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Deneysel Diyabetik Durumda Erkek Sıçanlarda Ferula Rigidula Ekstraktının Sperm Parametreleri, Antioksidan Parametreler ve Testis Yapısı Üzerine Etkisinin Değerlendirilmesi

Year 2023, , 119 - 125, 29.07.2023


Çalışma, deneysel diyabetik sıçanlarda Ferula rigidula ekstraktının sperm profilini, antioksidan parametreleri ve stereolojik profili nasıl etkilediğini araştırmak için yapıldı. Kırk dokuz erkek sıçan üzerinde gerçekleştirildi. Sıçanlar kontrol grubu, diyabetik grup, diyabetik + Ferula rigidula grup 1, diyabetik + Ferula rigidula grup 2, Diyabetik + glibenklamid grubu, Ferula rigidula grup 1 ve Ferula rigidula grup 2 olarak rastgele ayrıldı. Diyabetik grupta sperm sayısı, motilite, antioksidan parametreler, testosteron hormonu, germinal epitel hacmi ve germinal epitel yüksekliği azalırken, anormal sperm sayısı, malondialdehit düzeyi ve lümen hacmi arttı. Diyabetik ratlara Ferula rigidula (ekstrakt) verildiğinde stereolojik bulguları kontrol grubu ile aynı düzeye getirdi. Ayrıca biyokimyasal parametrelerde kontrol grubu değerlerine yaklaşacak şekilde iyileşmelerin olduğu tespit edildi. Özellikle, Ferula rigidula ekstresi tek başına uygulandığında, 1. grupta testosteron düzeylerinde ve stereolojik bulgularda iyileşme oldu. Bunun yanı sıra sperm parametrelerinde anlamlı olarak düzelmelerin olduğu belirlendi. Ancak, Ferula rigidula ekstraktının olumlu etkisinin düşük dozda (250 mg/kg) çok belirgin olduğu, yüksek dozlarda (500 mg/kg) ise azaldığı tespit edildi. Sonuç olarak, Ferula rigidula ekstresi antioksidan role sahiptir ve erkek üreme sisteminde diyabetin neden olduğu sorunları hafifletmek için kullanılabilir.

