Aim & Scope

The Usak University Journal of Educational Research is an open access, free of charge, double-blind peer-reviewed, international scientific journal published online in the field of Educational Sciences and Teacher Education. The journal, which has been published three times a year (April, August, and December) since 2015, publishes articles written in Turkish or English. Adopting a scientific research-oriented approach, the journal aims to produce original scientific ideas and thoughts, identify problems, and develop solution suggestions in the fields of Educational Sciences and Teacher Education.

The Usak University Journal of Educational Research takes into consideration original articles that investigate problems and offer solutions in the field of educational sciences at the preschool, primary school, secondary school, high school, university, graduate, and adult education levels. The journal's focus areas are:

Teacher Education; Computer and Instructional Technologies Education; Open and Distance Learning Curriculum and Instruction; Educational Administration, Supervision, Planning and Economics; Measurement and Evaluation in Education; Biology Education; Science Education; Physics Education; Chemistry Education; Mathematics Education; Special Education and Disabled Education; Special Talented Education; Psychological Counseling and Guidance; Early Childhood Education; Primary education; Adult Education, Classroom Education; Geography Education; Philosophy Education; Social Studies Education; History Education; Turkish Education; Higher Education Studies; Other Studies on Education

Period Months
April August December

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Articles published in the Usak University Journal of Educational Research are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0).