Research Article
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Year 2021, , 488 - 518, 20.04.2021


Today, in many sectors, the personal and commercial use of smart phones and mobile applications has increased considerably. Airlines have been designing and launching mobile applications to interact with their passengers and improve their service experience. The aim of this study in this context is to investigate the factors effecting actual usage of passengers’ airline mobile applications. As part of the research, survey questions were created using the information systems (IS) success model. In order to test the research model, T-Test, ANOVA and Regression analyses were used. According to the results of the analysis; a positive, high level and significant relationship between information quality, system quality, service quality and user satisfaction were determined. Similarly, a positive, high and significant relationship between user satisfaction and actual usage of passengers’ airline mobile applications were found. In the light of findings, some suggestions have been made to the airline companies.


  • Ajzen, I. (1991). The Theory of Planned Behaviour. Organization Behaviour and Human Decision Process 50, 179-211.
  • Al-Kofahi, M. K. (2020). Information Systems Success model: A Review of Literature. International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change 12(8), 397-419.
  • Alalwan, A. A. (2020). Mobile Food Ordering Apps: An Empirical Study of the Factors Affecting Customer E-Satisfaction and Continued Intention to Reuse. International Journal of Information Management 50, 28-44.
  • Albashrawi, M. & Motiwalla, L. (2017). When IS Success Model Meets UTAUT in a Mobile Banking Context: A study of Subjective and Objective System Usage. In SAIS 2017 Proceedings, St. Simons Island (pp. 1-7).
  • Aldholay, A. H., Isaac, O., Abdullah, Z. & Ramayah, T. (2018a). The role of Transformational Leadership as a Mediating Variable in DeLone and McLean Information System Success Model: The context of Online Learning Usage in Yemen. Telematics and Informatics 35(5), 1421-1437.
  • Aldholay, A. H., Isaac, O., Abdullah, Z., Alrajawy, I. & Nusari, M. (2018b). The Role of Compatibility as a Moderating Variable in the Information System Success Model: The Context of Online Learning Usage. International Journal of Management and Human Science 2(1), 9-15.
  • Aldholay, A., Isaac, O., Abdullah, Z., Abdulsalam, R. & Al-Shibami, A. H. (2018c). An Extension of Delone and McLean IS Success Model with Self-Efficacy. The International Journal of Information and Learning Technology.
  • Alharbi, S. & Drew, S. (2014). Mobile Learning-System Usage: Scale Development and Empirical Tests. International Journal of Advanced Research in Artificial Intelligence (IJARAI) 3(11), 31–47.
  • Alksasbeh, M., Abuhelaleh, M., Almaiah, M. A., Mohamed, A. J. & Karaka, A. A. (2019). Towards a Model of Quality Features for Mobile Social Networks Apps in Learning Environments: An Extended Information System Success Model. iJIM 13(5), 75-92.
  • Alzahrani, A. I., Mahmud, I., Ramayah, T., Alfarraj, O. & Alalwan, N. (2019). Modelling Digital Library Success Using the DeLone and McLean Information System Success Model. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science 51(2), 291-306.
  • Badran, M. F. (2019). EHealth in Egypt: The Demand-Side Perspective of Implementing Electronic Health Records. Telecommunications Policy 43(6), 576-594.
  • Broos, A. (2005). Gender and Information and Communication Technologies (IT) Anxiety: Male Self-Assurance and Female Hesitation. Cyber Psychology and Behaviour 8(1), 21-31.
  • Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2010). Sosyal Bilimler için Veri Analizi El Kitabı – İstatistik, Araştırma Deseni, SPSS Uygulamaları ve Yorum. 12 Baskı. Pegem Akademi: Ankara.
  • Chavoshi, A. & Hodjat, H. (2019). Social, Individual, Technological and Pedagogical Factors Influencing Mobile Learning Acceptance in Higher Education: A Case from Iran. Telematics and Informatics 38, 133-165.