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Bireysel çalışma


  • Aebi H (1984). Catalase in vitro. Meth Enzymol, 105, 121-126.
  • Altundag E, Ozturk M (2011). Ethnomedicinal studies on the plant resources of East Anatolia, Turkey. Proc Soc Behavi Sci, 19, 756-777.
  • Andrade-Cetto A (2011). Hypoglycemic effect of Smilax moranensis root on N5-STZdiabetic rats. PhOL, 1, 111-115.
  • Ayoubi A, Arshami J, Valizadeh R, Mousavi Z, Mousaie A (2013). The Effect of asafetida Gum Extract on Blood Parameters and Histopathology of Testes in Male Wistar Rat. Iran J Anim Sci Res, 4 (4), 310‑315.
  • Bagheri SM, Yadegari M, Porentezari M et al. (2015). Effect of Ferula assa-foetida oleo gum resin on spermatic parameters and testicular histopathology in male wistar rats. J Ayurveda Integr Med, 6 (3), 175‑180.
  • Belhan S, Özkaraca M, Özdek U, Kömüroğlu AU (2020). Protective role of chrysin on doxorubicin induced oxidative stress and DNA damage in rat testes. Andrologia, 52 (9), e13747.
  • Beutler E, Duron O, Kelly BM (1963). Improved method for the determination of blood glutathione. J Lab Clin Med, 61, 882-888.
  • Bolzan AD, Bianchi MS (2002). Genotoxicity of streptozotocin. Mutat Res, 512 (2-3), 121-134.
  • Brüning JC, Gautam D, Burks DJ et al. (2000). Role of brain insulin receptor in control of body weight and reproduction. Science, 289 (5487), 2122-2125.
  • Dahl NV (2001). Herbs and supplements in dialysis patients: panacea or poison? Semin Dial, 14 (3), 186-192.
  • Dubovskiy IM, Martemyanov VV, Vorontsova YL et al. (2008). Effect of bacterial infection on antioxidant activity and lipid peroxidation in the midgut of Galleria mellonella L. larvae (Lepidoptera, Pyralidae). Comp Biochem Physiol C Toxicol Pharmacol, 148 (1), 1-5.
  • Farkhad NK, Farokhi F, Tukmacki A, Band KS (2012). Hydro-alcoholic extract of the root of Prangos ferulacea (L.) Lindl can improve serum glucose and lipids in alloxan-induced diabetic rats. Avicenna J Phytomed, 2 (4), 179-87.
  • Feyli SA, Ghanbari A, Keshtmand Z (2017). Therapeutic effect of pentoxifylline on reproductive parameters in diabetic male mice. Andrologia, 49 (1), 1-12.
  • Ghasemi H, Karimi J, Goodarzi MT et al. (2016). Seminal plasma zinc and magnesium levels and their relation to spermatozoa parameters in semen of diabetic men. Int J Diabetes Develop Countr, 36 (1), 34-39.
  • Gholizadeh F, Dastghaib S, Koohpeyma F et al. (2019). The protective effect of Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni on serum hormone levels, key steroidogenesis enzymes, and testicular damage in testes of diabetic rats. Acta Histochemica, 121 (7), 833-840.
  • Gundersen HJ, Bagger P, Bendtsen TF et al. (1988). The new stereological tools: disector, fractionator, nucleator and point sampled intercepts and their use in pathological research and diagnosis. Apmis, 96 (10), 857-881.
  • Hosseinipour M, Goodarzi N, Bakhtiari M (2019). Protective efficiency of Ashrasi date palm hydroalcoholic extract against diabetes‐induced testicular toxicity: A biochemical and stereological study. Andrologia, 51 (11), e13420.
  • Jain GC, Jangir RN (2014). Modulation of diabetes-mellitus-induced male reproductive dysfunctions in experimental animal models with medicinal plants. Pharmacogn Rev, 8 (16), 113-121.
  • Jiang Y, Ye R, Yang J et al. (2020). Protective effects of Salidroside on spermatogenesis in streptozotocin induced type-1 diabetic male mice by inhibiting oxidative stress mediated blood-testis barrier damage. Chem Biol Interact, 315, e108869.
  • Jiao N, Chen Y, Zhu Y et al. (2020). Protective effects of catalpol on diabetes mellitus-induced male reproductive damage via suppression of the AGEs/RAGE/Nox4 signaling pathway. Life Sci, 256, e116736.
  • Keyhanmanesh R, Hamidian G, Alipour MR, Ranjbar M, Oghbaei H (2018). Protective effects of sodium nitrate against testicular apoptosis and spermatogenesis impairments in streptozotocin-induced diabetic male rats. Life Sci, 211, 63-73.
  • Kianifard D, Sadrkhanlou RA, Hasanzadeh S (2011). The Histological, Histomorphometrical and Histochemical Changes of Testicular Tissue in the Metformin Treated and Untreated Streptozotocin-Induced Adult Diabetic Rats. Vet Res Forum, 2 (1), 13-24.
  • Köse Ş, Ocak E (2018). Antimicrobial and antioxidant properties of sırmo (allium vineale l.), mendi (chaerophyllum macropodum boiss.) and sıyabo (ferula rigidula dc.). J Food, 43 (2), 294-302.
  • Mayhew TM, Gundersen HJ (1996). If you assume, you can make an ass out of u and me: a decade of the disector for stereological counting of particles in 3D space. J Anat, 188 (Pt 1), 1-15.
  • Mohammed FS, Şabik AE, Sevindik E, Pehlivan M, Sevindik M (2020). Determination of Antioxidant and Oxidant Potentials of Thymbra spicata Collected from Duhok-Iraq. TURJAF, 8(5), 1171-1173.
  • Mulholland J, Mallidis C, Agbaje I, McClure N (2011). Male diabetes mellitus and assisted reproduction treatment outcome. Reprod Biomed Online, 22 (2), 215-219.
  • Naghibi M, Nasrabadi HT, Rad JS, Farashah MSG, Mohammadnejad D (2022). The effects of metformin and forskolin on sperm quality parameters and sexual hormones in type II diabetic male rats. Andrologia, 54 (7), 1605-1617.
  • Noorafshan A (2014). Stereology as a valuable tool in the toolbox of testicular research. Ann Anat, 196 (1), 57-66.
  • Odo RI, Ugwu NE, Akusu S (2018). The protective effects of Vitamin E and glibenclamide on spermatogenic and haematological changes in alloxan-induced diabetic male rats. Afr J Pharm Pharmacol, 12 (28), 431-435.
  • Sahu C, Dwivedi DK, Jena GB (2020). Zinc and selenium combination treatment protected diabetes-induced testicular and epididymal damage in rat. Hum Exp Toxicol, 39(9), 1235-1256.
  • Samarghandian S, Azimi-Nezhad M, Samini F, Farkhondeh T (2015). Chrysin treatment improves diabetes and its complications in liver, brain, and pancreas in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Can J Physiol Pharmacol, 94 (4), 388-393.
  • Serrano-Martín X, Payares G, Mendoza-León A (2006). Glibenclamide, a blocker of K+(ATP) channels, shows antileishmanial activity in experimental murine cutaneous leishmaniasis. Antimicrob Agents Chemother, 50 (12), 4214-4216.
  • Sevindik M (2020). Antioxidant and antimicrobial capacity of Lactifluus rugatus and its antiproliferative activity on A549 cells. Indian J Trad Know, 19 (2), 423-427.
  • Shi GJ, Zheng J, Wu J, Qiao HQ, Chang Q (2017). Beneficial effects of Lycium barbarum polysaccharide on spermatogenesis by improving antioxidant activity and inhibiting apoptosis in streptozotocin-induced diabetic male mice. Food Func, 8 (3), 1215-1226.
  • Sucaklı MH, Ölmez S, Keten HS et al. (2014). Herbal Products Usage Among University Students. Med Sci, 3 (3), 1352-1360.
  • Sun Y, Oberley LW, Li Y (1988). A simple method for clinical assay of superoxide dismutase. Clin Chem, 34 (3), 497-500.
  • Tufan S, Toplan GG, Mat A (2018). Ethnobotanical usage of plants as aphrodisiac agents in Anatolian folk medicine. Marmara Pharm, 22 (2), 142-151.
  • Vlad I, Popa AR (2012). Epidemiology of diabetes mellitus: a current review. Roman J Diab Nutr Metab Dis, 19 (4), 433-440.
  • Yusufoglu HS, Soliman GA, Abdel-Rahman RF et al. (2015). Antihyperglycemic and antihyperlipidemic effects of Ferula duranii in experimental type 2 diabetic rats. Int J Pharmacol, 11 (6), 532-541.
  • Zhang L, Yang Z, Zhao Y et al. (2020). Renoprotective effects of Gushen Jiedu capsule on diabetic nephropathy in rats. Sci Rep, 10 (1), 2040.

