Ethical Principles and Publication Policy

The components of the International Journal of Art Design and Education publication process: publisher, editor, author(s), and referees must comply with ethical principles. In this context, all components of the International Journal of Art Design and Education publication process must comply with ethical principles in line with the guidelines and policies of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) (

Ethical Practices Regarding Authors

Candidate articles are subject to preliminary review by the journal secretary regarding purpose and scope. Those found appropriate are sent to the editor-in-chief. The editor-in-chief sends the article to the field editor by the field of the article. The field editor sends it to the relevant referees. The journal referees consist of researchers selected from a wide panel. Referees are selected from the volunteer referees of the International Journal of Art Design and Education on the TUBITAK DergiPark platform, and the referee pool of all journals registered in the DergiPark system, and a double-masked refereeing practice is applied. Referees and authors do not know each other. Referees can decide on acceptance, corrections, or rejection. Candidate articles may also be revised or rejected by the journal secretary.

Authors must submit articles that comply with the following ethical rules.

Translations, short reports and information notes, brief reports and short communications that will contribute theoretically and methodologically to studies on social culture, visual arts, marbling art, calligraphy, tile-making and decorative arts and cultural heritage, and any research conducted with qualitative or quantitative approaches that require data collection from participants using surveys, interviews, focus group studies, observations, educational experiments, interview techniques within the scope of education and training studies, and retrospective studies must have received ethics committee permission by the Personal Data Protection Law. In addition, It must be stated that an "Informed Consent Form" was obtained in case reports, Permission must be obtained and stated from the owners for the use of scales, surveys, photographs, etc., belonging to others, and it must be stated that copyright regulations are complied with for the intellectual and artistic works used. If ethics committee permissions are required, it must be clearly stated from which institution, on which date, and with which decision or issue number the Permission was obtained.
Ethics committee approval is not requested from the author(s) for compilation articles. However, in articles that do not require an ethics committee decision, the Ethics Committee Approval Document, available on the journal's homepage, must be downloaded, filled out, and signed. In addition, the author must download and fill out the copyright form from the Copyright form link. The similarity rate of the article must be 20% for articles and, at most, 30% for articles produced from their own thesis, as required by the Similarity Report rules. Finally, each author must download and use the Article Template template.

Candidate articles are subject to preliminary review by the journal secretary regarding purpose and scope. Those deemed appropriate are sent to the editor-in-chief. The editor-in-chief sends the article to the field editor by the field. The field editor sends it to the relevant referees. The journal referees consist of researchers selected from a wide panel. Referees are selected from the volunteer referees of the International Journal of Art, Design and Education on the TUBITAK DergiPark platform and from the referee pool of all journals registered in the DergiPark system, and a double-masked referee application is applied. Referees and authors do not know each other. Referees can decide to accept, accept, or reject corrections. Candidate articles can also be revised or rejected by the journal secretary.

Authors must submit articles that comply with the following ethical rules:
Translations, short reports and information notes, brief reports and short communications that will contribute theoretically and methodologically to studies on social culture, visual arts, marbling art, calligraphy, tile-making and decorative arts and cultural heritage, and any research conducted with qualitative or quantitative approaches that require data collection from participants using surveys, interviews, focus group studies, observations, educational experiments, interview techniques within the scope of education and training studies, and retrospective studies in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Law must have received ethical committee permission. In addition, It must be stated that an "Informed Consent Form" was obtained in case reports, Permission must be obtained and stated from the owners for the use of scales, surveys, photographs, etc., belonging to others, and it must be stated that copyright regulations are complied with for the intellectual and artistic works used. If ethical committee permissions are required, it must be clearly stated from which institution, on which date, and with which decision or issue number the Permission was obtained.
Ethics committee approval is not required from the author(s) for compilation articles. However, for articles that do not require an ethics committee decision, the Ethics Committee Approval Document, available on the journal's homepage, is available for download and fill out.
It is required to hang and sign it. In addition, the author must download and fill out the copyright form from the Copyright form link. The similarity rate of the article must be 20% for articles and, at most, 30% for articles produced from their own thesis, as per the Similarity Report rules. Finally, each author must download and use the Article Template template.

If ethical violations such as plagiarism are detected in the articles, the institution where the author(s) work is officially notified, and the article is rejected. The journal has the right to request the output files regarding the analysis results from the author(s) according to the feedback given by the editor and/or referees.
According to the International Journal of Art, Design, and Education publication rules, the similarity rate in candidate articles, excluding method and bibliography, must not exceed 3% from a single source and 20% in total.
The copyrights of the articles accepted for publication in the International Journal of Art, Design, and Education belong to the journal. Still, all legal responsibilities regarding the content of the published articles belong to the author(s).
In addition, it is expected to comply with the principles and rules listed below.
• The candidate article should not be sent to another journal before completing the evaluation process.
• Care should be taken not to include people who do not have academic support for the study and who are not related to the subject as authors.
• Authors are obliged to submit information that can be evidence, such as necessary reports, statistics, results, observation data, etc., upon request by the referees.
• Authors who notice an error in their studies must notify the journal editor and, in this case, either request the right to correct or withdraw their articles from publication.
• The authors are responsible for sending the ethics committee report related to the study to the journal.
• If requested, legal permissions obtained from the relevant institutions (if necessary) regarding the study must be submitted.
• If a conflict of interest is noticed regarding the study sent for publication, all responsibility and necessary legal and administrative obligations belong to the author.

