e-ISSN: 2979-9775
Founded: 2020
Publisher: Bursa Uludağ University
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The International Journal of Art Design and Education (USTAD), which started its publication in 2020  is published twice a year as of 2023. USTAD is published online on 20 May and 20 November of each year. All of the articles can be read online for free; the articles can be downloaded. The International Journal of Art Design and Education (USTAD) is a peer-reviewed academic journal. The article evaluation process is at least 25 days. Authors should enter their articles into the system 30 days before the closest publication date, until 15 April and October. Article entries made after the 15th of the month are left for the next publication period. USTAD does not charge the author any fee under the article publication name.

Article Files Required to be Uploaded:

1. Full-Text File, 2. Copyright form, 3. Similarity Report, 4. Ethics Committee Approval Certificate.

Indexes Scanned

Mendeley, Zenodo, Open Aire, Cern Openlab, Google Scholar, DocPlayer Index, RoodIndexing, Academic Resource Index, Road Open Access Index, IdealOnline, EuroPub İndex.

2023 - Volume: 4 Issue: 2

Research Article

Sanat Eleştirisi Bütüncül Yaklaşım İzleğine Göre "Ölüler Adası" Adlı Eserin Sanat Eleştirisi

Art and Literature

Pul Emisyon Programında Yer Alan UNESCO Anma ve Kutlama Yıl Dönümleri Temalı Tasarımlar

Research Article

İlaç Sanayinde Kullanılan Plastik Ambalajlar

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Uluslararası Sanat ve Tasarım Dergisi USTAD Creative Commons Atıf 4.0 Uluslararası Lisansı ile lisanslanmıştır. © USTAD 2020 / ustad@uludag.edu.tr / eISSN: 2979-9775