Unless given a chance to live, languages live and die just like humanity. Even if languages are left to die due to reasons such as cultural sovereignty, cultural genocide, language policies, language discrimination, humanity should prevent language deaths and contribute to the survival of language(s) with the precautions to be taken. Because each language is one of the main stakeholders in human history, and the disappearance of language(s) will actually mean the erasure of the values of humanity from the stage of history. It should be noted that the reality of language death has reached such a serious level in our age that urgent measures have to be taken in this regard. Moreover, UNESCO launched the “Endangered Languages Committee” in order to provide a solution to this situation. The ecology of language (ecological linguistics or eco-linguistics) is an interdisciplinary model that centers on language and community unity, advocates language diversity, protection and development of languages, as well as being a neglected field of study in Turkey. In the first part of the study in which document analysis technique was used, the ecology of language was introduced and its framework was presented; In the second part, David Crystal's work translated into Turkish as "Dillerin Katli" is interpreted in the context of the ecology of language. Thus, with this study, the field of the ecology of language was introduced and it was aimed to raise awareness about language death through the reference work. The study revealed the extent of language deaths and some attention to languages formed the conclusion part of the study.