Evaluation of the Effect of Ferula Rigidula Extract on Sperm Parameters, Antioxidant Parameters and Testicular Structure in Male Rats in Experimental Diabetic Condition

Year 2023, , 119 - 125, 29.07.2023


The study was conducted to investigate how Ferula rigidula extract affected sperm profile, antioxidant parameters, and stereological profile in experimental diabetic rats. Performed on forty-nine male rats. The rats were randomly assigned to control group, diabetic group, diabetic + Ferula rigidula group 1, diabetic + Ferula rigidula group 2, diabetic + glibenclamide group, Ferula rigidula group 1, and Ferula rigidula group 2. While sperm count, motility, antioxidant parameters, testosterone hormone, germinal epithelial volume, and germinal epithelial height decreased in the diabetic group, abnormal sperm count, malondialdehyde level, and lumen volume increased. When Ferula rigidula (extract) was given to diabetic rats, it brought the stereological findings to the same level as the control group. In addition, it was determined that there were improvements in biochemical parameters, approaching the values of the control group. Specifically, when Ferula rigidula extract was administered alone, testosterone levels and stereological findings improved in group 1. In addition, it was determined that there were significant improvements in sperm parameters. However, it was determined that the positive effect of Ferula rigidula extract was very significant at low doses (250 mg/kg) and decreased at high doses (500 mg/kg). As a result, Ferula rigidula extract has an antioxidant role and can be used to alleviate the problems caused by diabetes in the male reproductive system.


