2), 158-174.
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There are 86 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Aypar Uslu

Bahman Huseynlı

Publication Date July 4, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018


APA Uslu, A., & Huseynlı, B. (2018). IMPACT OF PRICE SENSITIVITY ON REPURCHASE INTENTION IN TERMS OF PERSONALITY FEATURES. Uluslararası İktisadi Ve İdari İncelemeler Dergisi515-532.


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