  • Chiu, P. S., Chao, I. C., Kao, C. C., Pu, Y. H. & Huang, Y. M. (2016). Implementation and Evaluation of Mobile E-Books in a Cloud Bookcase Using the Information System Success Model. Library Hi Tech 34(2), 207-223.
  • Choi, J. H. & Park, J. W. (2015). A Study on Factors Influencing ‘CyberAirport’ Usage Intention: An Incheon International Airport Case Study. Journal of Air Transport Management 42, 21-26.
  • Dang, M. Y., Zhang, G. Y. & Chen, H. (2018). Adoption of Social Media Search Systems: An IS Success Model Perspective. Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems 10(2), 55-78.
  • Davis, F. D. (1986). A Technology Acceptance Model for Empirically Testing New End-user Information Systems. (Doktora Tezi). Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Massachusetts.
  • DeLone, W. H. & McLean, E. R. (1992). Information Systems Success: The Quest for the Dependent Variable. Information Systems Research 3(1), 60-95.
  • DeLone, W. H. & McLean, E. R. (2003). The DeLone and McLean Model of Information Systems Success: A Ten-Year Update. Journal of Management Information Systems 19(4), 9-30.
  • Efiloğlu Kurt, Ö. (2016). Bilgi Sistemleri Başarı Modeli ile Bir E-Öğrenme Sistemi Değerlendirmesi. Yönetim Bilişim Sistemleri Dergisi 2(2), 140-149.
  • Fishbein, M. & Ajzen, I. (1975). Belief, Attitude, Intention, and Behavior: An Introduction to Theory and Research. MA: Addison-Wesley.
  • Freeze, R. D., Alshare, K. A., Lane, P. L. & Wen, H. J. (2019). IS Success Model in E-Learning Context Based on Students' Perceptions. Journal of Information Systems Education 21(2), 173-184.
  • Gao, L., Bai, X. & Park, A. (2017). Understanding Sustained Participation in Virtual Travel Communities from the Perspectives of is Success Model and Flow Theory. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research 41(4), 475-509.
  • Gursoy, D., Chi, H.O., Lu, L. & Nunkoo, R. (2019). Consumers Acceptance of Artificially İntelligent (AI) Device Use in Service Delivery. International Journal of Information Management 49, 157–169.
  • Hsu, M. H., Chang, C. M., Chu, K. K. & Lee, Y. J. (2014). Determinants of Repurchase Intention in Online Group-Buying: The Perspectives of DeLone & McLean IS Success Model and Trust. Computers in Human Behavior 36, 234-245.
  • Isaac, O., Aldholay, A., Abdullah, Z. & Ramayah, T. (2019). Online Learning Usage within Yemeni Higher Education: The role of Compatibility and Task-Technology Fit as Mediating Variables in the IS Success Model. Computers & Education 136, 113-129.
  • Jaafreh, A. B. (2017). Evaluation Information System Success: Applied delone and McLean Information System Success model in Context Banking System in KSA. International Review of Management and Business Research 6(2), 829-845.
  • Kılıç, S. & Karaosmanoğlu, E. (2019). Self-servis Teknolojilerinin Marka Deneyimine ve Müşteri Memnuniyetine Etkileri. Galatasaray Üniversitesi İletişim Dergisi 31, 277-296.
  • Leon, S. (2018). Service Mobile Apps: A Millennial Generation Perspective. Industrial Management & Data Systems 118(9), 1837-1860.
  • Lian, J. W. (2018). Why is Self-Service Technology (SST) Unpopular? Extending the IS Success Model. Library Hi Tech,
  • Lin, H. C. (2017). Nurses' Satisfaction with Using Nursing Information Systems from Technology Acceptance Model and Information Systems Success Model Perspectives: A Reductionist Approach. CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing 35(2), 91-99.
  • Lin, C. F. & Chang, Y. J. (2018). The Application of IS Success Model on Continuous Intention and Information Sharing for Caller ID Apps Usage. In International Conference on HCI in Business, Government, and Organizations (pp. 91-105). Springer, Cham.
  • Mohammadi, H. (2015). Investigating Users’ Perspectives on E-Learning: An Integration of TAM and IS success model. Computers in Human Behavior 45, 359-374.