  • Aebi H (1984). Catalase in vitro. Meth Enzymol, 105, 121-126.
  • Altundag E, Ozturk M (2011). Ethnomedicinal studies on the plant resources of East Anatolia, Turkey. Proc Soc Behavi Sci, 19, 756-777.
  • Andrade-Cetto A (2011). Hypoglycemic effect of Smilax moranensis root on N5-STZdiabetic rats. PhOL, 1, 111-115.
  • Ayoubi A, Arshami J, Valizadeh R, Mousavi Z, Mousaie A (2013). The Effect of asafetida Gum Extract on Blood Parameters and Histopathology of Testes in Male Wistar Rat. Iran J Anim Sci Res, 4 (4), 310‑315.
  • Bagheri SM, Yadegari M, Porentezari M et al. (2015). Effect of Ferula assa-foetida oleo gum resin on spermatic parameters and testicular histopathology in male wistar rats. J Ayurveda Integr Med, 6 (3), 175‑180.
  • Belhan S, Özkaraca M, Özdek U, Kömüroğlu AU (2020). Protective role of chrysin on doxorubicin induced oxidative stress and DNA damage in rat testes. Andrologia, 52 (9), e13747.
  • Beutler E, Duron O, Kelly BM (1963). Improved method for the determination of blood glutathione. J Lab Clin Med, 61, 882-888.
  • Bolzan AD, Bianchi MS (2002). Genotoxicity of streptozotocin. Mutat Res, 512 (2-3), 121-134.
  • Brüning JC, Gautam D, Burks DJ et al. (2000). Role of brain insulin receptor in control of body weight and reproduction. Science, 289 (5487), 2122-2125.
  • Dahl NV (2001). Herbs and supplements in dialysis patients: panacea or poison? Semin Dial, 14 (3), 186-192.
  • Dubovskiy IM, Martemyanov VV, Vorontsova YL et al. (2008). Effect of bacterial infection on antioxidant activity and lipid peroxidation in the midgut of Galleria mellonella L. larvae (Lepidoptera, Pyralidae). Comp Biochem Physiol C Toxicol Pharmacol, 148 (1), 1-5.
  • Farkhad NK, Farokhi F, Tukmacki A, Band KS (2012). Hydro-alcoholic extract of the root of Prangos ferulacea (L.) Lindl can improve serum glucose and lipids in alloxan-induced diabetic rats. Avicenna J Phytomed, 2 (4), 179-87.
  • Feyli SA, Ghanbari A, Keshtmand Z (2017). Therapeutic effect of pentoxifylline on reproductive parameters in diabetic male mice. Andrologia, 49 (1), 1-12.
  • Ghasemi H, Karimi J, Goodarzi MT et al. (2016). Seminal plasma zinc and magnesium levels and their relation to spermatozoa parameters in semen of diabetic men. Int J Diabetes Develop Countr, 36 (1), 34-39.
  • Gholizadeh F, Dastghaib S, Koohpeyma F et al. (2019). The protective effect of Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni on serum hormone levels, key steroidogenesis enzymes, and testicular damage in testes of diabetic rats. Acta Histochemica, 121 (7), 833-840.
  • Gundersen HJ, Bagger P, Bendtsen TF et al. (1988). The new stereological tools: disector, fractionator, nucleator and point sampled intercepts and their use in pathological research and diagnosis. Apmis, 96 (10), 857-881.
  • Hosseinipour M, Goodarzi N, Bakhtiari M (2019). Protective efficiency of Ashrasi date palm hydroalcoholic extract against diabetes‐induced testicular toxicity: A biochemical and stereological study. Andrologia, 51 (11), e13420.
  • Jain GC, Jangir RN (2014). Modulation of diabetes-mellitus-induced male reproductive dysfunctions in experimental animal models with medicinal plants. Pharmacogn Rev, 8 (16), 113-121.
  • Jiang Y, Ye R, Yang J et al. (2020). Protective effects of Salidroside on spermatogenesis in streptozotocin induced type-1 diabetic male mice by inhibiting oxidative stress mediated blood-testis barrier damage. Chem Biol Interact, 315, e108869.
  • Jiao N, Chen Y, Zhu Y et al. (2020). Protective effects of catalpol on diabetes mellitus-induced male reproductive damage via suppression of the AGEs/RAGE/Nox4 signaling pathway. Life Sci, 256, e116736.
