Writing Rules

General rules:

Title: It should not exceed 12 words, should be written in bold and capital letters 14 Pt, and its second language equivalent initials should be capitalized just below the title; 12 Pt should be written in average thickness. If the article is in Turkish, the second language should be English, and if the article is in English, the second language should be Turkish. Turkish dialects written in Latin letters are evaluated. The second language of these articles should be Turkish.

Name of the Author: It should be written under the Title of the Article, the job title, Orcid, institution address, and e-mail information. It should be written 11 Pt in bold 12 pt under the English title.

Abstract: Must be at least 250 words. Sources, figures, charts, notes, etc., should not exist. At least three and seven keywords should be given just below the abstract. Abstracts and keywords should be prepared in Turkish and a second language. The questions that the reader needs to find answers to are listed below.

What are the study's aim, method, and most crucial finding or findings? (must be explained with at least 3, at most five sentences) In the introduction and the research aim, which question does the study seek to answer? Which research question(s) is it based on? Why is this study necessary? (Clear information should be given to the reader to create a clear idea) What gap does the study fill, and what contribution does it make to the field? (It should be explained clearly)
Which method was used in the study?
What are the findings and discussions?
What are the consequences? What is the recommendation of the article?
Article Text: Manuscripts should be written with 1 line spacing and 11 font size, not exceed 7000 words in English, and should be original. Manuscripts should be written in MS Word program and in Times New Roman font. The article should start with the introduction, the hypothesis of the article should be put forward, the development section (which can be supported by sub-headings and sub-headings) should consist of data, observations, opinions, comments, and discussions, and the conclusions should be explained with the support of suggestions.

The article should be in Turkish, and the abstract in a second language should be 3.5 cm on the left and 3.5 cm on the right. The text of the article should be adjusted so that the left and right margins are 2.5 cm.

Citation: Footnotes should never be used in citing references. According to this:

In the text (Surname, 2010:9),
If more than one author's work published in the same year is cited (Erdal, 2010a, Erdal, 2010b...)
In publications with two authors (Surname, Surname, 2015: 9),
In publications with more than two authors (Surname et al., 1995: 9),
(ty) in the sense of "no date" in publications with unknown dates, (Surname (ty)),
(I), (Surname, 2009: (sy)), meaning "no page" in publications whose pages are unknown.
If the author is unknown, the source is not shown,
If an oral source is used, the source person's information should include Name, Surname, Date, and Place of the Interview.
If the internet is cited, it should include the site name, author surname, and access date (ET); (Wikipedia, Surname, ET: 03.01.15).
Unpublished articles besides undergraduate, master's, and doctoral theses cannot be cited as references.
Bibliography: At the end of the text of the reference article, it should be written alphabetically according to the authors' surnames. If an author has more than one publication, it should be shown as (1980a, 1980b) if there are publications published in the same year by an author, according to the publication date.

According to this;


Surname, A (Year of Publication). Title of Work. Publication Place (Province): XXX Bookstore.
Surname, A (2009). Effective Packaging Design. Bursa, Türkiye: Dora Publishing House.

Surname, A (2012). Educator İbrahim Alaaddin Gövsa, Shedding Light on the Future. Bursa: Ezgi Bookstore.

Other Publications

Works such as newspapers, magazines, encyclopedias, anthologies, novels, plays and films, story and poetry books, short stories, articles, book chapters, letters, conferences, speeches, conversations, and personal interviews, unpublished theses should be written in italics and double quotes as follows.

Surname, A (1997). “On Turkish Emblem Design”, Istanbul: Cumhuriyet Newspaper, no: 216164, p.2.

Surname, A (2011). "A revision of trepanations in Anatolia with new cases." NJ, England: International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, no: 21, Pp.505-534.

Resources with Incomplete Information:

If the source used does not specify the city where the work was published, Yyy (no place of publication) is used where this information should be in the imprint, yy (no publisher) if the place of publication is not specified, and ty (no date) is used if there is no information about the date of publication.

Surname, A (2012). Shooting Techniques in Stage Photography. Century: Ezgi Bookstore

Surname, A (2012). Shooting Techniques in Stage Photography. Bursa: century.

Surname, A (ty). Shooting Techniques in Stage Photography. Bursa: Ezgi Bookstore.

Multiple Authors:

The first author's surname is written first, followed by the first letter of the name, and the first letter of the name of all other authors is written, followed by the surname—Commas separate Authors.

For magazines:

Surname, A., A, Surname, A. Surname (2020). "Bursa Migrant Villages Photographs of Living Areas." International Journal of Art Design and Education, vol. DOI.

For Books:

Surname, A., A. Surname, A. Surname (2012). Shooting Techniques in Stage Photography. Bursa: Ezgi Bookstore. ISSN.

Texts in Electronic Media: For reference to texts in electronic media, those whose author, title, and publication date are indicated should be preferred for reliability. Imprint information follows in the following order: author, Last Name, First Name, and the text's title (in quotation marks and italics). Date of the source, if any; access date (ET); the site's address.

The example below should be followed.

Surname, A "On Typography." Yyy: 2002, ET, 07.01.2015, www.aed.org.tr.

Submission of Manuscripts: Manuscripts prepared by the above principles are uploaded to the journal's official website by the author. If necessary, according to the nature of the article, the similarity report and the author's copyright form must be uploaded together with the ethics committee report. Authors are required to use the Article Template.

Editorial Corrections: Minor minor corrections that are not essential during publication can be made by the editorial unit. These corrections are based on TDK Spelling Guide and Dictionaries.

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Uluslararası Sanat ve Tasarım Dergisi USTAD Creative Commons Atıf 4.0 Uluslararası Lisansı ile lisanslanmıştır. © USTAD 2020 / ustad@uludag.edu.tr / eISSN: 2979-9775