  • Nakip, M. (2008). Pazarlama Araştırmalarına Giriş – SPSS Destekli. 3. Baskı. Seçkin Kitapevi: Ankara.
  • Özata, F. Z. & Er, İ. (2015). Determinants of User Satisfaction with Mobile Applications: Case of Facebook as a Mobile App in Turkey. In Proceedings of Business and Management Conferences (No. 2304356). (pp. 262-282). International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences.
  • Parasuraman, A., Zeithaml, V. A. & Berry, L. L. (1988). Servqual: A Multiple-İtem Scale for Measuring Consumer Perceptions of Service Quality. Journal of Retailing 64(1), 12-40.
  • Petter, S., DeLone, W. & McLean, E. A. (2013). Information Systems Success: The quest for the Independent Variables. Journal of Management Information Systems 29(4), 7–62.
  • Pitt, L. F., Watson, R. T. & Kavan, C. B. (1995). Service quality: A measure of Information Systems Effectiveness. MIS Quarterly 19(2), 173-188.
  • Ramírez-Correa, P., Rondán-Cataluña, F. J., Arenas-Gaitán, J. & Martín-Velicia, F. (2019). Analysing the Acceptation of Online Games in Mobile Devices: An Application of UTAUT2. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 50, 85–93.
  • Rana, N. P., Dwivedi, Y. K., Williams, M. D. & Weerakkody, V. (2015). Investigating Success of an E-government Initiative: Validation of an Integrated IS Success Model. Information Systems Frontiers 17(1), 127-142.
  • Rogers, E. M. (1995). Diffusion of Innovations. NY: Free Press.
  • Sari, A., Akkaya, M. & Abdalla, B. (2017). Assessing e-Government systems success in Jordan (e-JC): A validation of TAM and IS Success model. International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS) 15(2), 277-304.
  • Seta, H. B., Wati, T., Muliawati, A. & Hidayanto, A. N. (2018). E-Learning Success Model: An Extention of DeLone & McLean IS'Success Model. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (IJEEI) 6(3), 281-291.
  • Stefanovic, D., Marjanovic, U., Delić, M., Culibrk, D. & Lalic, B. (2016). Assessing the Success of E-Government Systems: An Employee Perspective. Information & Management 53(6), 717-726.
  • Tam, C. & Oliveira, T. (2016). Understanding the Impact of M-Banking on Individual Performance: DeLone & McLean and TTF Perspective. Computers in Human Behavior 61, 233-244.
  • Thompson, R. L., Higgins, C. A. & Howell, J. M. (1991). Personal Computing: Toward a Conceptual Model of Utilization. MIS Quarterly 15(1), 125-143.
  • Tsai, W. H., Chou, W. C. & Leu, J. D. (2011). An Effectiveness Evaluation Model for the Web-Based Marketing of the Airline Industry. Expert Systems with Applications 38(12), 15499-15516.
  • Venkatesh, V., Morris, M. G., Davis, G. B. & Davis, F. D. (2003). User Acceptance of Information Technology: Toward a Unified View. MIS Quarterly 27(3), 425-478.
  • Wang, Y. S., Tseng, T. H., Wang, W. T., Shih, Y. W. & Chan, P. Y. (2019). Developing and Validating a Mobile Catering App Success Model. International Journal of Hospitality Management 77, 19-30.
  • Wibowo, W. A. (2013). Pengaruh System Quality, Information Quality, Dan Service Quality Terhadap User Satisfaction Website Lion Airlines Dan Sriwijaya Airlines. Jurnal Strategi Pemasaran 1(1), 1-22.
  • Wu, J. H. & Wang, Y. M. (2006). Measuring KMS Success: A Respecification of the DeLone and McLean's Model. Information & Management 43(6), 728-739.
  • Xinli, H. (2015). Effectiveness of Information Technology In Reducing Corruption in China. The Electronic Library 33(1), 52–64.
  • Yakubu, M. N. & Dasuki, S. (2018). Assessing Elearning Systems Success in Nigeria: An Application of the DeLone and Mclean Information Systems Success Model. Journal of Information Technology Education: Research 17, 183-203.
  • Yang, K. C. (2005). Exploring Factors Affecting the Adoption of Mobile Commerce in Singapore. Telematics and Informatics 22(3), 257-277.
  • Zhou, T. (2016). Understanding Location-Based Services Continuance: An IS Success Model Perspective. International Journal of Mobile Communications 14(6), 553-567.