  • Keyhanmanesh R, Hamidian G, Alipour MR, Ranjbar M, Oghbaei H (2018). Protective effects of sodium nitrate against testicular apoptosis and spermatogenesis impairments in streptozotocin-induced diabetic male rats. Life Sci, 211, 63-73.
  • Kianifard D, Sadrkhanlou RA, Hasanzadeh S (2011). The Histological, Histomorphometrical and Histochemical Changes of Testicular Tissue in the Metformin Treated and Untreated Streptozotocin-Induced Adult Diabetic Rats. Vet Res Forum, 2 (1), 13-24.
  • Köse Ş, Ocak E (2018). Antimicrobial and antioxidant properties of sırmo (allium vineale l.), mendi (chaerophyllum macropodum boiss.) and sıyabo (ferula rigidula dc.). J Food, 43 (2), 294-302.
  • Mayhew TM, Gundersen HJ (1996). If you assume, you can make an ass out of u and me: a decade of the disector for stereological counting of particles in 3D space. J Anat, 188 (Pt 1), 1-15.
  • Mohammed FS, Şabik AE, Sevindik E, Pehlivan M, Sevindik M (2020). Determination of Antioxidant and Oxidant Potentials of Thymbra spicata Collected from Duhok-Iraq. TURJAF, 8(5), 1171-1173.
  • Mulholland J, Mallidis C, Agbaje I, McClure N (2011). Male diabetes mellitus and assisted reproduction treatment outcome. Reprod Biomed Online, 22 (2), 215-219.
  • Naghibi M, Nasrabadi HT, Rad JS, Farashah MSG, Mohammadnejad D (2022). The effects of metformin and forskolin on sperm quality parameters and sexual hormones in type II diabetic male rats. Andrologia, 54 (7), 1605-1617.
  • Noorafshan A (2014). Stereology as a valuable tool in the toolbox of testicular research. Ann Anat, 196 (1), 57-66.
  • Odo RI, Ugwu NE, Akusu S (2018). The protective effects of Vitamin E and glibenclamide on spermatogenic and haematological changes in alloxan-induced diabetic male rats. Afr J Pharm Pharmacol, 12 (28), 431-435.
  • Sahu C, Dwivedi DK, Jena GB (2020). Zinc and selenium combination treatment protected diabetes-induced testicular and epididymal damage in rat. Hum Exp Toxicol, 39(9), 1235-1256.
  • Samarghandian S, Azimi-Nezhad M, Samini F, Farkhondeh T (2015). Chrysin treatment improves diabetes and its complications in liver, brain, and pancreas in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Can J Physiol Pharmacol, 94 (4), 388-393.
  • Serrano-Martín X, Payares G, Mendoza-León A (2006). Glibenclamide, a blocker of K+(ATP) channels, shows antileishmanial activity in experimental murine cutaneous leishmaniasis. Antimicrob Agents Chemother, 50 (12), 4214-4216.
  • Sevindik M (2020). Antioxidant and antimicrobial capacity of Lactifluus rugatus and its antiproliferative activity on A549 cells. Indian J Trad Know, 19 (2), 423-427.
  • Shi GJ, Zheng J, Wu J, Qiao HQ, Chang Q (2017). Beneficial effects of Lycium barbarum polysaccharide on spermatogenesis by improving antioxidant activity and inhibiting apoptosis in streptozotocin-induced diabetic male mice. Food Func, 8 (3), 1215-1226.
  • Sucaklı MH, Ölmez S, Keten HS et al. (2014). Herbal Products Usage Among University Students. Med Sci, 3 (3), 1352-1360.
  • Sun Y, Oberley LW, Li Y (1988). A simple method for clinical assay of superoxide dismutase. Clin Chem, 34 (3), 497-500.
  • Tufan S, Toplan GG, Mat A (2018). Ethnobotanical usage of plants as aphrodisiac agents in Anatolian folk medicine. Marmara Pharm, 22 (2), 142-151.
  • Vlad I, Popa AR (2012). Epidemiology of diabetes mellitus: a current review. Roman J Diab Nutr Metab Dis, 19 (4), 433-440.
  • Yusufoglu HS, Soliman GA, Abdel-Rahman RF et al. (2015). Antihyperglycemic and antihyperlipidemic effects of Ferula duranii in experimental type 2 diabetic rats. Int J Pharmacol, 11 (6), 532-541.
  • Zhang L, Yang Z, Zhao Y et al. (2020). Renoprotective effects of Gushen Jiedu capsule on diabetic nephropathy in rats. Sci Rep, 10 (1), 2040.
There are 40 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Veterinary Sciences (Other)
Journal Section Araştırma Makaleleri

