Click for use the Article Preparation Template
FONT STYLE : Times New Roman
REFERENCES DISPLAY : APA 7 References System must be used at all scientific disciplines.
PAGE MARGINS : 2,5 cm from all sides should be left.
TOTAL WORDS LIMIT : Articles should be prepared between 3.000-10.000 words account.
PARAGRAPH : It should be uninterrupted, front space 6 nk and back space 6 nk, 12 pt, Times New Roman, 1,5 space line
ARTICLE TITLE : Only First Letters Upper (Like a statement), 14 pt, bold, centered, front space 0 nk and back space 18 nk,
AUTHORS' NAMES : Fill in the Title Page Template. Do not include it in the article file.
ABSTRACT : Between 100 – 200 words, uninterrupted, 10 pt, front space 18 nk and back space 6 nk, 10 pt, Times New Roman, 1,15 space line
EXTENDED ABSTRACT : This section should be written in English in 10-point size, 6 pt spaces in front and 6 pt spaces in back, and 1.15 line spacing should be used. This section should be between 500 – 1500 words and include the following topics:
Conceptual and Theoretical Framework
Literature Review
Results and Discussion (Optional)
Conclusion and Recommendations
KEY WORDS : Between 3 – 8 words (order from general to specific), only first letters of keywords are Upper
FIRST LEVEL TEXT TITLE : All letters UPPPER, 12 pt, Bold, Left aligned
SECOND LEVEL TEXT TITLE : Only Initial Letters Upeer, 12 pt, Bold, Left aligned
TEXT : Continuous sentence spelling, 12 pt, front space 6 nk and back space 6 nk, Times New Roman, 1,5 space line
CONCLUSION TOPIC : All letters UPPER, 12 pt, Bold, Left aligned
CONCLUSION TEXT : Continuous sentence spelling, 12 pt, 1,5 nk (line space)
REFERENCES TOPIC : All letters UPPER, 12 pt, Bold, Left aligned
REFERENCES : APA 7, Suspended
Editor in Chief: Prof. Dr. Aytekin DEMİRCİOĞLU