Year 2021, , 488 - 518, 20.04.2021


Günümüzde birçok sektörde, akıllı telefon ve mobil uygulamaların, kişisel ve ticari amaçlı kullanım oranı oldukça yükselmiştir. Havayolu işletmeleri, yolcularıyla etkileşim kurmak ve yolcuların hizmet deneyimlerini geliştirmek için mobil uygulamalar tasarlamakta ve onların kullanımına sunmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, yolcuların havayolu işletmelerinin mobil uygulamalarını aktif kullanımını etkileyen faktörleri araştırmaktır. Araştırma kapsamında, anket soruları Bilgi Sistemleri Başarı Modelinden yararlanarak oluşturulmuştur. Araştırma modelini test etmek için T-testi, ANOVA ve Regresyon analizleri kullanılmıştır. Analiz sonuçlarına göre; havayolu işletmesi mobil uygulamalarının bilgi, sistem ve hizmet kalitesi (Bilgi Sistemleri Başarı Modeli) ile kullanıcı memnuniyeti arasında pozitif, yüksek düzeyde ve anlamlı bir ilişki tespit edilmiştir. Benzer şekilde kullanıcı memnuniyeti ile yolcuların havayolu mobil uygulaması aktif kullanım düzeyi arasında pozitif, yüksek düzeyde ve anlamlı bir ilişki bulunmuştur. Elde edilen bulgular ışığında havayolu işletmelerine bazı önerilerde bulunulmuştur.