Ethical Practices Regarding Referees

• The journal applies a double-masked refereeing system, preventing authors from learning about the referees and referees from learning about the authors.
• When assigning referees, they are sent to experts directly related to the submitted article or study.
• In interdisciplinary studies, referee assignments are sent to different referees in accordance with the fields in the content of the article, and objectivity is tried to be preserved.
• Referees are assigned to make evaluations as two primary and one substitute. In case of a difference of opinion in evaluating the two referees, the 3rd referee steps in and becomes the decisive one.
Referees, like authors, must warn the journal management when they notice a conflict of interest.
• Referees should clearly state the deficiencies of the articles in the evaluation forms, the justifications should be well-defined, and clear feedback should be given to the authors on this issue.
Referee criticisms and suggestions should be expressed in an appropriate style.
Referees are required to complete their evaluations within the time period given to them and are expected to comply with the ethical responsibilities stated here.

Ethical Practices Regarding Editors

Editors must consider the guidelines specified below while organizing the functioning of the journal and adhere to the principles in these guidelines because Editors are responsible for all articles published in the journal.
• Code of Conduct and Best Practices for Journal Editors (COPE Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors)
• Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors (COPE Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors)

Editor-Reviewer Relationships

*Editors should make the necessary checks to ensure that candidate articles are sent to the correct reviewers.
*Editors are responsible for requesting that reviewers state that they have no conflicts of interest before evaluating an article.
*Editors are responsible for providing reviewers with all kinds of follow-up and evaluation documents during the review of articles.
*Editors should ensure that the peer review process is double-blinded and should never declare reviewers to authors or authors to reviewers.
*Editors should ensure that reviewers perform their duties on time and provide feedback on deficiencies.
*Editors should periodically obtain the opinions of referees and collect data for a better evaluation process.
*Editors are responsible for taking the necessary precautions in case of violation of courtesy rules.
*Editors should make the necessary checks to ensure that candidate articles are sent to the right referees.
*Editors are responsible for requesting referees to state that they have no conflicts of interest before evaluating an article.
*Editors are responsible for providing referees with all kinds of follow-up and evaluation documents while reviewing articles.
*Editors are responsible for reviewing referee evaluations.
The review process should be double-blinded, and never declare the referees to the authors or the referees.
*Editors should ensure that the referees do their jobs on time and provide feedback on deficiencies.
*Editors should collect the opinions of the referees at certain intervals and collect data for a better evaluation process.
*Editors are obliged to take the necessary measures in case of violation of courtesy rules.
*Editors should always tend to expand the referee board and make the necessary effort to update it.

Editor-Author Relations

*The journal has specific writing rules, clearly stated at a level that will not create any dilemma. Editors are obliged to immediately notify the authors of any changes made to the writing rules and to renew the writing rules announcement.
*Editors examine the submitted article and forward it to the relevant referees.
*The submission date of the article and the date it is accepted for publication are written in the article's title by the editors.
*Editors are obliged to answer questions from authors regarding the article. The editors answer questions about the fate of the article.

Editor-Editorial Board Relations

*Editors have the right to add assistant editors/field editors and terminate assistant editors/field editors who do not fulfill their duties.
Editors should notify newly appointed editorial board members and referees about the publication and writing rules and inform them to pay attention to them.
The editor expects the members they assign for the journal to carry out solemn duties such as supporting the development of the journal, being sensitive in assigning referees, never exceeding objective principles, applying the absolute decisions specified in the writing rules, and being responsible for making the necessary checks.

Plagiarism and Unethical Behaviors

Candidate articles sent to USTAD are scanned using the "iThenticate or Turnitin" program. The similarity rate should not exceed 3% from a single source, excluding methods and references, and 20%. The journal may change this ratio depending on the editorial board's decision. Articles with a similarity ratio exceeding 3% from a single source, excluding methods and references, and 20% are sent back to the author, and corrections are requested. Articles that are not corrected within ten days are not re-evaluated.
If plagiarism is detected in articles, the article is sent back without being published.
Unethical behaviors in the journal are determined as follows:
• Unfair authorship (not writing those who contributed to the study, writing those who did not contribute to the study),
• Not stating if the article is derived from theses or was made within the scope of a project,
• Slicing a study to be converted into multiple studies for numerical multiplicity,
• Not declaring conflicts of interest regarding submitted studies,
• Deciphering the double-masked process,
• Publishing the published study in different journals in different languages.
• Sending an article to more than one journal at the same time.
• Do not include a note stating that oral presentations at scientific meetings such as congresses and symposiums have been previously presented when submitted to the journal as articles.

Last Update Time: 2/8/25, 11:45:39 PM

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Uluslararası Sanat ve Tasarım Dergisi USTAD Creative Commons Atıf 4.0 Uluslararası Lisansı ile lisanslanmıştır. © USTAD 2020 / / eISSN: 2979-9775