Saadet Belhan 0000-0002-8115-2051

Salih Çibuk 0000-0001-5427-4929

Ahmet Ufuk Kömüroğlu 0000-0002-0371-9251

Fikret Altındağ 0000-0002-4074-5168

Yeter Değer 0000-0002-9023-0699

Early Pub Date July 26, 2023
Publication Date July 29, 2023
Submission Date February 24, 2023
Acceptance Date April 25, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Belhan, S., Çibuk, S., Kömüroğlu, A. U., Altındağ, F., et al. (2023). Evaluation of the Effect of Ferula Rigidula Extract on Sperm Parameters, Antioxidant Parameters and Testicular Structure in Male Rats in Experimental Diabetic Condition. Van Veterinary Journal, 34(2), 119-125.
AMA Belhan S, Çibuk S, Kömüroğlu AU, Altındağ F, Değer Y. Evaluation of the Effect of Ferula Rigidula Extract on Sperm Parameters, Antioxidant Parameters and Testicular Structure in Male Rats in Experimental Diabetic Condition. Van Vet J. July 2023;34(2):119-125. doi:10.36483/vanvetj.1255832
Chicago Belhan, Saadet, Salih Çibuk, Ahmet Ufuk Kömüroğlu, Fikret Altındağ, and Yeter Değer. “Evaluation of the Effect of Ferula Rigidula Extract on Sperm Parameters, Antioxidant Parameters and Testicular Structure in Male Rats in Experimental Diabetic Condition”. Van Veterinary Journal 34, no. 2 (July 2023): 119-25.
EndNote Belhan S, Çibuk S, Kömüroğlu AU, Altındağ F, Değer Y (July 1, 2023) Evaluation of the Effect of Ferula Rigidula Extract on Sperm Parameters, Antioxidant Parameters and Testicular Structure in Male Rats in Experimental Diabetic Condition. Van Veterinary Journal 34 2 119–125.
IEEE S. Belhan, S. Çibuk, A. U. Kömüroğlu, F. Altındağ, and Y. Değer, “Evaluation of the Effect of Ferula Rigidula Extract on Sperm Parameters, Antioxidant Parameters and Testicular Structure in Male Rats in Experimental Diabetic Condition”, Van Vet J, vol. 34, no. 2, pp. 119–125, 2023, doi: 10.36483/vanvetj.1255832.
ISNAD Belhan, Saadet et al. “Evaluation of the Effect of Ferula Rigidula Extract on Sperm Parameters, Antioxidant Parameters and Testicular Structure in Male Rats in Experimental Diabetic Condition”. Van Veterinary Journal 34/2 (July 2023), 119-125.
JAMA Belhan S, Çibuk S, Kömüroğlu AU, Altındağ F, Değer Y. Evaluation of the Effect of Ferula Rigidula Extract on Sperm Parameters, Antioxidant Parameters and Testicular Structure in Male Rats in Experimental Diabetic Condition. Van Vet J. 2023;34:119–125.
MLA Belhan, Saadet et al. “Evaluation of the Effect of Ferula Rigidula Extract on Sperm Parameters, Antioxidant Parameters and Testicular Structure in Male Rats in Experimental Diabetic Condition”. Van Veterinary Journal, vol. 34, no. 2, 2023, pp. 119-25, doi:10.36483/vanvetj.1255832.
Vancouver Belhan S, Çibuk S, Kömüroğlu AU, Altındağ F, Değer Y. Evaluation of the Effect of Ferula Rigidula Extract on Sperm Parameters, Antioxidant Parameters and Testicular Structure in Male Rats in Experimental Diabetic Condition. Van Vet J. 2023;34(2):119-25.


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