  • Ajzen, I. (1991). The Theory of Planned Behaviour. Organization Behaviour and Human Decision Process 50, 179-211.
  • Al-Kofahi, M. K. (2020). Information Systems Success model: A Review of Literature. International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change 12(8), 397-419.
  • Alalwan, A. A. (2020). Mobile Food Ordering Apps: An Empirical Study of the Factors Affecting Customer E-Satisfaction and Continued Intention to Reuse. International Journal of Information Management 50, 28-44.
  • Albashrawi, M. & Motiwalla, L. (2017). When IS Success Model Meets UTAUT in a Mobile Banking Context: A study of Subjective and Objective System Usage. In SAIS 2017 Proceedings, St. Simons Island (pp. 1-7).
  • Aldholay, A. H., Isaac, O., Abdullah, Z. & Ramayah, T. (2018a). The role of Transformational Leadership as a Mediating Variable in DeLone and McLean Information System Success Model: The context of Online Learning Usage in Yemen. Telematics and Informatics 35(5), 1421-1437.
  • Aldholay, A. H., Isaac, O., Abdullah, Z., Alrajawy, I. & Nusari, M. (2018b). The Role of Compatibility as a Moderating Variable in the Information System Success Model: The Context of Online Learning Usage. International Journal of Management and Human Science 2(1), 9-15.
  • Aldholay, A., Isaac, O., Abdullah, Z., Abdulsalam, R. & Al-Shibami, A. H. (2018c). An Extension of Delone and McLean IS Success Model with Self-Efficacy. The International Journal of Information and Learning Technology.
  • Alharbi, S. & Drew, S. (2014). Mobile Learning-System Usage: Scale Development and Empirical Tests. International Journal of Advanced Research in Artificial Intelligence (IJARAI) 3(11), 31–47.
  • Alksasbeh, M., Abuhelaleh, M., Almaiah, M. A., Mohamed, A. J. & Karaka, A. A. (2019). Towards a Model of Quality Features for Mobile Social Networks Apps in Learning Environments: An Extended Information System Success Model. iJIM 13(5), 75-92.
  • Alzahrani, A. I., Mahmud, I., Ramayah, T., Alfarraj, O. & Alalwan, N. (2019). Modelling Digital Library Success Using the DeLone and McLean Information System Success Model. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science 51(2), 291-306.
  • Badran, M. F. (2019). EHealth in Egypt: The Demand-Side Perspective of Implementing Electronic Health Records. Telecommunications Policy 43(6), 576-594.
  • Broos, A. (2005). Gender and Information and Communication Technologies (IT) Anxiety: Male Self-Assurance and Female Hesitation. Cyber Psychology and Behaviour 8(1), 21-31.
  • Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2010). Sosyal Bilimler için Veri Analizi El Kitabı – İstatistik, Araştırma Deseni, SPSS Uygulamaları ve Yorum. 12 Baskı. Pegem Akademi: Ankara.
  • Chavoshi, A. & Hodjat, H. (2019). Social, Individual, Technological and Pedagogical Factors Influencing Mobile Learning Acceptance in Higher Education: A Case from Iran. Telematics and Informatics 38, 133-165.
  • Chiu, P. S., Chao, I. C., Kao, C. C., Pu, Y. H. & Huang, Y. M. (2016). Implementation and Evaluation of Mobile E-Books in a Cloud Bookcase Using the Information System Success Model. Library Hi Tech 34(2), 207-223.
  • Choi, J. H. & Park, J. W. (2015). A Study on Factors Influencing ‘CyberAirport’ Usage Intention: An Incheon International Airport Case Study. Journal of Air Transport Management 42, 21-26.
  • Dang, M. Y., Zhang, G. Y. & Chen, H. (2018). Adoption of Social Media Search Systems: An IS Success Model Perspective. Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems 10(2), 55-78.
  • Davis, F. D. (1986). A Technology Acceptance Model for Empirically Testing New End-user Information Systems. (Doktora Tezi). Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Massachusetts.
  • DeLone, W. H. & McLean, E. R. (1992). Information Systems Success: The Quest for the Dependent Variable. Information Systems Research 3(1), 60-95.
  • DeLone, W. H. & McLean, E. R. (2003). The DeLone and McLean Model of Information Systems Success: A Ten-Year Update. Journal of Management Information Systems 19(4), 9-30.
  • Efiloğlu Kurt, Ö. (2016). Bilgi Sistemleri Başarı Modeli ile Bir E-Öğrenme Sistemi Değerlendirmesi. Yönetim Bilişim Sistemleri Dergisi 2(2), 140-149.
  • Fishbein, M. & Ajzen, I. (1975). Belief, Attitude, Intention, and Behavior: An Introduction to Theory and Research. MA: Addison-Wesley.
  • Freeze, R. D., Alshare, K. A., Lane, P. L. & Wen, H. J. (2019). IS Success Model in E-Learning Context Based on Students' Perceptions. Journal of Information Systems Education 21(2), 173-184.
  • Gao, L., Bai, X. & Park, A. (2017). Understanding Sustained Participation in Virtual Travel Communities from the Perspectives of is Success Model and Flow Theory. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research 41(4), 475-509.
  • Gursoy, D., Chi, H.O., Lu, L. & Nunkoo, R. (2019). Consumers Acceptance of Artificially İntelligent (AI) Device Use in Service Delivery. International Journal of Information Management 49, 157–169.
  • Hsu, M. H., Chang, C. M., Chu, K. K. & Lee, Y. J. (2014). Determinants of Repurchase Intention in Online Group-Buying: The Perspectives of DeLone & McLean IS Success Model and Trust. Computers in Human Behavior 36, 234-245.
  • Isaac, O., Aldholay, A., Abdullah, Z. & Ramayah, T. (2019). Online Learning Usage within Yemeni Higher Education: The role of Compatibility and Task-Technology Fit as Mediating Variables in the IS Success Model. Computers & Education 136, 113-129.
  • Jaafreh, A. B. (2017). Evaluation Information System Success: Applied delone and McLean Information System Success model in Context Banking System in KSA. International Review of Management and Business Research 6(2), 829-845.
