Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 12/26/21

Year: 2021
Fine Arts Education, Museum Education, Painting, Cultural and Natural Heritage, Painting History, Art History, Digital Heritage, Critical Heritage, Museum and Archive Studies, Cultural Heritage Collections and Interpretations, Cultural Heritage Tourism, Visitor and Audience Studies, Cultural Heritage Management (Incl. World Heritage), Intangible Cultural Heritage, Industrial Organisation
Arts and Cultural Policy, Creative Drama Education, Fine Arts Education, Museum Education, Creative Arts and Writing, Fine Arts, Digital Heritage, Cultural Heritage Collections and Interpretations, Cultural Heritage Tourism, Visitor and Audience Studies, Cultural Heritage and Conservation, Cultural Heritage Management (Incl. World Heritage)

UNIMUSEUM aims to contribute to the literature by publishing manuscripts at the highest scientific level on all fields of university museums . The journal publishes original research and review articles that are prepared in accordance with the ethical guidelines.

The scope of the journal includes but not limited to; museum studies, cultural heritage areas, university museums, museum management, museum education, museum planning, museum technology, museum marketing, collections and archives.

• UNIMUSEUM, which is an international refereed journal is published as two issues in June and December, and one volume a year.

• The writings sent to be published in UNIMUSEUM journal must not have been published anywhere else. The proceedings presented at congresses and conference papers may be sent on condition that they are not published in proceedings books.

• The general publishing languages of the journal is Turkish and English.

• The article sent to the journal is sent to two referees after being examined in terms of appropriateness for publication. (Those articles which are not considered appropriate for publication are not included in the process.) After the evaluation of the referees, an article deemed publishable with a report given by two referees is published in the following issue. In case one of the referee reports is positive and the other negative, the article is sent to a third referee. At that rate, whether the article will be published or not is to be decided with respect to the third referee’s report. The reviewers of the paper won't get to know the identity of the author(s), and the author(s) won't get to know the identity of the reviewer. (double blind peer review)

• The authors should indicate their own ORCID and Researcher ID numbers in the footnote they add to the “Name SURNAME” part.

• The abstracts of articles to be sent to the journal should have abstracts of at least 100 and at most 200 words in Turkish and English and key words in both languages should be on the first page.

• The articles sent to the journal are published after the necessary referee examinations. The editorial board has the right not to publish the articles sent. The Editorial Board/ Editor may make corrections on the articles published that will not impair their integrity.

• The opinions brought forward in the articles published in the journal and the article’s legal liability are the author’s responsibility.

• The articles, photographs, tables and figures in the journal may not be quoted from without providing reference.


• Times New Roman font should be used in the article.

• Abstract should be written 2 cm inward from right and left sides, with 10pt and a single line break.

• The article should be prepared as MS Word file. The page layout of the paper should be as follows:

Text size: 11pt

Footnote size: 9 pt

Paragraph break: 6 pt

Indent: 1,25 cm

Top-bottom-right-left margins: 3cm.

Line break: single

• If there will be footnotes in the article, they should be written with single line break, 0pt paragraph break and 9pt.

• In the article, the direct quotations exceeding 40 words should be written 1,5 cm inward from right and left sides and with 10pt.

Giving Reference in the Article

• The APA 6 system is adopted regarding the issue of giving reference in the articles that will be sent to our journal. For this reason, the articles to be sent should conform to the reference giving system shown below.

• All the resourced used should be specified under the title “Resources” at the end of the article. The articles, which do not conform to these principles will absolutely not be evaluated.


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Open Access Statement:
This is an open access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. This is in accordance with the BOAI definition of open access.
Archiving Policy:

Archiving is done according to ULAKBİM "DergiPark" publication policy (LOCKSS).