● It should be ensured that the other authors whose names will be written in the article contribute to the research. It is contrary to the ethics of science to show people who have no academic contribution as additional authors or to rank authors with unscientific criteria such as title, age and gender without considering the order of contribution.
● It is assumed that the authors submitting articles to the journal have read and accepted the journal's publication and writing principles, and the authors are deemed to have undertaken what is expected of them in these principles.
● Citations and references must be complete.
● Authors should take into account the Directive on Scientific Research and Publication Ethics, which is also stated by the Council of Higher Education.
● Reviewers should only accept to review manuscripts for which they have the necessary expertise to make an appropriate assessment, can observe blind reviewer confidentiality, and can keep the details of the manuscript confidential in every way.
● Even after the manuscript review process, no information about the reviewed manuscript should be shared with others in any way.
● Reviewers should only evaluate the accuracy of the content of the articles and their compliance with academic criteria. The fact that the opinions put forward in the article differ from the referee's opinions should not affect the evaluation.
● Referee reports should be objective and measured. Insulting, condescending and accusatory statements should be avoided.
● Referees should avoid superficial and vague statements in their evaluation reports. In evaluations with unfavourable results, the deficient and defective issues on which the result is based should be shown concretely.
● Referees should evaluate the manuscripts within the time allocated to them. If they will not evaluate the manuscripts, they should notify the journal within a reasonable time.
● Editors should not have any conflict of interest/relationship with accepted or rejected manuscripts.
● Editors have full responsibility and authority to accept or reject an article.
● It is the responsibility of the editors to keep the names of referees and authors mutually confidential.
● The editors should make the necessary efforts to screen the articles submitted for publication for plagiarism and thus prevent academic dishonour.
● It is the duty of the editors to complete the preliminary review, refereeing, editing and publishing processes of the articles submitted to the journal in a timely and healthy manner.
● Editors should prioritise academic concerns and criteria when accepting articles to the journal.
ULISA: Journal of International Studies has a strict publication approach against plagiarism and predatory journalism. Therefore, authors who wish to submit their work to the journal are required to have their work contribute to academic fields, be original and based on research, comply with the publication rules, have Turnitin or İThenticate plagiarism report (similarity rate should not exceed 20%), have not been published elsewhere or sent for publication; presentations made in symposiums and congresses should not have been published before. At the same time, authors are required to pay attention to the level of contribution of the authors to the research in multi-authored studies, and to declare that they have read and accepted the publication and writing principles of the journal. On the other hand, ULISA: Journal of International Studies attaches importance to the fact that the referees, who are among the most important stakeholders of the academic publication process, act with the awareness that they are the main determinants of the academic quality of the studies and act in accordance with their responsibility to increase academic quality. For this purpose, ULISA: Journal of International Studies prioritises the submission of manuscripts to be evaluated to referees appropriate to their areas of expertise and academic experience; referees only pay attention to the accuracy of the content of the articles and their compliance with academic criteria, the objectivity and moderation of their reports, and the completion of their evaluations within the time given to them. The editor, deputy editors and other responsible persons of the journal are expected to ensure that the academic publication process is carried out in a healthy way by accepting and pre-evaluating the studies that will contribute to the fields addressed by the journal and rejecting the studies that do not meet the specified criteria. In addition, it is their primary responsibility to protect the mutual confidentiality between researchers and referees, to make efforts to prevent possible plagiarism in the studies and to prioritise academic and ethical principles in all kinds of processes of the journal. Any legal, juridical, economic and ethical responsibility that may arise from the articles submitted to ULISA: Journal of International Studies belongs to the authors, even if the article in question is published. The journal does not accept any liability.