  • Kılıç, S. & Karaosmanoğlu, E. (2019). Self-servis Teknolojilerinin Marka Deneyimine ve Müşteri Memnuniyetine Etkileri. Galatasaray Üniversitesi İletişim Dergisi 31, 277-296.
  • Leon, S. (2018). Service Mobile Apps: A Millennial Generation Perspective. Industrial Management & Data Systems 118(9), 1837-1860.
  • Lian, J. W. (2018). Why is Self-Service Technology (SST) Unpopular? Extending the IS Success Model. Library Hi Tech,
  • Lin, H. C. (2017). Nurses' Satisfaction with Using Nursing Information Systems from Technology Acceptance Model and Information Systems Success Model Perspectives: A Reductionist Approach. CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing 35(2), 91-99.
  • Lin, C. F. & Chang, Y. J. (2018). The Application of IS Success Model on Continuous Intention and Information Sharing for Caller ID Apps Usage. In International Conference on HCI in Business, Government, and Organizations (pp. 91-105). Springer, Cham.
  • Mohammadi, H. (2015). Investigating Users’ Perspectives on E-Learning: An Integration of TAM and IS success model. Computers in Human Behavior 45, 359-374.
  • Nakip, M. (2008). Pazarlama Araştırmalarına Giriş – SPSS Destekli. 3. Baskı. Seçkin Kitapevi: Ankara.
  • Özata, F. Z. & Er, İ. (2015). Determinants of User Satisfaction with Mobile Applications: Case of Facebook as a Mobile App in Turkey. In Proceedings of Business and Management Conferences (No. 2304356). (pp. 262-282). International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences.
  • Parasuraman, A., Zeithaml, V. A. & Berry, L. L. (1988). Servqual: A Multiple-İtem Scale for Measuring Consumer Perceptions of Service Quality. Journal of Retailing 64(1), 12-40.
  • Petter, S., DeLone, W. & McLean, E. A. (2013). Information Systems Success: The quest for the Independent Variables. Journal of Management Information Systems 29(4), 7–62.
  • Pitt, L. F., Watson, R. T. & Kavan, C. B. (1995). Service quality: A measure of Information Systems Effectiveness. MIS Quarterly 19(2), 173-188.
  • Ramírez-Correa, P., Rondán-Cataluña, F. J., Arenas-Gaitán, J. & Martín-Velicia, F. (2019). Analysing the Acceptation of Online Games in Mobile Devices: An Application of UTAUT2. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 50, 85–93.
  • Rana, N. P., Dwivedi, Y. K., Williams, M. D. & Weerakkody, V. (2015). Investigating Success of an E-government Initiative: Validation of an Integrated IS Success Model. Information Systems Frontiers 17(1), 127-142.
  • Rogers, E. M. (1995). Diffusion of Innovations. NY: Free Press.
  • Sari, A., Akkaya, M. & Abdalla, B. (2017). Assessing e-Government systems success in Jordan (e-JC): A validation of TAM and IS Success model. International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS) 15(2), 277-304.
  • Seta, H. B., Wati, T., Muliawati, A. & Hidayanto, A. N. (2018). E-Learning Success Model: An Extention of DeLone & McLean IS'Success Model. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (IJEEI) 6(3), 281-291.
  • Stefanovic, D., Marjanovic, U., Delić, M., Culibrk, D. & Lalic, B. (2016). Assessing the Success of E-Government Systems: An Employee Perspective. Information & Management 53(6), 717-726.
  • Tam, C. & Oliveira, T. (2016). Understanding the Impact of M-Banking on Individual Performance: DeLone & McLean and TTF Perspective. Computers in Human Behavior 61, 233-244.
  • Thompson, R. L., Higgins, C. A. & Howell, J. M. (1991). Personal Computing: Toward a Conceptual Model of Utilization. MIS Quarterly 15(1), 125-143.
  • Tsai, W. H., Chou, W. C. & Leu, J. D. (2011). An Effectiveness Evaluation Model for the Web-Based Marketing of the Airline Industry. Expert Systems with Applications 38(12), 15499-15516.
  • Venkatesh, V., Morris, M. G., Davis, G. B. & Davis, F. D. (2003). User Acceptance of Information Technology: Toward a Unified View. MIS Quarterly 27(3), 425-478.
  • Wang, Y. S., Tseng, T. H., Wang, W. T., Shih, Y. W. & Chan, P. Y. (2019). Developing and Validating a Mobile Catering App Success Model. International Journal of Hospitality Management 77, 19-30.
  • Wibowo, W. A. (2013). Pengaruh System Quality, Information Quality, Dan Service Quality Terhadap User Satisfaction Website Lion Airlines Dan Sriwijaya Airlines. Jurnal Strategi Pemasaran 1(1), 1-22.
  • Wu, J. H. & Wang, Y. M. (2006). Measuring KMS Success: A Respecification of the DeLone and McLean's Model. Information & Management 43(6), 728-739.
  • Xinli, H. (2015). Effectiveness of Information Technology In Reducing Corruption in China. The Electronic Library 33(1), 52–64.
  • Yakubu, M. N. & Dasuki, S. (2018). Assessing Elearning Systems Success in Nigeria: An Application of the DeLone and Mclean Information Systems Success Model. Journal of Information Technology Education: Research 17, 183-203.
  • Yang, K. C. (2005). Exploring Factors Affecting the Adoption of Mobile Commerce in Singapore. Telematics and Informatics 22(3), 257-277.
  • Zhou, T. (2016). Understanding Location-Based Services Continuance: An IS Success Model Perspective. International Journal of Mobile Communications 14(6), 553-567.
There are 56 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Articles

Nuriye Güreş 0000-0002-0149-8301

Mutlu Yüksel Avcılar 0000-0001-5621-2377

Seda Arslan 0000-0002-8731-8294

Publication Date April 20, 2021
Acceptance Date March 16, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021


APA Güreş, N., Avcılar, M. Y., & Arslan, S. (2021). YOLCULARIN HAVAYOLU İŞLETMELERİNİN MOBİL UYGULAMALARINI KULLANMASINI ETKİLEYEN FAKTÖRLER. Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler Akademi Dergisi(5), 488-518.

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